The intrepid Aaron Klein reports in a World Net Daily article that Jewish group to blame for dividing Jerusalem?
He alleges that Israel allowed Arabs to illegally build on JNF land which land is now being to be given away.
[..]But some of the areas mentioned as slated for possible evacuation – hundreds of acres in Shoafat and Qalandiya – are owned by the JNF, a nonprofit that purchases property using donor funds.
The JNF lands have been utilized for the illegal construction of dozens of Arab apartment buildings, a refugee camp and a U.N. school. The properties recently were blocked off from Jewish sections of Jerusalem and isolated to Arab neighborhoods by Israel’s security fence.
But I can’t help wondering if behind all this is the US State Department pressing for Israel to allow this construction. How else can one explain the lack of action by Israel over the years. It didn’t even register a protest or publicize it.
Now Aaron advises US Oversaw uprooting of small Jewish communities
Israel strictly enforces regulations against Jewish building in the West Bank while hundreds of thousands of illegal Palestinian outposts have been constructed the past few years. That includes massive apartment complexes and refugee camps on hundreds of acres of land in Jerusalem owned by the Jewish National Fund, a Jewish nonprofit that uses donor funds to purchase property for Jewish settlement.
I thought “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”. Actually both policies are bad for the Jews.
All you say shows that the ideas behind the Jewish state have been badly betrayed. We have to take what you say on board in developing a revolutionary solution.
Also we have to start naming these rich people in the Diaspora you mention
The Land ownership situation in Israel is dictated by at least 2 overriding considerations A- Leftist and even likud political expediencies. B- they don’t want to open a virtual Pandora’s box as much of the land upon which West Jerusalem and its environs is land registered to Arabs in the Land registries.The Political echelons of both left and right do not want to provide any excuse for costly and prolonged litigation by Arabs and their western supporters to claim redress through the Israeli and even International courts.
In addition the Israeli Supreme Court has recently ruled the the purchase of land for the express use by Jews to the exclusion of non Jews is discriminatory ;regardless of the fact that Jews through the diaspora for almost 120 years have donated money penny by penny,Kopeck by Kopeck to help to realize the Jewish age old dream of securing a nation through the purchase of Land acre by acre or dunam by dunam. While no Jew can or would want to live in Arab cities and villages the reverse is not so. The Saudis are heavily financing heavy land purchase in Israel, as well as Large enterprises. The Land that the Knesset sits is owner by the Greek Orthodox Church, The land that Tel Aviv University sits was expropriated from the Arabs. in pre 48 it was an Arab village as are most Kibbutzim sitting on expropriated Arab owned Land.
It goes without saying the Billions of Dollars of prime and select lands have been manipulated in its legal status to the advantage of wealthy interested parties. Many if not most of these swindlers live in the Diaspora. All maintain their pet Israeli politician in their pocketts in order to advance their political and economic agendas.