Hagee: “There are two ways to live life: the Torah way and the wrong way…”

Joseph Puder in his article Praying toward Zion reports on the CUFI conference just held in Washington DC.

Apparently the Israeli speakers focused on the Iranian threat whereas the Christian speakers focussed on keeping Judea and Samaria in addition to stopping Iran. Here are some notable quotes.

Gary Bauer, founder and president of American Values introduced Sallai Meridor, Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S., saying, “Tell the people in Israel that we are praying that they never give up even under American pressure. Never give up even one centimeter.”

In ending his speech, McCain summarized,

    “The bond between America and Israel is not just a strategic one, though that is important. The more profound tie between our two countries is a moral one. We are two democracies whose alliance is forged in our common values. To be proudly pro-American and pro-Israeli is not to hold conflicting loyalties. It is about defending the principles that both countries hold dear. That is why today I stand as I believe so many of you do: a Christian, proudly pro-American and proudly pro-Israel.”

Pastor Hagee, not one to mince words, then spoke of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. “Israel has an enemy in America called Jimmy Carter,” and called on Carter to “disclose how much money the Carter Center receives from anti-Israel sources in the Middle East.”

Alluding to the recent pressure the Bush administration has put on Israel to hasten the establishment of a Palestinian state led by Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, Hagee cautioned, “I am concerned that there soon will be an attempt to parcel out parts of Israel in order to appease others…” Hagee then called on President Bush to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“People ask me why we support Israel, “Hagee quipped rhetorically,” The answer is because we are Bible-Believing Christians. It is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Hagee then added, “There are two ways to live life: the Torah way and the wrong way…”

July 23, 2007 | 2 Comments »

2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. For those who missed it and want to see the speeches referred to in this article for themselves.
    Daystar will be re-airing the “Night to Honor Israel” during the day time,Tuesday from 11am-12:30pm central time. It will be called Celebration. It will be re-aired in Israel 10 pm-11:30 pm Tuesday night.

    Christians United For Israel will be making the DVD avail in about 6 weeks. If anyone wants a copy contact me personally.

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