[..] The time is ripe to switch from tactical operations (Pillar of Defense, Cast Lead, Protective Edge) to a strategic campaign which will dramatically diminish the terrorists’ ability to hurt us. This campaign is not something that should last for just a month or two — rather a year or two. There is absolutely no reason to abandon the Israeli public to more years of living under fire. We defeated suicide terrorism and we will be able to eradicate rocket terrorism. Arresting thousands of terrorists in Gaza and continuing the airstrikes will produce the intelligence required to reformat terrorism in Gaza. This is what our civilian and military leaders need to do.
Avi Dichter is a former internal security and homefront defense minister?, Shin Bet security agency director, and Knesset member.
Better now than never !!!! And if not now, when ????
I think my advice is better than Dicter:
refuse any ceasefire until all heavy weapons are handed over just like demanded of syria and afghanistan.
This is a simple demand that everyone can understand its reasoning and for which there can be no argument against. The worst approach is to say if you stop firing we will stop firing.
A removal of the risk to Israel MUST be the goal and blockades,cutting supplies, food and energy etc must be also done.
The civilian population, contrary to popular opinion must suffer in siege as this is the only pressure to which hamas will respond.
When the world talks of their suffering the reply will simply be that they have the choice to hand over the weapons. This is the same technique that the world employs when they apply sanctions; basically they are putting a nation under siege and starving it out.
Wasn’t that his job to accomplish when he drew his salary? Is he advising to begin something new that he did not put in action?
Why listen to the “new” idea of someone who never did it when he had the power?What was his plan, what did he promulgate, what was his success in preventing the acquisition of lethal capabilities by a ragtag force?
I see dereliction of duty and the desire to be rewarded and credited with an aura of credibility for a man that did nothing.
I saw a successive GOI’s who were completely aware of hamas and hezbullah buildups and they did nothing, under their watch these orgs were able to rise from their ashes to again be lethal. and this is someone to listen to?????
this is his great advice? Arresting? Sorry Avi….Killing terrorists is what one does in a war…killing the enemy….that is the goal. Dicter advises the same stalling of solutions which keeps leading back to the same threats. this is not a man whose advice I would listen to. If he spent his time at the top and this is “new” advice he comes up with then he is a DUD!
“..reformat terrorism”..? what the hell is he babbling about?
Is he seeking paid speaking engagements and trying to prop up his importance?
thanks for that useless advice as arresting terrorists is what was done that failed and the bombing is there of neccessity.
@ the phoenix:
@ honeybee:
the phoenix Said:
At least you have given up grrrrrrrrrrr.
From walla news:
Hagel in a conversation with yaalon, stressed that BOTH sides should do everything to protect civilians and to return the quiet
ANOTHER american….
Thousands of rockets flying into Israel were considered normal, and no need to be concerned… Those were after all JEWISH civilians.
The hypocrisy of this administration (and let’s call a spade a spade, those before as well) is stinking to high heaven…
Our staunchest ally…
@ diana:
(Both are real questions, not rhetorical)
cut off electricity, payments to Abbas=good friend of Mashal, etc. Let them have food. Don’t starve them.
Given the Peresites running Israel into the ground today, victory is not the aim of such small men. For want of vision, the people perish. It describes them to a T.
Israel, please do not stop until you run Hamas (proxy of Iran) out of Gaza and then take back Gaza as it belongs to Israel.
Forget what Ovomit says. he is only protecting Hamas.
Make this a clean sweep.
As the PM once said “If the arabs lay down their arms there will be peace, if Israel lay down its arms there will be no Israel”
@ Ted Belman:
Correct. He did not say to stop. Yet he has to accept responsibility for the terrible deed of “disengagement”.
We must demand accountability.
Those that voted for that ghastly Pogrom must face consequences.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
He didn’t advocate stopping.
See? Great the “disengagement, was it not? And Dichter was and is a “disengagement” culprit.
Why do we still publish and repeat otherwise what that element says? BTW, he was also part of Netanyahu’s gang.