Feiglin’s Zehut Party is not being faily treated

Here are a few interesting articles:

By Ted Belman

This one is a poll being taken on jpost. It shows zehut as the 3rd largest party, almost double the 4th largest. We have 16%. Over 5000 votes so far.


this one is a poll from late last week by amit segal, a well known newsman. He doesn’t even list zehut as an option. We are listed as ‘another party that has no Knesset representation currently’. This shows mainstream attempts to minimize us.


this one shows a poll zehut getting almost 8 seats. It’s from 5 days ago.


February 25, 2019 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. The latest poll (as of 3-6-19) shows that Zahut is just above the threshhold for representation in the Knesset, with 4 seats.

  2. The most recent poll shows Zahut just clearing the threshold for representation in the Knesset, with 4 seats (as of 3/6/19).

  3. I have been a follower of Moshe Feiglin for a quarter century but sadly, will not be voting for him in 2019 and in fact am not too happy about the prospect of his latest effort succeeding. First, after showing his contempt of every other small party for years, he formed his own and claimed it was no change in his views. Then, in an apparently successful bid to widen his support, he jettisoned his claim that you can only trust a politician who is belief-based and took on the appearance of classical liberal laissez faire, even featuring someone who campaigns for people not to circumcise their sons G-d Forbid, all in the name of freedom. Then he shows that his principal red line is giving everyone the freedom to smoke cannabis, even leading to reports of cooperation with the green leaf “party”. Or else he will support Gantz! What a shame, such potential, such a waste. I could go on but it is just too painful.

  4. Ted,

    WHAT A MESSAGE, from Moshe Parry!

    It should be translated to Hebrew/Yiddish/Russian/French AND DISSEMINATED in ALL MEDIA forms available- Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. (until they start censoring it of course).

    The ONLY part I would OMIT is the last part about NOT VOTING.

    Although I fully agree IN PRINCIPLE with his/Rav Binyamin’s assessment that the Political-Judiciary-Banking-BigBus-SecurityEstab., etc. System in this place IS TOTALLY CORRUPT (to the core), And requires a thorough ‘Root Canal’ Job- ‘Tipul-Shoresh’ in Hebrew, N-T-L, IN THE CURRENT VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION-

  5. I received this email from Moshe Parry.

    well I also find this deplorable disgusting and despicable but for a vastly different reason… netanyahoo is desperate to stay in power… now we see just how desperate…

    he’ll never honor his deal with them… he can’t be trusted… he’ll find a way to not have to comply…

    he deserves to fall for what he allowed to happen in amona a second time and in a couple of other places in the territories…

    he did absolutely nothing about the rape murder and beheading atrocity of 19 yr old ori ansbacher… what a disgrace he is… he needs to go…

    rav kahane wrote many times that he turned down multiple likud offers of begin and shamir repeatedly guarantying him a safe seat on their list and an eventual cabinet portfolio… he said no each and every time because they would not commit policy-wise to 5 or 6 non-negotiable principles he held were sacrosanct and dire necessities for the survival of k’lal yisroel and eretz yisroel…

    therefore as ive queried… said and written continuously since otzma was cleared to run… what positions did they have to compromise on among rav meir’s shitot to not be banned like occurred with both kach under rav meir (1988) and kahane chai under rav binyamin (1992)…?

    the answer i discovered was that they cannot publicly call for the wholesale deportation of the arabs from off the land… from the state and territories alike… they are only permitted to come out for the driving off of enemies and terrorists but not the whole entire people…

    to wit i maintain… half a kahanist is no kahanist at all…

    but this now with this move is also the answer to the other question i had about the slime erev rav unjewish govt permitting rav kahane’s followers to run… i asked… what’s in it for these elite slime? i mean… just keep the kahane faction banned with no possible chance of gaining any traction… keep them buried and decimated politically for generations on end…? if ur the slime erev rav why ever let them up for air…?

    and so now with this news this weekend i have my answer… they did this to split the settler/religious zionist vote which thereby keeps feiglin and zehut far from any meaningful position of power… i knew this was the truth already a couple of months ago but i didn’t then know just how critical this truth was and is for this early election cycle in israel…

    i am emphatically and stridently dead-set against this expedient political merger… netanyahoo is craven for power and will stop at nothing to retain it and otzma is compromised beyond all recognition and will accomplish nothing if elected in this supine servile manner…

    notice that moshe feiglin of zehut was not invited into this little equation… and for the same reason that he was savagely thrust out from likud the last time around because he is the actual threat to netanyahoo’s power on the right… zehut must have really been showing some strong support in the polls of late to make bibi this desperate to be willing to share power with those whom he hates and despises with every breath he takes even in their current non-threatening crippled and diminutive form…

    otzma presents no potential threat whatsoever to likud in this upcoming election and none either in the governing processes of the state going forward afterwards… on the other hand feiglin and zehut quite clearly do… and that’s why they were not invited in… plain and simple…

    I’ll just close here with a teaching from rav binyamin… after his father was murdered and after binyamin himself was also banned…

    he said…

    “the political system in israel is broken… it cannot be repaired… no yeshua that we are looking for will ever be forthcoming from it… it must be completely torn down and rebuilt from the ground up…”

    i urge all jews in israel to refuse to participate… stay home… don’t vote… especially now when we are so close… let the erev rav unjewish gov’t collapse under its own corrupt weight… don’t prop it up…

    if u can’t sit it out and must vote… vote only for moshe feiglin and zehut… moshe is not rav meir nor rav binyamin but in the history of the medina he’s a million times better than anyone else out there who has ever run for knesset and prime minister…

    but massive non-compliance is really the right way to go… in such a scenario..
