From failure to triumph, Bibi’s Ben Gurion moment is a testament to Jewish resilience and determination.

By Malcolm Dash

The challenges Israel is currently grappling with are no less significant, and possibly even more daunting, than those faced by the nascent state of Israel in 1948. The nation clearly understands the existential peril that Israel faces. And Prime Minister Netanyahu’s keen understanding of the nation’s readiness to make sacrifices is aiding him in effectively addressing the country’s grave crises.

At long last, the Prime Minister has assumed control over the strategic objectives of the war. The plans he unveiled involve taking decisive action to eliminate Hamas’s hold on power, both militarily and politically. To destroy Hezbollah’s leadership, disarm them and remove them from southern Lebanon. And most crucially, to incapacitate Iran, the central figure behind multiple terrorist proxies, eradicating it as a source of existential danger to the Jewish state. Netanyahu has repeatedly stressed the gravity of the nuclear threat from Iran. The current public sentiment in Israel heavily leans towards endorsing a military operation against Iran’s nuclear installations.

As part of a self-interested strategy, the Democratic party applies pressure on Israel, forcing it to reconsider its war objectives. President Biden has pronounced that Israel should maintain proportionality in response to the unprovoked Iranian missile attacks. Rather than providing ongoing military and political backing to America’s unwavering ally; he highlights the necessity for Israel to avoid assaults on Iran’s nuclear and energy sites.

The Minister of Defence, together with his Chiefs of Staff, weaken Netanyahu’s leadership and compromise his positions by actively engaging in domestic politics and succumbing to America’s regional agenda; at the expense of focusing solely on military affairs. Moreover, the Biden administration is engaged in diplomatic and undiplomatic maneuvers to bring down Netanyahu and the government. And if this wasn’t enough, there is the constant threat of slowing down the resupply of armaments or terminating some. The American administration is clearly placing its own interests before Israels, demanding that Israel align with their priorities. For good measure, the EU and UN endorse the appeasement strategy of America and add their own anti-Israel, anti-Semitic vitriol.

Whether you are a supporter or a vehement critic of Netanyahu, objective evaluation would determine that he is the most adept leader to navigate the nation at this historical juncture. His heritage seems to have molded him for this very moment. From the influence of his father, an eminent professor of Jewish history. Netanyahu’s father, Professor Benzion Netanyahu, wrote a brilliant 1,400 page magnum opus about the origins of the 1492 Spanish Inquisition. He wrote that the Spanish monarchy classified Jews based on their racial purity rather than their religious affiliation. This was unprecedented during the 15th century and subsequently impacted antisemitic racial ideology in the 21st century. Then there is Yonatan Netanyahu, the courageous hero of Entebbe and the brother of Netanyahu, who undoubtedly inspired Bibi with his bravery.

Over many years, the Prime Minister has become the object of an irrational and pathological hatred by the Israeli Left. Despite these barriers, the Prime Minister has demonstrated remarkable resilience. His character, reminiscent of Churchill and Ben Gurion, displays unwavering endurance despite years of hateful attacks and threats towards him and his family. Netanyahu has showed unfaltering resolve in the face of unyielding opposition from the progressive liberal establishment, including the legal system, media, and academia.

The ‘loyal’ opposition and many left-wing organizations allege that Benjamin Netanyahu is deliberately prolonging the war in order to stay in power.

But surely disengaging from the political fray would release him from the singular burden of leadership that no other head of state faces. The financial incentives for him to ‘go gently into the night’, are abundant. He could embark on a global speaking tour that would generate millions in revenue. Instead, he remains at the helm, defiantly resisting the pressures from both America and the international community.

Under his authorization the IDF occupied the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphia corridor. Biden had warned against this, claiming it would lead to catastrophic consequences, leading to thousands of casualties among Gazans. The IDF instructed residents of Rafah to leave the city; the majority did so. Following that, the army deployed into Rafah, and there were minimal IDF and civilian casualties. In addition, the US administration tried to prevent Israel from entering southern Lebanon. In response to the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear and oil facilities, Biden is once again urging Netanyahu to refrain from taking action. It is expected that Netanyahu and the war cabinet will prioritize Israel’s interests and respectfully reject Biden’s advice.

The Prime Minister, known for being a student of history, realizes the significant importance of this historic moment. He understands the unparalleled opportunity to reshape the Middle East by adopting a strategy that involves crushing Iran’s terrorist regime.

If Israel triumphs in this war, future historians will place Netanyahu among the elevated ranks of iconic leaders such as Ben Gurion and Churchill. Moreover, in the annals of Jewish history, he will forever be celebrated as one of the greatest leaders of his people.

For the record, I didn’t vote for Netanyahu in the last or previous elections.

October 9, 2024 | Comments »

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