Fight Terrorism, Not Terrorists


Sounds absurd? Why? All kinds of well-meaning and not so well meaning people who are alarmed with Islam Mayhem and Murder, Inc have been proclaiming that their fight is with Islam and not with Muslims.

Who knows what motivates these people and how their system of logic runs? Geert Wilder says that his battle is with Islam and he does not hate the Muslims. No one, please, should take my criticism of Muslims as hating them. I certainly am critical of their belief and feel that Muslims must wake up to the destructive nature of their creed. The Muslims not only need to leave or reform Islam, they owe it to themselves and to the rest of humanity to actively work at putting an end to one of humanity’s most harmful dogmas.

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To my thinking, Islam is the problem because there are Muslims who take its holy book, the Quran, as gospel and carry out its divisive and deadly provisions. Without Muslims, Muhammad’s Quran would be just another historic relic sitting on library shelves, next to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, gathering dust.

What good is it to burn the Quran or desecrate it? The fire from burning the Quran only energizes the already zany fanatical believers of Allah to further engage in their world-dismembering acts.

People who keep proclaiming that they have nothing against Islam, but their battle is with Muslim terrorists are an enigma. Perhaps these people are the politically correct; the delusional who rearrange reality to their fancy; or the naïve who are incapable of dealing with facts. These people are either incapable or do not want to see that it is the Muslims, the active jihadists as well as their masses of supporters who are and remain culprits committing much of what is repugnant and harmful to civilized humanity.

If the fight is with Islam and not with Muslims, then in the interest of fairness we must apply the same standards to other criminalities.

We should condemn arson, but not arsonists: Rape, not rapists: Theft, not thieves: Murder, not murderers, and all other forms of crimes, but not the people who commit them.

Terrorism has no external reality, without terrorists. For as long as there are people who cling no matter how loosely or tightly to Islam, humanity, including Muslims, stand to suffer the consequences. Yet, sadly, many Muslims refuse to recognize the fact that it is their sickly belief system that is at the core of leading them astray and inflicting great harm to all.

It is foolish to wage battle against beliefs that promote mayhem and murder while giving a free pass to those who adhere to those beliefs, whether or not they carry out the dogma.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Quran 8.12

I fully realize that not every Muslim is a card-carrying hell-bent jihadist. Yet, by being a Muslim, the individual, willingly or unwillingly, directly or indirectly, empowers the zealot jihadist Muslims who live and die to further the cause of Islam.

In what way does your average peaceful Muslim support the work of the not too insignificant cadre of Islamist terrorists, you may ask? In multiple ways. For one, by paying his religiously required tax known as Khums (one-fifth of his income) to the imams and mullahs. What do the Islamic clerics do with the funds? They make a very good living by not breaking a sweat while day and night preaching hatred of non-Muslims, and training wave after wave of impressionable young as soldiers of Allah.

These clerical parasites are equal opportunity haters and promoters of violence. They do not limit their campaign only against all non-Muslims. They even exhort their happy jihadists to wage war against each other whenever it suits them and they can get away with it.

Just look at what is happening these days in the lands of the religion of peace. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain, and even the Islamic showcases such as Egypt and Turkey. Repression and slaughter are in full operation.

Syria’s in-power Alawites and their Shiite allies are engaged in shocking butchery of the Sunnis, even under the eyes of the impotent United Nations observers. In one recent brutal attack by the Alawites forces of President Bashar Assad, some 90 people, including many children were murdered.

I hardly need tally the criminality and horrors of these Muslim-inspired regimes. Peace, tolerance and respect for others are alien to the followers of Muhammad, no matter which sect they belong to and irrespective of where in the world they live. No sooner in power, in any place, they shamelessly and brutally begin their mayhem and murderous practices.

This primitive chauvinistic creed is custom-made for the savage male where women are systematically abused in every imaginable way. Not only women are officially worth one-half of a man, they are to serve as a man’s property in the tragically ordained manner. Four women to a man in regular marriage and as many women as a man wishes in temporary marriages. Woe upon a woman who thinks of herself as an equal-rights human and violates these Islamic draconian laws. Honor killing awaits the fate of any woman who steps outsides Islam’s misogynistic boundaries.

Give the ringleaders of this creed of violence credit. They have perfected their skills at their trade of spreading Islam, the means of making their parasitic living.

These so-called clerics make “good” use of the funds they extract from their followers. For one, they buy the ever ready-for-purchase politicians to further their cause through legislations that would muzzle freedom of expression by any voice that dares to expose Islam for what it is.

For yet another, with their coffers flush with funds, the clerics enlist lawyers and launch lawsuits to destroy any person who speaks the truth about their barbaric beliefs and practices.

For another, they intimidate businesses that in any way fail to toe their line by boycotting their products and services. They force other businesses to withdraw their advertisements from any print or electronic medium that may report honestly about the horrors of their belief.

Tolerance is a great social virtue that becomes vice if extended to those who do not practice it and to criminals who take advantage of this noble human attribute. Muslims are the most oppressive and intolerant people of the world and they justify their intolerance on the teachings of their holy book, the Quran.

Persecution of religious minorities in Islamic states is legend. Yet, these very intolerant people come to the welcoming Western countries and demand one-sided tolerance from their hosts. Over time, these Muslims increase their demands to the point of aiming to subvert the civilized hosts and transform them to their failed savage system ruled by the Sharia Law.

Keep in mind that Islam operates by stealth when not yet powerful, just the way Muhammad himself operated. Then, it gradually builds its power to the point that the soft approach no longer is necessary to subdue others and impose its will.

The stealth soft strategy is presently playing out in the United States. Islam’s tentacles are expanding into the body of this free and welcoming nation. In 2000 there were 1209 mosques in the United States of America. By 2010, the number has almost doubled to 2010.

If nothing is done, before very long, we end up facing the Islam Mayhem and Murder, Inc. operating with its full evil force.

Islam is a bad idea, and Muslims are guilty of living by it and promoting it. Some Muslims take up arms, following the examples of Islam’s founder, Muhammad, in their aim to vanquish non-Muslims. Other Muslims empower the frontline jihadist by supplying them with material support and manpower. In the same manner that an army can’t fight without the essential logistics supplied them by civilians, the soldiers of Allah will be incapable of waging their death and destruction campaign without the support of the generality of Muslims. It is long overdue that Muslims be held accountable for the so-called religious belief that controls their actions: actions aimed at destroying anything and anyone non-Muslim.

It is imperative that we see reality and deal with it. No euphemism, no sugarcoating, no politically correct posturing. It is time to abandon all pretenses and place the blame where it belongs. It is the Mayhem and Murder Islam, Inc. that is breeding terrorists. Without Islam, there would be no Islamic terrorists. Contributing Editor Amil Imani is an Iranian-American writer, poet, satirist, novelist, essayist, literary translator, public speaker and political analyst who has been writing and speaking out about the danger of radical Islam both in America and internationally. He has become a formidable voice in the United States against the danger of global jihad and Islamization of America. He maintains a website at Imani is the author of the riveting book Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and the thriller Operation Persian Gulf.

Imani has been educating Americans regarding the danger of radical Islam, and has encouraged democracy for Iran and helping the Iranian people. His numerous articles about radical Islam have been published in many newspapers and magazines around the world as well as in thousands of Internet magazines, websites and blogs. Imani’s writings can be found on his website He is a regular go-to-guy on the Iranian issues on BBC World News. He is also 2010 honoree of EMET: “the Speaker of the Truth Award” at the Capitol Hill.

June 3, 2012 | 20 Comments »

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20 Comments / 20 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:
    Looking at this again…Yamit, how do you (or Moshe Feiglin) propose to “destroy their symbols”? As someone noted above, destruction of the Temple (twice)–and numerous burnings of the Torah, other holy books, synagogues; dispersion of an entire country and desecration of the Land; massacres of entire communities–have not succeeded in deterring Israel. Destruction of the Twin Towers has not destroyed the USA or diminished the belief in freedom, rule of law, and free enterprise for those who believe in them. What do you think would deter the march of Islam?

  2. Alexis Said:

    The problem is really within us;

    dear alexis,
    very well put and this says it all.

    i do not see the problem as being the muslims, or the arabs. it is simple to act when you know what is in front of you. these followers of the kkkoran are my sworn enemy and there is no whats ifs or buts…(surah 5;51, 9:29,Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176)

    i do not see the problem as being the liberal media (spit!)blitzer, cooper,ha’aretz…

    i do not see the problem as being the deluded masses that have drunk from the liberal/marxist koolaid…

    where i see the problem is with ‘our own’ that are working diligently to destroy the great fabric that makes our jewish nation, history and land. bibi and barak immediately come to mind. and the ‘problem’ is not with THEM. but with the passivity of the population as a whole.
    is no one aware of the lethal consequences of allowing this 5th column to continue to live and prosper in the *land of israel* (!!!) while the true sons and daughters are being uprooted???
    you can avoid evil, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding evil.

  3. Maybe instead of “none who love us quite so passionately as our enemies”, I should have said, “none who believe in us…” They certainly see us in a brighter light than that in which we see ourselves.

  4. @Phoenix and Yamit: Bravo, accolades, amen, and ditto to what both of you have said!

    Following on your words, I have some additional thoughts:

    The problem is really within us; not so much our enemies. I mean, sure, we have genocidally-motivated enemies–lots of them! –very willing, indeed eager, to act on their intentions with the greatest possible cruelty, sadism and violence. We have ALWAYS had such enemies. In abundance. The names may change somewhat (Islam, Catholicism, Nazism, Communism, Liberalism). The genocidal hatred of us, accompanied by utter abrogration of any and all compassion and humane conscience; blanket disregard for truth or rational justification (or even their own self-interest, often)–do not.

    I have come to believe that either HaShem and our relationship with Him are a myth; or these enemies are His deliberate gift. It is not within the powers of my human mind to know which of these possibilities–or something else entirely–is the truth. I choose–and devote my life to this choice– the second. The enemies of Israel are HaShem’s gifts. [Or ‘tools’, if you like.]

    The job now is to understand: not so much the enemies, in their particulars, and what makes them tick, and how to alter their inexorable hatred of us (more Museums of Tolerance?)–but rather, what are they there for, in terms of us? What we are to know about ourselves, and how we are to remember who we are and live according to our collective heritage, destiny, and relationship with the One who has created and defined us?

    Among the many ironies of Israel: we have no greater admirers than the people who hate us. They believe us capable of superhuman feats. They attribute to us an enviable unity of community and purpose we can only wish we had; an ironclad loyalty to our own and mystical tribal communication and coordination of complex intercontinental actions; limitless intellectual and technological prowess. Powers of communication, persuasion, and manipulation of all those (subhumans, in their view? sub-Jews?) who are not us. In some funny way, there are none who love us quite so passionately as our enemies, violent towards us though they are.

    It was, after all, thanks to Yasser Arafat, and thanks to the brutal intransigence of the PLO, Hamas, et al, that much more of our Land has not already been given away into a “Palestinian State”. Imagine if Yasser had said “yes” to those outrageous, Israeli-suicidal offers given him on a silver platter. He saved us from ourselves…when our leaders were ready to sign away our eternal inheritance, HaShem stepped in by way of the archterrorist to stop the deal from taking effect. And He continues to step in, in odd and often quite unpleasant ways. [Or not.] There are a thousand viable arguments against this view, and I hear them in my head. Every murdered child, every victim of suffering and horror. But this is how it looks to me, just now.

  5. @ yamit82:
    this is ABSOLUTELY a clash of civilizations.
    not to acknowledge it and take preventive/offensive measures is hopelessly naive and most likely – suicidal.
    even the liberals that are in bed with the muslimes, be it in a naive or machiavelian fashion, so as to further their marxist cause, will be in for a very rude awakening.
    re moshe feiglin’s friend refusal to run the ad as composed by feiglin…
    no need to fret too much about it as it would not have been published ANYWAY by the new york slimes:

    i hope you understand that it is the whitewashing of islam (which is really all about jihad, as one of its pillars)that irks me and not necessarily the anticatholic aspect of this pathetic enterprise masquerading as a ‘newspaper’

  6. “It is a cultural/religious war”

    Why America Has Already Lost the War

    Moshe Feiglin
    28 September 2001

    The day after the attack, a wealthy American acquaintance approached me and asked for my comments on the situation. I told him what I thought and he then surprised me by making an offer that couldn’t be refused: “I am ready to pay for a full-page ad in the New York Times,” he said, “I want you to compose the ad.” I didn’t want to do it, because America’s war isn’t my war and because I had hoped that this dear Jew would direct his financial resources to far more important endeavors in which we are engaged in Eretz Israel. However, the man persisted, so I composed the following quick draft:


    We can kill a million Bin Ladens, but they will continue to celebrate.

    They have destroyed our symbols.

    We must destroy their symbols.


    Americans don’t do such things?


    Therefore, America will continue to be destroyed until you understand.

    My friend was astonished, “But they will start a religious war!” he exclaimed, “Can you imagine what acts of vengeance will result from this?”

    “And what have you suffered just now?” I asked him, “Do you think that they only killed nearly ten thousand people, because at the moment they don’t hate you so much?”

    This is a religious war, I explained to him, “They aren’t afraid to die. They have sanctified death, they die with the name of Allah on their lips, and seventy virgins are waiting for them in Paradise. You don’t frighten them with your bombs. At best, you’ll turn them into Shahids. They have directed their attack against your god. You have no alternative, but to direct your attack against theirs. When you destroy their god, they will become powerless and come back down to this world. They will suddenly be frightened by the sound of footsteps and by the prick of a pin. They will know that not only they understand your language, but you understand theirs, and you are fighting them according to their own rules.”

    “Think about it”, I added, “How many people are you going to kill in vain, and how easy it would be to win this war without killing anyone.”

    My friend was convinced, but in the end decided not to run the ad.

    Be like the terrorists

    Arabs are suicidal, and they send their children to suicide bombings. And Jews sent their children to senseless risk in Beirut for eighteen years. Arabs, at least, sacrifice their children for political ends; not so the Jews who during the Second Intifada feared for their children day and night but did nothing to stop the Arabs from killing them. No grieving Jewish parent went to Ramallah and blew himself up on an Arab bus; that is a shame. Arabs sacrifice their children for what to them is the noble aim of fighting the Zionist enemy; Jews sacrificed their children to Shimon Peres, the idol of Rabin, and his peace process. In the Book of Maccabees, Hannah urges her seven sons to suffer horrible death at the hands of liberal Jews and their Greek masters rather than “merely” eat non-kosher meat. That’s a Jewish mother. That’s Judaism. Compare that to Tel Aviv restaurants serving pork.

    Of course Islam is a perversion. Of course Arabs are wild, primitive, and make worse neighbors than Anthrax bacteria. Of course the country is ours and we must cleanse it of Arabs by whatever means necessary. But the Arab example offers Jews a valuable insight into what “normalcy” really is.

  7. If I may ask–where are you, and what’s your background?

    I live in the settlement of Dimona,Israel. Born and raised in upstate NY.

    Once upon a time I was ethnically cleansed by Begin, Sharon and the Likud (Yamit), that cost me ten years and I have been racing to catch up ever since. I spent-over ten years active service in the IDF and many more as a reservist. I did my undergraduate degree in Business from Ithica college (football scholarship)and USC , Masters from USC. I Was in Business here in Israel for many years, my last Business was mostly supplying electronic components to Israeli Industry including Ministry of Defense industries.

  8. @ yamit82:
    Thanks, Yamit! He’s terrific. I listened to some now, and I’ll listen more later (it’s 2:30 in the morning where I am). Much of what he said is familiar to me (I did my doctorate, years ago, in Near East Languages and Literatures, focusing on Early Islam/Arabic/Persian). It’s nice to hear my own views being expressed by somebody else–who clearly knows whereof he speaks! I’m looking forward to listening to the rest.

    If I may ask–where are you, and what’s your background? You seem extraordinarilly knowledgeable and articulate.

  9. Aryeh Zelasko Said:

    @ Y.Osher: You are wrong. Islam is not Torah and has no divine element to it. Like all the other idolatrous cults in the past, once its center is destroyed, it will collapse.

    And what is the centre? it’s not Mecca, tho i’m not against destroying it. The Kabah has been destroyed before, only about a small percent go there. The point being not every muzzie goes to Mecca, but every muzzie learns Koran. That is the centre.

  10. @ Y.Osher: You are wrong. Islam is not Torah and has no divine element to it. Like all the other idolatrous cults in the past, once its center is destroyed, it will collapse.

  11. the phoenix Said:

    the rapid invasion of islam today would not occur, were it not for 1.criminal marxist-socialist liberals in power (e.g the bastard [literally and figuratively] that has usurped the oval office),2. criminal ‘media’ and so called ‘reporters’ (those that constantly whitewash islam and musloids overlooking THE OBVIOUS but constantly on the attack of those that speak the truth [pam geller, robert spencer, ann barnhardt]) and
    3. just plain deluded useful idiots galore left right and center.
    i DO NOT UNDERSTAND what happens to politicians that show promise of actually FIGHTING ISLAM (make no mistake, THIS is the enemy) e.g. lt. col. allen west….why is he not spearheading the fight?
    in europe? (spit!) you have daniel streich that was heading the ban on minaret construction in switzerland….now he converted to islam (!!!!!wtf!?!?!?)
    so you see aryeh, obliterating mecca (nothing wrong with that, btw…) would not be any different than dr baruch goldstein of blessed memory alleged attack in the cave of the patriarchs in hebron…
    for following that, (obliterating mecca on a small scale),kahane and his movement were OUTLAWED (translation: by the criminal pm who took part, in the jewish forces, shooting and killing jews…the altalena)

    it is a long uphill battle aryeh, BUT, ‘od lo avda tikvateinu’

    The politicians and the Obama administration is not responsible for the spread of Islam, people are free to convert. You will only stop that, by ending freedom of religion for all, as in Stalinist Russia.
    I don’t believe Geller and Spencer are the solution, if anything since they gained prominence, Islam has grown in the US? Whats with that? That was since before Obama and his marxist leaning minions took power.

    Whereever this freedom of religion, Islam is growing. Here is the irony, it’s in the Arab countries that Islam is suppressed, Syria, Saddam for his faults didn’t hesitate to kill islamists.

    The secret to destroying Islam is to do what the Stalinists did and ban religion. Even in Russia, when the curtain fell, it was Islam that rose.

    Or maybe we better start emulating Chabad and gain more converts, the muzzies may yet become Jews, as they are not likely to leave Islam for xtianity:)

  12. Aryeh Zelasko Said:

    The only solution to Islam is its annihilation. This can easily be done by obliterating Mecca from the face of the earth. No Mecca, no Islam, no terrorism.

    Ayeh destruction of the Temple didn’t destroy Judaism, because Jews don’t follow the Temple, the Tanach is what sustained us. Islam is the Koran, not Mecca. Only a small percent of Muzzies go to haj anyway. The stone in Mecca there, for them has the same significance that the Wailing Wall does for us.

  13. aryeh,

    the rapid invasion of islam today would not occur, were it not for 1.criminal marxist-socialist liberals in power (e.g the bastard [literally and figuratively] that has usurped the oval office),2. criminal ‘media’ and so called ‘reporters’ (those that constantly whitewash islam and musloids overlooking THE OBVIOUS but constantly on the attack of those that speak the truth [pam geller, robert spencer, ann barnhardt]) and
    3. just plain deluded useful idiots galore left right and center.

    i DO NOT UNDERSTAND what happens to politicians that show promise of actually FIGHTING ISLAM (make no mistake, THIS is the enemy) e.g. lt. col. allen west….why is he not spearheading the fight?
    in europe? (spit!) you have daniel streich that was heading the ban on minaret construction in switzerland….now he converted to islam (!!!!!wtf!?!?!?)

    so you see aryeh, obliterating mecca (nothing wrong with that, btw…) would not be any different than dr baruch goldstein of blessed memory alleged attack in the cave of the patriarchs in hebron…
    for following that, (obliterating mecca on a small scale),kahane and his movement were OUTLAWED (translation: by the criminal pm who took part, in the jewish forces, shooting and killing jews…the altalena)

    it is a long uphill battle aryeh, BUT, ‘od lo avda tikvateinu’

  14. The only solution to Islam is its annihilation. This can easily be done by obliterating Mecca from the face of the earth. No Mecca, no Islam, no terrorism.