Hamas’s Industrial Murder: Why Is Senator Chuck Schumer Not Demanding a Change of Leadership in Hamas and Iran?

By Lawrence Kadish, GATESTONE                                                             19 March 2024

A screenshot from Hamas bodycam footage showing two Palestinian terrorists from Gaza about to attack a home in southern Israel, on October 7, 2023. (Image source: Hamas)

Within every Jew’s DNA is the experience of when our lineage stepped out of the cattle-cars at Auschwitz and were selected for immediate death in the gas chambers or assigned to slave labor, kept just barely alive until we were no longer of use to the Third Reich.

Industrialized murder at its most efficient was found there, along with places with names such as Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and others now known to few but historians. And to Jews.

For the Nazis’ “Final Solution to the Jewish question” has left a permanent imprint on generations of Jews who will neither forgive, nor forget, carrying that experience forward as long as the sun shines on this planet. Nor will Jews forget the world’s response to the Holocaust when it became apparent to all that Jews who had fallen under Nazi rule were being methodically exterminated. The world simply looked away with indifference as the smoke from the crematoria filled the air.

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March 20, 2024 | Comments »

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