Hamas Hiding Vast Amounts of Fuel Under Shifa Hospital

Jihad in action.

We keep being told by Palestinians and their supporters that Gaza is “running out of fuel” — told that, in fact, every day, though it never happens. What we do know is that the IDF has photographs of oil storage tanks where 500,000 liters of fuel are being kept by Hamas. And now the IDF has had confirmed by a Palestinian health official that there are in addition at least another 500,000 to one million liters of fuel stored by Hamas under Shifa Hospital.

The IDF released on Friday, Nov. 3 a recording of a call with a healthcare official in the Gaza Strip who admitted that Hamas was hoarding massive fuel reserves under the Shifa Hospital, fuel which it uses for its terrorist activities. More on this latest revelation can be found here: “Hamas hoards massive fuel reserves as Gazans languish,” by Yoav Zitun, Ynet News, November 3, 2023:

In a call that took place yesterday, on November 2, with an official in the healthcare system in Gaza, it was revealed again that Hamas is holding the fuel reserves in the Gaza Strip and is using it,” a statement attached to the recording read.

In the recording, the two men are heard saying there are between half a million and a million liters (roughly 132,000-265,000 gallons) of diesel stockpiled under the hospital.

“The hospital official states that Hamas’ fuel reserves of over half a million liters are under the Shifa Hospital. The call confirms that Hamas controls the energy and fuel resources in the Gaza Strip and chooses to direct them for terrorism,” the IDF statement continued.

The army emphasized that “if fuel is allowed to enter the Gaza Strip, Hamas plans to seize those resources. The IDF will continue to expose information that proves that the Hamas terrorist organization uses the resources of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip for terrorism.”…

Last week, the IDF and Shin Bet released footage from interrogations of two terrorists who infiltrated Israel on October 7 and provided further evidence of Hamas operatives using hospitals in the Gaza Strip, and particularly Shifa, to shield themselves from IDF strikes.

During his interrogation, Omar Abu Rusha, a member of Hamas’s elite Nukhba force, was asked about the connection between hospitals in Gaza and the Palestinian enclave’s vast system of subterranean tunnels, to which he responded, “most of them are hidden in the hospitals. (At) Shifa for example (the hospital), there are underground levels… Shifa is not small, it is a big place that can be used to hide things.”

Abu Rusha is then asked by the interrogator about why Hamas was using medical institutions, such as hospitals and clinics, for protection, to which he answered, “you won’t strike them.”…

The Bidenites, instead of calling for a “pause” in the fighting — that is, a “ceasefire” — which would be disastrous for Israel’s war fighting, taking the pressure off Hamas in Gaza City just as it is being squeezed, and allowing its operatives throughout the Strip to take a breath, regroup, and rearm, should release the following statement: “We call on Hamas, which is hoarding up to one million liters of diesel fuel under the Shifa Hospital, and at least another half-million liters in storage tanks in southern Gaza, to release that diesel fuel to the civilians of Gaza so that they may use it to run hospital generators, desalination plants, and for home heating and cooking. Once that is done, and all the hostages have been released, we can discuss measures to alleviate the living conditions for civilians in Gaza.”

November 7, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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