FBI Releases Documents on Investigation Into Death of Democrat National Committee Worker Seth Rich


Epoch Times Photo
Seth Rich, the voter expansion data director for the Democratic National Committee, in a file photograph. (LinkedIn)

The FBI has produced 68 pages relating to a Democrat National Committee (DNC) worker who was shot dead in 2016 in Washington, including an investigative summary that appears to suggest someone could have paid for his death.

Seth Rich, the worker, was shot dead in the early morning hours on July 16, 2016, near his home in the nation’s capital.

The murder, which is unsolved to this day, fueled widespread media coverage, especially after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested that Rich was the person who provided internal DNC emails to WikiLeaks. Rich’s family has called the notion that Rich leaked documents to WikiLeaks a conspiracy theory.

The newly released files show top Department of Justice officials met in 2018 and discussed Rich’s murder. They reviewed Rich’s financial records and did not identify any unusual deposits or withdrawals.

Additionally, none of the witnesses interviewed during the investigation reported to authorities anything unusual about Rich’s life prior to the homicide.

One witness saw an individual walking away from the location where Rich was killed but thought Rich was merely drunk so did not alert authorities. They realized something bad had happened when they saw a bloodstain on the ground in the same place the following day, as well as police tape surrounding the scene.

A person whose name was redacted took Rich’s personal laptop to his house, according to one of the newly released documents. The page also indicates that authorities were not aware if the person deleted or changed anything on Rich’s personal laptop.

The FBI came into possession of Rich’s work laptop, the bureau previously revealed.

On another page, it was said that “given [redacted] it is conceivable that an individual or group would want to pay for his death.”

“That doesn’t sound like a random street robbery,” Ty Clevenger, a lawyer, told The Epoch Times.

Law enforcement officials have suggested Rich was the victim of an attempted robbery, according to news reports, though none of his belongings were stolen. They have said no evidence links the shooting to Rich’s employment by the Democratic National Committee.

The documents were released this week in a lawsuit filed on behalf of Texas resident Brian Huddleston, who Clevenger represents.

Huddleston sued the FBI after it told him it would take 8 to 10 months in June 2020 to respond to his Freedom of Information Act request. Huddleston asked the FBI to produce all data, documents, records, or communications that reference Seth Rich or his brother, Aaron Rich.

A federal judge earlier this year ordered the FBI to produce documents concerning Rich by April 23. The FBI identified 576 relevant documents but only produced 68 of them to Huddleston.

The FBI has declined to speak about the lawsuit. Attorneys for Rich’s parents did not respond to requests for comment.

Clevenger said he found concerning how the government apparently does not know whether anything was deleted from Rich’s personal laptop.

The documents were largely redacted but the information that did get through “shows that their whole narrative is falling apart,” he added. “It’s a step in the right direction.”

The attorney plans to ask U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant, an Obama nominee, to produce unredacted copies for his perusal. The judge could rule that some redactions were improper.

Defendants could also face repercussions for not producing all of the documents they have concerning Rich, including fines.

U.S. Attorney Andrea Parker, who is representing the FBI, told the judge in a court filing this week that the bureau can only process 500 pages per month for each Freedom of Information Act request. She asked the court to give the bureau additional time to produce all of the relevant records.

Clevenger told the judge in a separate filing that the private sector routinely processes 500 pages or more per day and that the government should be afforded no more than two weeks to produce the remaining 1,063 pages.

April 25, 2021 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Just more heinous actions from our corrupt government. So forget about ever witnessing truth or exposing the Rich laptops? Just store them along with the still unexposed Wasserman/Schultz laptop, the Wiener/Abedin laptop, and the Hunter Biden laptop. It’s a great FBI we’ve got there isn’t it?

  2. Since it’s been repeatedly shown that the Left no longer believes in “innocent until proven guilty” instead in all cases conservative, people are guilty until proven innocent, I’d say that the available evidence and coverups ALL point to an obvious EXTREMELY GUILTY Clinton/DNC murder that our 3rd world government is again using all it’s resources to bury.

  3. So after waiting months for this release of documents related to the Rich murder, we are taunted with the minuscule release of a mere 68 pages out of over 500, some 11% of the total ordered release which doesn’t even include the contents of the Rich laptop. And now with the FBI fulfilling their elitist role of ignoring an order of the court, they will return to court to be supported by an Obama surrogate. And meanwhile, Judge Sullivan, made famous by his notorious role in the Flynn case, is deployed to prosecute(persecute?) an innocent man charged in the Jan. 6 mock assault on the Capital building… Fictional productions with such a limited plot schemes such as these non-fictional tales would fail to impress an audience as the duplicity and underhanded political shenanigans are obvious to all as the China-Class continue to surreptitiously deploy their rogue players to maintain the silence surrounding their actions and distract from their subsequent criminalities.