Feiglin: My Outline for a Solution in Gaza

Clear and concise, the steps towards achieving quiet in Gaza.

MK Moshe Feiglin, INN

Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately. Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts. Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal. All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’. It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning. 


Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

Conquer – After the IDF completes the “softening” of the targets with its fire-power, the IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations.

Elimination– The GSS and IDF will thoroughly eliminate all armed enemies from Gaza. The enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave. Israel will generously aid those who wish to leave.

Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel. The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.

According to polls, most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave. Those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to remain will receive permanent resident status. After a number of years of living in Israel and becoming accustomed to it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the authorization of the Minister of Interior, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule, substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship.

July 16, 2014 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:
    Just read now in walla news: +/-
    Rabbi elyakim levanon head of the ‘alon moreh’ yeshiva said that a death sentence should be handed out to the killer(s) of the musloid feigaleh
    Can you please shed more light?

  2. XLucid Said:

    Because, at the end of the day, sooner or later, they will have to leave: the Third Holy Temple must be rebuild and the Children of Israel must be gathered.

    True leaders of the State of Israel should never forget G-d’s already predetermined plans for Eretz Israel.

    <a href="XLucid Said:

    Because, at the end of the day, sooner or later, they will have to leave: the Third Holy Temple must be rebuild and the Children of Israel must be gathered. True leaders of the State of Israel should never forget G-d’s already predetermined plans for Eretz Israel.

    400 French immigrants to arrive in Israel JERUSALEM (JTA) — Some 400 immigrants from France are coming to Israel amid rocket fire on their new home country. The two chartered flights organized by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption are set to arrive Wednesday evening, where the new olim, mostly from Paris and its suburbs, will be welcomed in a special ceremony. The new immigrants include 18 babies and 195 children and teens. Some 60 of the new immigrants will move to the southern Israeli cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon, which have been under regular bombardment by rockets fired from Gaza. More than 100 will reside in Tel Aviv and the center of the country, 130 in Netanya and about 50 in Jerusalem. None of the immigrants scheduled to arrive have canceled due to the current rocket fire on the country, according to the Jewish Agency. “Every immigrant who arrives in Israel strengthens us as a people, and this is all the more so when it comes to the growing aliyah from France,” Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Sofa Landver said in a statement. France, notably the Paris region, has seen an elevated level of anti-Semitic attacks in recent months and more dramatically in recent weeks. The Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption and the Jewish Agency recently implemented a plan to encourage aliyah from France and ease French Jews’ integration into Israeli society. More than 5,000 French Jews are expected to immigrate to Israel by the end of 2014, up from 3,289 in 2013 and 1,917 in 2012. Some 2,600 French Jews arrived in Israel during the first six months of this year.”>
    400 French immigrants to arrive in Israel

  3. Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel. The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.

    According to polls, most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave. Those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to remain will receive permanent resident status. After a number of years of living in Israel and becoming accustomed to it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the authorization of the Minister of Interior, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule, substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship.

    Feiglin better explain what he means by citizenship:

    It is written in the Torah (Deuteronomy 17:15): “Then you shall appoint a king over you, whom the Lord your G-d will choose: one from among your brethren shall you set as king over you, but you shall not set over you a stranger who is not your brother.” In Sifri, Shoftim, paragraph 157 it says: “Your brother, and not from others” (that is to say, Gentiles, for a Gentile king may not be appointed over Jews — Rabbeinu Hillel). And not just a Gentile, but also a righteous convert, considered a Jew in every matter, is disqualified for kingship, as is explained in Midrash HaGadol: “‘You shall not set over you a stranger ‘ — to exclude the convert… from here they said it is forbidden to appoint a king from the converts, even after a number of generations, until his mother is [one born] Jewish.”

    This is also the law concerning any position of authority, as explained in Kiddushin 76b: “We have learned: ‘Then you shall[23] appoint a king over you from among your brethren,’ all appointments of authority that you make should not be[24][made] except from among your brethren.” Thus wrote Maimonides in chapter 1 of The Laws of Kings, halacha 4: “We do not appoint a king from amongst the converts, even after several generations, until his mother is [one born] Jewish, as it is written, ‘You will not set over you a stranger who is not your brother.’ Not only for kingship, but also for any position of authority in Israel, neither a general nor chief over fifty people, nor chief over ten people, nor even a person appointed to verify that the water is distributed to the fields. It is superfluous to talk about a judge or a nasi, who may not be other than [one born] a Jew, as is written, ‘one from among your brethren shall you set as king over you’–all the people whom you give positions of authority shall not be from other than your brethren.”

    It is appropriate to mention the words of the Sefer HaChinuch, commandment 509 (in other editions 498) on this subject: “The root of this commandment is well known… one appointed to authority… must be, at the very least, from the seed of Israel….

  4. @ “the phoenix”: Your “understanding” is askew and remiss [both professionally and personally].

  5. @ rsklaroff:

    I have problems with the absoluteness of his approach

    With the patient on the or table and scalpel in hand, do you find yourself wondering,
    “To cut or not to cut… THAT is the question” ????

    one must be deft in such delicate situations

    I understand this to be :
    Wishy washy
    Sitting on the fence
    Lacking courage, conviction etc
    Take your pick…

    To your credit doc, you do seem to stick by your friends through thick and thin. (That was a sincere compliment)

  6. Those who choose to remain will receive permanent resident status […] those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule, substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship.

    No Sir. Arabs should neither be given a permanent status nor a citizenship.

    Only a temporary status renewable every 5 years, as evidenced and supported by the appropriate documentation proving their loyalty to the State, and their participation to labor force activity and to the economic well-being of the country.

    Each non-Jew living in Eretz Israel should be led to be convinced beyond any doubt that he is only a Guer vetoshav anokhi imakhem [I am, a stranger and a foreigner among you]

    Because, at the end of the day, sooner or later, they will have to leave: the Third Holy Temple must be rebuild and the Children of Israel must be gathered.

    True leaders of the State of Israel should never forget G-d’s already predetermined plans for Eretz Israel.

  7. I met Moshe once–years ago–during his book tour; he spoke at the Hillel @ the U of Pennsylvania.

    Since then, I have monitored his activities but, here, I have problems with the absoluteness of his approach [including, of course, the endpoint]; one must be deft in such delicate situations [e.g., retaining enough of Gaza to preclude missile-launches].

  8. @ rsklaroff:
    I love clarity and lack of ambiguity.
    Feiglin’s solution sounds absolutely logical to me , and, with true leadership at the helm – doable.
    Except for one item:

    It is also remarkable that this outline ends with a pathway-to-citizenship.

    I am not sure what “remarkable” is meant to be (remarkably good?, remarkably bad?)
    So on the citizenship issue in my opinion, it should NEVER be offered to a musloid OR any nonjew for that matter.
    Sort of like having a ‘green card’ in the yew es of ey.