Hamas Makes Two Ceasefire Offers, Israel Refuses

1. Summary: Since the October 7, 2023 terror attack on Israel’s Southern villages and kibbutzim, the Palestinian terror group Hamas has been shaking under an unprecedented Israeli military campaign that is compounded by an angry population that is suffering the consequences of Hamas’s recklessness. JaFaJ has learned that Hamas, with hostages in hand, was expecting to have the upper hand over Israel, but Israel didn’t take the bait and budge. As a result, Hamas has proposed two ceasefires to the USA and Israel. Both were conveyed to United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the Israeli leadership.

The first was presented by Egypt’s President Sisi, while the second was brought forward by Jordan’s King Abdullah. Israel turned down both offers saying that they would not negotiate before the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages Hamas has kidnapped. Government sources in Israel have reported to JaFaJ that “Israel won’t stop until Hamas has been erased from the face of the earth”.

2. JaFaJ has learned that the terrorist group Hamas made two distinct ceasefire offers to both Israel and United States. Both offers were presented to US Secretary of State Blinken and forwarded to Israeli officials for comment.

3. Strained under heavy Israeli blows and growing public discontent, Hamas presented its first ceasefire offer October 16, 2023. The offer was presented to the Secretary Blinken by Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during a recent visit to Cairo.

4. The Sisi-brokered offer stated that “Hamas would release all dual nationals held hostage, starting with the American Israeli ones, and once completed, an additional fifty Israeli hostages would be exchanged during an unrestricted ceasefire. During the ceasefire, Israel would restore both water and electricity to Gaza. JaFaJ has learned that Secretary Blinken was far from impressed with the offer, but shared it with the Israelis under “respectful pressure” from Sisi. The Israelis rejected this proposal, saying that they would never consider a ceasefire unless every hostage is accounted for, confirmed alive and immediately returned to their families with no preconditions.

5. JaFaJ sources have confirmed that Jordan’s King, Abdullah, presented a second ceasefire offer on Hamas’s behalf to Secretary Blinken when they met in Amman on November 4, 2023. The offer included providing the Israelis with the list of all hostages, a number that Israel suspects is possibly higher than Hamas is willing to admit. [COMMENT: The Israeli authorities are faced with the fact there are still people unaccounted for from Hamas’s October 7th attack inside Israel’s southern territories. END COMMENT].

6. Abdullah’s offer included the following specifics: releasing “most” of the hostages except for a “handful of soldiers and young men.” Additionally, both sides would immediately halt to all military operations, and Israel would restore both water and power supply to Gaza. Additionally, there would be the establishment of “a negotiation mechanism for the release of the remaining hostages.” Israel was also required to include “the future release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.”

7. JaFaJ has confirmed that like the first proposal, both the Americans and Israelis have utterly rejected the King’s offer. A confidential source confirms that “Secretary Blinken told the King that the United States wants a guarantee for a permanent cessation of hostilities in Gaza.” The source added that, “they could not see how a permanent peace could (can) be established in Gaza with an internationally recognized terrorist organization like Hamas in control.”

8. The Israelis have flatly rejected both offers saying that “they won’t even bother to negotiate until all the hostages are accounted for, are confirmed safe and alive, and are safely released.” An Israeli government source close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, confided to JaFaJ that “Israel won’t stop until we have erased Hamas from existence”.

November 9, 2023 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Land back to Israel : Rafah – the full Philadephia road – North of the stripe above Wadi Aza . The rest must be cleared of any threat ; 6 months intensive work at least .
    Trial of the murderers ; death penalty must be applied and performed promptly.
    Serious warning to Qatar ; you stop your double game, and chose your side . When you chose the wrong side you’ll pay dearly .
    Do Ut Des .

  2. Israel must remain firm, and there should be absolutely no cease fire until ALL HOSTAGES are released.

    The US is on the side of Hamas and pressuring Israel. The US could pressure Qatar and get all the hostages released immediately IF THEY WANTED TO, the US can threaten to remove their Air Base from Qatar but they won’t. The US just wants to side with Qatar, Egypt, Iran, and gang up on Israel to ensure that Israel does not completely defeat Hamas.

    It’s important not to bend to the US. The US government is not Israel’s friend.

    Caroline Glick makes some very brilliant points about where Israel should go from this point on.

    1. Israel cannot listen to the US. Israel cannot be bribed with ordnance and so on. Israel must break from the US, because the US is siding with Hamas, Iran, and Qatar against Israel in demanding a ceasefire.
    2. Egypt is allied with Hamas and Iran, because Hamas’s weapons are being sent from Yemen to Egypt and thence to Gaza through the Rafa crossing. And Sisi is doing nothing to prevent this. In addition by refusing to take civilians from Gaza, Sisi, Abdullah, and MBS are forcing the Gazans to stay in Gaza as Israel’s problem and responsibility.
    3. Israel must completely demolish Hamas. There should be no ceasefire until this is achieved and until all of the hostages are released.
    4. Israel must take the land away from Hamas. Otherwise Hamas will believe they can try this again and again. Only by losing the land will Hamas have any consequences that help them face their defeat.
    5. Israel needs to re-establish a buffer zone of 2 km between the fence and any Palestinian settlement. They must be separated by buffer zones from access to Ashkelon and Israel’s beaches.
    6. Gaza will need to be completely demilitarized.
    7. Israel needs to have complete control over her southern border with Egypt. It should not be in Hamas’s or the PA’s control.
    8. There should be zero consideration of the PA taking over the leadership of the Palestinians who return to Gaza.

  3. i24 says that central Israel has not experienced a rocket barrage for more than 24 hours. Does this nean that the IDF has finally knocked out Hamas” missile launching capability? Anyonr. [;ease share you information and/or insights about this matter with us.
