Forget about proportionality in war

July 29, 2014 | 1 Comment »

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  1. War is only waged to destroy enemies, their infrastructure, weapons, etc. Performing war acts for anything else is an obscene, degenerate mutation.
    Teaching lessons, sending messages, providing incentives, etc are the provinces reserved for those that deal with the aftermath of war.
    I just heard one of the most tainted of the peddlers of “disengagement”, Hanegbi, pontificating about using our children to reach the second tier of the process above while avoiding destroying the snake’s head.
    Those people must not ever be allowed again to be the decision makers, not ever.
    They intentionally created the conditions for the HAMAS raising while they destroyed Jewish farms, homes and villages.
    We must not allow those guilty of the crime of “disengagement” tell us how to reverse the result of their ghastly crime.