Haaretz Poll: 42% of Israelis Back West Bank Annexation, Including Two-state Supporters

Thirty-four percent support a two-state solution ? Twenty percent of non-Jews support entire West Bank annexation ? Only three Israeli parties openly support two-state solution

March 24, 2019 | 1 Comment »

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  1. A solution for whose problem?

    Is it the solution to Israelis problem as expressed in its foundation document, its Declaration of Independence? It speaks of fulfilling end-of-conflict goals of peace, reconciliation, and cooperation with all the region’s people for the common good.

    Or is it the solution to the Arabs’ problem as unambiguously stated in the foundation documents of most of their major organizations? They speak of destroying the Zionist entity, the infidel Jewish state, and/or slaughtering every Jewish man, woman, and child.