Hamas official: We will move to Jordan if forced to leave Qatar

Peloni:  And herein is where the rubber meets the road, as Islamists of every persuasion feel welcomed at the court of the duplicitous Hashemite kinglet.  This is a great distinction from what will characterize the operational phase of the Jordanian Option, as no Islamists will be tolerated by Mudar in Jordan for the simple fact that Mudar and the Islamists, all of them, are mortal enemies.  Hence, the sea change which will take place under the enactment of the JO will see the Islamists completely isolated from a realm in which they have exercised significant influence and in which they still currently hold significant authority.  This is why Marzook stated clearly that if they are forced from the comforts which they currently hold in Qatar that they will seek similar comforts under the protection of the Hashemites.  For those who refuse to recognize that the Hashemites represent an obstacle to peace rather than any solution to it, this revelation should be seen as a significant surprise.  It shouldn’t, however, be surprising to any of us, as Mudar has been warning us of this fact for many years now.

‘We (Hamas) will determine the fate of the war, not the Zionist regime or the USA, who thought they could destroy Hamas in a week.’

INN     April 29, 2024

Mousa Abu Marzook

Mousa Abu Marzook, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, denies reports regarding the Hamas leadership leaving Qatar, calling them ‘media propaganda with no basis in reality’.

In an interview with the Iranian channel ‘Al-Alam’, Abu Marzook said that the reports were intended to pressure Hamas in the context of indirect negotiations on a ceasefire and a prisoner exchange (hostages in exchange for security prisoners).

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He said that most of the people in Hamas’ leadership have Jordanian passports, and if they are forced to leave Qatar, they will move to Jordan, with whom Hamas has good relations and no problem staying in that country.

Abu Marzook claimed that it was the USA that forced Qatar to host the Hamas leadership, and were it not for American pressure, the Hamas leadership would have moved to its natural place in Jordan.

He noted that ‘Hamas is taking part in a global war against the USA, other Western countries, and the Zionist entity’ and ‘We (Hamas) will determine the fate of the war, not the Zionist regime or the USA, who thought they could destroy Hamas in a week and redraw the map of Gaza as they wished.’

He also claimed that Israel and the USA had to come to terms with the fact that Hamas manages the Rafah crossing and failed to create chaos through their mercenaries under the guise of securing humanitarian aid, and now they must coordinate with Hamas, as Hamas is the one that will shape the future.

April 30, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. I wonder who told Hamas that they may have to leave Qatar??
    Nonetheless, Jordan is their real home. Most of the population of Jordan calls themselves Palestinians and renaming the east bank of the Jordan River Jordan was simply misleading. Jordan was part of the British mandate of Palestine.

  2. ‘We (Hamas) will determine the fate of the war, not the Zionist regime or the USA, who thought they could destroy Hamas in a week.’

    No one ever mentioned one week. This is a lie just like every other time a Palestinian Muslim opens his mouth. Taqqiya and Kitman is all they know.