How Obama Engineered Mideast Radicalization

Investors Daily Business

The Obama Record: After angry Egyptians pelted her motorcade with shoes, chanting “Leave!,” Secretary of State Clinton insisted the U.S. wasn’t there to take sides. Too late.

‘I want to be clear that the United States is not in the business, in Egypt, of choosing winners and losers, even if we could, which of course we cannot,” Hillary Clinton intoned earlier this week.

Of course, the administration could, and it did, picking and even colluding with the Muslim Brotherhood. And one of its hard-liners, Mohammed Morsi, now sits in the presidential palace, where he refused to shake unveiled Clinton’s hand.

This administration favored Islamists over secularists and helped them overthrow Hosni Mubarak, the reliable U.S. ally who had outlawed the terrorist Brotherhood and honored the peace pact with Israel for three decades. The Brotherhood, in contrast, has backed Hamas and called for the destruction of Israel.

Now the administration is dealing with the consequences of its misguided king-making. Officials fear the new regime could invite al-Qaida, now run by an Egyptian exile, back into Egypt and open up a front with Israel along the Sinai. Result: more terrorists and higher gas prices.

In fact, it was Hillary’s own department that helped train Brotherhood leaders for the Egyptian elections. Behind the scenes, she and the White House made a calculated decision, and took step-by-step actions, to effectively sell out Israel and U.S. interests in the Mideast to the Islamists.

The untold story of the “Arab Spring” is that the Obama administration secretly helped bring Islamofascists to power. Consider this timeline:

    2009: The Brotherhood’s spiritual leader — Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi — writes an open letter to Obama arguing terrorism is a direct response to U.S. foreign policy.

    2009: Obama travels to Cairo to deliver apologetic speech to Muslims, and infuriates the Mubarak regime by inviting banned Brotherhood leaders to attend. Obama deliberately snubs Mubarak, who was neither present nor mentioned. He also snubs Israel during the Mideast trip.

    2009: Obama appoints a Brotherhood-tied Islamist — Rashad Hussain — as U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which supports the Brotherhood.

    2010: State Department lifts visa ban on Tariq Ramadan, suspected terrorist and Egyptian-born grandson of Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.

    2010: Hussain meets with Ramadan at American-sponsored conference attended by U.S. and Brotherhood officials.

    2010: Hussain meets with the Brotherhood’s grand mufti in Egypt.

    2010: Obama meets one-on-one with Egypt’s foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, who later remarks on Nile TV: “The American president told me in confidence that he is a Muslim.”

    2010: The Brotherhood’s supreme guide calls for jihad against the U.S.

    2011: Qaradawi calls for “days of rage” against Mubarak and other pro-Western regimes throughout Mideast.

    2011: Riots erupt in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Crowds organized by the Brotherhood demand Mubarak’s ouster, storm buildings.

    2011: The White House fails to back longtime ally Mubarak, who flees Cairo.

    2011: White House sends intelligence czar James Clapper to Capitol Hill to whitewash the Brotherhood’s extremism. Clapper testifies the group is moderate, “largely secular.”

    2011: Qaradawi, exiled from Egypt for 30 years, is given a hero’s welcome in Tahrir Square, where he raises the banner of jihad.

    2011: Through his State Department office, William Taylor — Clinton’s special coordinator for Middle East transitions and a longtime associate of Brotherhood apologists —gives Brotherhood and other Egyptian Islamists special training to prepare for the post-Mubarak elections.

    2011: The Brotherhood wins control of Egyptian parliament, vows to tear up Egypt’s 30-year peace treaty with Israel and reestablishes ties with Hamas, Hezbollah.

    2011: Obama gives Mideast speech demanding Israel relinquish land to Palestinians, while still refusing to visit Israel.

    2011: Justice Department pulls plug on further prosecution of U.S.-based Brotherhood front groups identified as collaborators in conspiracy to funnel millions to Hamas.

    2011: In a shocking first, the State Department formalizes ties with Egypt’s Brotherhood, letting diplomats deal directly with Brotherhood party officials in Cairo.

    April 2012: The administration quietly releases $1.5 billion in foreign aid to the new Egyptian regime.

    June 2012: Morsi wins presidency amid widespread reports of electoral fraud and voter intimidation by gun-toting Brotherhood thugs — including blockades of entire streets to prevent Christians from going to the polls. The Obama administration turns a blind eye, recognizes Morsi as victor.

    June 2012: In a victory speech, Morsi vows to instate Shariah law, turning Egypt into an Islamic theocracy, and also promises to free jailed terrorists. He also demands Obama free World Trade Center terrorist and Brotherhood leader Omar Abdel-Rahman, a.k.a. the Blind Sheik, from U.S. prison.

    June 2012: State grants visa to banned Egyptian terrorist who joins a delegation of Brotherhood officials from Egypt. They’re all invited to the White House to meet with Obama’s deputy national security adviser, who listens to their demands for the release of the Blind Sheik.

    July 2012: Obama invites Morsi to visit the White House this September.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s sudden ascendancy in the Mideast didn’t happen organically. It was helped along by a U.S. president sympathetic to its interests over those of Israel and his own country.

September 13, 2012 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. @ Michael Devolin:
    I wish I am mistaken, but I afraid that I am not.
    Just watch this:

    and read some comments of those indoctrinated delusional “resilient” Americans. Thanks to the US brain washed academia – center of communist’s propaganda and agitation current generation of Americans are brain-less politically correct (the biggest lie in the history of the US) zombies that should be isolated in GULAGs where they belong.

  2. By the way, did you pay attention to the fact that practically every media outlet 2 day ago mentioned that anti-mislim film was made by ISRAELI-AMERICAN JEW? Later some media programs started to mention that the film maker was Christian Copt, but there was no apology for the original misinformation or just mentioning that it was a mistake. Just silence. Looks like the issue is closed. But their weed – seeds were planted well, so antisemites will know whom to blame for the turmoil in the world.
    What a bastards (including Fox News).

  3. Actually, I wasn’t trying to be funny, Mark. I was giving my take on your statement quoted. As in, “Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse…” I personally believe it will take more than bad apples to bring down such a great country as the USA. My personal opinion is that real Americans are far too resilient to be taken down by even a plethora of corrupted government officials.

  4. “I believe that long ago we have passed the point of no return. My conclusion – this once great country is doomed. I’m optimist, I know that situation is very bad, but I believe that it will be much worse.”

    When greeting my grandfather in the morning by asking how he was feeling, he used to answer, “Last time I felt this good, the pig ate my brother.”

  5. @ Bernard Ross:
    Thank you Ross,
    Why top US officials could be any different form the rest of American ignoramuses? They are integral part of this society of morons and irresponsible parasites. I’m talking in statistical sense. This nation had embraced their vision of the world based on lies and intentional self-delusion. It is very logical to see what is going on today in the World and within our borders. Since 60th moral and ideological degradation of this nation is progressing in exponential manner. I believe that long ago we have passed the point of no return. My conclusion – this once great country is doomed. I’m optimist, I know that situation is very bad, but I believe that it will be much worse.

  6. @ Mark:They probably listen to her because they are all clueless about the world outside the US.. They are the ultimate american tourist, yet they pretend to be experts. Even if obama is not a disingenuous muslim he will seek to listen to people llike abedin who will reinforce his vision of democracy. Bush started this by trying to implement democracy without considering the effects in a culture like islam, which is based o hierarchical rule(top down) and therefore not amenable to democracy. They naturally gravitate to a ruler or imam to dictate to them. They are not ready for democracy and the west is paying for that misjudgment. Although it is hard to believe, I have had my own personal experience with the incredible ignorance of those at the top of the US regarding foreign affairs. I have been shocked at the extent of ignorance coupled with arrogance and since then I view US foreign policy conclusions as useless.

  7. The US state dept, as are many western foreign ministries, is riddled with corruption and a change of administrations doesn’t effect the sabotage worked from within. They become the mouthpieces of the Saudis and then become consultants after leaving govt “service”. They feed successive administrations with disinformation. Hence poor judgement but the get enriched. Synonymous with all the upheavals is that 2012 is seen as delivering massive profits for oil. A purge is necessary withing the dept. This recent situation appears to emanate from the advice of clinton associate huma abhedin, you know, the one who shouldn’t be criticized.

  8. Hmm. Speaking about Obama ‘leading with his behind’ diplomatically, I understand with great disgust how the American ambassador murdered in Libya was sodomized before his death by the muslim trash. Is this what the muslim trash has in store for Obama? After all Obama is ‘leading from (his) behind’.

  9. Indeed, I think the expression the President of the United States, Barak Hussein Obama, used was misquoted by the mainstream media. Instead of ‘leading from behind’ in diplomacy he actually said, ‘LEADING WITH MY BEHIND’.