“Have the barbarians taken control over civilization? Is the process irreversible?”

Barry Shaw | July 13, 2024

There is nothing wrong with a nation state.

Iran, for example, would be far more civilized, far more peaceful, far less a threat, as a
nation state, and not the revolutionary regime projecting a barbaric medieval form of

There are other clear examples where nation states have collapsed for the same reason.
Yet, a myopic world is trying to create another in the form of a Palestine based on
barbaric urgencies, rather than democratic principles and nation building.

This is part of an essay I am writing as a wakeup call to a Western civilization that seems
to have lost its bearings, its moral compass, and the splendid foundational principles upon
which it once stood.

This as nations seem to have lost the plot in protecting what made them great and
individually unique.

They are, one by one, collapsing under the delusion that dispensing with the traditions
and values that defined their character in order to accommodate and appease a tsunami of
strangers with radically different ideologies that this would make them morally more

That has proven to be a fatal error.

The only way back for these lost and crumbling democracies is to retrace to the core of their original essence which made their nation states unique.

Or is that already too late? Have the barbarians taken control over civilization?
Is the process irreversible?

This is the vexing question of our age being asked in once stable and peaceful
democracies. Democracies that are increasingly losing control over their own countries.

Barry Shaw,
Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

July 17, 2024 | Comments »

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