Gen. Avivi Congratulates J.D. Vance

July 18, 2024 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. @Sebastien

    lower the voting age to conception

    You can look for this idea to gain support once the power of the vote is restored and voters are chased rather than programmed into the latest algorithm in the voting machines.

  2. @Edgar
    Thank you for your comment. In fact, I believe that the cause of the American wars were centered upon more than dealing with the Sheiks and their control over the oil. Also, I would argue that these wars had little to do with the humanitarian crises which existed in these nations which were targeted by the US.

    To begin with, on many occasions, the nations which the US set within its sights were allies of the US, such was the case with Libya, so too with Egypt. Also, the nations which the US targeted were all of them more peaceable and more cooperative to the US than was Iran, and yet it would appear that the US only targeted Iran’s enemies for conquest, revolt or destruction. And while it might be argued by some that nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan should have been conquered due to their despotic leaders, something with which I don’t actually agree, there was an existing long tradition of revolving organic domestic revolts against the Mullahs, and yet the US specifically maintained their aggressive postures exclusively for most of the rest of Arabia which opposed Iran. This was made all the more curious given that the Mullahs have long seen the destruction of America as being one of their foremost objectives, and they have been acting on that objective now for many decades, again, all while the US eliminated Iran’s strongest enemies, and even now is acting to preserve Iran’s network of armies across Arabia. Even by chance, it should be argued that if this were not in fact an intended result of American wars in the region, Iran would have been in some way set back rather than strengthened over the past 30 years of American activism in the region, and yet there is not a single episode in which the US actually acted against Iran during this period.

    This is of course not a unique perspective which I hold, but it is convincing to me in any event. Of course, even if we must agree to disagree on this point, I am encouraged enough to know that we agree on the rest of the points I raised.

  3. Both American parties have been guilty of the problems existing in the ME. I believe the Democratic party has been the most guilty in more ways than none.
    President Trump has demonstrated he represents all the people. The reason he has been the major target since the day he decided to enter the race is because the criminals and our representatives in Congress don’t represent those who elect them, but rather those that pay them, the lobbyists and special interest groups. They feared Trump because he understood how they operate and would change everything. All Republicans and Democrats with no exception were guilty and feared the gravy train would stop running. Trump knew it was time for term limits and no more professional officeholders. They grew the government into a monster that swallowed up the taxpayers’ funds and more. Their greed could be cut short under Trump. Trump doesn’t need the money, he wants what is best for Americans not only a few.
    Biden is only a puppet controlled by the Obama/Geo-Sors group. They are trying to destroy this nation. Obama once said, it would be difficult to bring other nations up to the level of the US however, it would be a lot easier to bring the US down to their level. Currently, they are doing the same in Europe. It needs to end. We need Trump not only for America but the world. He will again stop Iran and will provide US support to our best friend and trusted ally, Israel. In my daily prayers, I ask God to support and protect Israelis, aid PM Netanyahu, and protect and aid the IDF in removing Hamas and Hezbollah from all of the land of Israel, including Lebanon & Syria. I also pray it will locate the hostages and rescue them, I pray they are okay.
    Israel needs to control all of Israel including Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. Never to allow the Palestinians to control any section of Israel. They were given many opportunities for peace and they blew, they assisted Hamas, you don’t think Hamas dug all those tunnels alone, no way. There can not be a two (2) state solution, only one (1) state, the Jewish Nation of Israel. I truly believe God got involved this time, He had enough, as His people were too generous with the Palestinians. Enough is enough.
    In addition, I pray liberal American Jews realize the Democratic party has no love for Jews or Israel, they support those in Congress because they are stooges and will do. their bidding. I classify these as anti-Smite Jews, the worst kind.
    I know God in Heaven is tuned in and we all need to connect with Him in these most difficult times. Keep the faith my brothers.

  4. PELONI-

    The first part of your post about the US being responsible for a variety of wars, may not be quite accurate as several of them were against despots who flaunted their disregard for human rights.

    But m,ainly you don’t take into account that these events took place against the backdrop of the OIL CRISIS and the fact that the desert sheiks held the whip hand over the whole civilised world.

    Regarding the rest of your essay, of course you are mostly correct certainly about MAGA.

    Just my opinion.

  5. @Laura

    In a first, Republican Jewish Coalition CEO addresses RNC as party vows to make American Jews safe again

    “…One of those is scheduled to address the convention on Wednesday. Shabbos Kestenbaum, a recent graduate of Harvard’s divinity school who says he voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primary and remains a registered Democrat but feels abandoned by the party in the wake of Oct. 7. Kestenbaum is suing Harvard for allegedly failing to protect Jewish students from discrimination last year…”

  6. @Laura

    What Does the GOP Stand For?

    Was not the GOP responsible for the forever wars in Iraq and Afganistan? Hence were they not responsible for clearing the field of opposition in the Middle East for Iran, as they did NOTHING to eliminate the threat from Iran, a threat which was far more credible and which needed no such pretense and ruse as was used as the foundation for the invasion of Iraq. Going further back in time, we could recall that the GOP was responsible for betraying Shamir at Madrid under GW, as they were responsible for gifting arms to the Mullahs under Reagan, as they were responsible for presenting the PLO as a peace partner in the Rogers plan under Nixon. Hence, to answer your question, at least in part, these are just some of the standards which the GOP has come to stand for over the years, and we should not forget it.

    More specifically, and responding to the body of your stack rather than its title, let me first address this more obscure statement towards the end of your essay.

    Neither Trump nor the Republicans should be embarrassed to be pro-life and for traditional family values.

    President Trump has no authority to do more than the constitution provides him the authority to act. This was why the legal abomination which provided a blanket protection for the slaughter of the unborn needed to be stripped from the auspices of the Federal govt. There is no basis for this topic to be addressed at the federal level, and no enforcement mechanism to wielded to provide the protections which are reserved for the states alone. Even as it may be tempting to want to demand that the Federal govt provide the protections as needed to protect the unborn from the choice of the states, doing so would be just as illegitimate, and just as unconstitutional as the heinous decision of Roe v. Wade, even as protecting the unborn would be a demonstrably important victory gained by that illegality.

    What is the point of having the GOP in power if they are going to compromise on conservative values to appeal to followers of sleazy celebs like Amber Rose?

    Because the Reps under Trump can restore the Republic, because they can vanquish the tyrants who are pressing poison as vaccines, who are using law-fare to manipulate the electorate and silence opposition, and who have eradicated the principle of the consent of the governed. These are the challenges which face America today, and these are the battles which must be focused upon so that the future of the nation might have the luxury in the future to decide such choices as you seem focused upon for themselves.

    Also, the people who you see as political enemies such as Rose have come to accept that their party has betrayed the nation and are joining the MAGA movement (more accurately described than the GOP), not because they have become social conservatives, but because they recognize that they are Americans and they have come to recognize that their own Dem party has been endorsing such evils that it has alienated people such as Rose. Stated differently, these liberals are coming to help restore the nation, and their assistance should be seen as not just welcome, but vital to the success of this undertaking. Is it truly your opinion that we should look at Rose with disdain and say ‘members only’? America needs the big tent in this moment, more so than ever before, not to win an election, but to retake control of the Republic which has fallen to the purveyors of election fraud which must be defeated for the benefits of all Americans.


    If they are not going to stand for conservatism what makes the Republicans any different from the Democrats?

    Because the primary target of MAGA conservatism is to restore the Republic. This will be the most important election in history, and the outcome requires all hands on deck. The recognition of this fact is what has brought people such as Rose to support Pres. Trump and his MAGA movement, and that support should be given a welcoming applause by all who have any hope of 2024 not becoming another 2020.