T. Belman. Boteach focuses only on what was in the adviser’s emails. But in Hillary is pro-Palestine and anti-Israel, by Jeff Dunetz, Dunetz focuses on the things Hillary did and said, even before her marriage to Bill that portrayed her own feelings. It is a horror story. It is a must read. (Note I changed his title )
By Shmuley Boteach, ALGEMEINER
It’s already been established that one of Hillary Clinton’s most trusted advisers, Sid Blumenthal, sent her dozens of anti-Israel articles, ideas and pieces of advice during her time as secretary of state. But the stream of anti-Israel advice received by Hillary was much more comprehensive than that which came from just one adviser. In the entire batch of Hillary’s emails, you will be hard pressed to find a single email that is sympathetic towards the Jewish state, from any of the people on whom she relied.
The negative, poisonous approach towards Israel throughout this cache of emails shows the atmosphere that Hillary had established around herself. These emails seem to demonstrate that a huge segment of her close advisers and confidants were attacking Israel, condemning Netanyahu, and strategizing about how to force Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria at all costs.
Take a look at a sampling of the advice being sent to Hillary from her many advisers.
Sandy Berger was Hillary’s foreign policy adviser during her 2008 presidential campaign. In September 2010, he sent Hillary ideas on how to pressure Israel to make concessions for peace. Berger acknowledged “how fragile Abbas’s political position [is],” and how “Palestinians are in disarray,” and “Failure is a real possibility.” Berger was well aware, and informed Hillary, of the very real possibility that Israel would be placing its national security at grave risk in a deal that would very likely fail and lead to a Hamas takeover. But Berger felt the risks to Israeli lives were worth it. He advised of the need to make Netanyahu feel “uneasy about incurring our displeasure…”
Berger emphasized the need “to convince the prime minister — through various forms of overt persuasion and implicit pressure — to make the necessary compromises” and talks of the “possibility — to turn [Netanyahu’s] position against him.”
Astoundingly, Berger seemed to accuse the Jews in America of racism towards Obama. He writes, “At a political level, the past year has clearly demonstrated the degree to which the US has been hamstrung by its low ratings in Israel and among important segments of the domestic Jewish constituency…” He then added, “domestically, he faces a reservoir of skepticism on this issue which reflects many factors, including inexcusable prejudice.”
Anne Marie Slaughter was Hillary’s director of policy planning from 2009-2011. She wrote Hillary in September of 2010 and devised a scheme to encourage wealthy philanthropists to pledge millions to the Palestinians (which no doubt would have been embezzled by Abbas and his cronies as were other funds).
She wrote to Hillary, “This may be a crazy idea… Suppose we launched a ‘Pledge for Palestine’ campaign… Such a campaign among billionaires/multi-millionaires around the world would reflect a strong vote of confidence in the building of a Palestinian state…” She added, “there would also be a certain shaming effect re Israelis who, would be building settlements in the face of a pledge for peace.”
Hillary’s response to this email: “I am very interested-pls flesh out. Thx.”
Robert Russo, one of Hillary’s aides and currently her campaign’s “director of correspondence and briefings,” sent an email in April 2012 informing Hillary of Netanyahu’s father’s passing, and advised her to phone him to offer her condolences. Included with Russo’s email is an extremely biased article attacking both Netanyahu and his father, describing them as virulently racist warmongers, and calling the elder Netanyahu “a behind-the-scenes adviser to his son, the most powerful person in Israel.”
The article notes, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly denied that his father was a one-dimensional ideologue. He further emphasized that he himself was a different person from his father.” But then it goes on to say, without providing any proof whatsoever, “Israelis seemed in the dark about the extent of paternal influence on their leader,” and “To understand Bibi, you have to understand the father.”
One might be forgiven, then, for questioning Hillary’s sympathy and sincerity when she later placed the call and extended Netanyahu her condolences.
Thomas Pickering, former US Ambassador to Israel, wrote Hillary on December 18, 2011 and suggested a secret plan to stir up major Palestinian protests in an attempt to force the Israeli government into peace negotiations. He stated that the protests “must be all and only women. Why? On the Palestinian side the male culture is to use force.”
Pickering’s goal was to ignite protests that would engulf the West Bank, “just like Tahrir square.” He added that the Palestinian “leadership has shied away from this idea because they can’t control it,” and they are “afraid of being replaced.”
This idiotic reasoning that somehow only women would participate and things would stay peaceful is obviously absurd. As Pickering himself noted, “Palestinian men will not for long patiently demonstrate — they will be inclined over time and much too soon to be frustrated and use force. Their male culture comes close to requiring it.” Regardless, Pickering wrote that the protests could be used against Israel “to influence the political leadership.”
The idea was as dangerous for the Palestinians as it was for Israel. As Pickering himself admitted, widespread protests could overthrow Abbas’ government, and if Palestinian men joined in, widespread violence would inevitably break out. It would obviously be impossible to prevent men from participating in these demonstrations.
Yet Pickering felt this extreme risk was worth taking, even if it meant replacing Abbas with another Hamas-styled government. And even if it meant the outbreak of violence across the West Bank, leading to a third intifada and the murder of countless Jews. He also emphasized the need to hide all US involvement in this plot. Hillary forwarded this email to Monica Hanley and asked her to “pls print.”
Clandestinely stirring up potentially violent protests in an attempt to try and force Israel to go against its best interests? Advice like this was par for the course when it came to Hillary’s advisers.
In a follow-up column, I will illuminate even more anti-Israel advice that was given to the then-secretary of state. Sadly, there was just so much of it.
When one is angry, one often issues expletives. Chelsea, Hillory’s daughter is married to a Jew. There is another grandchild along the way.
I don’t see Jew hating by the Clintons, My orthodox grandparents would hate the situation if my son married a GOYA.
That’s the kind of hatred I would expect.
But the world believes that Israel is intransigent. Even if Hamas recapitulated, could the PA be trusted? The answer is yes, but only if 120 years has passed without incident.
Obama wanted points for having a two state solution. It would have solved, in many world eyes, a win-win for Israel-PA. Unfortunately we would have to wait 120 yearsfor trust to be proven
@ lsatenstein:
Watching her on the screen last night, I can categorically state that Hillary is one repulsive creature, besides which she has a “voice that could chop wood”.
Given the above, what to make of her ardent, screaming, supporters, particularly of the Jewish variety, is something of a problem, one which may require medical intervention and testing.
@ lsatenstein:
There is a new mechanism named “Google”. Once you master its use, you will no longer be dependent upon Babuska:
Hillary is not Pro Israel. She believes she has the right to tell Jews where to live or not in Jerusalem or elsewhere in Israel.
If you did this in NY City it would minimally be discrimination and the person doing it would be called an anti-Semite. So there is ample evidence based on Hillary’s actions that she has no problem discriminating against Jews and on the behalf of the Pals.
Any Jew who is pro Hillary is just another Jew who does not care about Israel and the Jewish people there now or in the future.
He Babuskah
Stop trolling. You stated “Hillary’s mother was a Jew hater, and Hillary has been a Jew hater since childhood.”
Supply facts, not bubaminsas for your made up unbelievable hate lies and stories.
Show documentation that we can verify. That will make your comments believable.
Facts man, just the facts.
Hillary’s mother was a Jew hater, and Hillary has been a Jew hater since childhood. Her anti-Semitism is thoroughly documented. It is indisputable that Hillary is a world class bigot. That is why our Wise and Vengeful Lord gave unto her a Jewish son-in-law.
Don’t mess with The Tribe.
I think it is plausible that the emails shown here were a fig leaf for the violent attacks that are going on now. They would give Hillary et al. the appearance of intending only “nonviolent” pressure on Israel when the emails would come out.
The real approach of the increasingly impatient diplomatic community, heavily influenced by the Moslem Brotherhood and other Israel haters, was/is to use any means necessary to topple Netanyahu’s government.
Unfortunately for the C- students with whom Obama invariably surrounds himself, their static analyses always miss the mark in such a dynamic milieu. They come from the “Hey, hey, ho, ho fill-in-the-blank has got to go” school of state-craft.
They never envision that their opponents will be able to mount a successful defense.