Ganging up on Israel

Saudi foreign minister says he will attend Annapolis meeting

Associated Press , THE JERUSALEM POST Nov. 23, 2007

Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations decided Friday to attend next week’s US-sponsored Middle East peace conference, but the Saudi foreign minister insisted he would not allow ‘theatrics’ like handshakes with Israeli officials, saying the gathering must make serious progress. Participation by Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal was a key goal of the United States to show strong Arab support for the conference in Annapolis, Maryland, which is to relaunch Israeli-Palestinian peace talks for the first time in seven years.

Until Friday, the kingdom had balked at saying whether it would attend and at what level, seeking assurances Israel would negotiate the most difficult issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict in negotiations governed by a timetable.

It appeared Syria – the other major holdout – would also attend, since the Arab decision was a collective one. But, asked about Syria’s attendance, Arab League chief Amr Moussa said ‘final arrangements’ had to be made. Syria has insisted Annapolis address its demands for the return of the Golan Heights.

Al-Faisal told a press conference that an Arab League meeting Friday had decided that Arab countries will attend Annapolis at the level of foreign minister.

‘I’m not hiding any secret about the Saudi position. We were reluctant until today. And if not for the Arab consensus we felt today, we would not have decided to go,’ al-Faisal said. ‘But the kingdom would never stand against an Arab consensus, as long as the Arab position has agreed on attending, the kingdom will walk along with its brothers in one line.’

But he cautioned, ‘We are not prepared to take part in a theatrical show, in handshakes and meeting that don’t express political positions. We are going with seriousness and we work on the same seriousness and credibility.’

Asked if Syria would attend as well, Moussa said ‘Syria’s foreign minister was present’ at the discussions and ‘the decision is a joint decision.

But, he added, ‘we are waiting for final arrangements and it will take place in the additional talks,’ which will take place in a meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Washington on Monday, a day before the Annapolis conference. It was not clear if the comments meant Syria could still decide not to attend or to send a lower-level representative.

Saudi Arabia, which does not have diplomatic relations with Israel, has feared that the conference would become little more than a photo op, cornering it into high-profile public contacts with Israel without a guarantee of concessions from the Jewish state.

The kingdom was looking for an Israeli commitment that Israeli-Palestinian negotiations will tackle the core, most difficult issues of the conflict, such as final borders of a Palestinian state, the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees.

But in the end, it is going without a guarantee of getting those commitments in writing.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has sought to reassure Arab nations, saying negotiations would address the core issues and that a deal could be reached in 2008. But Israel has opposed a formal timetable for talks and the specific mention of the major issues in a joint declaration that is expected to be issued at Annapolis.

Israel welcomed the news that al-Faisal would attend. ‘We are happy … that they (the Saudis) feel a need to have representation at a significant level,’ Olmert’s spokeswoman Miri Eisin said. ‘We are happy that they are involved and are showing support for the process to make sure it goes forward.’

Saudi Arabia, as well as Syria, attended the 1991 Madrid peace conference that brought together Israel and Arab countries. But the kingdom and other Arab nations have been cautious over any steps that would be seen as ‘naturalization’ with Israel before it returns lands seized in the Six Day War.

The Arab League decision, made after intense discussions late Thursday and Friday, meant that the members of a league committee tasked earlier this year with dealing with the peace process will attend Annapolis. Those countries include Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.

Much of the day’s talks were focused on trying to persuade Damascus that the Annapolis conference would at least in some way address the Golan issue. The league gathering sent a joint letter to Washington demanding that the conference deal with relaunching negotiations between Israel and Syria, which wants the full return of the Golan in return for peace.

‘We are waiting for the American response,’ Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem told reporters earlier Friday, adding that the response would decide whether Syria would attend the conference or not. ‘What would be the importance of Syria participation if Golan wasn’t part of the agenda?’

At Friday’s meeting, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called for the inclusion of the Syrian track at Annapolis.

Nimr Hamad, an adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the priority of the Annapolis conference is for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ‘without exluding the Syrian and Lebanese angles.’

He said there is a proposal to hold a second conference in several months in Moscow to launch Syrian-Israeli peace negotiations.

According to Arab diplomats, while Washington’s invitation did not specifically call for resumption of negotiations on the Golan, it referred to UN resolutions concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as the 2002 Arab peace initiative, which calls for a return for lands seized in 1967 in return for full peace with Israel.

Earlier this week, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said there would be room at Annapolis to talk about the Golan.


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November 23, 2007 | 4 Comments »

4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. According to news reports out of the United States, it was the Arab states – together with the Palestinian Arabs – that pushed US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to invite a whole raft of non-Muslim and non-Arab state participation in next week’s scheduled Annapolis conference.

    The Washington Post reports that “Arab officials had pressed for an abundant gathering of nations***, so that the tableaux would not just feature Israel and its Arab neighbors.”

    Only 15 of the nearly 50 countries invited to send representatives to the November 27 US-sponsored event are Arab, and another five are Muslim. At least half are neither, and include Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Mauritania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

    Look for major judgment from G-d on the above nations as well as the chief perpetrator, the U.S.

    The Arab states are believed to want these other nations present because they are known to be sympathetic to the “Palestinian” cause.

    A central component in the PLO’s action plan to secure the fullest possible achievement of its demands has for years been increased international involvement to counterbalance the United States’ purported bias in favor of Israel.

    With US President George W. Bush’s “personal” commitment to the two-state “solution,” however, Israel will find itself alone on the other side of the table.

    All the odds will be stacked against the Jewish state being able to hold onto the biblical heartland of the Jewish people.

    Apart from the pro-Palestinian nations, the organizations or groupings that have also been invited to Anapolis are singularly supportive of the Arab demands.

    They include Quartet Special Envoy Tony Blair, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, the European Union and, of course the Arab League. — Link

    ***Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

    Zec 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

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