How a UN agency became implicated in acts of evil

June 23, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. No real news here. Those poor refugees were initially told to get out of the battlefield so that the brave Arab armies could drive the Jews into the sea. When that didn’t work out for them, they were then refused entry into the general populations of the countries they are now interned in and they can only leave under unusual conditions. As the film describes, this is a political issue that should have been partially resolved with the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan. Somebody f***ed up with those peace plans and the Arabs are very content to let this situation continue as long as it generates pressure on Israel. THEY should be stepping up to the plate right now.
    Any further financial assistance to UNRWA will only help perpetuate the current situation, not to mention the “pay for slay” deal that the so-called Palestinians have made their highest priority and telling the whole world about it!
    Disband now!!