This appeared as a Letter to the Editor in the European Edition of The New York Times
By Eitan Chitayat, TOI
A dreary, cloth patch sewn in the shape of a Star of David that every Jew was forced to wear in Nazi Germany along with every country the Germans conquered; every country allied with Germany ; every culture looking to expose the hated Jew.
The guilty Jew. The filthy Jew. The stealing Jew. The disgusting Jew. The less-than-human Jew. The Jew that can only do wrong – for that is, of course, all we do.
The yellow star was forced on us. Rammed down our throats. It stood for dishonor and was associated with anti-semitism as you probably know. It was to be a badge of shame like Hawthorne’s Scarlet letter. But 6 million times worse.
Today? Shame, can take a hike. Give me a yellow star. Find one and give it to me, quick.
I want to wear a yellow star above my left breast where each and every Holocaust victim was forced to don one. I want to walk around with a yellow star on every solitary piece of clothing I own. On my American Apparel V-neck, my Nike sweatshirt, Ralph Lauren sweater, my Champion hoodie, my Diesel button-down, H&M jacket, Adidas jersey and Gap blazer. I’ll wear it at the beach on my bare chest if I have to.
I want to walk down the streets of Paris and confront people like this. Outside the White house near these friendly haters confronting an ex-marine. In Brussels, the Netherlands, the mosques of Berlin, in streets of Canada – and England especially – to meet this idiot. I’d like to go to campuses in the States, like this one at the University of California, San Diego to talk to this girl here – I’ll be wearing my yellow star.
I want everyone to see me with it and hear them say as I walk in,
‘Hey, here comes the Jew’, he’s just like the rest of them.
He thinks he’s so cool and different.
But he’s just a dirty Jew.
A mass murderer.
He kills Christian and Muslim children and then uses their blood for matzah, just like the rest of the Jews.
They carpet bomb people.
They think they’re so great with their studies and their success.
They kill children, those Jews.
Don’t you know? It’s the Jews who own Hollwood, the media, the banks.
They’re the scum of the earth. They steal things.
Hitler was right. What was that hashtag?
Let’s go spraypaint swastikas on his grandparents’ graves.
Let’s go beat him up.
Let’s kill him. Let’s murder a rabbi in Miami.
That’ll teach them — to exist’.
I want that yellow badge so bad, my blood is boiling.
B*tch, to me that yellow star is a symbol of everything that is good. Not just for me, but for the world.
It’s a symbol of surviving evil. It’s heritage and knowledge. Tolerance and optimism. It’s strength and confidence in the face of the weakness and insecurity of those not being taught well enough what their good mamas should have taught them. That yellow star is courage. It’s education. Resilience. It’s right over wrong. It’s bravery and sacrifice, conviction, and it is life.
It is testament to all who tragically died wearing it, may their memories be blessed, so that their future surviving brothers and sisters know to never be afraid of who they are again. To never be silent again. Whether a Jew or an Israeli, to not apologise for surviving. Thanks to them and indeed, for them, this yellow badge ceased being a badge of shame a long time ago.
For me, it’s a yellow F**k-You-I’m-Here-to-Stay star.
It’s a star that blinds out any other emblem that preaches hatred. It drowns out the form, shape and color of swastikas, the black flags of ISIS and Al Qaeda, and the green of Hamas or the yellow of Hezbollah.
I hope I get to meet any liar that calls me a baby killer or accuses me of genocide or of mass murder. I’ll smush my yellow star in their face, and I’ll smush it in there good. Let them see and remember what true genocide is. What real baby killing is. What ethnic cleansing and mass murder really looks like. What (attempting to) wipe out a race really is. And where ignorance and hatred and the lies you choose to get behind will lead you. Those accusers won’t have to look at history. Because it’s happening all around us. Right now. Across the globe, there’s no escaping what we’re seeing.
Before being herded off to the gas chambers around 70 years ago Jews wearing their yellow star were hearing ‘Kill the Jews’, ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘The only good Jew is a dead Jew’, ‘Stealing Jew!’ – and all that before being ostracized from their communities, stripped of their belongings, propery, identities, humanty and eventually, their lives. They were hearing words. It happened in many other countries too. Like my father’s country – Iraq. A country he was expelled from for being a Jew. For being a dirty Jew.
It. Always. Begins. With. Words.
The same kind of words we’re hearing now here on social media. At demonstrations. In conversations. Words that have nothing to do with Israel. Palestine. Politics. The Middle East or anything. You might not be down with ISIS and Hamas, but if you aren’t trying to expose them 24/7 for who and what they are, then you’re not part of the solution to rid the world of them.
The world’s abuzz right now with anti israel and anti semitic words. Anti semitic words that Jews like myself are used to. I’m talking to you, Dieudonné. Mel Gibson. Roger Waters. And I’m talking to you, Radical Islamic leaders, standing behind your pulpits preaching lies and hate and division in the name of Allah.
I’m talking to you, blind followers of radical Islam, congregating and chanting hatred in your city squares, at town demonstrations, plotting Jew hatred in your homes or openly amongst friends, in the media, and online – in democratic countries taking advantage of the free speech the West gave you, amongst mostly free-loving people.
I’m talking to you, supposedly liberal minded people – friends of mine, even – who spend way too much time talking about my Israel fighting for its existence in a defensive war, but very little talking about hundreds of thousands being murdered in Syria. In Iraq. About people being murdered for being followers of any other religion save Islam. Very little talking about ISIS taking over the middle east and putting heads on spikes, shooting people in ditches by the thousands. Very little time talking about Syrians being gassed and a puke-inducing Turkish Prime minister spewing the kind of virulent anti-semitism which ends with only one thing.
You, my left-wing liberals, are choosing the side of hate. You’re decidedly ignorant. And you suck. Saying death and war is awful and that killing should stop is as far as we’ll agree. But until you provide a solution for ISIS, Hamas, Hezballah, Al Quaeda and the other folks you seem to send your Jib Jab Christmas cards to, just do the civilised world a favor and go back to your Fascist news paper articles who seem to know how to write, but do nothing else. And don’t forget 9/11, London’s 7/7, Spain’s Madrid train bombings or the Boston Marathon while you’re at it.
Take a good hard look at my yellow star. Look at where it came from. Look what was done after we, the Jews, were forced to wear it and then ask yourselves, are we doing the same to others? Us Jews? Us Israelis? Are we hellbent on exterminating people? Is that really what we want? Or are others doing that which you think we’re doing – others you refuse to be vocal about nor condemn with a simple post or click of your Like button.
Fools, I’m not going anywhere.
Never again.
Though some might wish it, NEVER AGAIN.
For anyone else reading this from afar who might agree with what I’m saying, Jews and non-Jews alike, don’t feel sorry for me, my family, my friends. Don’t feel sorry for us. We’re fine and we’re not afraid. I’d like to think you know the score and that you’re probably in this with us. Not just because you know it won’t stop with us, but because you’re sane and you’re not blind.
Don’t be afraid because I’m not intending to be a victim. None of us are. And I hope you aren’t either. My yellow star is staring extremism in the face. All of our yellow stars are staring everyone in the face. Blinding extremists with motherf*****g light in a world that’s becoming increasingly black.
Am I down with the yellow star?
You’re damn right I am.
Read more: Down with the Yellow Star | Eitan Chitayat | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
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@ bernard ross:
ROFLMAOBSST. No argument of mine in reply to you has EVER fallen flat. In fact, the contrast between us has only shown my arguments in higher relief. All you’ve got, when the bark is pulled off your tree, is the one thing you’re good at: smearing.
And when you resort to it, you get what any OTHER fly at any picnic table of mine gets
— the fly swatter.
But THAT’s not making it personal.
That’s a warning to you.
Surely it’s a curious kind of ‘fame’ that consists of the observations of only two bloggers — and both of them certifiable ding-a-lings.
Right. I’ll tell the kids the ketuba was a forgery; they’ll get a kick out of that.
The old lady, however, won’t be amused.
Ah well, Scarlet said it best: Tomorrow is another day.
I repeat: Your problem is Envy.
@ bernard ross:
If that’s the case, then you should have no problem producing one such post of mine that evidences your point. You’ve got nothing.
QTC, it’s you who have repeatedly ignore the challenges; otherwise you’d produce examples of the specific posts. You’ve yet to do that. You’ve got a big mouth, with no teeth in it.
You’re not qualified to discuss anything about Paul. All you ‘know’ about him comes from what others have said about him. You’re not even on Square One for a sensible discussion, because you’ve systematically refused to read his work, so you have nothing to say that anybody should take seriously.
If you haven’t the fundamental integrity to examine him on your own, you’re not even on the same page as anybody who discusses him based on their own reading. Regardless of their perspective, they’ve at least done THAT much.
You’re afraid of a BOOK.
I’m still waiting for you to refute as much as a single syllable I’ve written about Reagan. I’ve linked you to DOZENS of my posts on this board. You’ve not pulled up a single one and shown it wrong.
Celsus’ Pantera??? — Thoroughly discredited.
Celsus? — who thought of Jews as escaped Egyptian slaves who should’ve been returned to their masters? THAT Celsus?
Celsus was writing in AD 177. What would he know of anything that occurred two centuries earlier?
Still waiting to see a post of mine that you can refute.
Obviously math wasn’t your strong subject.
If any of that were true, you would have NO trouble cutting thru all the crap & coming up w/ an example of a post of mine that illustrates where I was wrong. Still waiting; go for it, loudmouth.
You talk a good game.
@ yamit82:
“What can be said” is that you mix apples & oranges when it suits your purposes. Elsewhere known as the old bait-&-switch.
The facts about Reagan are known and available. I have clearly & amply discussed them, and in the process left your bilious, hateful & slanderous claims about him in shreds — indeed, SHREDS of shreds, as clearly evidenced in the conspicuous absence of any attempt of yours to show (when offered the chance) any specific, excerpted examples of my commentary about RR to have been wrong.
The posting sequence will plainly show that I made no attempt to defend or even discuss More, the historical figure.
When HB mentioned the historical figure, I noted — instantly — that who that person actually was (or wasn’t) had no bearing in the matter; that the heresy controversy was not germane to the play & represented an earlier part of More’s life — and that the historical element was, at all events, clearly off-point to the discussion, and actually a distraction from it.
In fact (and as I showed), the nasty historical figure that your linked article displayed had, clearly, MUCHO MAS in common with you, mi Senor Gran Inquisidor, than w/ Li’l Ole Winemaker me.
I had mentioned Thomas More strictly in the context of Robt Bolt’s play, A Man for All Seasons, and even THAT was wholly in the context of my not having needed a TV to provide me w/ technological ‘assistance’ as an artist
— and for illustration of which fact I had alluded to a production of that play (a play which, FWIW, is probably as good a play as any that has been written in the past five hundred years, or more; I have yet to encounter a better one, by ANYBODY).
Yet in keeping with your standard modus operandi, you have taken this not only out of context but also off-point — and purely for the purpose of creating something to find critical & disparaging about me; absolutely no other reason. Your transparency is impossible — not merely ‘hard,’ but IMPOSSIBLE — for any objective observer to miss.
More psychobabble. . . from a DEMONSTRABLY psycho babbler.
Did I? — Show me the post where I did that.
Translation — She did what she always does : she threw a bone into the field, and you took the cue and jumped on it. (Can you roll over, play dead, stand on your hind legs, and bark like a seal too?)
Did not ignore it; I DISMISSED it as off-point and a distraction. I didn’t take the role because I liked the historical figure; I took it because it was a great role, w/ wonderful dialog, in a magnificent play.
— I’d agree to do it again in the space of a fetal heartbeat.
Quite so; I’m not. Your hangups are strictly your own. I have nothing to do with them. Every time you take a swing at ‘me,’ you’re lashing out at shadows. (One reason, among several, for the fact that you’ve never laid a glove on me.)
No compulsion. Simple prudence. And steady, intellectual discipline.
If I allow one or another of your assaults (masquerading as ‘comments’) to pass w/o challenge, you will later claim (as repeated experience w/ you has reliably shown) that my silence indicated my ‘conceding’ the point.
Only the nasty or otherwise disparaging ones (which, curiously enough, just happen to constitute every single thing you say about me; fancy that).
Oh, poor baby; feeling put-upon, are we?
Ah, the nerve of me, to be defending myself against assault. What an outrage, what a scandal. Who in bloody hell do I think I am. . . .
“Cet animal est très méchant:
Quand on l’attaque, il se défend.”
Nope. There’s no auto-linkage between a disciplined defense and the green-eyed monster.
I learned, years ago, and entirely on my own, precisely WHAT was wrong w/ the green-eyed monster. I still struggle with all SORTS of demons (so to speak) — but that’s not been one of them for a very long time.
@ yamit82:
Oh, spare me your familial crap, you transparent phony. I don’t even KNOW your family, but I do know YOU — and I know you well enough to see that this present gambit is just your backhanded way trying to compensate for the guilt you feel toward the way you’ve TREATED your family.
Your “line of ‘tolerance’…”? — Ooh! (should I be shaking in my boots?) I don’t need — or want — your tin pan ‘tolerance.’ I stand by every word I’ve ever written about you, there’s plenty more where that came from, and you don’t scare me a boogersworth.
Good luck trying, Mofo. (But luck won’t do you a grams-weight of good.) You’ll get from me exactly what I intend for you to have, and nothing more. And if you continue distorting what I DO say, I’ll continue rubbing your nose in your mess till you can’t tell your own blood from your own snot from your own shit.
NOBODY should havta put up w/ your viciousness, and I — sure-as-bloody-blue-blazes — won’t. Got that?
Do you think you know what “anybody” cares about?
Do you think YoursTruly cares about whether you (or anybody else) is entertained by my remarks? Where did you ever get the monstrously arrogant presumption to suppose that I’m here to please YOU?
Everybody has some successes, but I didn’t tell that story because it was ‘heroic’ OR about a success. It was mentioned strictly to illustrate a point directly germane to HB’s comment about Thos. More being “not the hero we first took him to be” (to which I had, first, promptly replied by way of preface, “What you mean ‘we,’ kemo sabe?”).
But keep up this crap; don’t stop now. Your sickness is becoming more apparent by the day. It’s time the rest of the crew got a good look at the real you.
Good luck trying, Mofo. (But luck won’t do you a grams-weight of good.) You’ll get from me exactly what I intend for you to have, and nothing more. And if you continue distorting what I DO say, I’ll continue rubbing your nose in your mess till you can’t tell your own blood from your own snot from your own shit.
NOBODY should havta put up w/ your viciousness, and I sure-as-bloody-blue-blazes WON’T. Got that?
Do you think you know what “anybody” cares about?
Do you think YoursTruly cares about whether you (or anybody else) is entertained by my remarks? Where did you ever get the monstrously arrogant presumption to suppose that I’m here to please YOU?
Everybody has some successes, but I didn’t tell that story because it was ‘heroic’ OR about a success. It was mentioned strictly to illustrate a point directly germane to HB’s comment about Thos. More being “not the hero we first took him to be” (to which I had, first, promptly replied by way of preface, “What you mean ‘we,’ kemo sabe?”).
But keep up this crap; don’t stop now. Your sickness is becoming more apparent by the day. It’s time the rest of the crew got a good look at the real you.
dweller Said:
😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 ………. 😛
dweller Said:
😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 …… 😛
dweller Said:
@ yamit82:
Oh, so all those nasty, faggotty things you said must’ve happened to me in the joint (things which you repeatedly and openly WISHED on me) suddenly no longer happened there? Trying to have it both ways, it seems. You are one warped & twisted shlemiel.
Just goes to further affirm what I’ve said on numerous occasions:
— it’s always a safe bet that you’ll believe what it suits you to believe, irrespective of what I do or don’t say.
I repeat: why?
You telegraph all your moves, Huff’n’puff. I can always see you coming from way up the road from you. You’re a transparent buffoon, and your intentions are beneath contempt. Take your intentions & keister stash ’em.
Exactly. So, what’s the point in telling you anything?
It’s very obviously yourself who is malicious, yourself who is the fabricator, yourself who believes what he finds it convenient to believe
— and thus, UNMISTAKABLY yourself who is the sicko around here.
That is ITSELF an outright lie — from a routine liar.
The truth is that you have CLAIMED more than once (indeed, on myriad occasions) to have ‘caught’ me in a lie. But to have ACTUALLY ‘caught’ me in one — no way, no how, never happened. Every instance of your laying that self-serving claim has been easily & promptly shown to be a put-up job, bogus as the claimants themselves. I haven’t lied on this forum. Don’t need to; when I’m online I’m perfectly free to speak the uncluttered truth. And I don’t hesitate to do so.
And the only thing the likes of you — OR your cretinoid cronies — could EVER hope of ‘catching’ is a case of the clap.
Apart from the demands of your own pathology, you’ve never needed a reason to believe or disbelieve anything ANYWAY.
You bet it’s my choice, and you will not induce me to relinquish that choice, not by a hair on my chinny-chin-chin.
@ yamit82:
Training wheels didn’t come into common usage till long after I’d already learned.
The question was rude , NOT ‘rhetorical.’
You, however, never learned the difference.
bernard ross Said:
Jeremiah 31:30-31 “Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, and I will form a covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, a new covenant. Not like the covenant that I formed with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to take them out of the land of Egypt, that they broke My covenant, although I was a lord (ba’altee) over them, says the Lord.”
”Because Jeremiah’s prophecy of an eternal Jewish people presents the church with a serious theological problem, the New Testament went to great lengths to undermine it. In fact, the author of Hebrews deliberately changed the words of Jeremiah in order to reverse the prophet’s original message.
In Hebrews 8:9, while quoting Jeremiah 31:32, the author changed a most crucial word in the verse. The last clause of Jeremiah 31:32 reads, ”…My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them. Hebrews misquoted Jeremiah’s words and instead wrote, …disregarded them, says the Lord.” The Hebrew word “ba’altee,” means a “husband,” not “to disregard.” This is a stunning alteration of the words of Jeremiah; to be a “husband” is the precise opposite of “disregarding” someone.
How can the author of Hebrews change the word of God in order to demonstrate the superiority of Christianity over its older rival Judaism? When New Testament authors wantonly tamper with the Jewish scriptures, do they not convey the very opposite message? Furthermore, in contrast to the message of Hebrews 8:13, the life-giving commandments of the Torah have no expiration date. Moses declared that these commandments are forever and ever” (Rabbi Tovia Singer).
honeybee Said:
Good advice not always operable like typing it rolls off keyboard without edit.
@ yamit82:
Engage brain before opening mouth.
dweller Said:
produced on many subjects hundreds of times in the prior years but you always ignore it and pretend it never happened.. Like the paul stories, the reagan stories, the Mr. Pandera goes to town stories, etc ad infinitum… you ignore, you go on tangents, you obfuscate with mountains of irrelvant red herrings, psychobabble and name calling….. and pretend it never happened…. just like you just did now.
dweller Said:
you do this every time your arguments fall flat
dweller Said:
your stock in trade, what you are famous for here
Yamit Said:
No wife… no one ever needs to squirrel info from Mr. Niagara falls…. enemas are uneccessary.
yamit82 Said:
Perhaps the rabbi’s conspired to keep it a secret like they did with Mr. Pandera? 😛
yamit82 Said:
He does!
@ honeybee:
I am the FOOL it seems. Big mouth!!! 🙁
@ yamit82:
Sweet as Honey Bees are, they not foolish, Honey child.
A lot of self hating Jews here who are Anti Semites. Who seem to want to destroy Israel.
@ honeybee:
@ yamit82:
Never sent them money, I was suspicious.
@ honeybee:
Not a good idea to send them money nuff said.
If you want to support a worthy charity in Israel try
Friends of Efrat
If you persist in your rants I will contact the cattlemen and ask them straight out what their opinions are if they have any and if they have ever heard of you. If they support you I will and if not I want you to desist at least here.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
Then I shan’t send them money.
@ honeybee:
Certain religious sects refuse to work, the male of the family that is. And they create large numbers of children. Perhaps among them they spread the money they get in the USA. As a rule we do alright otherwise.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
There is a Rabbi who advertises on FX news raising money for “food basket” for the poor in Israel. He claims there is problem with poverty in Israel because of the cost of defense. Is this Rabbi to be believed ??
I have been living in Israel for about 30 years. Never seen anyone mentally OK starving here. And if not OK the Social Services are superb. “Lishkat Ha’saad”, Social Security, etc provides shelter and food in plenty.
In the mid 80’s we became friends with a British family who adopted the Christian faith in England.
He worked from time to time in the prefab factory.
Otherwise their income was only that provided from Social Services. The SHUK or open air market vendors would set aside vegetables and fruits that could not be sold at top price. People would go then to buy, including us who enjoyed a fair income and load for next to nothing all kinds of vegetables. They prepared huge meals including chicken or meat, they lived like kings they said.
Loafs of very good bread are also very reasonably priced.
Sorry to say but the poverty report here is somewhat misleading. Of course there are those less endowed to earn high salaries or have many children that are difficult to maintain even if the Social Service does pay child support.
Unemployment here is about 5.4% of which a standard level of 3% are unwilling/unable to work.
On12/22/14, Israeli News has stated that a third of Israel’s population is so poor they cannot afford to buy food. So you will help the Israel Longhorn Project to increase the meat supply and lower it’s cost in Israel.
Remember: Rabbi Hillel: If I am not for myself who will be for me? Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when? (born 110 BCE, died 10 CE)
Remember: Rabbi Moses Maimonides: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life”, that is what we are doing with these cattle. The quote is from (Moses) Maimonides, a Jewish rabbi, physician, and philosopher (1135 – 1204).
Justin Said:
Argue away so far nobody is stopping you. If you insist in arguing and what you think is debate then be prepared to either argue and debate with sound and well grounded facts or prepared to take heat and flak by those who have.
As to whether my comment was or is absurd… Time will bare me out or not.
Justin Said:
What is “sport ” to a pack of dogs, is ” life and death” to the fox. What “politics” to the gentile is ” life and death” to an Israeli Jew.
dweller Said:
Never rode a bike without training wheels huh? Too dangerous for you?
Was a rhetorical question as I don’t believe you were either in prison or an actor. Really not interested in your bio fantasies and inventions.
Tell you what Ted has your personaol details just mail him your reviews and he can verify yes or no without divulging your personal stuff. 😛
Well yes and no. I think you are full of it and have called you on it. You can remain silent and keep your information to yourself and those who care to believe you will and those who don’t like me will continue to believe you a malicious sicko fabricator. We have caught you in outright lies more than once no reason to believe anything you say hence. Your choice to produce or not. Remember it is you who have supplied fictitious bio information here unsolicited, so you have your reasons for the story line you have supplied.. I don’t really care and if anyone else I wouldn’t dream of questioning but from you 🙂
I told you when you stuck your sicko big nose psychobabble into my family you had crossed my line of tolerance, now I’m interested in getting into your personal realm based on your publicly supplied information. Mida k’neked Mida!!!!!
No it hadn’t fool, just showing how self absorbed anal retentive you are.. Do you really think anybody cares whether you have two or 10 analog TV’s and that they haven’t been used in 16 years??? You could have simply replied “No I don’t watch TV with 500 words to describe your disdain for TV and another 500 words to give a brief dissertation on how it’s for you and by implication should be for everyone else specifically HB a waste of time. HB asked asked a simple question of 4 words and got in reply a dweller Niagra falls of more dwellerisms and more unsolicited BS bio information.
Big hero success story like yours should be made known. Why keeps your great successes a secret who know someone might even offer you a job so you can buy a new computer and a new tricycle.
Re: Your defense of more like your defense of RR and you know the other fiction you cling to. What can be said??? You are a very ill person You expounded his virtues HB suggested he was not and I supplied historical link supporting HB. You ignored the criticism and returned to the semi fictionalized account in the play. HB referred to the historical figure you to a plays character but you were them one who lauded More the historical character dramatized in the play and ducked the challenge of he being less than an honorable and righteous man of faith and of principle.
As for my alleged psychobabble. Pot -Kettle -Black. You started this crap mr Mystic psychobabbler.
I have a green-eyed monster grabbing me by the throat????
Sure I do but you are not part of what’s grabbing me.
Your compulsion to answer every comment I make and diss every word is proof positive it’s you with green eyes and you are a monster a very sicko one at that.
@ Justin:
Specify what comment # your link back don’t work.
@ yamit82:
That’s an absurd thing to say. If you cannot grant an outsider the right to argue “in good faith,” then argument is essentially pointless.
208 Obama and Islam (this is part of the problem)
21 Idiots Guide to Islam-Myth of Islamic Civilization-Part21
5 Idiots Guide to Islam- Women in Islam – Part 5
20 Idiots Guide to Islam- Islam and Slavery – Part 20 (140 million African black Slaves die under enslavement to Islam.
188a Islams Culture of Denial Part 188A
188b Islams Culture of Denial Part 188B
189a Islam and Desecrations Part 189 A
187a Peaceful Islam Part 187A
187b Peaceful Islam Part 187B
189b Islam and Desecrations Part 189 B
191a Was Muhammad Possessed Part 191 A
211a Sharia
211b Sharia (not for children)
211c Sharia
204a Israel in the Quran
209a Zionist Quran
209b Zionist Quran
213b Ummat al Kuffar
211dd Sharia
Robt Bolt’s play has nothing to do with the issue of heresy, which represents an earlier period of More’s life. The action concerns the circumstances & reasons relating to Sir Thomas’ resignation as Chancellor to Henry VIII — a matter unrelated to heresy — and his reliance on the supremacy of the law.
In fact when Wm Roper, his son-in-law, insists that he arrest a man who’s acting suspiciously, and is therefore a “bad man,” More replies. . . .
Come to think of it (since you insist on making identifications here), the Thomas of the heresy stories has less in common with YoursEverTruly than with PresentCompany, who certainly does seem to be patterning his life after that mold. The Grand Inquisitor, indeed.
But then, we knew that already.
Have done both, and there can be issues of TIMING in acting that never arise in re bicycling.
No. I’d hung up the performing arts in the mid-60’s as my political involvement began increasing. I was kicked out of prison after 18 months, but I continued to stay away from acting for another ten years. Then an odd series of things just kinda fell into my lap as if they were just waiting for me — and this production was one of them.
Wasn’t just me, but the whole production. I’m a team player; always have been.
I could, yes; absolutely. Why?
You thought wrong, Huff’n’puff.
I did, and there are. (At the time I retired, I was turning down more work than I was accepting.) Again, though, why?
I brought up, in passing, the subject of my not watching the tube, the idiot box, the plastic, fantastic lover — in explicit reply to HB’s question about whether I watched a TV series. And when HB noted that I was an actor, I showed that watching the damned thing was not, in reality, the great professional asset that it might seem.
Asked & answered: yes, I can — if there’s a legitimate reason to do so. (Are you a producer?) If there isn’t, what’d be the point?
What you believe (or disbelieve) is strictly your problem, not mine.
If you think you’re going to squirrel info out of me, Huffy Puffy, you’re kidding yourself.
An expression that seems to have gone right past your pointy little keppeleh.
Would it comfort you to believe that, poor bebe?
Nope. Both in excellent condition. (Wanna buy ’em?)
You’re really running your head into overtime, pancho. My comment wrt heroes was purely in reply to HB’s comment, and nothing else. Typically, you cut away the context, but I’ve restored it [above].
More psychobabble from a Huffing & Puffing buffoon.
Actually, in that show, I was offered my choice of the roles of More, Norfolk, or Cromwell — plum roles all three. I chose More because the character showed more potential for intricacy & nuance, texture; it provided a better workout. I never took roles based on personal identification.
One of us is most SURELY playing mind games, Huffy (I seriously doubt that you know how NOT to), and what’s truly transparent hereabouts is that green-eyed monster
— which clearly has you by the throat.
Why do you assume that I assume that?
I simply said what seemed the likely scenario, in view of what is commonly known of the background.
I don’t assume it’s complete any more than I ever assume ANY set of info to be ‘complete.’ What info I do have, however, is broadly conceded to be accurate. If you have something different or something more, I’m open to considering it.
Blah, blah, blah. Gobbledygook. (Why are you picking a fight right now? Haven’t you got anything better to do?)
I think that’s what YOU are trying to do with this post of yours. All I had done was answer your question, and you’re trying to make a whole megilla out of it. (Can you say, ‘psychobabble’?)
No; THIS post of yours is the bone — that’s unmistakable.
If I’ve ever been shown wrong about something specific, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble producing the post of mine which illustrates that ‘fact.’
Since when did YOUR post (to which mine was merely a simple, straightforward, but courteous reply) relate to the thread’s topic?
The basic problem here is more significant than the matter of staying on point; it’s about injecting personal hostility into an exchange of ideas.
I’m talking about your MAKING it personal by way of ad hominem assaults unrelated to the substance of the post but reflecting a judgment on ME for merely expressing a perspective. You are unable to attack an idea without attacking the idea’s proponent personally.
Ted called you on it once, a few weeks ago — but you do it routinely.
If your OWN ideas are worthwhile, then they can stand on their own — without needing the assistance of a guttersnipe to run interference for them.
@ honeybee:
Yes indeed! Again we are on the same wavelength. 😉
yamit82 Said:
Machetes have brought more peace then talking ever did.
@ honeybee:
yamit82 Said:
Overgrown jungle trail ???
honeybee Said:
Maybe so. What metaphor would you replace it with??
@ yamit82:
Bridge is an over used metaphor.
Quit your bellyaching. You chose what you got. Live with it. You quit. You were bellyaching when you were here and doing the same thing there maybe the problem is with you?
@ bernard ross:
@ honeybee:
I do not pretend to understand but have a feeling that a bridge is necessary between now and forever.
Perhaps more than one bridge and a few tunnels
The bridge between now and never must be blown up.
That includes the liberal Jewish American bridge.
A thousand years of dreams are dying
Jews are giving up their dreams
Jews are giving up their mission
God is turning away
Return to your teachings
Give up your greed for material wealth
Sharing its only way to fulfillment
Return to the ways of our people
Hollywood celebrates intermarriage
Jews giving up their history,
Jews giving up their tradations
Jews giving up their identity
Hollywood Jews assulting Jewish culture
What is our future
More and more of us are loosing our way
We severed our connection to Israel
We try to find our identity in the cold ashes of Europe
We are alone in America
Hollywood is wining
by robin rosenblatt 1998
@ honeybee:
@ yamit82:
i believe chit chat is back