Five hour ceasefire at 10:00 am today

By Ted Belman

The latest news report:

Israel on Wednesday accepted a UN proposal for a five-hour unilateral humanitarian pause in the fighting to allow for relief aid into Gaza.

IDF sources said the lull in the fighting would go into effect on Thursday at 10 a.m

There is no need for a “humanitarian pause.” It is really to facilitate mediation efforts to get a cease fire.

Israel called up another 8,000 reservists to bolster the 40,000 already called up. Netanyahu repeated that Israel would  “use as much force as necessary to restore the quiet.”

Obama says that they are doing as much as possible to restore the 2012 ceasefire. What this means is that Hamas will have to be bribed with some kind of accomplishment to get their approval.

Israel must reject any concession to Hamas but will be hard pressed to do so seeing as she has been asking for help in restoring calm. As for Netanyahu’s desire for the international community to work toward the demilitarization of Gaza. its a pipe dream.

Why isn’t anyone in the international community demanding the the terrorist Hamas be destroyed? Why isn’t Netanyahu?

It seems to me that if Israel was really going to attack Iran when talks fail, that she would want to finish off the threat from Hamas first. The fact that she doesn’t suggests no intention to attack Iran.

July 17, 2014 | 125 Comments »

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50 Comments / 125 Comments

  1. Avigail Said:

    Well, if I may ask, with all due respect, please don’t

    I shall follow your wishes. If you don’t object one of my family member is a Evangelical Christian she is very supportive of Israel and has a prayer group, may I turn you post over to her.

  2. @ honeybee:
    Well, if I may ask, with all due respect, please don’t.

    Pick a soldier and pray for him. I’m not putting my life on the line, they do, our young heroes. Gaza is a very dangerous place, they know it, and yet, they are ready to give it all for us. G-d bless them.

  3. Egypt blames Hamas with support from all other Arabs states like the Saudis and Jordan.. No Arab condemnation so far.

    Only Obama and Kerry and EU against even limited land incursion by Israel. Arabs and Israel VS- EU and Obama??? Hmmm 🙂

    Strange feeling. Never been there before. 😉

    Sissi told Hamas to go shove it ,saying that the Border between Egypt and Gaza is sovereign Egyptian territory and only Egypt will decide when to open her borders and to whom. In response to Hamas demand for the Borders to be open in order to agree to Egyptian cease fire initiative.

    Seems like Israel and Egypt working off the same page.

  4. You want to do something positive for Israel? Please sign up:

    You’ll be given the name of a soldier for whom to pray. You can make good deeds in his name while he’s busy defending the People of Israel.

    Everything is explained on their page.

  5. @ yamit82:
    Thank you very much, yamit, for this post: I was eagerly looking into a very old (and detailed) book about the Yom Kippur War to find out when Motti Askenazi began his one-man protest and couldn’t find it.

    But I was pretty sure that it was a few months after the war.

  6. NormanF Said:

    Not a march on the Palace Of Versailles or the Storming Of The Bastille. More like the mass crowds that turned out to force Golda Meir out in the wake of the Yom Kippur War

    Motti Ashkenazi was a reserve captain in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), who spearheaded a protest after the Yom Kippur War that led to the resignation of Prime Minister Golda Meir’s government.
    When the war was over, he organized protests outside the Prime Minister’s office which gained widespread public support. The protest movement began as a one-man crusade. In February 1974, Ashkenazi stationed himself outside Meir’s office in Jerusalem with a hand-drawn placard proclaiming: “Grandma, your defense is a failure and 3,000 of your children are dead.”

    Ashkenazi’s actions, stimulated growing public pressure which forced the government to resign and ultimately led to the fall from power of the Labor Party. It took almost 6 months of public pressure to force Golda to resign and go to new elections which brought Begin (spit) to power.

    You can’t compare the situation today with the Yom Kippur war where we lost 3000 dead and 10,000 wounded. The country was in shock and depressed.

    A little proportion pls. When the dust clears after this round is over we will see the results and then act or not.

  7. @ honeybee:
    🙂 a subject that can be clarified otherwise. Again 🙂
    I prefer not to be disappeared or blown up in mid air by AA rockets. Kaboom!

  8. Yamit, I believe I’ll pass on that free offer… 🙂
    El fantastico will sooner or later play the wrong card.
    And I sense that it will be a sooner.

  9. yamit82 Said:

    Anyone want free trip via Malaysian Air Lines to anywhere free of charge?????

    If you’re ” up” for it, so am I, anywhere in the world where there is a really great Flea Market. Santa Fe Indian is in Aug. Cowboy.

  10. @ NormanF:
    You’re assuming lots of things about people you don’t know based on posts who don’t say what you read in them.
    And btw, if you think we’re going to take the streets while under fire, you’re completely delusional.
    You should pray for us instead of foaming at the mouth like that. It’s embarrassing.
    Or make aliyah. You’ll then be welcome to yell from here at the top of your lungs, because, at least, it will have some legitimacy.

  11. @ Avigail:

    Miracles are beautiful and I love G-d’s sense of humor. But one should not rely on miracles. The true essence of faith is in demonstrating one’s love for G-d and then His blessings will follow.

    This is exactly what happened in the War Of Independence and in the Six Day War.

  12. @ Avigail:

    The West is in decline. I’m not defending Obama or America. Which is a broken reed, morally decadent and militarily no longer a great power.

    And its in bed with Israel’s enemies. Israel is the last hope of humanity today. Because there are very evil people on the march and no one else wants to stand up to them.

  13. @ yamit82:

    From your keyboard’s to G-d’s ears. The man lied about everything, everything he touched turned to lead and then he was broken. I with you when this comedy of errors is showing the Emperor Has No Clothes. One unwilling to vanquish Hamas is not to protect Israel from Iran. That is where we are today. He talks tough but holds his fire. We have seen the measure of the man and also when he released the murderers of Jews from prison to placate an evil dictator. He is worse than King Shaul. Shaul claimed the people wanted him to do it. No one in Israel on the other hand wants to put with rockets every few years.

  14. @ NormanF:
    A normal country impeaches a lawless President that tramples the Constitution everyday. Even if he’s black.

    What are you waiting for? The end of the ‘Games of Thrones’ season? Or the end of the US? Because, know what, it’s close, very close.

  15. @ honeybee:
    Of course I’m alive and kicking: I was awoken by a siren this morning lol. People tend to go to the shelters in bathrobes these days (they’re caught in the middle of the shower).

    We were all wondering this morning why they were shooting so freakin’ early (note to lecturers around the world: this is Israeli humor – you can’t understand).

    Anyhow, G-d be praised for all the miracles He does for us. At least He protects us.

  16. @ yamit82:

    Not a march on the Palace Of Versailles or the Storming Of The Bastille. More like the mass crowds that turned out to force Golda Meir out in the wake of the Yom Kippur War or the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. Jews do not have to shed blood to force change. All they have to do is make it clear they and their children will no longer be the Israeli’s government’s guinea pigs. A normal country puts an end to terror threatening it. And gets the leaders it truly deserves.

  17. yamit82 Said:

    anks Doc, all are well as am I…. Watched a lot of NBA summer League games recently, got caught out in the open with Red alerts two days in a row while walking my dog

    YOU ENDANGERED DAGMAR!!!!!!!!!! Must I come and rescue Dagmar and turn her into the ” cow dog” she was born to be.

  18. @ drjb:

    Thanks Doc, all are well as am I…. Watched a lot of NBA summer League games recently, got caught out in the open with Red alerts two days in a row while walking my dog….

    Frankly I never thought they would have the balls to fire at the reactor in Dimona but they have? Now that’s a strategic target and I haven’t seen by anyone get overly excited and certainly haven’t seen any response???? That lack of recognition and response is surprising.

    No matter how this turns out BB will pay the political price..

    He may not be deposed soon but he will not be our next PM.

    I guarantee it.

    PM Netanytahu Tells Us How He Will Defeat Hamas (in 2009)

    Make it go Viral!!!!

  19. @ drjb:

    Feiglin is a fuzzy thinker and not on solid Halachic grounds. I assume he is being disingenuous in some of his liberal democratic ideas lest he alienate many secular Jews and some observant ones but either way it puts him in the same light as BB and all the other low life politicians who say what they think we want to hear. Legalizing Pot? Promoting democracy? Offering citizenship to Arabs????

    As to our position. We are not hear because of the government of Israel the present or past ones.

    We have overcome Assyria, Bavel,Persia,Haman, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Byzantines surely we will survive BB, Obama and the Palis.

    “As I live, saith the L-rd, G-d, surely with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm, and with fury poured out, will I be king over you. And I will bring you out from the peoples… with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm and fury poured out.” (Ezekiel 20)

    “Fury poured out.”

    “And they scorned the desirable land and believed not His word.” (Psalms 106)

    “What is the reason that the righteous shall not receive their full reward in the World to Come? It is because of the tininess that was amongst them.” (Sotah 48) “Tininess of faith.” (Rashi)

  20. NormanF Said:

    I’ve been attacked for being an armchair warrior on the other thread. I’m not advocating Israelis send their sons to fight and die if nothing is going to change.

    “You are an “armchair warrior” nothing more and NOTHING LESS!! That does not mean that some of your harsh sometimes over the top hysterical criticism is incorrect but even when some of it is correct much of it is not. Everything is not all white or black.

    Yes, I did observe Jews are passive and not angry about what is going on. They accept with a shrug of their shoulders their fate.

    You are full of shit!!!

    Almost 70% of the Israeli public is against any cease fire. Some 24% are for a cease fire. Most of those in IDF Uniforms want to go in and finish Hamas and are willing to pay with their sacrifice.

    80% of the Israeli public this time have come under fire. It’s natural for them to want a return to quiet and normalization. They are not strategic thinkers but worry about their families and kids Now!!!! That said, there is broad support for Israel doing what is necessary to destroy Hamas or at least their ability to hurt us In Israel…

    Majority of Israelis are really pissed off at BB, Ya’alon and the appeasers on the left. The Tunnel incident has really shaken not only the government and the IDF but most Israels.

    7 years of neglect and not using the civilian expertise in Geophysics who have had the means to to locate the tunnels since 2001 and offered their services but were rejected and ignored by the IDF leadership. There could be hundreds of such tunnels still undetected on our border with Gaza and even in Sinai. They have become an existential threat much more than any rockets so far fired at Israel.

    What are you expecting march on the Bastille or a Palace revolution????

  21. The “NOs” are true to an extent.
    Otherwise drjb talks about very serious consequences to people’s apathy. Since all is under control by the elites… one never knows what’s fact.
    Today we drove to Tiberias and the heights around the bowl of Lake Kinneret. I believe that the unJews are also aware that their castle of cards is shaking and will stop at nothing to try to save what they consider is
    “bait siphrenu”. Their home turf only.
    I warned our circle that allowing the Peres-Netanyahu, Livni et al carefully selected disgenerals to lead… a ground operation to Gaza is suicidal. That element will by either incompetence or ill intent cause major disasters or plainly not do a thing but raise dust and sound shows.

  22. @ yamit82:
    Hi Yamit, hope you and your family are well.
    If the answers to all of Eric’s questions is NO!!!!, then I suggest stopping the charade in Gaza where Israel spends lots of expensive bombs to destroy empty homes belonging to Hamas leaders, and spend more money in Iron Dome and in generous emigration packages for Israelis wishing to become Yordim, because there is certainly no future in Israel, unless Moshiach shows up!

  23. @ Eric R.:

    Can the Israelis here tell me if it is possible (if Netanyahu does not go into Gaza and destroy Hamas) if Bennett and Lieberman can put together enough dissatisfied MKs to win a no-confidence motion and go to the poll


    And if so, is there enough disgust with Bibi within Likud to oust him, perhaps for Danon?


    And finally, is there enough disgust in Israel to put a harder line person in as PM, such as Bennett?


  24. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    In Israel, the mass media is controlled by the Left. But that is slowly changing with the rise of social networks like FB and TT. And the blogs and mass media feedbacks. The day of the elite gatekeeper is being undermined. These changes are percolating underneath the society. The discontent is real but its hard to measure how much of it exists. What you see and read in the Israeli press is only a small part of a much larger picture.

  25. @ Eric R.:
    The “Israeli demokratiah” is anything but a democracy.
    All radio and TV stations are rigidly controlled either directly by the renegade elites, or are “licensed” to their peons. There is also the so called “Army Radio”, a gruesome vipers nest. It is a cozy special families dump for their scions and so avoid front line duty.
    Not a single independently produced and manned pro Eretz Israel program is allowed to be part of key access stations.
    Under those conditions the public does not receive true to fact information or is allowed to openly call for real changes.

  26. @ Eric R.:

    No. Apparently apart from scattered disgust here and there – there is no national groundswell in Israel to force out the people who have led the country to the edge of the abyss. Israel’s leaders know perfectly well Hamas is evil incarnate but they’re not prepared to pay the price to destroy it. That is where we are today.

  27. Can the Israelis here tell me if it is possible (if Netanyahu does not go into Gaza and destroy Hamas) if Bennett and Lieberman can put together enough dissatisfied MKs to win a no-confidence motion and go to the polls? And if so, is there enough disgust with Bibi within Likud to oust him, perhaps for Danon? And finally, is there enough disgust in Israel to put a harder line person in as PM, such as Bennett?

  28. @ NormanF:

    “I never heard of a country comforting its enemies with food, fuel and basic lifestuffs during a war. Netanyahu has no intention of winning. He has made it clear Arab lives take priority over Jewish lives.”

    The enemy BB is fighting in this fashion is not the one in Gaza

    — rather, the one in DC, London, Berlin, Brussels. . . .

  29. Israel should not agree to a cease fire.
    If Hamas wants one it must need one and should be denied.
    Israel should press even harder if Hamas is wanting.
    Give them no respite whatsoever.

  30. I never heard of a country comforting its enemies with food, fuel and basic lifestuffs during a war.

    Netanyahu has no intention of winning. He has made it clear Arab lives take priority over Jewish lives.

    I’ve been attacked for being an armchair warrior on the other thread. I’m not advocating Israelis send their sons to fight and die if nothing is going to change. Yes, I did observe Jews are passive and not angry about what is going on. They accept with a shrug of their shoulders their fate.

    Israel is not even fighting a war. Its running a show of looking tough but in reality its running in circles with no idea of what it wants to do.

    Netanyahu says he wants quiet in Gaza. Even by that very low bar, it looks like its a long ways off from being even realized. This is not the way to run a self-respecting country.

  31. Why do we still ask why Netanyahu acts in the fashion he does? We have not yet understood?
    Netanyahu belongs to a cadre led by Peres. They are not there to destroy enemies, on the contrary, specifically, w.o a shadow of a doubt, they IMPORT, ARM, SUPPLY, TRAIN Islamic beasts. Netanyahu is there to harm Jews and Jewish Heritage.
    If we are stupid enough to allow that renegade gang and its fabricated to type generals to design and lead an attack against Gaza, expect gruesome failures if not betrayals of our soldiers in the process.