Feckless Jewish Board of Deputies in Britain

Brian of London writes

Those luminaries from the Board of Deputies of British Jews decided that after 9-11’s demonstration of strength by Muslim fanatics on the streets of London, they would issue the following statement:

Board Statement: Board Speaks Out Against EDL and Extremism

    As we have done so consistently in the past, the Board of Deputies of British Jews condemns unreservedly the EDL, their ideology and their actions. It is clear for all to see that the EDL are solely intent on causing divisions and mistrust between different groups in British society. When they wave Israeli flags at a rally or demonstration, they do so only to goad the Muslim community and to stir communal tensions. This, and everything that the EDL stands for, is utterly abhorrent. Equally sickening were the scenes of demonstrators attacking America and celebrating 9/11.  All right thinking people should be repulsed by extremism from any quarter.
The EDL Jewish Division Response:

JDiv Speaks out about BDBJ and Extreme cowardice

    As we have done so consistently in the past, the EDL Jewish Division condemns unreservedly the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BDBJ), their lack of spine and their astonishing inaction in the face of the massive rise of antisemitism coming squarely from Radical Islam in the UK.
It is clear for all to see that the BDBJ is solely intent on brown nosing their way to personal knighthoods especially if it means stepping on the backs of Jews forced to endure daily taunts and worse from out of control Muslim youth.


When they attack the EDL they do this solely to cement their place, begging for scraps from the table of the British political establishment. This and everything the BDBJ stand for is utterly abhorrent.


Equally sickening is the gross moral impotence of a group of Jews, unable and unwilling to realise that Muslims on the streets of London calling for the imposition of a fascist theocracy and end of the rule of Law and democracy bears absolutely no comparison with proud patriots who’s own inclusive brand of nationalism is a direct mirror to the spirit of inclusive Zionism that built Israel into the great hope it is for the Jewish people.


Issued in response to the Board of Deputies of British Jews who seem to have nothing better to do than issue nonsense statements like this one: http://www.bod.org.uk/live/content.php?Item_ID=201
September 13, 2011 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Catarin is probably bang on. The vehemence with which the BoD condemned the nasty little group of Islamists who burned a US flag just before the 9/11 memorial ceremony – needless to say fully publicised on the BBC -shows where their real feelings are.

  2. What I’m surprised about is how it took so long for this group, made up of a lot of soccer hooligans, to finally respond to what they consider to be the Muslim threat. For years I’ve wondered where the response to Muslim agitators was going to come from. The EDL is the response to it. They take buses into Muslim neighborhoods, itching for a fight. I’m not going to condemn them for drawing a line against Muslim activists. They may be just what’s needed at the moment.

    Official Jewry in Britain almost have to be publically against the EDL, but I bet deep down they are saying yippee.

  3. “Brian of London” is entitled to his views, but he does not speak for anyone but himself. The EDL – as one can tell if you have seen them in action – bears a marked resemblance to other extreme right-wing groups we have had in the UK in the past, the National Front for instance.

    Their present foes are the Muslims, but they could just as quickly turn and attack the Jews.

  4. “To condemn the courageous ADL…”

    I daresay your finger hit the wrong key on the keyboard, Jeff.

    That was, quite obviously, E-D-L that you meant, yes?

  5. When one cannot clearly identify, name and condemn his enemy he is finished.
    To condemn the courageous ADL while these pious, authentic, Muhammaden Muslims do… what they do is the height of abject cowardice.

  6. Board Statement: Board Speaks Out Against EDL and Extremism

    As we have done so consistently in the past, the Board of Deputies of British Jews condemns unreservedly the EDL, their ideology and their actions. It is clear for all to see that the EDL are solely intent on causing divisions and mistrust between different groups in British society. When they wave Israeli flags at a rally or demonstration, they do so only to goad the Muslim community and to stir communal tensions. This, and everything that the EDL stands for, is utterly abhorrent. Equally sickening were the scenes of demonstrators attacking America and celebrating 9/11. All right thinking people should be repulsed by extremism from any quarter.

    So according to the demented members of the Jewish Federation of Britain, waving Israeli flags is an “extremist” act equivalent to those who were celebrating the mass murder of Americans on 9/11.

    We have for far too long allowed morally bankrupt organizations like The Jewish Federation of Britain and similar groups in America to falsely represent the Jewish community in the diaspora. These are people who remain silent regarding the widespread and dangerous anti-Semitism coming from the islamic community, while insisting the greatest danger to Jews are Evangelical Christians and other conservatives who love Israel.