Globalists PANIC as the Populist Right TAKES OVER the EU!!!


June 7, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The conservative Afd was subjected to two vicious terroist attacks in the German city of Mannheim, described as normally a :sleepy: tpwn without much going on. An aAghan “refugee” attacked an Afd rally. wounding many demonstrators and murdering a police officer who attempted to restrain him. Only two days later, an assassination attempt was made on an Afd candidate that left him in critical condirion. No word on the ethnicity or religion of the perpetrator, but take a guess.

    The establishment parties are trying tohave the Afd banned on the grounds that it is “extreme right’ and “neo-Nazi.” If they fet away with this, Germany will lose its credentials as a democracy. And such a flagrant vio;atopn of democratic nowms might even ignita a civil war.