Harris Poll: 51% of Americans Ages 18-24 Want Israel ‘Ended and Given to Hamas’

By David Israel, JEWISH PRESS    December 17, 2023

Let’s put it this way: if some rare disease had swept through America, killing everyone 25 and older, it would become very inhospitable for Jews. A survey conducted online by The Harris Poll and HarrisX within the United States from December 13-14 among 2,034 registered voters, asked, “Do you think that the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian dispute is for Arab states to absorb the Palestinians, for there to be two states, Israel and Palestine, or for Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians?” and, God help us, 51% of respondents ages 18-24 preferred “for Israel to be ended.”

Now, among respondents ages 25-34, only 31% picked the “Israel be ended” option, ages 35-44 were even less enthusiastic – 24%, and the fate of Israel was safe with the 55-64 crowd – only 13% want it annihilated, and the 65+ are truly harmless – 4%.

It certainly implies that when that age group chants “From the river to the sea” they know exactly what it means, even if they can’t name which river or which sea.

Even more disturbing are the seemingly inherent contradictions in the 18-24 groups’ answers be related questions. In fact, right next to the above offensive result, comes this question:

“Do you believe that Hamas attackers on October 7th committed rapes and other crimes against women or is that not the case?”

And, surprise, surprise, respondents ages 18-24 believed the charges against Hamas by a majority of 76%.

Older respondents believed those charges by higher percentage points, but still, is it conceivable that the same people who attribute vicious criminal acts to Hamas would also support the idea of letting it replace Israel?

If it is, then we must accept some very “Clockwork Orange” assumptions about the younger voters of America (Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 film “A Clockwork Orange” depicted a dystopian future Britain ruled by ruthless youth gangs).

In response to the question, “Should women’s groups explicitly condemn Hamas for committing rapes and other crimes against women, or should such groups not take a stand on the issue?” a hefty 81% of the 18-24 age group said they should.

80% of the 18-24 age group also think the groups condemned Hamas for the rapes – but as previously reported, the major women’s groups actually did not condemn Hamas at all, or if they did, it took a long time and only much public criticism.

And in response to, “Who is primarily responsible for putting civilians in Gaza in harm’s way – Hamas or Israel?” only 54% of the 18-24 age group voted Hamas.

The poll asked if the respondents believe Hamas has voluntary popular support of the Gazan population, or not, “Do you think Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza, or is Hamas a terror group that rules the people of Gaza with force and fear and is not supported by them?”

64% of the 18-24 age group agreed that Gazan support for Hamas is voluntary which seems to line up with the insane results from the PCPSR survey of Arabs in Gaza, Judea and Samaria.

In any event, in this instance, no matter what you and I may think of Hamas, 64% of the 18-24 group correctly asserted that “Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza.” The older age group stuck with President Joe Biden’s Pollyanna vision of a peaceful “Palestinian” people who are terrorized by the evil Hamas.

If this poll is any indication, these are America’s future leaders and sociopaths.

December 17, 2023 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. @Sebastien Zorn

    So, the executive orders ended up being either revoked or toothless (“with individual exceptions”) and deporting some students is not the same as, the way you (and he?) put it, “expelling immigrants who support Hamas” which can be understood as ALL immigrants who support Hamas which is not doable, to say the least (and this is what I showed in my response).

  2. @Reader “Nineteen Republican lawmakers are calling for foreign students who are in the U.S. on temporary visas and have expressed support for Hamas to have their visas revoked and be deported from the country — in the wake of the deadly terror attacks on Israel…

    “They note that it is likely that some of those involved are holders of either F-1 student visas or J-1 exchange visitor visas. There were over 437,000 F-1s issued in FY 2022 and 315,000 J-1s.

    “Foreign students contribute much to our society, but individuals who advocate terrorist violence against civilians are not welcome here. If a visa was issued before DHS uncovers evidence of a visa-holder’s ineligibility under INA s.212(a)(3)B), in the interest of national security, the individual in question should immediately have their visa revoked and face expedited deportation proceedings,” they say.

    They ask the agencies whether they have any reason to believe that any non-immigrant visa holders have been made ineligible due to their participation in such support for Hamas, and if the agency has made any moves yet to revoke or reviews visas as a result.

    The push has the support of Heritage Action, which commended the lawmakers for their action on the matter…”


  3. @Reader

    “Nineteen Republican lawmakers are calling for foreign students who are in the U.S. on temporary visas and have expressed support for Hamas to have their visas revoked and be deported from the country — in the wake of the deadly terror attacks on Israel…

    ‘They note that it is likely that some of those involved are holders of either F-1 student visas or J-1 exchange visitor visas. There were over 437,000 F-1s issued in FY 2022 and 315,000 J-1s.

    “Foreign students contribute much to our society, but individuals who advocate terrorist violence against civilians are not welcome here. If a visa was issued before DHS uncovers evidence of a visa-holder’s ineligibility under INA s.212(a)(3)B), in the interest of national security, the individual in question should immediately have their visa revoked and face expedited deportation proceedings,” they say.

    They ask the agencies whether they have any reason to believe that any non-immigrant visa holders have been made ineligible due to their participation in such support for Hamas, and if the agency has made any moves yet to revoke or reviews visas as a result. The push has the support of Heritage Action, which commended the lawmakers for their action on the matter.

    The letter comes amid growing concerns from Republicans over the presence of either terrorists or terror supporters in the U.S. from abroad. Multiple Republicans in both the House and the Senate have warned about the potential for terrorists to come into the U.S. via the southern border — it is a threat DHS has recognized, while also highlighting the action it is taking to neuter that threat.

    . ..”


  4. @Reader He has a record, you know, a damn good one, with the exception of the “Deal of the Century” which, I agree would have turned out to be a poison pill, in practice, but which he didn’t impose with threats or coercion, nonetheless.

    If universities were to expel these student in order to keep their federal funding, as they violating Title VI, of the Civil Rights Act, they would be subject to deportation. It’s doable. I”m sure there are other possible measures.

    The state of Anhalt-Saxony just passed a law requiring written support for Israel for applicants to be eligible for German citizenship if they apply in that state.

    Under Teddy Roosevelt, Muslims were kept out by banning anybody who believed polygamy was acceptable, replacing an earlier regulation banning polygamists.

    If the Republicans sweep the Congress, and there are enough like-minded judges to go along, anything is possible.

    To what extent, I don’t know. But, we have a huge, hostile fifth column here and it could lead to another 9/11.

    Not only Trump, but Obama, banned immigration from certain Muslim countries.
    For much of the 20th century, Anarchists and Communists were subject to deportation.

    Under Kuramatsu, the Supreme Court upheld FDR’s executive order interning Japanese Americans. It all depends on the mood of the country, noisy radical minorities, notwithstanding.

    If patterns in American history are consistent, we are due for a gigantic backlash, any time now.

    America is slow to awaken, but as the Japanese admiral or general voiced fears of in 1941, and as we saw after 9/11, once the sleeping giant awakens, beware world.

  5. @Sebastien Zorn

    Trump pledges to expel immigrants who support Hamas

    Empty sloganeering/electioneering.

    1) he will never get the law passed;

    2) how will he find out who supports Hamas?

    3) immigrants – let us talk only about Hispanics for now – 62.5 million of them in the US.

    ~20 million are foreign-born (immigrants) – let’s say only 10% of them (a very optimistic estimate) are for Hamas.

    How do you expel 2 million people with several million of them in the streets protesting and, likely, taking it out on Jews?

    I have never seen anyone less fit to be President – a promoter, yes, a marketing wiz, yes, but President of the United States?!

  6. @Laura Yes, they are. I related the incident in which a pro-Pal student from New Zealand screamed at me, “Americas ought to be gassed” and chased me around the room until I barricaded myself in the bathroom and nobody would help in a restaurant a number of years ago, Bush or Obama was in office.

    That’s why saying, “Well, the U.S. did it that way” is useless as hasbara.

    These people need to be kicked out of school along with their Professors and teachers.

  7. Stupid and antisemitic gen z punks are also anti-American. Just as the WW2 generation is the greatest generation, the inverse is true of Gen Z, who are distinguishing themselves as the absolute worst generation.

  8. Daniel Greenfield:

    important context about the Harvard-Harris poll in which 18-24 year olds support Hamas and believe most Jews and white people are oppressors

    HH polled registered voters. Less than half of 18-24 year olds are registered and those who are tend to be far left and from lefty areas

  9. If a few Qatari billions into the US press and academe can suborn the US then ask these ignorants whether they want a society of compulsory hijabs ? and head banging school prayers ? a US without pork – and the corn-hog ratio? without salami? and compulsory prayers and works stop five times daily for prayers? Then the censorship by ayatollahs of all films, books and other media? and no nudiity on the net? In particular ask the distaff side if they are willing to return to no financial agency except with fatherly or husbandly countersignatures? Ask “Queers for Gaza” if they understand they will be flogged at the least and hanged at the worst by a Hamas government?

  10. The 18 to 24 age group do not even know whether they were born male or female and also believe that men can give birth.

    What the hell do you expect when they know nothing.