Free Speech Under Fire in Canada


Here is yet another instance of the Islamic supremacist/leftist war on free speech — particularly egregious in the wake of the Boston Marathon jihad bombings. The message is all the more crucial now. For years, my colleagues and I labored under the most heinous circumstances. Anyone who opposes the jihad and the Sharia must endure a constant withering attack on one’s name, reputation, integrity, and even spirit.

I was scheduled to speak at the Chabad Flamingo Synagogue in Thornhill, right outside of Toronto’s city limits, on May 13. But now Islamic supremacist groups in Canada, with willing aid from the Canadian police, have succeeded in getting the event canceled under police pressure, and the organizers are looking for a new location.

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Insp. Ricky Veerappan, of the York Regional Police force’s diversity, equity and inclusion bureau: “Some of the stuff that Ms. Geller speaks about runs contrary to the values of York Regional Police and the work we do in engaging our communities.”

Let me understand this. The “stuff” that I speak about — gender apartheid, creed apartheid, Islamic Jew-hatred, honor killing — runs contrary to their values? What exactly are their values? Imposing Sharia? Because that’s exactly what they’re doing. My value is life. What’s theirs?

And they acted on smears from the ADL. The Police Department had concerns about the event because an Islamic supremacist group had complained to them, citing some of the smears and libels that are circulating about me on the Internet, including the Anti-Defamation League’s denunciation of me.

The capacity for humiliating, destructive behavior from the ADL’s Abraham Foxman (and those Jews who fund the ADL) continues to astound and repel proud Jews across the world. This is the same ADL that has condemned Jews including Joan Rivers, Seth MacFarlane, and Israel itself.

The ADL is more dangerous to the Jews than her avowed enemies, because they appear to be on our side — and yet undermine the staunchest and fiercest Zionists. The enemies of freedom use the compromised Jews of the AFL to defame and destroy a Jew who is truly standing up for Israel and for the principles of freedom and human rights that the Jewish State represents. It’s inexcusable.

But this time the police met repeatedly with the rabbi and warned him not to host the event, and finally threatened him that if he held the event, he would be removed from his position as chaplain of York County.

The rabbi wasn’t prepared to go up against the police, or to give up his chaplaincy, so he bowed to the threat and canceled the event. It’s unfortunate that Chabad could not withstand the pressure from the police department, particularly in light of the brutal and horrifying murders and mutilations of their fellow Chabadniks Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, his wife Rivka and their children in the Mumbai jihad massacre in November 2008.

The police also told the rabbi that Jason Kenney, Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, has been asked to keep me out of Canada. They are trying to ban me fresh on the heels of an Islamic attack targeting the passenger train between New York and Toronto. Does this make any sense to any of you?

So the police are kowtowing to the Islamic groups, who are demanding that the government do so as well, and the rabbi is kowtowing to the police to insure his York chaplaincy.

Meanwhile, the convicted terrorist and airline hijacker Leila Khaled, who is known as the “poster girl of Palestinian militancy,” is scheduled to speak at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Khaled has been convicted of terrorism for participating in airline hijackings for the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist group. She is scheduled to speak via Skype this Saturday, May 4, at a conference hosted by a group supporting the Palestinian jihad.

Frank Dimant, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, declared: “Allowing Leila Khaled, a convicted terrorist, a platform at a UBC affiliated event is absurd. Her presence, even if only by video, adds to the real risk of students being influenced by radical ideologies, especially at a time when home-grown Canadian terrorism is a major concern. Given recent events such as the arrest of two individuals in connection to a plot to bomb a Via-Rail train, the horrific Boston Marathon attacks and the continuing investigation into the radicalization of youths from London, it is the responsibility of the university, as well as every Canadian, to speak out when it comes to security and safety.”

One would think that the Boston bombings would have been a club to the head of politically correct denial of jihad. But the political and media elites are digging in their heels on the flesh and bone of dead Americans.
These savages speak whenever and wherever they want, but challenge the big lies and the manufactured myths and you are in for a world of pain. No matter what prism you see these events through, this is the Sharia. This is the imposition of the blasphemy laws under the Sharia. Are you going to stand by while our most basic, fundamental freedoms are silently seized and destroyed?

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of the new book Freedom or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamic Extremism & American Complacency, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here.

May 3, 2013 | 18 Comments »

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18 Comments / 18 Comments

  1. COWARDS! I have been fired and discriminated against for standing up for Israel and Jews. The police in Canada have alot of blood of their hands.

  2. steven l Said:

    Who is instructing the police? What about the Prime minister and other members of the govt?

    The ruling class . The economic fascists who run Canada – the .01 percent who own 95 percent of the wealth , and control 99 percent of it, who own the media,who lie to the people, who own the banking system, who are getting fabulously wealthy and powerful while the 99.9 percent are being impoverished, who appoint the police commissioners, who appoint the media executives and finance ALL major political parties the ones who own the oil companies – who have sold out Canadians to the Chicoms, who sell all Canada’s natural resources and put the profits in their own pockets- who work Canadians as slaves and never give back a nickel.

    Wake up people you’ve been hypnotized – snap out of it. Your livers are up for sale. Set yersleves free ya bunch of putzes. What did they die in Warsaw for so ya jerks could sell us out all over again?

  3. The enemy of the left in the democratic countries is the right and not the Muslims (Yet).
    Dean Said:

    The police are trying to prevent others from learning the truth. The mainstream Jewish groups remain silent because they also view truth as a threat when that truth is voiced by anyone slightly controversial.

    Who is instructing the police? What about the Prime minister and other members of the govt? For the Jews of Canada, is it the dhimmi complex?

  4. Dorith Said:

    I do not blame the rabbi at all.

    Then you have forgotten the Lessons of the holocaust and you have built your own oven. When they burn you , I have no sympathy for you, but I do I have sympathy for the ones you take to the fire with you.

    To chose fascism over freedom is the road to Hell – but I know you are not alone – may North Americans have embraced fascism without calling it by it’s name.

  5. I have read the article and the responses. I do not blame the rabbi at all. To lose his job and his income, not to be able to support his family? How many of you would keep to your principles and put your family without income? I am sure that many who would like to tell the boss what they really think of him (or her), keep silent just to keep the job.

    So he cancelled the appointment. I can understand that. I am sure he is unhappy about it.

    What I do not understand is the Canadian police and policies. They are to blame.
    I do not know what can be done about it. I am not from that area. (I live here in Israel and have no connection at all to north America)

    One has to support ms. Geller and fight against the situation. It is truly unbelievable (but one has to believe) that ms. Geller had to keep her mouth shut whereas this other person l.k. is free to spew her hate.

  6. So where are the conservatives who are supposed to be on “Israel’s side” and against Islamofascism?

    Stop swallowing the fakery that any mainstream party is opposed to Islamofascism in North America,

    And as for the recent Israeli airstrike against Syrian weapons transfer — all those who protest either on the street or on the internet about this in North America or any other Israeli action of self-defense – someone tell Obama – there is the “root cause” of Jihadism in North America.

  7. Interesting article about Melanie Philips denouncing the Left for fostering the breakdown of the traditional family. She tells about her youth as a Leftie in the UK. She says that the leftist elite doesn’t actually like ordinary people — especially the lower middle class, the strivers who believe in self-discipline and personal responsibility. They dismiss them as narrow-minded, parochial and prejudiced. They think that the state is good, poor people are good, and minorities are good. ––revels–family-breakdown-.html ~~~ Remember Obama’s contempt for “those who just care about their religion and their guns”?

  8. Yidvocate Said:

    Just for the record it should be noted that the Rabbi in question didn’t simply “cave” to the police pressure (blackmail would be a more appropriate term). He put the decision in the hands of the JDL who is sponsoring the event. JDL agreed that this Rabbi can do more good for the Jewish community in his position as police chaplain and that consideration outweighed the decision on the forum for the event. It was the lesser of evils and has caused the Rabbi a great deal of angst notwithstanding. Had circumstances been different, he would never have cancelled the event.

    I know this for a fact.

    Well WE don’t know and I don’t believe you.

    Prove it!
    The rabbi was a gutless coward who has forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust. And if he isn’t it’s on him and his responsibility to prove it and speak up. Your internet hearsay is meaningless.

  9. The Canadian Postal Union uses membership money to agitate against Israel – The union’s newsletter declared that through its support of Israel, Canada is complicit in “war crimes.” – In 2008, they were the first national Canadian union to label Israel an “apartheid state” and call for a boycott of Israeli goods; they have dispatched CUPW representatives on Gaza blockade-runners and in 2010, they even publicly denounced a Canada-Israel friendship stamp. –

  10. @ Bernard Ross:
    Israel’s friend is PM Stephen Harper and some of his Conservative Party colleagues. That’s all. You can’t count on anyone else. There are some Canadians who support Israel and oppose the Muslim invasion – but only in the privacy of their thoughts. They would never dare to voice their feelings because the Canadian Human Rights Commission, with their helpers in the Muslim community, would make their lives difficult. ~~~ Please refer to my comment #1. The problem is being aggravated by African and Asian immigration. ~~~ The left is also viciously anti-Semitic. And so are those of old English and French stock. ~~~ Stephen Harper is an exception in a sea of quiet anti-Semitism. Once Harper is out of government, things will get much worse here.


    Jews told by police what to discuss in their own synagogue.
    Meanwhile, convicted Muslim terrorist hijacker speaks at UBC

    for those that extol the Canadian support of Israel I predict it will be short lived, I do not see how a govt. engaging in this kind of repression will not switch to another form of irrationality.

  12. @ Dean:

    The police have displayed a complete lack of judgement, siding with jihadists and working with Islamists to silence those who are educating about terrorism.

    Makes you wonder why the police and intelligence folks here in Canada, were allowed to arrest the two men who had conspired to undertake two train bombings, one in Canada and one in the US.

    But they did, and THAT makes me wonder if the various police groups are actually working against each other.

  13. Just for the record it should be noted that the Rabbi in question didn’t simply “cave” to the police pressure (blackmail would be a more appropriate term). He put the decision in the hands of the JDL who is sponsoring the event. JDL agreed that this Rabbi can do more good for the Jewish community in his position as police chaplain and that consideration outweighed the decision on the forum for the event. It was the lesser of evils and has caused the Rabbi a great deal of angst notwithstanding. Had circumstances been different, he would never have cancelled the event.

    I know this for a fact.

    The villains in this sad story are our boys in blue who should be serving and protecting, not deciding what speech is appropriate. Their conduct is outrageous and disturbing in the extreme!

  14. The police also told the rabbi that Jason Kenney, Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, has been asked to keep me out of Canada. They are trying to ban me fresh on the heels of an Islamic attack targeting the passenger train between New York and Toronto. Does this make any sense to any of you?

    Unbelievable. Meanwhile muslim jihadists are allowed in in droves. The west is unhinged.

  15. Canadian brownshirts in York Region Police and elsewhere, have never interfered in any Islamic hate events such as these in the streets of Toronto: (1), (2), (3), (4), etc.

    The police do see fit, however, to force, coerce and bully a Rabbi in order to stop him from hosting Pamela Geller, a great speaker against hate, Islamic conquest, sharia and terrorism – all dangers that the police ought to be concerned and knowledgeable.

    The police are trying to prevent others from learning the truth. The mainstream Jewish groups remain silent because they also view truth as a threat when that truth is voiced by anyone slightly controversial.

    The police are not the arbiters of values in Canada, but they are very well paid (the officer who made the charge makes close to 130k/annum) to enforce the law. The police have displayed a complete lack of judgement, siding with jihadists and working with Islamists to silence those who are educating about terrorism.

    In the war between the civilized man and the savage, the savage has the lead in Canada with help from the police.

  16. The problem is Muslim immigration. ~~~ Anti-Semitic acts rose by 3.7% in Canada last year, probably at the same rate as Muslim immigration and reproduction rate. There were over a quarter million legal immigrants last year, plus refugees – most of them from Asia and Africa. The demographic change is stunning, and politicians either love it, or play along. ~~~ Behind it is the idea of “economic growth”, which is a Big Fraud. These immigrants will require expensive health care and old age pensions. While our jobs are being exported through loopholes. (Recent big scandal of companies laying off Canadians and importing foreign “temporary workers” for lower wages, which is perfectly legal here.) ~~~ Pamela is doing great defending freedom of speech, but some other organization needs to take on the difficult task of advocating for a moratorium on Muslim immigration, or a stop to immigration, period – due to the weak economy.