Francisco Gil-White: On Israel Hostage Crisis, Iran Tensions, & US Presidential Election

T. Belman. This interview is spellbinding. Its over one hour long but I couldn’t stop watching it.  Francisco is brilliant.

September 7, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. There is no “presidential policy”.

    Even an absolute monarchy is not run solely by the monarch, much less the US which is a republic.

    The POB (the politicians who are there for most of their lives) choose the 2 people the citizens will be permitted to vote for AND the voters must choose either one or the other, and there is also the electoral college whose task is to, essentially, correct the results of the popular vote.

    It is unbelievable that people eagerly engage in this see-saw game which makes no difference in the country’s strategy whatsoever.

  2. The US policy of defering to the Arabs started wih Israel’s Declaration Of independence. You will recall that they expected Israel to lose the war and they placed an arms embargo on Israel that lasted til the Six Day War.

    They have always favoured the Arabs and not the Jews.

    Francisco once argued that the US will never attack Iran and he is right to this day

  3. @EvRe1
    I completely agree with your statement

    I have not yet accepted that it makes absolutely no difference who is President.

    In fact, the entire Trump presidency demonstrated that a certain man could make the difference as president. This being stated, as the allies of the Blob have demonstrated going back decades, it really doesn’t matter who is president as much of the same mischief which disgusts the American public in one administration is eerily carried over to the next. Even under Trump, to the leve that this could be achieved, this was carried out against his will. One example of this was the obfuscation of the true number of US troops in Syria as an attempt to keep Trump from withdrawing more than he did withdraw. Still, this example is dwarfed by the myriad of examples in which Trump is seen to have completely upended established norms, from trade to the VA to the the Middle East and many other areas. Trump was the great anomaly which demonstrated that with the right man, Washington could be controlled, to a point in any event. And with the advent of Schedule F, well, we will see what is possible if he returns to employ this new mechanism of controlling the govt in combination with the repeal of the Chevron doctrine.

    With all of this being stated, though, I do agree, quite profoundly that the Republic has fallen. Representative govt requires the consent of the governed as the established norm and this is clearly no longer factually true. So, while there are attempts to coerce the public into accepting a new selection with the pretense of faked elections, however you might describe it, it is clearly far closer to Tyranny than a Republic. Also, from show trials to selectively weaponized legal theories, to the silencing and imprisonment of dissenting voices, these are aspects of such illiberal societies as Soviet Russia and hardline Communist China, but not the American Republic, even as it is today the norm of what remains of America.

  4. Francisco has explained that US policy (independent of Presidential policy) has been to threaten Israel with extermination by virtue of its proxy, Iran, since 1979. US policy has made the Jewish state threatened with genocide by establishing an Iranian “ring of fire” around and inside of Israel.

    What he says that is new in this video is that the plan for Israel’s destruction was based upon a plan to create a civil war in Israel. The US funded Israeli protests to attempt to bring down the Netanyahu government, and this could have led to a civil war in Israel, except for the fact that Hamas jumped the gun, and attacked before it came to a civil war.

    Because of the grotesque barbarity of the Hamas attack, Hamas UNITED Israel and temporarily TOOK CIVIL WAR OFF THE TABLE.

    So as soon as 6 hostages were murdered, the plan was put back in place again: cause a civil war in Israel, pay for the left to demonstrate against Netanyahu, wreak havoc, and bring down the Netanyahu government. Once Israel is in the midst of a civil war, Israel will be attacked on all sides by the countries that have wanted to destroy Israel since 1948. Those in control of US foreign policy will have destroyed Israel without any of their fingerprints showing.

    He explains as has been noted here on Israpundit before, that the US Naval assets are not in the Middle East to protect Israel, they are here to prevent the US’s Iranian assets from jumping the gun again, and attacking Israel before the Civil War begins in earnest. They are there to protect the US’s own “chess pieces.”

    Francisco Gil-White also explains that the war has been handled extremely badly, almost as if the Iranian assets were directing the war. Why was not the Philadelphi Corridor not opened as the very first order of business? Why allow Hamas to keep being supplied, and to have an escape route open for months and months?

    The idea of negotiating with terrorists is likewise criticized by Gil-White. He thinks when you negotiate with terrorists they have already won. There should be no negotiation with genocidal terrorists.

    His thinking makes clear that the left in Israel has essentially allowed their own fellow citizens to become prey for the Palestinian genocidal murder machine, all while the left goes around concerned about the human rights of Gazans and all Palestinians, while the Palestinians only have one thing in mind: killing all the Jews.

    These are the same people running the military: what could have been completed in a few months is still ongoing because these individuals cannot get the job done. The Israeli left is as responsible for October 7, 2023 as is Hamas, but it is worse, because they pretend to care about the country of Israel. Yet these people with the same leftist ideology in the Judiciary took it on themselves to not allow air support or IDF support to Jews who were being murdered en masse for HOURS!

    What Gil-White says is that it matters not who is President, because no matter who is President of the US the same foreign policy regarding Israel will be continued.

    I don’t doubt that those in the foreign policy blob will want to continue the same foreign policy, but I have not yet accepted that it makes absolutely no difference who is President.

    That view of White’s is that there is no longer any Constitutional republic, elections are held to maintain the illusion that democracy still exists in the US, but he maintains that there is no longer any democracy in the US.

    I wonder what others here think of that particular aspect of this video?

  5. Francisco argues that the US wants to destroy Israel. Hard to believe. Right?
    But is true.

    Read this.

    Since When were the Palestinian entitled to a state

    And the US is still backing the Palestinian cause. Why?
    And they rammed Arafat down Isreal’s throut. Why, if not to destroy Israel.

    Look at what Obama did to hurt Israel. He suppored the Muslim Brothehood and entereed the infamous JCPOA.

    Look at Biden’s insistance on the creation of a Palestinian state and look at all the money he has given to Iran by lifting sanctions etc. Biden is in fact financing the war against Israel.