Five hour ceasefire at 10:00 am today

By Ted Belman

The latest news report:

Israel on Wednesday accepted a UN proposal for a five-hour unilateral humanitarian pause in the fighting to allow for relief aid into Gaza.

IDF sources said the lull in the fighting would go into effect on Thursday at 10 a.m

There is no need for a “humanitarian pause.” It is really to facilitate mediation efforts to get a cease fire.

Israel called up another 8,000 reservists to bolster the 40,000 already called up. Netanyahu repeated that Israel would  “use as much force as necessary to restore the quiet.”

Obama says that they are doing as much as possible to restore the 2012 ceasefire. What this means is that Hamas will have to be bribed with some kind of accomplishment to get their approval.

Israel must reject any concession to Hamas but will be hard pressed to do so seeing as she has been asking for help in restoring calm. As for Netanyahu’s desire for the international community to work toward the demilitarization of Gaza. its a pipe dream.

Why isn’t anyone in the international community demanding the the terrorist Hamas be destroyed? Why isn’t Netanyahu?

It seems to me that if Israel was really going to attack Iran when talks fail, that she would want to finish off the threat from Hamas first. The fact that she doesn’t suggests no intention to attack Iran.

July 17, 2014 | 125 Comments »

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50 Comments / 125 Comments

  1. @ dweller:

    But as I’ve told you before, I don’t live in SF, and never have.

    Let’s say, that I think you know what I meant by “s-f”

  2. @ honeybee:

    “By sitting on both sides of the fence !”

    “What ‘fence’ would that be?”

    “Religion, politic, sex etc.”

    Examples, please, of my straddling both sides of any of those fences?

  3. @ bernard ross:

    “[Reagan] also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome —

    “…’hard evidence’ to support this ludicrous statement please.”

    “If you see the statement as ‘ludicrous,’ what’s the point in offering you evidence of ANY sort? Two minutes’ worth of searching produced the following links; it’s all the time I can spare.”

    “from your link #1: the only reference to SDI ,in the entire article, is the authors opinion which also offered no hard evidence or any support whatsoever”

    It’s more than your sneering, asinine request warranted. (I’m astonished at myself that I gave you THAT much.)

    “either your ‘scholarship’ is slipping severely or you were attempting a dishonest trick of citing an opinion with no evidence, like your own.”

    “Scholarship”? — you thought that 2 minutes worth of searching was intended to pose as ‘scholarship’? I gave you a couple of links that you could’ve used as a stepping-off point if you were interested in exploring the matter on your own. THAT’s your idea of a ‘dishonest trick’?

    — It is abundantly clear to me that the two minutes I spent on it was two minutes MORE than your attitude warranted.

    “I merely point out what a hypocrite and fake you are.”

    You never ‘MERELY’ do anything, Bernard. It was desperately essential for you to find & exploit any occasion to divert attention from the sting of having a fondly held notion (‘antisemitism-behaves-as-an-addiction’) — regarded w/ a jaundiced eye.

    “Demanding hard evidence for a speculative consideration and yet not providing it for your statements of fact.”

    Not all ‘inconsistency’ constitutes hypocrisy (let alone, ‘fakery’). The words are not synonyms.

    Your ‘speculative’ proposition had nowhere to go WITHOUT some hard evidence to start with. The remark, however, about Reagan being the godfather of Iron Dome reflected common knowledge (common except among those who have unrelentingly hated him & begrudged him his due since Day One). In fact, the evidence for the truth of THAT assertion was — and is — plentiful & readily available to any sincere individual w/ the time & inclination to pursue it.

    “Most of us remember this about SDI: ‘The initial focus of the strategic defense initiative was a nuclear explosion-powered X-ray laser designed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory by a scientist named Peter L. Hagelstein[12] who worked with a team called ‘O Group’, doing much of the work in the late 1970s and early 1980s.’

    I see no lasers in iron dome.”

    Quite so; there aren’t any.

    — As yet.

    Lawrence Livermore National Lab is located in this part of California. Had the Soviet Union survived the Reagan Administration — God forbid — then the SDI project would more likely have been pursued stateside, in which case Iron Dome in all likelihood would incorporate high-density lasers.

    Israel has to tread lightly (or thinks she has to) over the prospect of using ANYTHING powered by a nuclear explosion. However, given the odds that a horrific M-E arms race will ensue if Iran succeeds in getting the Big One, the likelihood is increasing that Iron Dome WILL incorporate x-ray lasers.

  4. @ honeybee:

    “how your ‘ass is on the line daily’….”

    “By sitting on both sides of the fence !”

    What ‘fence’ would that be?

    @ the phoenix:

    “Does s-f have a metro / subway line that might be ‘serviced’ virtually every day?”

    Buses & trolley cars; no subway.

    But as I’ve told you before, I don’t live in SF, and never have.

    — I’m nearly 100 miles from there, in suburbs & small towns that are easily traveled on a bicycle.

  5. @ bernard ross:

    “I searched and sifted… but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim…”

    “You didn’t ‘search & sift’ enough. The archives are full of Yamit’s remarks, but they disclose no understanding (on his part) of Greek mythology. Nor is there reason to believe, based on his general tone & outlook, that he has a working acquaintance with the applicability of mythology to common understanding.”

    “I love the way you always try to squirm…”

    No ‘squirming’ — none needed. I drew a conclusion based on what I’ve seen of how Y writes. Gk mythology isn’t integral to his writing except in a very detached way. If you can’t see it, that’s your problem.

    “you rely on his ‘general tone’ as a substitute for your ‘hard evidence’.”

    No ‘substitute.’ I never proposed to offer you hard evidence in this matter. I told you what I thought; I stand by it. Take it or leave it. If you think you NEED hard evidence, you have the archives all to yourself; Google yourself silly w/ my blessing.

    But all you are doing here is pursuing the same distraction I pointed out in the reply to Yamit, which is that instead of addressing the SUBSTANCE of the matter (the need to clean out the GOP stable), you — like him — have changed the subject UTTERLY, and instead made it about me.

    “You are a pathetic narcisist and egotist.”

    I see that that guy in the mirror has been talking to you again. Maybe you should shave by feel. Then you wouldn’t be compelled to keep repeating the sweet nothings the dude mouths in your face when he tells you about yourself.

    @ bernard ross:

    “… and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand.”

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    “Please verify these 3 claims in the one sentence with ‘hard evidence’…”

    “we are all still waiting to hear…”

    Suppose you kiss my ass on YouTube, Bernard; then you’ll have all the evidence you ‘all’ need.”

    “still waiting to hear how your ‘ass is on the line daily’….”


    “you appear to have avoided that boast.”

    How’s that a ‘boast’?

    It’s not a boast; just a fact. And I wouldn’t even have alluded to that fact in first place if it hadn’t been in reply to Y’s characteristically inane remark.

  6. the phoenix Said:

    Does s-f have a metro / subway line that might be ‘serviced’ virtually every day?

    good point, perhaps his “ass is on the line every day” just means that his ass takes the subway every day, to the library.
    he could easily clear this up but appears to avoid it.

  7. @ bernard ross:
    @ honeybee:

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    Does s-f have a metro / subway line that might be ‘serviced’ virtually every day?
    I’m wonderin’…

  8. dweller Said:

    So your “throwing darts” quip was (at best) just another of your irrelevant distractions. If it IS truly a “definitive statement” that you want, youll have to address your request to the actual individual in question.

    Poor Twinkie, you have done her in !!!!!!!!!

  9. dweller Said:

    “[Reagan] also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome —
    Bernard ross said:
    “…’hard evidence’ to support this ludicrous statement please.”
    Dweller said:
    If you see the statement as ‘ludicrous,’ what’s the point in offering you evidence of ANY sort? Two minutes’ worth of searching produced the following links; it’s all the time I can spare.

    from your link #1: the only reference to SDI ,in the entire article, is the authors opinion which also offered no hard evidence or any support whatsoever

    Iron Dome’s “sensor-shooter” system is a drastically scaled-down strategic anti-missile defense system, a mini-ABM system in the mold of the Reagan administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative. In fact, Iron Dome is an SDI descendant and a cousin of the current U.S. Missile Defense program.

    either your “scholarship” is slipping severely or you were attempting a dishonest trick of citing an opinion with no evidence, like your own.
    Similarly your second link also offers no evidence

    Iron Dome has deprived Hamas of missile terrorism against random civilians as diplomatic leverage — just as SDI threatened to stop the Soviets from using international nuclear terror for diplomatic leverage against America.

    I merely point out what a hypocrite and fake you are. Demanding hard evidence for a speculative consideration and yet not providing it for your statements of fact.
    therefore, I repeat:

    Bernard ross said:
    “…’hard evidence’ to support this ludicrous statement please.”

    Most of us remember this about SDI:

    The initial focus of the strategic defense initiative was a nuclear explosion-powered X-ray laser designed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory by a scientist named Peter L. Hagelstein[12] who worked with a team called ‘O Group’, doing much of the work in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

    I see no lasers in iron dome.

  10. dweller Said:

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.
    Bernard ross said:
    “Please verify these 3 claims in the one sentence with ‘hard evidence’…” “we are all still waiting to hear…”
    Dweller said:
    Suppose you kiss my ass on YouTube, Bernard; then you’ll have all the evidence you ‘all’ need.

    looks like the cat got the “Fat Asses” whiskers 😛 😛 😛

    By the way, we are all still waiting to hear how your “ass is on the line daily”….
    you appear to have avoided that boast.

  11. dweller Said:

    Yamit said:
    “you fit the character of Phyleus in every way.”
    Dweller said:
    “First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.”
    Bernard Ross sai9d:
    “I searched and sifted… but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim…”
    Dweller said:
    You didn’t “search & sift” enough. The archives are full of Yamit’s remarks, but they disclose no understanding (on his part) of Greek mythology. Nor is there reason to believe, based on his general tone & outlook, that he has a working acquaintance with the applicability of mythology to common understanding.

    I love the way you always try to squirm out of being caught with your ludicrous pant down. In other words you are saying that you did not in your post give ONE SHRED OF “HARD EVIDENCE” FOR YOUR LUDICROUS ASSERTIONS and now you rely on his “general tone” as a substitute for your “hard evidence”.
    dweller Said:

    You didn’t “search & sift” enough. The archives are full of Yamit’s remarks, but they disclose no understanding (on his part) of Greek mythology. Nor is there reason to believe, based on his general tone & outlook, that he has a working acquaintance with the applicability of mythology to common understanding.

    — And when he does allude to mythology, it’s always in a shallow, disconnected & strictly academic way. It’s just not part of his working toolbox.

    But this is all beside the point — as you would know if you weren’t so obviously looking for opportunities for reprisal after being stung by having your ‘antisemitism-as-genetics’ proposition dismissed for the utter crankery it so clearly is.

    The much more significant point to be made about Y’s foray here into Gk mythology is (as I’ve already noted) that his comment about me and “Phyleus” was utterly gratuitous — as YoursTruly was not the subject of discourse. I’d merely said it would take some time to shovel out the shit in the GOP leadership (and alluded thus, in passing, to the stables of Augeus) — THAT was the subject at hand.

    — But he promptly turned ’round and disingenuously made the discussion about ME — thereby derailing the whole point of the existing exchange.

    and now you once again repeat your same cartoonish mountain of obfuscation and red herring and lo and behold,again, with this second pile of horseshiite we see the same result

    I sifted and searched again through this second pile of garbage and, oddly, were still unable to identify one shred of hard evidence to support your claim regarding yamits statement. Instead you demonstrate that you are the one ignorant of Greek Mythology by not responding to his comment but instead constructing mountains of ad hominem garbage as a distraction from your ignorance.

    You are a pathetic narcisist and egotist.

  12. @ bernard ross:

    “The The Augean Stables [of the GOP Establishment] will have to be shoveled out, and that’s a project that will take some time.”

    “you fit the character of Phyleus in every way.”

    “First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.”

    “I searched and sifted… but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim…”

    You didn’t “search & sift” enough. The archives are full of Yamit’s remarks, but they disclose no understanding (on his part) of Greek mythology. Nor is there reason to believe, based on his general tone & outlook, that he has a working acquaintance with the applicability of mythology to common understanding.

    — And when he does allude to mythology, it’s always in a shallow, disconnected & strictly academic way. It’s just not part of his working toolbox.

    But this is all beside the point — as you would know if you weren’t so obviously looking for opportunities for reprisal after being stung by having your ‘antisemitism-as-genetics’ proposition dismissed for the utter crankery it so clearly is.

    The much more significant point to be made about Y’s foray here into Gk mythology is (as I’ve already noted) that his comment about me and “Phyleus” was utterly gratuitous — as YoursTruly was not the subject of discourse. I’d merely said it would take some time to shovel out the shit in the GOP leadership (and alluded thus, in passing, to the stables of Augeus) — THAT was the subject at hand.

    — But he promptly turned ’round and disingenuously made the discussion about ME — thereby derailing the whole point of the existing exchange.

    @ bernard ross:

    “[Reagan] also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome —

    “…’hard evidence’ to support this ludicrous statement please.”

    If you see the statement as ‘ludicrous,’ what’s the point in offering you evidence of ANY sort?

    Two minutes’ worth of searching produced the following links; it’s all the time I can spare. (If you were sincere, I’m sure you could find many more — but a person like you, Bernard, is a lead-pipe cinch to believe whatever it ruddy-well SUITS him to believe

    “… and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand.”

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    “Please verify these 3 claims in the one sentence with ‘hard evidence’…”

    “we are all still waiting to hear…”

    Suppose you kiss my ass on YouTube, Bernard; then you’ll have all the evidence you ‘all’ need.

  13. @ honeybee:

    “What’s more, even if the GOP takes the Senate in November (and even if it extends its control over the House at that time), there’s STILL little likelihood of impeachment being initiated. Repub leadership is just as corrupt as the Demos, too attached to the DC beltway & its perks.”

    “You are absolutely correct in your assessments and I don’t believe for a minute that the GOP would finally grow a pair and do it even if they retake the Senate and keep the House – and that for the reasons you have stated.

    Let me enlighten you about the reasons why I’ve posted this: us Israelis were lectured by an armchair quarterback who lives miles away from us (“you Jews have no honor, you Jews have no b*lls” etc. – please note the generalization) and was wondering why we didn’t take the streets against our rotten Govt. in time of war and while being bombed.

    To which I answered – assuming, perhaps wrongly – that he was safely living in the US – that his country elected a malevolent Marxist twice and that it would be great if he would explain why HE didn’t take the streets to get him out of the picture – since he was destroying his country.”

    “Nobody is going to impeach the first black President and impeachment is a meaningless exorcise.”

    “Yes, I know, but the whole point was getting an answer about his passivity since he was criticizing ours…”

    “Yes Mam, throwing darts at dweller is one of our favorite sports around these parts. I shall allow to try to get a definitive stat meant out of his hide.”

    Newsflash, Twinkie. It wasn’t YoursTruly that Avigail was referring to in her comment above.

    Her comment was ADDRESSED to me (in reply to mine to her), but if you follow the thread back to the remark that drew her in, it’s quite clear that her comment was not ABOUT me. It was ABOUT the “armchair quarterback” who’d made the comment[s] she identified above. And THAT was somebody else. (See the first few posts on previous page.)

    So your “throwing darts” quip was (at best) just another of your irrelevant distractions. If it IS truly a “definitive statement” that you want, youll have to address your request to the actual individual in question.

  14. dweller Said:

    But if you went mouthing off about stuff that was beyond your own familiarity, I tell you the same him I told him about Greek mythology.

    you make oodles of unsubstantiated comments. I am still waiting to hear the expert, Dweller, on Greek Mythology substantiate his claim re Yamit’s Greek Mythology comment

    Repetitive hot air from a windbag is an insufficient submission here. Perhaps you can submit it at your next performance at the Scottish bagpipe convention.

  15. dweller Said:

    What I said about it [above] is FACT. Iron Dome is a direct outgrowth of that program, which died (or went dormant) in the US,

    You keep repeating this but for a guy who demands “hard evidence” you have provided not one shred yet, still waiting.
    dweller Said:

    “First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.”

    another statement you repeat but for which you provide not ONE shred of evidence. Still waiting for the “hard evidence” to support your claims. Do you only place this standard on others at your convenience?

    bernard ross Said:

    dweller Said:

    My ASS IS far from ‘fat’
    — and, while I don’t talk about it very much,
    as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.
    Bernard Ross said:
    Please verify these 3 claims in the one sentence with “hard evidence”.
    Witness statements from bum chums will be unacceptable

    still waiting.
    honeybee Said:

    dweller Said:

    My ASS IS far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.
    Honeybee said:
    What line is that?

    we are all still waiting to hear how your “ASS is on the line every day”. Just another of your wild claims?

  16. @ yamit82:

    “That ex-president whose death you celebrate was neither corrupt nor a Jew-hater.”

    “So many examples don’t know where to begin.”

    That’s an evasion, not an answer.

    “Reagan robbed social security trust fund”

    BS. I’ve discussed this elsewhere on this board. A bill was prepared by Stockman, (who was less than straightforward about it w/ Reagan) but it never went anywhere, as it was shot down by congressional Republicans.

    “Space won’t allow me to re-post all the evidence of his Jew hatred again: (it’s in the archives on many threads).”

    What you posted on many threads in the archives is a crock of shit. And I pointed that out in substantial detail each-&-every time I saw it.

    “But more than a Jew hater he was a Nazi Lover and supporter as well.”

    More bovine manure. But then — coming, as it does, from somebody who claims (as you do) that the Commandment forbidding us to bear false witness against out neighbor doesn’t apply to him as long as it’s a goy he’s slandering — what can we expect???

    “He also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome — which has saved countless lives over the past couple weeks — and which began its OWN life with Reagan’s sponsorship & encouragement under the name of the Strategic Defense Initiative [SDI]. Gorbachev tried desperately to get him to toss it away, but he held on anyway.”

    “Shit, YOU WILL believe any BS spoon fed to you.”

    It wasn’t spoon fed to me. I was stateside during the administration, and I explored the matter on my own. What I said about it [above] is FACT. Iron Dome is a direct outgrowth of that program, which died (or went dormant) in the US, but had followup in Israel — first as Arrow, later as Dome.

    Does it have drawbacks? — yes. Is it expensive to operate? — yes.

    But has it saved lives? — you betcha.

  17. @ honeybee:

    “Civil disobedience and you can go back to jail for the next 20 years if you live so long.”

    “Civil Disobedience has its place, and jail doesn’t scare me. I’ve faced it, and handled it. (I very seriously doubt that PresentCompany could.)”

    “Present company [you mean Yamit82} handles war and rocket fire !”

    Oh really? — at his age?

    “Prison, big deal !!”

    I doubt that you (like him) would take that view if you had to face it directly.

    In any case, it was HE that raised the subject, not I.

    @ honeybee:

    “… and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand.”

    “My ASS IS far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.”

    “What line is that?”

    It was Yamit who introduced the word to the exchange. Ask him.

    “First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.”

    “Greek mythology the deep end of the pool?”

    For him? — absolutely. It was obvious he went hunting to address the reference.

    “Give me a break, even I know Greek mythology.”

    So? — I’m sure you know all sorts of things he doesn’t know. But if you went mouthing off about stuff that was beyond your own familiarity, I tell you the same him I told him about Greek mythology.

    This is all beside the point though. What’s more significant is that he tried o make the discussion personal when it wasn’t about me in the first place. It was strictly about impeachment, the president, the parties, etc

    — and he deliberately — and completely off-the-wall — went ad hominem with it.


    “you favorite subject !”

    I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. (And I doubt that YOU do either.)

  18. Yamit,

    Will the cost of Iron Dome come down as more are produced? How many lives do you think have been saved by ID in this particular conflict? What do you advocate as an alternative? What exactly would you do in Gaza if you didn’t want to employ ID and other high tech weapons? if you didn’t have robots (high tech, I guess) how would you deal with the tunnels?

    It seems high tech has enabled the IAF to do a lot of their work unimpeded without much threat from SAMs. I remember the horrible toll of 1973, and the frantic race to destroy SAMS in the Suez Canal area in 1970. It seems our pilots are somewhat safer, for now, due to technological advantage. Of course, Israel’s adversaries have changed. No longer are they countries with militaries with sophisticated complex anti-aircraft systems. Still, the smaller, hand-held stuff of the type I guess Hezbollah and Hamas have, was lethal in 1973.

    Since your expertise is the military, please tell us what Israel should be doing that it isn’t.

    In fact, maybe Ted should give you a whole topic for an extended and detailed article on how Israel is failing to do what it should militarily. I’m not being sarcastic. I would like to know the alternatives. I am concerned with the constraints upon Israel diplomatically and from world opinion. I have friends at the Technion. Although I haven’t discussed it with them, I know the universities are concerned about a boycott from scientists outside of Israel. Th modern language boycott stuff is a comparative pinprick. Israeli researchers need good relations with researchers in other countries. So far, the only notable scientist who has been bad on Israel was Hawking. I would hate to see cooperation starting to dry up. I know the university presidents in Israel want to prevent it. I don’t want to see expanded boycotts.

  19. honeybee Said:

    @ Avigail:

    My Father is Jewish, my Mother and Husband are not,it is very confusing. TX has a very Jewish name so people think he is Jewish not me. The relative who loves the Jew is an American Indian , Cherokee. Super confusing.

    I have a friend, a blogger, who is half Apache Indian, half Jewish. Her father was a former Navy Seal. Her mother was an athlete, a rower, I believe, at Oxford. The girl speaks with a British accent, and became one of the top college soccer players for Notre Dame. She is more observant than I am.

  20. bernard ross Said:

    searched and sifted through this usual long winded,irrelevant and predictable pile of garbage of a retort to Yamits comment, but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim of

    A dicha of Deborah, on another post, Jewish men are obstinate, stubborn and genetically verbally aggressive. Yamit82 took exception to the truth. But I see, you understand truth in this dictum.

  21. dweller Said:

    He also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome —

    “hard evidence” to support this ludicrous statement please.(please omit obviously political citations)
    dweller Said:

    My ASS IS far from ‘fat’
    — and, while I don’t talk about it very much,
    as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    Please verify these 3 claims in the one sentence with “hard evidence”.
    Witness statements from bum chums will be unacceptable

  22. yamit82 Said:

    you fit the character of Phyleus in every way.

    dweller Said:

    First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.

    It would be amusing — if it weren’t just a little sad — watching you stretch & strain to fit me to some nefarious template. And you work so hard at it.

    I’ll bet you huff & puff this way over all sorts of things (bet your BLOOD PRESSURE reflects that too). I worked for several years as a strength trainer, where I discovered a lot of things in this regard. You should know, for example, that 55 percent of all strokes occur in the bathroom. It’s true; no BS.

    More often than not, when the paramedics arrive, the victim is found sitting on the commode (or was there before he passed out & keeled over) — where his grunting & groaning (often while compulsively holding his breath) had created a val salva maneuver

    — which artificially raised his blood pressure to a dangerous level, thus precipitating the stroke. . . . A word to the wise.

    I searched and sifted through this usual long winded,irrelevant and predictable pile of garbage of a retort to Yamits comment, but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim of

    Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.

    This is his usual tactic of piling a mountain of garbage to distract from his ludicrous and unsubstantiated claims.

    And this from he who always seeks “hard evidence” from others.

    Still searching through this shiite, perhaps Dweller can lend his shovel. 😛

  23. @ Avigail:

    Yes Mam, throwing darts at dweller is one of our favorite sports around these parts. I shall allow to try to get a definitive stat meant out of his hide.

  24. dweller Said:

    My ASS IS far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    Trying to see things from your POV

    it’s on the line virtually every day.

    Only when you bend over Barbie.

    That ex-president whose death you celebrate was neither corrupt nor a Jew-hater.

    So many examples don’t know where to begin. How about robbing the SS trust fund and giving it to his rich friends as mega tax cuts.

    Reagan robbed social security trust fund

    How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen – Where Did the $2.5 Trillion Surplus Go? – :

    Space won’t allow me to re-post all the evidence of his Jew hatred again: (it’s in the archives on many threads). But more than a Jew hater he was a Nazi Lover and supporter as well.

    He also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome — which has saved countless lives over the past couple weeks — and which began its OWN life with Reagan’s sponsorship & encouragement under the name of the Strategic Defense Initiative [SDI]. Gorbachev tried desperately to get him to toss it away, but he held on anyway.

    Shit, YOU WILL believe any BS spoon fed to you. You are Pathetically incredible. 😛
    As for his stupid SDI. Nobody ever bought that crap except naive fools like you and the stupid Ruskies (maybe??), depends on who you want to believe. Iron dome is something you stupid Americans could never come up with and it’s simplicity is too simple for your goy minds. It’s essentially a Katusha shooting down a Katusha but with a sensor package and sophisticated software and radar. I’m sorry it was invented as it’s still too expensive at $50K per rocket and can be beaten by cheap rockets fired in large salvos. It also allows the Government to unnecessarily risk our population with inaction when otherwise they would have had to flatten Gaza long ago. Nobody will buy the damn thing because nobody faces the missile/Rocket threat we do. I hate so called Hi Tech weapons because most in real combat situations don’t work are too expensive and in the end are no better than older reliable low tech weapons.

    I’m a real fan of Napalm and what it can do for just a few bucks. A few years ago the Chinese shot an American satellite out of space with a sophisticated Rocket.. The military hushed up reports and the evidence because it means all of the sophisticated war stuff concocted by American military contractors are in time of war rendered useless junk… An EMP attack will destroy America and Western civilization killing 2/3 of the population within a year or so…….

    I don’t follow your diatribe on my blood pressure with Greek Myths or Yeshu myths?? In any case not to worry my Blood pressure is fine as is my cholesterol and all the other stuff you seem to care so much about. I eat the bad stuff and until recently smoked like a chimney. I keep in shape though I have some limitations and treat my health problems according to what I’m told by my physicians. Since I suffer (if you can call it suffering) from an auto immune syndrome where there is no cure I am left to exercise, medicate and monitor frequently. Since it’s a genetic disorder you can’t blame it on lifestyle but on genes. We Jews because of inbreeding have many genetic disorders or diseases but it also has raised our IQ’s above the averages.

    Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.

    Match my knowledge against yours and still have left over change for tips.

    I’ll tell you about MY acting career sometime and we can compare notes. 😛

  25. dweller Said:

    My ASS IS far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    What line is that?
    dweller Said:

    First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.

    Greek mythology the deep end of the poo? Give me a break, even I know Greek mythology.
    dweller Said:

    nefarious template

    Big words !!!!!!!!!!

    dweller Said:


    you favorite subject !!!!!!!!!!Sweetie

  26. dweller Said:

    Civil Disobedience has its place, and jail doesn’t scare me. I’ve faced it, and handled it. (I very seriously doubt that PresentCompany could.)

    Present company [you mean Yamit82} handles war and rocket fire !!!!!! Prison, big deal !!!!!!!!!!!

  27. dweller Said:

    @ Avigail:
    “A normal country impeaches a lawless President that tramples the Constitution everyday.”
    Not if his party dominates the Senate (which, effectively, constitutes the “jury”).
    Impeachment takes only the FORM of a judicial proceeding.
    — It’s always been a political event, NOT a judicial one.
    What’s more, even if the GOP takes the Senate in November (and even if it extends its control over the House at that time), there’s STILL little likelihood of impeachment being initiated. Repub leadership is just as corrupt as the Demos, too attached to the DC beltway & its perks.

    You are absolutely correct in your assessments and I don’t believe for a minute that the GOP would finally grow a pair and do it even if they retake the Senate and keep the House – and that for the reasons you have stated. I even think that Boehner is suing with the goal of being defeated, so that Obama’s lawlessness will be even greater afterwards. It’s a One Party Rule in the US today.

    Let me enlighten you about the reasons why I’ve posted this: us Israelis were lectured by an armchair quarterback who lives miles away from us (“you Jews have no honor, you Jews have no b*lls” etc. – please note the generalization) and was wondering why we didn’t take the streets against our rotten Govt. in time of war and while being bombed.
    To which I answered – assuming, perhaps wrongly – that he was safely living in the US – that his country elected a malevolent Marxist twice and that it would be great if he would explain why HE didn’t take the streets to get him out of the picture – since he was destroying his country.
    Moreover, Yamit added some top-notch historical references re. the events that happened after the Yom Kippur War and led to Meir’s Govt downfall.
    That’s the whole story.

  28. @ yamit82:

    “Civil disobedience and you can go back to jail for the next 20 years if you live so long.”

    Civil Disobedience has its place, and jail doesn’t scare me. I’ve faced it, and handled it. (I very seriously doubt that PresentCompany could.)

    But I have no idea what the purpose of your remark was. It clearly had NOTHING to do with the post of mine you referenced.

    “You explain away everything that is problematic whether theological or realpolitik…

    “… but have no real moral compass.”

    Which is to imply that YOU — of all persons — are in a position to discern that? LMSS.

    “Proves you are just moralist phony…”

    WHAT ‘proves’ that?

    “… windbag”

    And what’s supposed to ‘prove’ THAT?

    “… and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand.”

    My ASS IS far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    “A true disciple of a false messiah…”

    You mean the way Rebbe Akiva was a true disciple of a false messiah?

    “… and a corrupt Jew hating ex and thank G-d dead president.”

    That ex-president whose death you celebrate was neither corrupt nor a Jew-hater.

    He also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome — which has saved countless lives over the past couple weeks — and which began its OWN life with Reagan’s sponsorship & encouragement under the name of the Strategic Defense Initiative [SDI]. Gorbachev tried desperately to get him to toss it away, but he held on anyway.

    “The The Augean Stables [of the GOP Establishment] will have to be shoveled out, and that’s a project that will take some time.”

    “Not if one has the strength and wisdom of a Hercules…”

    And the GOP doesn’t have that, so your comment amounts to idle pedantry.

    “…you fit the character of Phyleus in every way.”

    First rule of writing: Always write about what you know about, yamit. Stick to troop movement stuff; you’re in your element there. Greek mythology is more into the deep end of the pool for you.

    It would be amusing — if it weren’t just a little sad — watching you stretch & strain to fit me to some nefarious template. And you work so hard at it.

    I’ll bet you huff & puff this way over all sorts of things (bet your BLOOD PRESSURE reflects that too). I worked for several years as a strength trainer, where I discovered a lot of things in this regard. You should know, for example, that 55 percent of all strokes occur in the bathroom. It’s true; no BS.

    More often than not, when the paramedics arrive, the victim is found sitting on the commode (or was there before he passed out & keeled over) — where his grunting & groaning (often while compulsively holding his breath) had created a val salva maneuver

    — which artificially raised his blood pressure to a dangerous level, thus precipitating the stroke. . . . A word to the wise.

  29. yamit82 Said:

    Don’t know who Yamit is, but is apparently a Israpundit member, or associate.)

    Does he have icy blue eyes??????????? If so how do I contact him. I am in a mood, sprained my foot yesterday,spent half the day in the ER. Now taking painkillers every 4 hrs., so I have lost all inhibitions.

  30. yamit82 Said:

    David Yeagley,

    I looked at Dr Chadwick Allen photo, probably more feathers then Indian. However David Yeagley real native bone structure. As for just plain Yamit with no 82, must be some interloper.
    I painted a portrait of Quanah Parker. It is above the stairs that lead down from my bedroom. I greet him every morning. He had the MOST WONDERFUL BLUE EYES, Darlin , a real warrior.
    There are some Amer. Indian leftist political groups that claim to be Anti-sematic , but then anti -Semitism has become ” fashionable” among leftist i.e. J Street.

  31. dweller Said:

    “A normal country impeaches a lawless President that tramples the Constitution everyday.”

    Not if his party dominates the Senate (which, effectively, constitutes the “jury”).

    Impeachment takes only the FORM of a judicial proceeding.

    — It’s always been a political event, NOT a judicial one.

    I guarantee you that Obama’s biggest concern is if the GOP gains the Senate they will try to impeach him and will spend all of his time from now until the coming elections fundraising. Mid term elections are mostly about turning out the vote and he thinks he can beat the odds and polls by buying enough votes to keep the Senate.

    I am not saying he will be impeached if the Republicans gain both houses but he considers it a threat and a strong possibility to be avoided at all costs.

  32. @ dweller:

    Civil disobedience and you can go back to jail for the next 20 years if you live so long.

    You explain away everything that is problematic whether theological or realpolitik but have no real moral compass.

    Proves you are just moralist phony windbag and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand. A true disciple of a false messiah and a corrupt Jew hating ex and thank G-d dead president.

    The The Augean Stables will have to be shoveled out, and that’s a project that will take some time.

    Not if one has the strength and wisdom of a Hercules… a mythical demi-god. You know all about those demi-gods like the ones who are said to have died on crossed planks. 😉 Yet the story is really about appeasement of anger, disloyalty and betrayal and you fit the character of Phyleus in every way.

  33. @ Avigail:

    “A normal country impeaches a lawless President that tramples the Constitution everyday.”

    Not if his party dominates the Senate (which, effectively, constitutes the “jury”).

    Impeachment takes only the FORM of a judicial proceeding.

    — It’s always been a political event, NOT a judicial one.

    What’s more, even if the GOP takes the Senate in November (and even if it extends its control over the House at that time), there’s STILL little likelihood of impeachment being initiated. Repub leadership is just as corrupt as the Demos, too attached to the DC beltway & its perks.

    The The Augean Stables will have to be shoveled out, and that’s a project that will take some time.

  34. mickeyobe Said:

    Mickey (M.O.T.)

    I know several Amer. Indian who admire Israel. They regard them as a warrior society. The return of people to their land after thousands of years also appeals to them. My Father always said the Amer Indians were the descendants of the 10 tribes, he would greet them with a hearty Shalom. { I come from a long line of smart asses]

  35. @ honeybee:
    Anyone can pray for a soldier. Anyone can give charity or visit a sick person or help someone in the name of the soldier. It’s all good: his good deeds are his shield.

  36. @ Avigail:

    My Father is Jewish, my Mother and Husband are not,it is very confusing. TX has a very Jewish name so people think he is Jewish not me. The relative who loves the Jew is an American Indian , Cherokee. Super confusing.

  37. @ honeybee:
    If you’re talking about the link I’ve posted above, sure.

    In their FAQ, they explain that prayers from non-Jews are welcome too 🙂 We are not Islamo-fascists lol.