Haniyeh Assassinated in Tehran! Running Thread (closed)

Peloni:  This was a monumental day with twin victories being scored in two previously thought safe havens!  The Iranians and their minions are all right now checking the sky above them to see if there is possibly an F35 just out of view about to take them out.  A day well spent!

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Peloni: This is a rather huge development.

July 31, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Daniel Pipes writing in the WSJ says that the elimination of Haneya means that Israel is determined to defeat Hamas and Hezbollah and she is not wavouring.

  2. @Adam

    I think that they have struck again this time against Haniyah.

    Interesting hypothesis, but the timing is quite intimate to the timing of Israel’s op in Lebanon. Was this mere coincidence? Also, why would they target Haniyeh instead of some other high ranking member of the Iranian regime? Yes, it was a mark of disrespect to kill Haniyeh while a guest of the Mullahs, but Haniyeh had no operational role relatable to the interests of the Tajikis, and this seems to be a great undertaking for just a point of embarrassing the regime, taken from the Tajiki perspective. Also, the attack which you are referencing to last year included many targets, not just one, so why would they simply target a single mark and not multiples, even if one of them was decided to be the guest Haniyeh?

    Then comes the question of the Tajikis having the means to surreptitiously attack in Tehran without detection or exposure while carrying out their attack with stealth and poise – recall the attack last year was in the distant region near the borderlands which are known to inhabit these rebels. Then too, there is the means of the attack – the attack in Kerman was by suicide bombers killing many dozens as I recall, not by a surgical missile attack, which is what is claimed to be the means employed in yesterday’s attack.

    So, to believe it was the Tajikis, we would have to recognize that they moved their attack straight up to the capital of Iran, without detection, using missiles in place of suicide bombers, while killing just a single high profile target in a surgical strike rather than many collateral casualties, and that target was chosen to be Haniyeh, leader of Hamas, rather than a member of the actual Iranian regime which the Tajiki rebels are fighting against…and that they coincidently timed the attack to coincide with Israel’s hit in Lebanon.

    Well, it’s something to think about, but my money is still on it being an Israeli hit. As I see it, from many vantage points, Israel is the only one with the means, skill, and interest in killing Haniyeh, and the hit on Haniyeh bears almost no resemblance in any way with the Kerman hit which took place last year outside of the target being someone important to the regime.

    Just my own opinion of course, but I am curious what thoughts others might have on the subject.

  3. I think this was the work of the Tajiki and/or Afghani terrorists that belong to a Sunni Muslim organization that hates Iran, not Israel. Although they will repeat the anti-Israel rhetoric that is stock in trade for all Islamists. They also don’t scruple to accuse Israel of tresponsibility for their terrorist outrages. But again, their real enemy is Iran. They struck at Iranian officials who attended a memorial service for the late head of Revolutionary guards foreign operations commander (what was his name?) last yea. Several Iranian officials and Revolutionary guards officers were killed, I think that they have struck again this time against Haniyah. But Iran has blamed Israel, the way they always do when one of their high officials is assassinated, even when Israel had nothing to do with it.Israel rarely denies responsibiliy for the assassination or even the suicide or natural death of one of their enemies. And why not? The Mossad and Shabak treasure their reputation for being able to strike down Israel’s enemies, at any time at at any place in the world. This reputation. makes it much easier for them to recruit informants. People, even many Arabs, like to think that they have very powerful protectors.

  4. Hamas leader killed right in downtown Tehran.

    That makes Hamas look weak.
    That makes the IRGC look incompetent and utterly defenseless.
    That makes the Mullah’s think that they are also 100% vulnerable at any time.

    Three messages sent with one missile.