Field Officers vs. General Staff – What’s happening in Gaza?? – June 17 IDSF Daily Briefing

Peloni:  Gen. Avivi discusses many important topics in this war, including his input on the General staff.  He also discusses the effect being created by Gantz’ departure, and how the members of the IDSF view the potential of a war in the North with Hezbollah, the answer of which may surprise you.

June 18, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. It is a very difficult situation in Israel as in the US. The globalists have successfully infiltrated important positions in the deep state in the US and in the military and intelligence brass in Israel. In the US, the leading candidate for President, Trump, is committed to making serious changes in this.

    While i don’t know what Bibi is thinking I am mindful of something Natan Sharansky wrote in his book NEVER ALONE, that “Bibi makes more complex decisions in one day than most people make in their whole lives.” What does Bibi have to work with? He is working with Israeli globalists wedded to globalists in the US, whose bottom line is caving to the Palestinians, whichever way they rationalize it. Sure he can fire them all, theoretically, but in the midst of a war of annihilation, how do you fire your entire top echelon of military people and know that their replacements will be any better? How do they get up to speed fast enough to not cause major loss of life? If that seems too daunting, what options are left? The other option is to wait and watch what happens and prepare for the day when these men will be brought to justice. In this period the public is getting a good luck at the treason that was committed. The truth is coming out about those who put their own political calculations before the lives of over 1200 innocent Israelis. There is going to have to be a reckoning. I do not know the procedure in Israel for responding to military dereliction of duty. I hope there is one.

    Meanwhile because of these military leaders who are partly responsible for 7th of October, Israeli soldiers are in a meat grinder that goes on and on instead of their leadership providing effective and complete victory as soon as possible. It also makes it harder for Israel to take on Hezbollah. Is this their goal?

    There really are a few extremist leftists in Israel who are calling for cease fire because they cannot tolerate being at war, no matter how just. They focus only on peace, and use this to justify their ideas which, if followed, would lead to the annihilation of Israel. Is this the reasoning of these generals? Peace: even if it means Israel never again will have any deterrence?

    I would like to know more about how this happened to the Israeli military, which, like the Supreme Court, seems to have become an ideological bastion of progressive ideology which they put before the lives and safety of Jews in the Jewish State of Israel.

  2. Quite obvious. The IDF can destroy Rafiach in hours. Tip toeing through the tulips is not it.
    There are too many signals that indicate widespread top command being not focused there but on Washington …

  3. General Avivi’s analysis and views are right on target. His description f how the appeasement-orpented senior officers keep promoting each other’s careers, thereby achieving a unanimity of pro=appeasement views among them, is especially striking. The “:technical issues” in this IDSF podcast are awaful. Some sort of weird black blotch fliclering accross the screen, I hope that this kind of poor podcasting technique is not found on all IDSF broadcasts.