In Britain as in the U.S., population jihad is is the Cloward-Piven strategy for economic collapse on steroids. The globalist elite have welcomed millions of Muslims with hostile norms into western countries to INTENTIONALLY collapse the host country’s economy, and to create cultural chaos. Population jihad is a powerful globalist weapon of war being used to destroy western nation-states from within, in order to impose globalism’s planetary objective: the totalitarian Unistate managed by the lethally corrupt United Nations and its associated organizations. Understanding this inconvenient truth is essential. We are a world at war: Globalism vs. Nation-State. In the United States, President Donald Trump and his DOGE team led by Elon Musk, have exposed USAID as the financial motherlode of globalist corruption that funds its War on America in America with American taxpayer money! These same organizations are operational worldwide and are collapsing the economies of western nations, and attacking the Judeo-Christian tradition that is the infrastructure of western culture. The key is understanding that every destructive policy is INTENTIONAL! We are a world at war whether people realize it or not, and denial is not a survival strategy.
Here is the future Britain has chosen. As for the welfare, non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if they are among the people of the book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)
The caliph Umar said the jizya payments from the dhimmis were the source of the Muslims’ livelihood: “Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama at-Tamimi: We said to `Umar bin Al-Khattab, ‘O Chief of the believers! Advise us.’ He said, ‘I advise you to fulfill Allah’s Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.)’” (Bukhari 4.53.388)
I didn’t choose this and neither did anyone I know. We really resent the way this flood of Muslims is being imposed on us, and the truly frightening thing is that we know many are terrrorists, just not which ones. We are living in fear in our own country now. The politicians didn’t give us a vote on the subject, so we have no voice. They spend millions on these people – yet Ive just been given a pension increase of 25p a week at the age of 80!