Hochstein Passes Details of Israel’s Attack to Lebannon

Peloni:  Actually, I believe the only question which should be raised in this well expected outcome of providing the US with any knowledge of the details of Israel’s attack is why did Israel provide the US with any knowledge of the details of Israel’s attack.  The US has every intent upon betraying Israeli interests to that of Iran, and they will and have been doing so for some time.  This lesson must surely have been well learned by the IDF top brass by now, which means every detail they provided to the US must surely have been expected to be passed to the enemy in real time as it was relayed to the ‘trusted’ US envoy.

July 31, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Would not be surprised. The US unJews and capos have much in common.
    Still… the hit was very good. Ringing Nasrallah…

  2. @peloni: we have been warned numerous times that our top brass have been indoctrinated to listen to and obey the dog whistle of the current US government.
    Just think back to Obama telling us not to attack Iran because they would shoot down our aircraft.

  3. It’s such a shame that he gave up his Israeli citizenship. He could have been called up for some overdue reserves duty. Maybe somebody knows why he left his heritage to become a member of the opposite faction.
    So folks, beware not to tell this deserter any more secrets.