For years, the ADL has betrayed Jews and protected our adversaries — all for partisan purposes


Under its current leader, Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL has, among many other things:

• Enthusiastically accepted a non-apology from arch Jew-hater Ilhan Omar for saying that “Israel has hypnotized the world.”

• Declared that the BDS movement is not necessarily anti-Semitic.

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• Supported Black Lives Matter, even after its anti-Semitism was made public in the Jewish media. in Syrian refugees who have been schooled to hate Jews

• Claimed that those who criticize anti-Semitic Critical Race Theory are enabling “extremists [who] are using the opportunity to spread racism, hate and antisemitism.”

• Called for the U.S. to take in Syrian refugees who have been schooled from childhood to hate Jews.

• Apologized for its past opposition to construction of the triumphalist Islamic center near Ground Zero.

One of the ADL’s most unforgivable sins is that it covered up and sought to marginalize the results of its own surveys of global anti-Semitism. The ADL actually hid its most alarming findings from the public and the Jewish community. Here’s how:

Between 2014 and 2017, the ADL conducted three massive polling projects covering 102 countries around the world, 19 countries in Europe, and then the U.S., measuring anti-Jewish attitudes among the respective populations.

What the ADL found was truly shocking: on average, 74% of Middle Eastern, 55% of European, and 34% of American Muslims held hateful opinions of Jews. Muslim societies, the ADL found, are the most anti-Semitic in the world.

Yet, what did the ADL do with this painful truth? It sought to marginalize, dismiss and cover it up. In 2019, during a congressional hearing on “hate crimes,” Mort Klein of the ZOA did what any responsible Jewish leader concerned for Jews’ safety would and cited these key ADL findings in his testimony.

But ADL official Eileen Hershenov, who also testified at that same hearing, mentioned Klein’s citation of the ADL’s polling data and hinted at why the ADL doesn’t do anything about it. She said:

“Um, one of the [previous] witnesses [Klein] talked about global — the global attitudes that we look at. That’s non-violent — looking at attitudes — and the ADL does track that. We feel it is incumbent — vulnerable, marginalized — marginalized, ah, communities have bigotry within them.”

After spending three years of research and significant sums of Jewish donors’ money on a detailed threat assessment project, the ADL ran away from its own findings.

Why ignore Jew-hatred from minority groups? In general terms, the Jewish establishment has clung to an idealized past reality where classical liberalism included and sheltered the Jews as one minority amongst all others in an imperfect but blessed nation. The ADL, wishing that this framework were still in operation, blinds itself to what everyone but Jewish leaders acknowledges: that this decent liberalism has been defeated in most cultural institutions by a “woke” progressivism which has flipped the game board and defines Jews as part of the “racist oppressor” class.

What is the ADL to do now? It seems the Greenblatt ADL has fully bought into much of the woke mindset. Since American Muslims are not classed as “whites,” and are not neo-Nazis, they have little to fear from the Anti-Defamation League when they go about defaming Jews — or worse.

A recent example: Manhattan’s attorney general, whom the ADL had once honored, let a Muslim terrorist who savagely beat a Jewish man off with a substantially reduced sentence. Even with physical attacks on Jews in New York City up 41% in 2022 — and Muslims responsible for nearly a fifth of such attacks going back to 2018 — the ADL was silent.

Jews do not have the option of letting attacks on us increase another 41% this year. That is why we must forcefully stand up to this betrayal.


In Boston, Jewish leaders have announced a “5-point plan” to fight anti-Semitism. Instead of acknowledging the real threats Jews face, it doubles down on the same mistakes Jewish leadership organizations like the ADL have been making for years.

You are invited to attend a Zoom discussion, hosted by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser, on why this plan, created by the same people who have failed to deal effectively with Jew-hatred in the past, is woefully inadequate.

Sunday, February 12, 2023
12:00 P.M. (EST)
Please click here to join at the appointed time.
The Jewish Leadership Project is a project of Americans for Peace and Tolerance. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation so that the JLP can continue to do the work our community leaders will not. Please make all checks payable to Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT).
January 30, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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  1. What is the ADL good for anyway? It seems to me all that they do is attack American Christians who are Israel’s best friends in the world. ADL is purported to exist to fight against persecution of Jews. If an organization or person for whatever reason cannot distinguish friend from foe and to make matters works actively attacks their friends while enabling their foes is an organization or person I have little use for and would not trust!!