Hillary’s fate depends on Democrats

T. Belman. Not mentioned here is, Hillary Clinton urged to call for election vote recount in battleground states


There is much discussion about whether Trump’s Justice Department should investigate and prosecute Hillary on the email scandal. But there is no such discussion about whether Obama should pardon Hillary. At this point, Trump said he does not want to “hurt” Hillary, but I believe that this may change depending on how Democrats respond to Trump’s agenda and confirmation of his nominees.

The FBI investigated Hillary on the email scandal and is investigating the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, aka the William J. Corleone Foundation, which involves Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea. As we all know, the FBI concluded that Hillary did not violate the applicable laws because she did not have criminal intent.

We have to wait for the conclusion of the FBI investigation of the Foundation to see the Bureau’s recommendation. This will probably take months. If the FBI recommends criminal charges arising out of the operation of the Foundation, then the Trump Justice Department will most likely indict. To prosecute Hillary on the email scandal, though, will require the Justice Department to do a thorough investigation with a grand jury to subpoena witnesses and documents. The question is, should Trump order such an investigation now by appointing a special prosecutor?

The most important immediate issues facing Trump are to repeal Obamacare, reduce tax rates, and deal with immigration by cutting off aid to sanctuary cities, building the wall, deporting illegals with criminal records, reviewing those who violate their visas by overstaying, and closely vetting immigrants from Muslim countries. Along with these issues, Trump must get his appointees confirmed. There is already opposition to Jeff Sessions, and there will be opposition to the Supreme Court nominee.

Given this, it is crucial that Trump’s appointees get confirmed and that the immediate agenda issues be implemented. Appointing a special prosecutor for the email scandal at this time is a distraction from these crucial issues. Trump is trying to unify the country to get his agenda moving. He said he is not investigating Hillary for the email scandal. This is part of his attempt to unify the country and win some Democratic support for his agenda and for his appointees. Also, by saying he does not want to “hurt” Hillary, Trump is removing any reason for Obama to pardon Hillary, which leaves Hillary’s fate to Trump.

The ball is now in the Democrats’ court. Will they accept the good-faith move by Trump and reciprocate by confirming his appointees and not obstructing his agenda?

If the Democrats go to war on the appointees, as they did with Judge Bork, and obstruct every part of the Trump agenda, then the reason for not appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary’s email scandal is no longer applicable.

I believe that Trump is using Hillary to deal. It is up to the Democrats to decide whether to abandon and sacrifice Hillary so they can obstruct Trump’s appointees and agenda.

November 23, 2016 | 27 Comments »

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27 Comments / 27 Comments

  1. honeybee Said:

    @ yamit82:
    @ bernard ross:

    Hillary conceded the election.

    honeybee Said:

    @ yamit82:
    @ bernard ross:

    Hillary conceded the election.

    good point, but maybe legally it is not up to her… maybe others have a legal interest to demand a recount.

  2. @ bernard ross:

    Ain’t going to happen…. Hillary would have to pick up 38 electoral votes to win the election. According to current tallies, Trump has won 290 Electoral College votes to Clinton’s 232, with Michigan’s 16 votes not apportioned because the race there is still too close to call. It would take overturning the results in both Wisconsin (10 Electoral College votes) and Pennsylvania (20 votes), in addition to winning Michigan’s 16, for Clinton to win the Electoral College. There is also the complicating factor of “faithless electors,” or members of the Electoral College who do not vote according to the popular vote in their states. At least six electoral voters have said they would not vote for Trump, despite the fact that he won their states.

  3. @Honeybee

    I rest my case.*

    *Wouldn’t be fun if they brought back Court TV** but instead of these boring hearings where they call witnesses to the stand for weeks to show that a certain ball point pen was blue and not black, they were to do it Perry Mason (the original one with Raymond Burr from the ’50s) style:

    The whole thing takes an hour (minus commercial breaks) and in the last 3 minutes, Perry gets his client off and reveals the real murderer thus:

    To the witness: “Do you want me to call A,B,and C from the audience to testify to blah, blah, blah against you?”

    witness: screams “No, NO, I confess, I confess!”

    Bring on the comfy chair.

    ** http://gizmodo.com/a-brief-history-of-court-tv-where-many-a-true-crime-ob-1708115679

  4. perhaps trumps “nice” talk about hillary has to do with the deadlines this Friday and next week for requesting a recount of the 3 closest battleground states.

  5. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    . But, if the Congress wants to impeach him they can

    They can’t impeach a official “willy nilly” There are criteria the must be met.

    Sebastien Zorn Said:

    “It’s not a matter of whether of he/she* is a crook, but whether she/he* is our crook

    ” He may a SOB with elbows but he’s our Sob with elbows” Ol’time Texas saying

  6. @Honeybee
    @ mar55:
    a) I didn’t just use Wikipedia. You must not have checked my citations.
    b) Wikipedia is very accurate. Though user-generated, they proof and edit the entries and require corrections or corroboration as needed. Sometimes, they remove them.
    c) No accident they put the Encyclopedia Brittanica online out of business.
    d) Hannity used to promote Hillsdale all the time on his radio program. Maybe he still does. I don’t have a car anymore so I don’t listen to the radio much. I agree, it’s also a good resource.
    e) Flattery will get you everywhere. Nepotism would also do nicely if it were an option. Or Executive appointments or stock options. Or any spare cash you might have laying around that you don’t have any use for. I think I mentioned I considered voting for Hillary when I learned that Chelsea had paid for her wedding out of the Clinton Fund — my being a wedding musician, and all — but then I realized that she probably won’t get married again — at least, within the next few months, anyhow. Now, here’s a reform the nation badly needs: Not just for weddings and parties, but Chamber Music for Tragic Occasions — not just funerals — but for example, divorce, being audited, treating sick cows, or just going to jail, say.

    “Early in Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, she and her staff were observed removing lamps and furniture from the State Department which were transported to her residence in Washington, D.C….As I understand, those were her personal belongings she brought from home to decorate her offices and then took them back again,” Kirby said…”http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/18/fbi-docs-claim-clinton-took-furniture-from-state.html

    Yeah, that makes sense. They were hers. Early on, she brought them in and them took them back. By the way, can I interest anybody in an promising real estate purchase that will also help the nation by investing in infrastructure?:

  7. @ honeybee:
    He won’t. And I don’t know what the FBI will do. But, if the Congress wants to impeach him they can. The Republicans have a majority but not a filibuster-proof majority, which would require a 60 vote majority. But, somebody talked about Obama pardoning her.

    The Constitution says that the President does not have the power to pardon impeachable offenses and precedent says that a cabinet member can be impeached even once out of office. That’s in the links I enclosed before.

    I wonder, though, how it was possible for President Ford to pardon President Nixon who resigned to avoid impeachment.

    I had a joke about that: in my blog http://pinchinat.wordpress.com earlier in the year:

    “His and Hers

    JUNE 1, 2016

    “It’s not a matter of whether of he/she* is a crook, but whether she/he* is our crook.

    Conservatives regarding Nixon 1972


    Progressives regarding Clinton in 2016

    *Fill in your gender preference.”


    “Watergate in Reverse

    MAY 31, 2016
    Richard Nixon had his political scandal and was pardoned on his way out of office by his Vice President, Gerald Ford, upon taking office. Hillary Clinton, could be having hers on the way into office, and be pardoned by the outgoing President, Barack Obama. Another example of History appearing twice, the first time as tragedy, the second farce.”

  8. @ honeybee:
    honeybee, no one is so smart that he could not use some real knowledge on the Constitution. Wikipedia has many errors and he knows it. We are not impressed.
    BTW how is your husband? Is his hip better? and how are you?
    I’m a disaster. The years do not forgive.
    I’m involved a lot with Shul and many things but I’m felling my years now. Ask Ted for my email and I tell you more.
    May G-d bless you and be well.

  9. http://www.westernjournalism.com/can-hillary-still-be-impeached-the-answer-may-surprise-you/

    “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”
    U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 2

    “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Constitution, Article I, Section 3: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.
    The Constitution and and Impeachment”

    I googled the question: “Can impeachment be stopped by filibuster?” The answer is maybe. The same applies to confirmation of nominees. This can also be the ammunition for negotation on a wide variety of issues. There are precedents.

  10. But there is no such discussion about whether Obama should pardon Hillary. At this point, Trump said he does not want to “hurt” Hillary, but I believe that this may change depending on how Democrats respond to Trump’s agenda and confirmation of his nominees.

    I have heard this theory from Michael Savage…. Not convinced it’s true or holds water. Clinton’s no longer control Democrats in Congress neither for that matter does Obama today.


  11. Not buying the argument. Trump has majority in the Senate and Trump can always have a nuclear option imposed needing a majority of 51… if all else fails to entice enough Democrats to support.

    I think he is sincere in his desire to let the Clinton’s off the hook for his own reasons which can only be speculated on…Let’s not forget Trump is not ideological and is much closer to Democrats than Republicans… He has been close to Clinton’s before entering the race for presidency and won the election by adopting some of the most populous economic agendas of the Democrats.

    Just as Trump has spoken of only of limited few things he intends to do first day or week etc. and leaving out of the discussion many other campaign promises nobody forced him to comment and take a stand or position at this time re: the Clinton’s…. He did it with purpose aforethought. Just like making nice to Romney , Cruz and the NY Slimes…. even going to them and not the reverse….. Trump is all ego and needs to be loved liked and even idolized and all things seem to take a back seat to his emotional needs. This is the problem with electing leaders with no real core or ideology he will say anything anytime to attain a political and personal need of the moment…….. This is the danger. Americans require and demand clarity of thought and direction to maintain support of their leaders.

    For me ‘Clinton’ is a test not an end….