Gen. Avivi: ‘War is imminent’ against Hezbollah

September 18, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. EvRe

    In my opinion most of those so called interviewers got a cert from a 3 week course at night school.

    Their abysmal ignorance and gaucherie can be explained no other way.

  2. The interviewer revealed his antisemitism by asking, “Are you (Israel) ready to risk a wider war with Iran?” as if Israel were the aggressor? General Avivi gave him a truthful answer: we’ve been attacked continuously by Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies for months. Yes we are going to protect our people!”

    It is outrageous the way the elites of the world look at Israel, as if Israel is just supposed to allow itself to be attacked over and over again and do nothing?

    The very idea of Israel defending herself from genocide is unacceptable to these Jew haters. That is going one step too far apparently!

    Look at how the elites of the world have brought about such a total inversion of the truth, that when Israel tries to defend herself against non-stop bombing and brutal massacres, Israel is blamed for being the warmonger!

    The second wave of cyberattacks is being felt in Lebanon now. Now would be a good time to move Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon.