HARD EVIDENCE Confirms Covid Shot Killed The Unborn and Massively Injured Babies

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Another major news story buried literally and figuratively.>

Dr Naomi Wolf interviewed fetal-maternal medicine specialist Dr James Thorp recently; he has been one of the very few medical providers for pregnant women and babies to have raised the alarm about massive damage to women and babies via the mRNA injection. The interview, in a transcript below that I have edited for clarity, is one of the most important exchanges of our time.


By: Burning Platform, August 28, 2023:

Editor’s Note: The following interview with Dr. James Thorp, a board certified an obstetrician-gynecologist, about the disastrous effects of the Covid ‘vaccines’ on pregnancies and the unborn confirms the very worst about this highly organized genocide of fetal life.

The riveting exchange presented below details how HHS paid millions to get thousands of doctors to damage women as well as both hurt and kill their babies. The untold tragedy here is that tens of millions of children are now consigned to a life of extreme pain and suffering due to chronic disease and lifelong illnesses inflicted by the various Covid injections.

The big reveal, of course, is how the vast majority of physicians across the USA grabbed their cash dollar bribes instead of serving the serious medical needs of their trusting patients. To call this extremely sad state of medical affairs a well planned genocide does not even come close to the slowly emerging grim reality. For this immense crime wave committed against all of humanity will continue to roll over the planet for many decades to come, and with such severe consequences of which many are not even yet known.

Read the interview here…..

September 2, 2023 | 18 Comments »

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18 Comments / 18 Comments

  1. @Reader

    all the doctors seem to be capable of doing is…

    A few years ago I would have argued this point, but sadly enough, as Dr. Thorp explains, they are nearly all captured by the process you describe.

  2. @peloni

    they should be far more concerned about future legal consequences… Their malfeasance has caused untold injuries and deaths, and I only pray to see the day when justice will be rendered

    Unfortunately (and I hate to say this), they have nothing to be afraid of because “they followed the procedure”.

    A medical professional has a lot to be afraid of when he shows initiative and treats each patient as a unique case he or she is – in this case, if something even appears to go wrong, this medical professional opens himself up to a lawsuit.

    Otherwise, an accepted procedure is an accepted procedure!

    These days, all the majority of the doctors seem to be capable of doing is to prescribe medications they know nothing about for various symptoms they also know nothing about.

  3. Ted all you have said there is that you are partisan and so you create a site which weighs on the side of groupiedom.

    Aye that’s the difference all right.

    I seek out and will seek out reality, that is realism aka the scientific truth all the time and in every situation.

    And eventually the reality or truth of a situation can and is found.

    Moment of truth arrived at in this way…because of Jew Hatred they must live alone and protected.

    That is socialism or communism. Capitalism cannot solve it. Has nobody in Israel not caught on to that fact yet?
    So stand aside capitalism because unable to solve it making every situation worse.

    You will notice how Netanyahu so strong in many of his personal qualities always makes things worse.

    It’s the system.

  4. @Felix

    How can this be decided since you have NEVER allowed these main two issues be discussed on Israpundit

    I may not have posted contrary arguments but I never prevented any comments which linked to them.
    My job is to counter the main stream media and I think it is wrong and not to give both sides.

  5. You said I see science as a dogma. How wrong.

    Science tests and tests

    And builds up knowledge in a process

    It is this process..
    Building up facts and eventually if.they are agreeing then we have certainty

    So the media reports that Covid is gone by its silence

    But the tennis open shows different

    And testing we can see climate Chaos

  6. @Felix

    How can you know my views

    You have made your views quite well known, as have I. Let us not play coy.

    And the implications of that is…

    Your extrapolated distortion of Thorp’s statement presumes something completely inconsistent with what he actually stated. Full stop. Thorp said nothing about 95% of patients dying, nor did he infer such a thing, nor could you rationally conclude that this was his meaning. His statement regarding 95% was specifically related to the percent of doctors who are aptured by their paycheck, and in no way indicates the percentage of deaths taking place. The inference you derive from his statement is simply a gross perversion of his own, and a straw man argument.

    As to the facts as reported being insulting to those physicians implicated by their acts of malfeasance, they should be far more concerned about future legal consequences instead of simply being insulted. Their malfeasance has caused untold injuries and deaths, and I only pray to see the day when justice will be rendered for these unthinkable crimes against those who were simply seeking good guidance, wise counsel and informed consent only to receive a sales pitch propagated from Big Pharma.


    I have to admit that the meaning of this statement simply escapes me.

  7. Peloni quite separate issue

    “95% of the physicians and nurses are captured by their paycheck.”

    And the implications of that is directly insulting to DOCTORS AND NURSES


  8. Peloni separately

    Your belief in Science is such that it is unquestionable, it is undeniable and that it is settled. But to believe such things is a belief in dogma, which is particularly unscientific

    How can you know my views since there has NEVER been impartial discussion presenter by editor?

  9. Ted

    You may think you believe in science

    How can this be decided since you have NEVER allowed these main two issues be discussed on Israpundit

    Global Warming


    Do I need to repeat that Never

    As in above the ASSERTION BY PELONI so many assertions by Peloni…”toxic shots”

    Where is the other side ever on Israpundit?

  10. @Felix
    Ted is quite correct. Your belief in Science is such that it is unquestionable, it is undeniable and that it is settled. But to believe such things is a belief in dogma, which is particularly unscientific. Science is not dogma and it is not immutable. Science not only withstands the test of being question, but for it to be scientific, it requires serious inquiry, and any and all scientific conclusions demand being questioned constantly, particularly when new findings arise which do not fit a given adopted theory, such as old ‘safe and effective’. What we know about the universe is that we know very little about it and therefore the attempt to interpret what we don’t know requires that we approach such interpretations with a sense of humility and uncertainty. Indeed, dogmatic conclusions such as ‘safe and effective’ has no place in scientific research, precisely because it refuse discussion, it scorns debate, and it silences opposing voices. In fact, anyone who believes that they are above being questioned, such as dogmatists parading as scientists which you seem to find credible, are in fact little more than spiritual leaders, selling a bogus theology to their devout following flock. In fact, I have no need of such dogmatists, and I reproach such dogma as is being peddled in place of scientific research.

    So please, let us not hear more of this certitude which you label as Science, as it is as mythical as old Zeus, and just as useless as well.

    Regarding the statement of Dr. Thorp, he said what he said and he didn’t say what you claim he said. These are his words

    95% of the physicians and nurses are captured by their paycheck.

    Your arguments based on comments which he never made are but straw men and not worth discussing further.

  11. Peloni

    You and Ted are so far into this denial of science and scientists that you are unable to have trust in science, and in the majority who believe in science, and are thankful to scientists who have produced an effective vaccine.

    These people like this man have suddenly found millions of eyeballs on their videos and have begun making millions of dollars.

    He not I used the figure 95 % of doctors and nurses are harming their patients.

  12. @Felix

    It’s insane…He says 95% of the doctors and nurses are killing their patients.

    This is not what he states. What he states is

    the most important question you need to ask your nurse or your doctor, whether it’s in a hospital or in an office, is: Nurse, Doctor, are you willing to lose your job to save my life?

    And they must answer that. Because I’m telling you that 95% of the physicians and nurses are captured by their paycheck.

    This doesn’t mean that 95% of the patients are being killed by their doctors, nor that 95% of the doctors are killing their patients. He states clearly that 95% of the physicians are captured, unable to offer their honest professional advice due to the contractual agreement which he has seen people being disciplined for violating and which led to his own dismissal without cause. So he challenges people to ask their physicians if they would be willing to lose their job if their medical advice diverged from the required promotion of the toxic shots.

    This is not at all similar to what you stated. It is also not insane. Since only certain advice can be offered, it is important to find a doctor who will tell you the truth, even if that truth is politically proscribed from being given.

  13. It’s insane. You just have to stop and think. He says 95% of the doctors and nurses are killing their patients.

    He’s obviously insane.

    Whether he is sued or not is totally immaterial.

    Most doctors and nurses have zero time or interest in this crackpot.


    Whoever wants can sue him but I wouldn’t waste my time.

    Maybe that is part of the game and looking for publicity and big bucks and there are many examples of this.

    Ted can answer and does this 95% include Israeli doctors and nurses in a “covenant with death”?

  14. Felix: not quite sure what you were sharing with us. You said you were fired but not why. You said Ted was buying into all the lies without mentioning which.
    Please try again.

  15. @Felix

    these wild lies

    Wild lies? But are they wild lies? And if they be lies, where are the legal challenges to silince them?

    Dr. Thorpe, a renowned member in his field and at his hospital, has accused his own hospital system, and his entire professional association of being involved in a “covenant with death” with no less significant an organization than the CDC and HHS. If these are wild lies, they are highly damaging to the CDC, the HHS, St. Mary’s, his colleagues at his hospital, his colleagues across two continents, the licensing organization itself and Pharma as well. Though Thorpe is acting with legal advice from no less intimate a source than his own wife, if his claims are lies as you suggest, there would have been cease and desist letters flying against him since well before he was terminated, and certainly now that he has been relieved of his employment. There should be standing legal challenges against him from the institution he served, the professional board over him, the federal agencies and Pharma, and yet we hear only crickets in response. Yet you call on someone to challenge him from the readers here on Israpundit?

    Though I greatly respect the voices and opinions coming from this great site, I think you are calling on the wrong parties to react to these ‘wild lies’ and give you some sense of support of your own views. In fact, if wild lies they be, the crickets which have thus far been the response to his claims against these trusted authorities of being controlled under a ‘covenant of death’ should itself be seen to be quite a strong response to his charges, though not in the way with which you, as an advocate of these shots, might be pleased to recognize.

    You will no doubt find some supporting ally to share your views here on Israpundit, but whether you do or not, I would suggest you might consider the fact that there has been no legal response brought against Thorpe, McCullough, Malone and others whose claims, if false, are quite damaging to both the agencies, the institutions, the licensing boards and the fellow physicians who are, as Dr. Thorpe describes it, acting under a ‘covenant with death’ which is leading to the deaths of many of the people being counted in the rising number of excess deaths. Though these men have been, as has Thorpe, penalized with the significant loss of their positions, incomes and titles, there have been little to no legal charges brought against them. Yes, there was the nuisance Baylor lawsuit brought against Dr. McCullough, which he handily won on summary judgement, but no official response greater than this from the shareholders of the vaccine, nor from the governmental agencies advocating their product, nor from the licensing boards which are clearly implicated in their role of corralling those physicians captured in their grip of control as Dr. Thorpe and others have testified to being the case. Indeed, crickets are again the limit of the official response.

    Furthermore, beyond the point of libel, the charges made by Thorpe, McCullough, etc are having a sizeable impact as they support their views with mounting scientific research and evidence of injuries associated with the vaccines. In fact, a significant amount of the research and evidence supporting their views are coming from having won hard fought FOIA requests. Indeed, these doctors and their allies are clearly having an impact on the public perception of the safety and efficacy of these toxic shots as the Soma sales are plummeting even as a new call goes out demanding the public need of their daily dose of these gene therapies. And amid this challenge to the purveyors of public safety, what is their legal response to these ‘wild lies’ which are undermining another round of ‘safe and effective’? Yes, crickets once more.

    I would suggest that we should listen to what these crickets might be telling us, as such libels emanating from the prestigious voices of Thorpe and his medical freedom colleagues continue to go unanswered, but are gaining a greater and greater recognition among the public. Indeed, these cricket responses from those who are being libeled and are responsible for the care of the general public are no doubt themselves having a devastating response upon the public’s perception of the shots, and yet, the crickets keep on criketting…

    We should be istening to these crickets as they are not telling us nothing.

  16. Dr Thorp:

    Sure. I was recently fired. All of the patients in my prior service area were under the Sisters of St. Mary’s Health System, one of the largest Catholic health systems in the country. They’re based in St. Louis, as well as in service areas in five different states. I worked in two different states for them: Missouri and Illinois. What I want to say to your listeners and to my former patients – to all patients globally — is this: the most important question you need to ask your nurse or your doctor, whether it’s in a hospital or in an office, is: Nurse, Doctor, are you willing to lose your job to save my life?

    And they must answer that. Because I’m telling you that 95% of the physicians and nurses are captured by their paycheck.


    He says 95%

    Ted has bought into these wild lies

    Is there nobody on Israpundit readership prepared to challenge?

  17. I did watch the interview of Dr. Thorp. He has documented evidence that HHS + CDC signed agreements with Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology that they will follow the guidelines as stated by HHS/CDC, encouraging their pregnant patients to get the vaccines, for a certain amount of money. If at any point they decline to follow these guidelines they must return the money.

    Miscarriages in vaccinated women have been happening in > 80% of pregnancies. There is damage to the placenta, stillborn deaths, babies born who develop seizures when nursed by vaccinated mothers, and the list of pathologies in addition to this is long.

    Dr. Thorp stated that as a specialty, OB-GYN was targeted for special treatment because those in charge of the bioweapon program felt that if they could prove these gene therapies were safe for mothers and babies, then they would be considered safe for everyone. But Pfizer’s own clinical tests (remember the ones they didn’t want released for 70 years?) have shown devastating damage to pregnant women, fetal life, and infancy.

    That doctors of any specialty would be willing to tell their patients to take an untested drug and be willing to take bonus payments for this is just frightening and sad.

    The corruption of the medical profession into doctors taking orders from the US equivalent of Josef Mengele has destroyed the trust so many Americans feel in their doctors and in hospitals.

    It seems all doctors who worked in hospitals (and didn’t leave) were/are echoing the talking points of the bioterrorism program, and are loathe to admit they were wrong, misinformed, and misinformed and/or harmed their patients. It’s a form of silent collusion which I have seen as a retired physician in former colleagues, and as a patient, in my doctors who routinely suggest I get the next “booster.” The last time my doctor suggested it, I asked him, “Oh you mean the one they tested on 8 mice?” He did not discuss the issue further with me.