Guerrilla War Up Ending The 2024 Election

Peloni:  We will soon see the power of bringing an AI introvention to the battlefield of institutionalized systemic ballot harvesting in real time.  As represented, here and previous articles by Jay Valentine, it will be both revolutionary and effective.  I have seen the power of AI in recent years in many fields, and it has consistently provided an entirely a game changing influence.  Hence, it is with a knowing inflection that I am looking forward to seeing it do the same in the arena of battling election fraud.

The well-funded Left thinks their ballots from ineligible addresses are going to swamp this election. Disruptive technology disrupts – as we are all about to witness

Omega4America | Oct 12, 2024

Bet you are feeling giddy Wisconsin is looking good for the Trumpsters and Kams is falling apart. Polls show Tammy Baldwin struggling.

Article after article about Dems “panicking!”

That my friends is political theater because we track not only the bogus ballots coming in to smoke Trump, we follow the NGOs who are going to do it.

And they ain’t panicking.

All the NGO community needed was for Kams and Tammy to keep it close – they would do the rest. Of course, sometimes there is pure dumb luck, like Trump putting in place people with no clue about ballot manufacturing – that was a unanticipated gift.

The RNC and Trump Campaign will spend millions of dollars to stop in-person voting fraud – which is far less than 5% of the 2024 fraud.

The RNC and Trumpsters will spend $0 to thwart the 95% of election fraud – mail-in ballot fraud from ineligible addresses – collected by NGOs and voted against Trump and every Republican senate candidate.

If you don’t believe me take a look at the trailer for Vindicating Trump – the new Dinesh flix about the Donald.

In it, at the end, Dinesh shows the daughter-in-law the ballots taken directly from the print company – which are going right into the mail-in ballot system.

Clearly it’s the first time that ever dawned on her. Her comment: “terrifying!”

Here, start at 1:18 seconds:

Watch that trailer!

Well, folks, get ready for “terrifying” at industrial scale!

Trump is screwed in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan unless we find a way – outside his campaign – to light this up.

Stay tuned!

As we told our readers many times, the days of election fraud are over – we are now in a world of industrialized, at scale voter fraud machines, funded by billions of tax exempt dollars from NGOs.

Those NGOs do not want for dough – while at the same time Republican/Conservative groups cannot get any funding to stop these NGOs or even slow them down.

Republican donor money goes to ad buys, salaries, PR, salaries, ad buys and training 200,000 poll watchers to watch the NGO-created ballots effortlessly flow through the machine tabulators on election day.

Every one of those GOP billionaires you hear about has his “guy.”

There is always a gatekeeper teams like have to pass through – and they are never about delivering impactful results – they are about taking care of their pals.

Months before we formed, we had calls with “Trump’s golf partner” who sent us a pix with him and DJ holding a golf club. Could not even tell Trump about what we did, how we did it, and how DJ was going to get beaten with mail-in ballots. Just constant texts to us with pix of him with Kari Lake and at some Trump dinner.

Then there was the “…I am at every VIP event in Mar-a-Lago and I want to hand Trump your plan to stop ineligible ballots.”

There were countless “Trump advisors” several of whom once had one of those assistant to the deputy to the assistant at the International Bureau of Nothing” appointed positions.

There were at least 5 “send me a detailed business plan” guys, who would not give their name – because Antifa was looking for them.

Until you start an endeavor like this, you cannot fathom the ridiculous, mind-numbing incompetence of the people who inhabit Trumpland.

If he wins, which is a real stretch with these mail-in ballots, the people he has around him are pathetically ineffective.

That, we can report with empirical evidence, is one of the reasons Leftists have the NGO field to themselves.

A very successful Leftist NGO in Wisconsin, for instance is PowerPac – and they are far from any trepidation or fear – as far as they are concerned, this election is right on track.

NGOs, political ones, which is the lion’s share – most of which are Leftist, form a hidden network that dwarfs the spending of the major parties even during elections.

How big are they?

How much influence do they have?

How much tax exempt dough do they have?

Here, take a look at our video about the Chinese Progressive Foundation and the Tides Foundation.

This is what Republicans are up against – and these NGOs are not grifters.

There are no billionaires with “their guy” standing at the gate.

Their billionaires are all in on the program – fund street-fighting orgs, to register every living thing – as long as it ends up with a name and address.

With a name and address, they will take it from there – as America is about to find out in about 30 days.

That name and address, collected so carefully for the last dozen years, is about to teach the Republicans why leading in Pennsylvania by 3 points is a chip shot for these NGOs – they have over 1.4 million anomalous ballots to play!

That may be the problem and we may have literally no big money on the side of the good guys – no billionaires.

The candidates themselves are clueless. RNC is useless and grifting. National voter integrity orgs never saw this stuff and continue to deny it. Trump is surrounded by eunuchs praying they may get some sinecure in his administration.

No funding.

No major media.

Pretty crappy hand.

Which is just about the way we like it right now – because we have an asymmetrical fight coming up and we have the weapons nobody has ever used, in the history of elections – and we are doing it – with some help from you.

Asymmetrical warfare is always what the little guy does against the large, funded, bureaucratic behemoth – and so here we are.

Asymmetrical warfare has surprising, stunning and effective results.

We have the data.

Not just the crap everyone else has, we have the evidence, all of it, that nobody, with all their dough has – or could create because they do not have either the time nor the tech to do it – we do.

We are publishing the cast ballot rolls for the swing states on – starting in a week or so.

While our big dough Leftist NGOs in Wisconsin are manufacturing ballots by the tens of thousands, while the Trump Campaign is blind to them – we have already cross searched those addresses against other databases.

We have quantum speed technology – so we can do in hours what it would take everyone else – both sides – 3 months to do.

And they ain’t got 3 months!

The fight is not in 28 days – the fight starts this coming week – when we begin posting – for the first time in U.S. history – the list of cast ballots, ready to be counted, from addresses where the voter COULD NOT HAVE VOTED THAT BALLOT.

The voter is real.

The ballot is real.

The address is real.

But, the address is undeliverable. That means the real voter did not get the real ballot – could not have, because it cannot get to them.

It’s not us saying so, it’s the government Postal Service. It’s the real estate tax list.

That ballot was voted. Just not by that person!

And we have the list and we are publishing it for every swing state where we can.

Funded by small donations from friends like you!

The next question is what happens when it is October 27th, and in Wisconsin, which will be won by 23,000 votes, shows 75,000 bogus ballots ready to be counted.

For sure, the loser, whomever HE is, will want some evidence.

This, friends, is asymmetrical warfare – because when we are challenged, we show at scale – by thousands – the heart and soul of the steal.

It isn’t dead voters.

It isn’t AFTER the election.

Nor is it some BS machine stuff and certainly not an algorithm – it is a live ballot, collected from official rolls, that other official rolls shows to be voted from someone other than the voter.

We have the data.

We are the only ones who can present it – fully documented – with government records.

And we are going it alone if we have to – with donations from friends like you – to show what technological disruption looks like – and how a David and Goliath fight ends.

Support the team at

Omega4America is a Substack newsletter about the application of advanced, quantum speed technology to government rolls. Portions of our proceeds are given to animal rescue charities.

October 13, 2024 | Comments »

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