“F**k Ukraine” – Candace Owens Explains Why America Should Not Support Ukraine

September 20, 2023 | 128 Comments »

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50 Comments / 128 Comments

  1. @Adam
    I am quite happy to accept your apology and thank you for your kind words. Also for whatever I might have said to initially upset you, even subconsciously, please accept my own appolgy.

    Also, please take your time in sharing what you find relevant to the subject as I am not in any hurry.

    Gmar Chatimah Tova.

  2. @Seb, no I did not evade the question, to quote myself

    Seb, I believe Zelensky was fairly elected. I think Zelensky is a national hero in the Ukraine for standing up to the invader Russia.


    His election had a 70% turnout. He did not jail or murder the opposition. You can not honestly say that about Putin. So yes Zelensky is not an Autocrat is a very good war time leader in a besieged country, that would no longer exist if he had fled and not led so courageously. Putin has done the opposite for Russia put them in danger and caused them great harm needlessly!

    Seb, did you read my post about the first hand information from neighbors or friends that lived under Russian control? That to me was huge influencing my views on the subject.

    In all fairness I did talk in length a Russian National (not a Jew or of Jewish heritage) . This was before the latest war but around 2015 and he hated Ukrainians, thought they were wrong about saying they were different than Russians. He thought Ukraine belonged to Russia and Putin was someone to be looked up to. I had to be very diplomatic this man, as he had a bad temper and was way bigger than me.

  3. @Bear Now who is being evasive? It was I who first said it was irrelevant whether Putin was an autocrat and you are just responding that it’s irrelevant whether Zelensky is. (This must be a type of logical fallacy with a name. Anybody?) But since you raised it, Can you answer the question you posed to me? A or B?

    Incidentallly, a preponderance of the most notorious massacres by Jews in Russia, apart from the Germans, over the centuries have been by Ukrainians from the the Cielminiki Cossacks to Kishinev, the Civil War, and the Nazi Collaborators who are honored by this government. I’ve mostly experienced Ukrainian antisemitism here. Also Armenians. Haven’t met any Russian antisemites over here. Why do you believe Ukraine and the Baltic States who enthusiastically helped the Germans murder almost all of their Jewish neighbors in huge numbers. deserve not to be oppressed? They deserve to have a country? 😀

    I don’t want to appear insensitive.

    I am, but I don’t want to appear that way. 😀

    And I don’t want to pay for their war of aggression against
    Their Russian neighbors with the Jews next on their menu – listen to their speeches – or risk WWIII for
    Them thank you very much. They really are neo-Nazis. And there’s two kinds of Nazis, the good ones and the ones who are still breathing.

    F* Ukraine.

  4. @Peloni, First of all, I wish to apologize for the unnecessari;y harsh tone of my earlier messages. Sometimes in the heat of debate I forget my mannerst. This being said, it is customary just before Yom Kippur to request the forgiveness of anyone you have offended or whose feelings you have hurt over the past year. I am therefore asking for your forgiveness now. I also forgive you for anything you might have said that hurt my feelings/, I can’t remember anything specific that you said that did hurt my feelings, But mentioning this possibility is part of this mitzvah.

    Concerning the sources that you list, I certainly wish to check them out. If you could provide me with links to them, or as many as possible to which you have links.

    I will provide a complete list of my own sources on Tuesday. Please be patient until then. With theSabbath of Repentence just about to begin, and then Yom Kippur immediately after that, I have decided to suspend my comments on politics, international relations etc until the high holy days are definitely over on Tuesday. Please remember that I am (probably) the only religiously observant Jew who is a commenter on this site. You have my word, however, that I will provide you with a complete list of my sources of information, and why I believe they are reliable.
    Concerning my complaint that you did not provide sources for your information, I never actually saw on your posts that I read any source any source memntioned other than Mr. McGregor. And as I As i said in some earlier posts, I have reservations about the reliability of Mr. McGregor as a source of information about the Russo-Ukraine war.

    With warmest best wishes to you alol for the conclusion of the high holy days, and the joyous festivals of Sukkot and the Rejoicing in the Law that will soon be upon us.

  5. @Seb, I have neighbors who are Ukrainians (of Jewish heritage). Three of them to be precise. One of the ladies is a Ukrainian language teacher. She still speaks better Russian than Ukrainian because they the (Russian – Soviets) tried to destroy and wipe out Ukrainian culture and language. She had to secretly learn Ukrainian as a child. The same was true of other Ukrainians.

    Just like they tried to wipe out religions. So please I have no idea where you get your information from but these outrageous charges of propaganda against Ukraine are mostly lies or truth and lies mixed together.

    I have met many people from both Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania and what is most consistent is the horrors perpetrated on minorities by Russians. Guess what most of them do not like Russia (whether Soviet or Fascist run)

    A different Jewish Ukrainian Jewish lady told me her horror story. She and her family had to flee the Ukraine because Russians were coming to arrest them. She did tell me that many anti Semites also live in the Ukraine. So it seems as part of the DNA of both Russia and Ukraine. Though to Ukraine’s credit they elected a Jew as its leader.

    I am not a lover of either country but 100% believe Russia made an unprovoked and unnecessary attack Ukraine as part of its strategy to grab and occupy as many of the former Soviet Countries as it could. No other reason expect for the propaganda expertly disseminated and planed by Putin and other Russians which some like you know believe as fact.

    None of the former Soviet occupied countries (except for maybe Belarus) want to be under Russian control. Ask any Georgian, Moldovan, Czech, Romanian, Pole,
    Latvian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian, they all will tell you they like their freedom.

    So if they are perfect countries or not they have a right to their sovereignty. I simple do not understand why any westerner would oppose their right to their own sovereignty and freedom.

    So I personally ignore all the disinformation and propaganda coming from Russia or their supporters. The first hand stories I have heard from people of the region have led me to my beliefs. So it is easy to know which articles smack of disinformation and which ring true.

  6. Seb, I believe Zelensky was fairly elected. I think Zelensky is a national hero in the Ukraine for standing up to the invader Russia.

    Is Ukraine a model country probably not. Its biggest problem is that it was invaded by its neighbor Russia who viewed it as a threat in not being able to reconstitute the same land mass as was held under the Soviet’s. It was not a danger to Russia, provided Russia did not invade it and return the land it stole and occupied in 2014.

  7. Sebastien yes that figures.

    According to Baud the language issue was massive.

    It’s all there in Jacques Baud

    It’s not only there but in great detail

    And I look forward to viewing the film too…

    Anyway your good point amplifier of Baud

  8. This is my effort to answer the lethal misinformation narrative of the person male or female on site

    With help from Jacques Baud


    Civilians Info
    Written by: civilek.info | May 2023. 13. | OPINION

    A shocking article by a Swiss intelligence expert about the antecedents of the outbreak of war
    Jacques Baud, an intelligence and security consultant and former NATO military analyst, warned of the dangers of the West’s war narrative as early as 2022. His essay below was published by the French Intelligence Research Center.

    For years, from Mali to Afghanistan, I worked for peace and risked my life for it. The main question is not the justification of the war, but the understanding of what led us there. I note that the alternating “experts” on television analyze the situation on the basis of dubious information, mostly on the basis of hypotheses disguised as facts, so we do not understand what is happening. This is how you can create panic. The problem is not so much who is right in this conflict, but how our leaders make their decisions.

    Let’s examine the roots of the conflict!

    It all started with those who have been talking to us about “separatists” or the “independence” of Donbass for the past eight years. This is a mistake. The referendums of the two self-proclaimed republics, Donetsk and Luhansk, held in May 2014 were not “independence” referendums, as some unscrupulous journalists claimed, but “self-determination” or “autonomy”.

    The term “pro-Russian” implies that Russia was also a party to the conflict, which is not true, using the term “Russian speakers” would have been more fair. Moreover, the referendums were held against Vladimir Putin’s advice.

    In fact, these republics did not seek secession from Ukraine, but an autonomy statute that would guarantee them the use of Russian as an official language.

    After all, the first legislative measure of the new government that was established with the overthrow of President Yanukovych was to repeal the 2012 Kivalov-Koleshchenko law, which made Russian the official language, on February 23, 2014. It’s a bit like the putschists decided that French and Italian would no longer be official languages ??in Switzerland.

    This decision caused outrage among the Russian-speaking population. All this led to a violent crackdown on the Russian-speaking regions (Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Lugansk and Donetsk), which began in February 2014 and led to the militarization of the situation and some massacres; the most brutal occurred in Odessa and Mariupol.

    By the end of the summer of 2014, only the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk remained. At this stage, the overly rigid Ukrainian general staff failed to assert itself. An examination of the course of the 2014-2016 Donbas fighting shows that the Ukrainian General Staff systematically and mechanically applied the same operational plans. However, the war fought by the autonomists at that time was very close to what we could observe in the Sahel region: they were very mobile operations carried out with light equipment. With a more flexible and less doctrinaire approach, the insurgents were able to exploit the ineptitude of the Ukrainian forces to repeatedly “trap” them.

    In 2014, I was working for NATO as a small arms counter-proliferation officer, and we were trying to investigate Russian arms shipments to the rebels to see if Moscow was involved. The information we receive at that time practically all comes from the Polish intelligence services and does not “match” the information from the OSCE:

    despite the rather crude claims, we have not detected any Russian military arms and materiel shipments.

    The arming of the rebels is due to the defections of the Russian-speaking Ukrainian units that have gone over to the side of the rebels. As the Ukrainian setbacks progressed, entire tank, artillery or anti-aircraft battalions swelled the autonomous ranks. This is what made the Ukrainians commit to the Minsk agreements.

    But immediately after signing the Minsk 1 agreement, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko launched a massive anti-terrorist operation against the Donbass. Bis repetita placent : following the bad advice of NATO officers, the Ukrainians suffered a crushing defeat at Debaltsevo, which forced them to commit to the Minsk 2 agreements.

    It must be emphasized here that the Minsk 1 (September 2014) and Minsk 2 (February 2015) agreements did not provide for the secession and independence of the republics, but for autonomy within the framework of Ukraine.


    Anyone who has read the Agreements (very, very few) can see that Kiev and the representatives of the republics had to negotiate with each other about the status of the republics, in order to find an internal solution in Ukraine. That is why, since 2014, Russia has systematically demanded their use, while refusing to participate in the negotiations because it was Ukraine’s internal matter.

    On the other side, the West, led by France, systematically tried to replace the Minsk agreements with the “Normandy format”, which brought the Russians and Ukrainians face to face. However, we must remember that February 23-24, 2022. before there were no Russian troops in the Donbass. Moreover, OSCE observers have never detected the slightest trace of Russian units operating in Donbass. Just as llthe US intelligence map published by the Washington Post on December 3, 2021 does not show Russian troops in Donbass.”

    From this Putin is a leader dampening down any extreme action

    Poroshenko it was who was critical in starting the war

    And much more

    All the direct opposite of western Media narrative

    And shows every word here of Bear Klein is serious misinformation

  9. @Bear I do know one thing and that is that the Russian Federation respects linguistic autonomy and doesn’t force everyone to only speak Russian the way Ukraine, which is/was also a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual country has since the NATO-backed coup which is how this conflict began.

    I am continually reminded of this brilliant bit of
    Political satire from Woody Allen’s one truly great film.

    “Bananas” (1971)


  10. @Seb, you dodged the one question. It is very relevant. Anyway your right to dodge the question.

    Clearly the obvious correct answer to the question was:
    Putin is an autocrat and there is no freedom of speech or press in Russia and his political opponents are many times killed or jailed?

    Clearly Putin is NOT good moral leader of a free Russia elected in fair democratic elections?

    This actually has been obvious that Putin murders and kills political opponents and reporters. They have fled in droves since the war started. They were in danger if they wrote it was a war and not a special operation.

    Anyway we all are entitled to our own views and avoid questions if they are not comfortable or if rationalizes they are irrelevant (whatever the case).

    Have a good easy fast if you fast.

  11. Sebastien I see your post now.

    Jews must be most careful about slapping this lethal language label on people

    Otherwise it becomes meaningless.

    If Bear Klein calls people including me and Putin Antisemitic that can stick and can be quoted by whoever in the future

    How can you even begin to answer it?

    So shitty!

  12. Bear Klein in the way he slanders and pins the label of antisemite as part of misinformation sets a dangerous situation for all Jews

    In the same way he tried to slander me with the rubbish lie I am an antisemite he is doing the exact same thing with Vladimir Putin. And I think with all Russians.

    What is his real name? Can it be published?

    Do not underestimate the dublicity of this man or woman

    A Russian person reading him will not be amused.

  13. @Bear I don’t know thanks to all the obvious hyperbole and propaganda with few verifiable details but I believe both questions to be irrelevant to the crisis at hand, especially since (b) fits Zelensky and his post-Maidan coup predecessors. As I wrote before, it’s like deciding foreign policy based on comparing the domestic human rights record of Arab states, which are almost uniformly dismal and can be expected to remain so for the foreseeable future (which Progressives like to do, actually, in demonizing Saudi Arabia, which just happens to have a semi-alliance with Israel, and defending the Houthis, who are Iranian proxies, and themselves elimination antisemites. I argued
    With one who thinks women still can’t drive in SA and assumes they have more
    Rights in Yemen.). You know, “S hole countries, ” to use Pres. Trump’s
    colorful language.”

  14. Ukrainian president holds crisis talks in Washington amid failure of “spring offensive”

    “ The meetings followed saber-rattling speeches by Biden and Zelensky at the U.N. Security Council, where Biden ruled out any negotiated settlement of the conflict while Zelensky used ethnically charged language to call Russians “evil” and “terrorists.”


  15. @ Mr. Zorn, do you believe a or b,

    a. Putin is good moral leader of a free Russia elected in fair democratic elections?

    b. Putin is an autocrat and there is no freedom of speech or press in Russia and his political opponents are many times killed or jailed?

  16. Vladimir Putin is himself a fascist autocrat, one who imprisons democratic opposition leaders and critics. He is the acknowledged leader of the global far right, which looks increasingly like a global fascist movement.

    Ukraine does have a far-right movement, and its armed defenders include the Azov battalion, a far-right nationalist militia group. But no democratic country is free of far-right nationalist groups, including the United States. In the 2019 election, the Ukrainian far right was humiliated, receiving only 2% of the vote. This is far less support than far-right parties receive across western Europe, including inarguably democratic countries such as France and Germany.

    It is easy to recognize, in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the roadmap laid out in recent years by Dugin and Prokhanov, major figures in Putin’s Russia. Both Dugin and Prokhanov viewed an independent Ukraine as an existential threat to their goal, which Timothy Snyder, in his 2018 book The Road to Unfreedom, describes as “a desire for the return of Soviet power in fascist form”.

    The form of Russian fascism Dugin and Prokhanov defended is like the central versions of European fascism – explicitly antisemitic. As Snyder writes, “… if Prokhanov had a core belief, it was the endless struggle of the empty and abstract sea-people against the hearty and righteous land-people. Like Adolf Hitler, Prokhanov blamed world Jewry for inventing the ideas that enslaved his homeland. He also blamed them for the Holocaust.”

    Full Article at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/25/vladimir-putin-ukraine-attack-antisemitism-denazify

  17. As Putin’s war sputters, antisemitism seeps into the Russian media landscape

    “Antisemitism has returned: Jews are blamed for the ‘beautiful Russia of the future,’” Kalinina, who has Jewish ancestry, wrote in an article published last week in the Novi Izvestiya website.

    Speaking anonymously, another former or present employee of Moskovskij Komsomolets told Novi Izvestiya: “Russian antisemitism is much older than the Soviet Union. One of the three Russian words that have become an international term, in addition to vodka, is pogrom.”

    More evidence of a shift in tolerance for antisemitic rhetoric came last week as Bernard-Henri Lévy, a prominent French-Jewish journalist and philosopher who is a vocal advocate of Ukraine, visited the war-torn country.

    The Strategic Culture Foundation, a Russian conservative think tank that is often cited in mainstream media in Russia and beyond, published a screed about Lévy that used language reminiscent of the classical antisemitism of the 19th and 20th centuries.

    The uptick in antisemitism adds to the forces that have caused tens of thousands of Russian Jews to leave their country since Putin invaded Ukraine. About 20,000 people, or 15% of Russia’s estimated Jewish population, have emigrated in 2022 from Russia to Israel

    Full article which is very well written for anyone wanting to get a perspective of what is going on inside Russia in part and in regards to Jewish persecution. See link below:


  18. A while ago a post vanished I hit publish in that split second it did not go through. In it I thanked Peloni for his fair comment about my basically principles. Nuff said.

    As regards Edgar always together…so quelle surprise

    In relation to this by Jacques Baud


    I rate this very highly

    For my own education I plan to extract the main points perhaps enumerate them.

    There are many astounding things and are in opposition to the central components of the Western narrative

    And he was the man to know

    Michael you claimed Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 (you talk of 2 invasions)

    How could you ever be so sure of that???

    Reading this Baud essay that is so laughable!!!

    I am expecting everyone to study this Baud history document

  19. @Adam. You wrote:

    Ted, your justification for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, that the U.S. had rejected Putin’s “reasonable demands”

    Unfortunately you left out all the context I provided.

  20. The impudent Green Tshirt Guy has demanded that Trump turn over his peace plan. When Trump says no, will Zel resort to placing Trump’s name on Ukraine’s Peacemaker’s execution list?

  21. Peloni

    I read somewhere didn’t dwell on it you saying some fair things about me … thanks

    Your sources

    There’s a danger here. All of these have strings attached

    Without exception…Jacques Baud…link I gave before

    Baud has no axe to grind. Rather he is a Louis Pasteur

    And right through this shortish piece are GUIDES TO ACTION

    I ask myself why so.

    Early he makes a huge remark…that the narrative of misinformation is extremely dangerous

    I am reading here nuclear war implications

    You can say for sure that almost the whole of our 3 guys here are refuted in whole here by Baud

    And we only refute one time. After that we know they lie. Next step…

    And that is move beyond Baud as well

    You see this war is most dangerous

    It was caused IN EVERY WAY by the NeoCons

    They are the most evil and dangerous thing we humans have experienced.

    Old Biden is cruelly dangerous. He’s an Irish big-mouth.

    He’s a gambler. A risk taker. Just like Adams you know back in 70s

    To be a real socialist don’t take chances with NeoCons

    They can kill us all

  22. @Adam

    It istime you come clean about what sources

    Your derision is noted, but you have but to ask for what sources I have found important and useful to form my views, such as they are. Just FYI, I have referenced each of these sources over the past year and a half in my posts during which you were quite silent so perhaps you missed them. Also, I have been reading on this topic since 2019 when Guiliani first raise the topic of Burisma, so there are a good many sources to cover.

    The documentary by Oliver Stone was well done, but personally, I prefer research, books and documents as opposed to documentaries which always have a controlled bias which is nearly impossible to filter out, but despite this fact, this was a good film. So too was the heartbreaking documentary ‘Dombas’, though again with a heavy bias.

    I have never actually gone to the RT site, though I likely have read some number of articles which have been posted there and shared by others. Unlike many, I have no disrespect for all things Russian, but I also have no center binding me to them either. The works and testimony of Jacque Baud have been an impressive if somewhat curious read. There is also Larry Johnson’s site which I find interesting but the quality is not always consistent. I find Mercouris to be a fascinating cataloguer of detail, but over an hour a day is quite a lot spend consistently. Contrasting with this, McGreggor is an excellent guide, providing a brilliant 30K foot view where the regular geography of history can best be appreciated as it impacts the war. I really don’t like Denys but do listen to him on occasion only to be frustrated by how much I disagree with him. The ISW is another great site to read of what the Neocons want us to believe is true, but it is such a perfect Pravda rag that I am encouraged to go there less and less with every visit I make to the site which is a lot. I think Dimmo on the Military Situation is too monotonous to enjoy but find him useful to contrast the input put forward by the two opposing sides on the battlefield. I am fascinated by the commentary and input of Jeffrey Sachs, and recall reading in the local newspapers at the time he lived them of some of the tales which he relates of his ventures in Moscow. Additionally, there are various interviews with Jack Matlock who is a wealth of information. For a good while (2yrs) I visited the archives of daily Ukrainain papers of 2014 where there is some revealing insights to be found of the details of the conflict which are now obscured by the Censorship Lords of Ukraine, this significant source of real news has been in large part pulled from the internet, unfortunately.

    For long works, and books, “85 days in Slavyansk” written by a Russian journalist as a first hand report on the fall of Ukraine, the rise of the militias under Igor Ivanovich Strelkov (huge Putin critic) and the outbreak of war (requires skepticism and research while reading). Also the writings and interviews of Dimitri Yarosh who was leader of the Right Sector (he is a very violent, hate filled, vile creature). Strelkov and Yarosh each claim to have been the trigger to have caused the war, and each played an enormously important role in the war. Dances with Bears is another lengthy read, but I mostly find his insights useful on the post Soviet era.

    Also there is the works of Richard Sakwa relating to the treachery of Putin as he saved Russia from the fate of becoming the failed state which Ukaine did become. His research on the 2014 coup is an immensely important read, but only partially told as it was published just after the initial war. Perhaps the most thoroughly researched and best considered single work, however, is the impossibly meticulous research contained in the work by Nicolai N. Petro, called the Tragedy of Ukraine. More useful than his own narrative which is centered upon its nearness to a greek tragedy, are the voluminous number of footnotes which each provide a rich source of research from which to gain an even greater gradual understanding of what brought on the war, and why any peace will be impossibly difficult to maintain. The foot notes are sourced to every side of this multidementional war which was begun long before February 2022. So if this is still the limit you have of when this crucible of tragedy began, this will be an eye opening experience for you to read.

    I have mentioned everyone of these sources in various posts I have made, but never before put them all together like this. Hope you find them as interesting a read as I have over the years.

    I know this is a lot, but it is far from a complete list of what sources I have found important during my research, such as it is.

  23. @Adam

    This leads me to believe that he relies for his facts on obviously biased and partisan sources, or that he is just making this stuff up

    Adam, this was the second needlessly, quite unpleasant statement made from you in this thread. I have to say that I am regretful to read them. In any event I had written you a response yesterday, but it was incomplete due to a few particularly useful Ukrainian sites which were recently removed by the Green Tshirted Grifting Guy in his pursuit of Ukrainian democracy where only the right religions can be practiced, only the right papers might be published and only the right news sites might be permitted on the net. Yet, given your abusive tone, which was hardly warranted – either of them actually – I believe, I will forgo the completeness of my sources to offer you what I have already written.

    In fact, the nature of a good historian is not to rely upon a single tale written from some omniscient source, as that would be a book report which could hardly be useful to any serious degree. Instead, I would argue that it is better to seek the truth from many sources, while knowing the nature and biases included in them all and thereby better placed to weigh the value provided from any one of them. Since you are asking me for my own single source, it brings me to question if you, yourself, have a single source which fills your views to share here. If so, I don’t recall you mentioning it. Perhaps you will enlighten us with this tome of truth which informs you so completely.

  24. @Sebastien
    High marks on your brilliant analysis from earlier today. I have waited all day to have the opportunity to respond, but everyone should read your comment and recognize the tragic comedy of errors and betrayals in which the world is now play acting outrage as the same pockets get filled full with cash and the spoils of these pointless forever wars. Very well done!

  25. I feel I’m getting to the end of my tether with these two blokes. Not at all seeking censorship. But there is a point…

    I’ve had enough

    Instead focus on the stealing of Jewish land

    Why is it happening it is good to ask

    Actually Doug McGregor answered for us…reason is because of the Cold War

    Like priests there’s an awful lot of indoctrination has went on

    These two guys are NeoCons and blind to facts

    You answer but they will have moved on to the next item on the list.

    Now for the big big danger

    The Media keeps reality away from the people

    Read independent outlets

    Russia has many nukes and even a small risk cannot be

    Anybody who disregard that risk is pure evil

    In the meantime do please read nay study this


  26. @Adam, I completely concur with your comment that starts

    Ted, your justification for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, that the U.S. had rejected Putin’s “reasonable demands” sounds remarkably like Hitler’s rationale for invading Czechia –the Czechs had rejected his “reasonable demand” that they stop oppressing the “Sudeten: Germans and forcing them to flee to Germany.

  27. @Ted you said exactly

    Putin Built up Russia from the depths of her despair after the fall of the USSR into the proud nation you see today

    What should they be proud of the 67th highest GDP in the world at $14K per year. Is the freedom they have choosing their leaders and the lack of corruption. Is it the killing of political opponents? Is that they can longer participate in International Soccer Matches in Europe because they have become a pariah among most reasonable nations?

    What is it you falsely are celebrating on behalf of Russians?

    Tell us what is good about Russia and your beloved Putin. Why are so many people fleeing Russia?

  28. I notice that Peloni has not responded to mamy request that he identify the source for what he describes as the “facts” of the conflict. This leads me to believe that he relies for his facts on obviously biased and partisan sources, or that he is just making this stuff up. I prefer to believe the first possibility.

  29. Ted, your justification for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, that the U.S. had rejected Putin’s “reasonable demands” sounds remarkably like Hitler’s rationale for invading Czechia –the Czechs had rejected his “reasonable demand” that they stop oppressing the “Sudeten: Germans and forcing them to flee to Germany. Or his nearly the same “reasonable demand” that Poland stop oppressing the ethnic Germans within its borders, and that their drop their objections to Germany’s proposed annexation of Danzig. And his “reasonable demand” that Lithuania concede Memel to Germany. A year later, his “reasonable demand” that the Soviet union withdraw its troops from Moldova, which had been declared a neutral zone between Russia and Germany in the infamous secret protocols of the Nazi-Soviet pact, (this was his immediate justification for Germany’s invasion of Russia, June 1941). Also. his “reasonable demand” that the United States end its military and economic assistance to Britain and Russia in the months before he declared war on the United States in December 1941.
    The demands that an aggressor state makes of third parties. and the third party’s refusal to submit to these demands, before it invades another country cannot make the third parties the aggressor agressor state invades its neighbor, it invades its neighbor, with the intent of annexing it against the neighbors will. An aggressor state is an agressor, regardless of whatever disputes it may have with other countries that are not the target (at least for the time being) of its agression. And frankly, I don’t see how any reasonable person can fail to understand this.

  30. This is the quandary

    EU and US do pour massively into Zelensky

    But Seymour Hirsch says Ukrainian men no longer will fight

    Moment of great danger

    The NeoCons can do anything

    I see great danger.

    And Trump must be in danger also

  31. We did only vaguely sense it. Gadhafi in his last days could see it.

    But the shock of Libya was profound.

    That large area underpinning Libya.

    Mali, Gabon, Niger and Sudan

    This is the source of their love for Russia today. And poor people do love strongly.

  32. Putin and his cronies have weakened Russia. Russians also been leaving in large numbers because what was the start of a democracy after the fall of the Soviet Union has degenerated into a full blown brutal dictatorship where Putin regularly murders political opposition or jails them. People live in fear!

    A year and a half after the Russian president’s rash, illegal, blundering invasion of Ukraine, Russian peacekeepers have been forced to admit defeat in the faraway enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, handing control back to Azerbaijan after a 24-hour military offensive, which killed a senior Russian officer.

    For Azerbaijan, which began talks with Karabakh’s Armenian separatist leaders on Thursday to formally take back control of the region, it looked like a surprisingly swift conclusion to a 35-year conflict that has cost thousands of lives.

    But for Putin’s Russia, it’s an equally stunning loss, proof that Moscow’s writ no longer holds in the Caucasus and that the post-Soviet security bloc Putin set up to mirror NATO in the region—the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)—is a spent force.

    And the Russian dictator has only himself to blame.

    In the two full-on wars fought over Nagorno-Karabakh, from 1988 to 1994 and again in 2020, the separatists had full military and political support from Armenia itself and, indirectly, from Russia.

    Attack Drones Dominating Tanks as Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Showcases the Future of War

    But since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Caucasus calculus has changed. Armenia took no action as Azerbaijan moved to cut off its supply route to Nagorno-Karabakh, the Lachin Corridor, over the past year. Then, earlier this month, Armenia held its first joint military exercises with the United States, clearly turning its back on the CSTO.

    On Tuesday, emboldened by events, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev ordered the offensive, his troops quickly capturing key heights and strategic junctions in Nagorno-Karabakh. The separatists crumbled, agreeing a ceasefire backed by Russian peacekeepers.

    Azeri’s buy both Turkish and Israeli drones which made paper burning dolls out of the Russian supplied equipment including tanks the Armenian’s used.

    full article at https://www.yahoo.com/news/shockingly-quick-defeat-shows-putin-130451245.html

  33. Sebastien so many good points. Yes this goes back to at least 1917 and what followed. Then was invented the lethal myth Jewish Bolshevism which was central to the Nazi created Holocaust and much else.

    Jews are beholden to noone. All have harmed this poor and innocent people. But now a new challenge. To be able to orient oneself on the basis of true facts.

    The posts of Michael and Bear are replete with errors 101 stuff and all time consuming to reply to.

  34. Ted, you said one really astonishing thing. Russian economy is something you admire and the USA’s you do not.

    I agree with you Biden has hurt the USA economy somewhat with too much spending causing inflation and curtailing carbon output. Yet luckily the US economy is growing and is 26.5 trillions dollars in GDP.

    Russian economy is a mere 1.65 trillion dollars. Peanuts for a country so large.
    144 million people.

    Russian GDP per capita $14,000(67th in world)

    USA GDP per capita $64,000 (7th in world)

    Israeli GDP per capita per the IMF is $58,000 (20th in world)

    Israel a country of not quite 10 million people has a GDP of about $600 billion.

    So Ted, you have no logical economic reason to praise PUTIN. Russian economy is very lousy. The brain drain caused by Putin’s war certainly will not help. Russia is a brutal dictatorship were Putin and a few oligarchs have taken all the spoils.

    I also do not in the least like Obama or Joe Biden but I am able to articulate the differences between the USA as a whole the current administration. Also I understand how the USA as whole is way better for Israel (though they do things I hate) than a Russia who sells Iran weapons including nuclear technology is bad for Israel.

    The USA sells Israel F-35s and conducts regular joint training exercises with Israel drilling their mutual air-forces.

    So criticizing the USA Administration is certainly valid. I do it constantly but venturing into demonizing of the USA as a country and saying Russia is superior is ridiculous to be understated.

    This is why Michael regularly gets upset with you Ted. He is certainly correct on that. Russian is a gas station who in the mini market sells some caviar and vodka for exports. US has a full blown economy that is the largest in the world.

  35. So some here on Israpundit have decided to rationalize or explain away Russian expansionism and Putin’s quest to reformulate the land mass of the Soviet Union.

    You have sided with your good guys Russia, Iran, North Korea and China. The USA and NATO countries are now the axis of evil to you.

    I am with the USA (however flawed it is) and the NATO countries in stopping this Russian expansionism. To me Putin’s Russia and his allies Iran, North Korea and China are the world danger and axis of true evil.

    The USA and Europe certainly are far from perfect and ideal. This does NOT in the least justify Putin taking land that is not his. No analogy or rationalization justifies Putin taking another countries land and invading them. In fact Putin made NATO more unified and stronger as they started buying weapons in mass. NATO also became larger as Finland and Sweden joined NATO! So Putin has clearly hurt Russia who has lost 100,000s of troops, a significant portion of Russian armor, plus started a brain drain drain (from Russian’s who wanted no part of his warmongering) and been put under massive international sanctions.

    Ukraine is not the first country Putin’s Russia has grabbed land from in his quest to expand Russia. See Georgian invasion. No one is of course going to mention their brutality in Chechnya (who are not Russians and wanted to be free). In fact Russia pre Putin and throughout history has tried to expand or has expanded it borders via conquest. So it is part of their national DNA.

    Take look at the link below and see the vast amount countries that Russia has attacked and occupied in part of whole. Countries marked in red showed that at some point throughout history, Russia had invaded or occupied. These include France, Germany, Iran and Japan.

    Anyway for me it is very hard to understand how some here have basically accepted the RT and Putin point of view. I think it all double talk and lacks any moral rationalization. Bottom line is Ted & his followers believe Russia has a right to take Ukrainian land and attack other countries. In actuality is Russia taking as much of the former Soviet Union it is allowed to take.

    They certainly would retake Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland at a minimum if they could. They still hold some Japanese Islands from past conquests.
    NATO exists and got stronger because it is needed to stop Putin from his expansionism. NATO did expand to countries that voluntarily wanted to join it because Russia can not be trusted. Talk to Poles or Latvians why NATO is important. They want nothing to do with again living under a Russian occupation. NATO was no danger to Russia if it simply stayed inside the vast borders of Russia and stopped invading and occupying its neighbors lands.

    Russian Jews and many of Jewish heritage quickly fled Russia to Israel because of Putin’s latest war and all the hardship that put on Russian’s. Many other’s fled elsewhere including many in the high-tech sector causing a serious brain drain. Their actions in my mind speak a lot louder than those who have chosen Putin as their role model and decided the USA and NATO countries are the bad guys. They understand Putin is a brutal scary dictator who has evil designs on other people’s freedom and countries and does not care that he destroys the lives of Russian’s in the process.

  36. @Bear

    Russia had signed a treaty conceding this land Ukraine in 1994

    and in exchange, “Ukraine” agreed to respect cultural autonomy of Russian-speakers and neutral fraternal non-NATO relations with Russia. With the CIA-backed coup, the rise to power of Ukrainian chauvinist fascists, and the shredding of the Constitution, those peoples exercised their right to self-determination, had referenda, took up arms and seceded. After a genocidal 8 years of shelling of civilians and military alike, the build up of NATO while the West played for tme with the 2 Minsk Accords – See that video with that WEF puppet clown, Zelensky smirking on the side – Russia excepted their petition to join.

    See Ted’s excellent article, “Sovereignty versus Self-Determination.” Sometimes, one applies, and sometimes the other but they are often in conflict, however often they are glibly conflated.

    In Eretz Israel, we argue sovereignty, but in the right of self-determination in Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea, and I would argue, Transnistria, which is mostly Hungarian and was stripped from Hungary by leaders with maps the way those provinces were by first Kruschev and then post Soviet Collapse political directors,
    (Gentlemen with maps) the way the European powers gerrymandered Africa in the late 19th century and the Middle East in the 20th with no regard for actual ethnio-cultural borders.giving rise to later civil wars like this one.

    The West is hypocritical. The breakaway republics from the recently created Ukraine, as well as Georgia, are no different from the breakaway of Kosovo from Russia’s fraternal ally, Serbia, and the rationale for the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia also used human rights and averting genocide as it’s rationale, though not pre-emptiive self-defence, like NATO coups, invasions and bombings everywhere else-where.
    The Warsaw Pact is gone. Why should NATO continue to exist?
    Both World Wars came about because of chains of mutual defence pacts. Up to now, it’s been like shooting fish in a barrel for NATO. This is a big mistake.
    This really isn’t about Ukraine. It’s about regime change, conquering , destroying, and dis-membering Russia and NATO pundits have openl discussed that.

    Something they shudder from contemplating with fellow nuclear power, North Korea, and threshold nuclear power, Iran, who pose actual threats, but into whose arms we have pushed Russia, for no good reason!

    As for human rights, the stories coming out about Ukraine equal anything coming out of Russia, even if true. It’s like comparing one Arab country to another in determining foreign policy, irrelevant and immaterial.

    This war smacks more of the WEF’s interests than it does the national interests of the U.S. and Western satellites whose leaders are prosecuting it semi-behind the scenes.

    And there is an earlier precedent, of which Russia is well-aware, . After WWI, every practically country in the world invaded Russia and set up spheres of interest, the way the West did China in the 19th and early 20th century.

    More recently, President Kennedy almost started WWIII over missiles in Cuba. Grenada was no match for Reagan.

    Russia has its own Monroe Doctrine. Hypocritical of us to complain. Stupid of us to meddle in an expensive and bloody foreign civil war.

    But, Taiwan is different. You see, there is no general principle that can just be plugged in like a mathematical formula.

    Einstein gave up on his quest for a universal field theorem because he came to the conclusion that the more all-encompassing a formula was, the less useful it was, and the more useful, the less universal.

  37. Both Putin and Obama-Biden have transformed their respective countries. Putin Built up Russia from the depths of her despair after the fall of the USSR into the proud nation you see today and the Russians love him for it.

    Since 2008, Obama-Biden destroyed the America we love leaving us something we hate and tripled the national debt.

    So I want a regime change in America and but not in Russia.

  38. @Bear
    Please don’t put words in my mouth. Every land claim must be decided on its merits rather than on the principle that Sovereignty is inviolable. Based on what I have learned from the experts I have named, I came to the conclusion that Russia had a good case and that her demands were reasonable. Nothing more, nothing less. I accepted as reasonable that just as Kennedy didn’t want Russian missiles in Cuba, Russia had a right to want Ukraine to be neutral.

    I have switched the posts above to those dealing with the Ukraine War. I stand by what I wrote in the article beginning “Clearly” and in the article beginning “Annexation” and in the article beginning “The Pot” and in the article beginning “Ukraine”. I have nothing more to say.
