Francisco Gil-White Shares a Shocking Revelation on The Israel-Palestine War.

Peloni:  As is all too often the case, Prof. Gil-White is correct.

July 29, 2024 | 10 Comments »

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  1. @Adam I recall reading that Samuel was just a “Cultural” Zionist – though paradoxically, he had lobbied hard for British support for what became the Balfour declaration, and was celebrated, at first, by the Palestinian Jews as the first Jewish ruler in Eretz Israel since Bar Kochba – and he was acting merely as a British official, but, still, it’s hard to imagine a worse choice. It was a guaranteed recipe for war:

    [“Perhaps the most prominent figure of Arab-Nazi collaborationists, Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s influence extended beyond the confines of Palestine. He was born in 1897 of the prominent al-Husseini clan in Jerusalem. He belonged to the Hanafi jurisprudence of the Sunni sect of Islam. After learning to speak Turkish fluently at an Ottoman government school in Palestine, he attended Al-Azhar University in Cairo in 1912, where he studied Islamic theology, Arabic studies and jurisprudence. While in Cairo, he attended an educational institution known as Dar al-Dawa wal-Ershad (The Institute for Propagation and Guidance) created by the Syrian Islamic Salafi leader Mohammed Rashid Rida, who politically promoted a rejuvenation of the caliphate for Pan-Islamism. At Dar-al-Dawa, he was actively exposed to the teachings of Jamal El-Din Al-Afghani that taught him the tactics of Islamic incitement and radicalism. He continued his studies at Cairo University College of Literature and learned administration and leadership at the Ottoman School for Administrators in Istanbul.

    After attending the military academy in Istanbul, with the outbreak of World War I he received his commission as an artillery officer in the Ottoman army, entering the College of Reserve Officers. Nine months later, he graduated as a noncommissioned officer and joined the 46th Infantry Regiment stationed at Izmir in Southwest Turkey, with a follow-on assignment to the 47th Infantry Regiment stationed in the Turkish city of Smyrna. Harsh Ottoman “Turkification” of the Arab provinces and the suppression of Arab-nationalist organizations gradually eroded his allegiance to Ottoman Islamic unity. In November 1916, he left the Ottoman army on disability leave and returned to Jerusalem, where he remained until the conclusion of World War I. After the Treaty of Versailles, he became bitter by the sidelining of the Arab Revolt and by the influx of Jewish immigrants into British Mandate Palestine.”

    From “Hajj Amin al-Husayni: The Mufti of Jerusalem,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Website, accessed June 29, 2008, ]
    {It’s a dead link. two articles came up under “Grand Mufti” – but they both omit this background start with WWII.


  2. ADAM-
    Yu tell me a lot I wasn’t aware of, and other issues on which I had somewhat differing info. Not in the depth you found.
    Sorry I forgot the “Grand”.
    I have Samuel’s autobiography from which I got much of my info, an another biography a bit different.

    My recollection that he encountered a City “Council” in which there were more Arabs than Jews which perplexed him no end.

    You obviously have deeper sources than I had and I marvel at your expertise in research.
    I knew about the Nazi connection, to a great extent, including the main figures.

    So thank you for the extensions and clarifications.

    Where did you get all this info??.

  3. Edgar– I don’t knpw how devoted a Zionist he was. Yes, he was a Zionist, and he tried without success to persuade Prime Minister Asquith to back Zionism in connection with a British takeover of Palestine. Asquith wasn’t interested. But his successor as Prime Minister, Lloyd George was sympathetic to Zionism, as was his Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour. Samuel was eager to return to the cabinet, and was therefore eager to find a way of pleasing these gentlemen. They declined to give him a cabinet post, but through intermediaries they assured him that he was in line for the post of governor of Palestine when the British Mandate over Palestine was recognized by Brtain allies. That approval was given at the San Remo conference in 1920. Samuel was then appointed as the first High Commissioner of Palestine.

    Whatever the reason, once appointed as High Commissioner, Samuel followed a consistently pro-Arab and anti-Zionistpolicy throughout his five year term as High Commissioner.He surrounded himself with ant-Zionist advisors, people who he knew perfectly well were anti-Zionist and who made no attempt to hide it.

    In addition, Samuel had first asked the Muslim clergy of Jerusalem to elect three of the most learned and experienced Muslim clergymen in the city to recommend to him as good choices for the position mufti of Jersualem. Samuel promised he would choose one of them to be the mufti for jJrusalem, in accordance with the selection process that was adopted by the last Turkish governor of Jerusalem..cleric, u The Turkish governors, it is true, had for many years appointed the muftis forposition of mufti, The Turkish appointed governors of Jerusalem always attempted to pick a very learned Muslim cleric with a reputation among his colleagues for being very learned in Islamic law and in general a wise man. Often he was a retired judge or a retired professor at the Jerusalem theological college for Muslims. th and also as chairman of what was called the Supreme Muslim sually a retired Muslim judge, who was expected to give wise advice to help the Musllim courts to make the right decisions in hard cases at law, where Islamic law was unclear..

    The Muslim clergy of Jerusalem did in fact nominate three learned Muslim legal authorities from whom Samuel could choose the next mufti, in accordance with theprocedure outlined by the last Turkish governor. None of them was known as very political, and none was known as an extreme anti-Zionist firebrand
    But Samuel refused to appoint any of these three gentlemen to become Mufti.

    Instead he appointed Amin Husseini, who had no qualifications whatsoever for the post. for the post,.He had only completed one year at a MUslim theological seminary, and there had terrible grades and flunked out of the school. His only qualifications to become mufti were that he was a member of the very wealthy and powerful Husseini clan, and that he was strongly recommended to Samuel by his anti-Zionist advisors.

    Samuel gave this new mufti the title of “Grand Mufti” a title never given to any previous mufti of Jersusalem. He also appointed the Husseini head of a newly created institution that he named the Supreme Muslim Council. He gave this new creation power over all the Muslims of Palestine. Local Muslimm council and wakfs (Muslim charitable founndations) had to apply to this new body for funding,

    Husseini used this vast power and wealth toi ndctrunate and brainwash the entire population of Palestine to hate Zionosm and Jews. He controlled all Muslim schools in Palestine.He appointed all mosque preachers as well, and gave them authoritative instructions as to what to preach. He also assembled a private army of thugs, although this was not part of his official duties from the British government. But the British rulers looked the other way. Husseini also accumulated vast wealth for himself and his family.

    The Jews of both Palestine came to despise Samuel because of his betrayal of Zionism and the Jewish people. Only completely assimilated Jews thought well of him. In his later career he supported Neville Chaimberlain’s policy of appeasing Hitler.He even supporte the infamous White Paper that sought to limit the Jewish population of Palestine to one third in the middle of the second world war, and to prevent Jewish refugees from the Nazis from reaching Palestine or even any other plaace of refuge. The only Jews in Britain who thought well of Samuel in his later years were those who were complete assimilationists.

    Council: to which Samuel gave a large bud Jeruslem., in accordance But the mufti was always supposed to be a very learned Muslim a get. He

  4. The big danger to the world comes from the effects of Global Warming and also the effects of Pandemic from virus. This is connected to the rise of Antisemitism. It is also coincident with NeoCon war to destroy Russia. This latter can only end in nuclear conflagration because as John Meirsheimer has pointed out – Russia, a great nation, will not accept being enslaved.

    Adam Dalgliesh (obviously a pseudonym) has DELIBERATELY left the Ukrainian issue unmentioned.

    Israpundit was founded all those years ago to be an advocate for Israel and any kind of lying especially cowardly sleight of hand, was out of the question.

    The above comments are mostly lying.

  5. Gil-White is right. The Grand Mufti had anormous power and prestige in the Muslim world, which he made use of to plot the total extermination of the Jews of North Africa and the Middle East, including of course Palestine. I believe that Hitler had already decided, even before his conversation with the Mufti (which was held in private, although his arrival in Berlin was public, held with great ceremony) to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe. He did this through the ‘final solution” order that was composed by Adof Eichman, presented to Herman Goering by Eichman’s boss “hangman” Heydrich, and signed by Goering personally in the central SS office, Although Goering could have signed it in his own office and just sent sent it by courier or telegram to the SS central office (whatever was its official name). Instead, he arrived at the SS headquarters to personally sign it. He then wrote in his diary that “there was a little ceremony and celebration” when he arrived for the signing, complete with liberal amounts of shnapps and a buffet lunch.

    But while Hitler may not have needed the Mufti’s support to order the extermination of the Jews, delegating to his deputy Fuhrer the task of signing the order :in writing” that Heydrich and Eichman had demanded , in order to make it absolutely clear to all departments of the Reich that this order had the Fuhrers approval, several historiands believe that the Mufti’s “moral ” support did play an important role in persuading the German bureaucracy to comply with the order. It is undeniable that Hitler did not communicate his decision to several of the most important Nazi Party officials, or Gauleiters, (as distinct from the government bureaucrats government officials) until December 1941, only a month after his fateful conversation with the Mufti) . And it was only two months after this conversation that Heydrich persuaded the heads of the governkment departments- the bureaucracy– to cooperate in the implementation of the Goering order, at the notorious Wansee conference. Since all of the bureaucrats knew how much the Fuhrer valued the Mufti, his spirit was definitely present at
    Wansee. And the Mufti later participated actively in the implementation of the Goering order, (which the Nazis always referred to a “the Fuhrer order” even though it was signed by his deputy), by recruiting Muslim members to several new divisions of the SS. These Muslim divisions were very active in carrying out the genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Caucasus. He also was instrumental in lobbying the puppet governments of the Nazis allies, Hungary, Rumania Slovakia, Croatia, etc. not to agree to exchange their Jewish populations for their POWs held by the allies, or accept ‘ransoms”raised by Jewish organizations for their release. The mufti was thus a key actor in the genocide of the European Jews, and the attempted genocide of the Jews of North Africa and the Middle East.

  6. Adam-

    Look at the stupid, criminal way that a sincere and devoted Zionist like the clever Herbert Samuel, promoted Haj Amin into a newly created position of authority like “Mufti of Jerusalem. Totally out of his depth.

    This, in spite that he had been just shortly before. sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for a variety of serious crimes.

    Samuel knew his influence and authority amongst the Arabs was great, but the nebuchel “thought” that a high sounding position was please the “simple” native.

    The Empire officials always underestimated the “natives”.

  7. KEELIE-
    There is NO earthly way in which this can be done. Never. Perhaps in an eventually obedient passive population like Japan, but look what had to happen before THAT.

    Germany is superficially only. The stink of Nazi-ism is stlll hovering around their mind set,
    In my opinion, and will for 100 years. Look how quickly they regained their pre-eminent position as the Master country of Europe.

  8. Outstanding… The greatest problem is how to turn full-indoctrinated people around from their mushymindedness to critical thinking… No mean feat. Right now they are in screaming mode…

  9. Fransico Gil-White is a truly great man. His research into the origins of Nazism and it relationship with the Arab world and the Islamist movement, led by the Grand Mufti Amin Husseini, has been truly groundbreakingg.