Fatah remains the terrorists they always have been

By Ted Belman

Arlene Kushner is preparing a major report on Fatah, documenting the fact that Fatah is neither moderate nor a viable partner for peace. It is to be published just prior to the arrival of Pres Bush. After providing a number of recent terrorist items in support she provides one particular piece of information that is very pertinent to Fatah’s true intentions. You will not see this in any media — it was acquired via someone doing private translating from PA radio. It tells the story that must be told.

Abbas spoke in Ramallah today during celebrations marking Fatah’s 43rd anniversary. He said the PA would never cede a single inch in negotiations with regard to Jerusalem. And he made conciliatory gestures to Hamas: he called for “dialogue, dialogue, dialogue,” and held out the hope of reconciliation (based still on Hamas relinquishing its control over Gaza).

“Friday sermons delivered at the Al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount are broadcast on PA radio. On Friday, December 28, 2007 (just one month after Annapolis), Sheikh Mohammed Hussein delivered the sermon. It included the following fabrications and incitement to violence:

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    “Al Aksa Mosque has become the target of Israeli settlers. They have become accustomed to entering Al Aksa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli security forces. This refutes Israeli claims to protecting our holy places.

    “The Israeli authorities are not satisfied with the excavations already performed… [In addition] they have been digging tunnels under Al Aksa Mosque’s foundations and walls, allowing the herds of settlers to enter its squares and gates in their plan to turn the holy city of Jerusalem into a Jewish one.

    “I’d like to warn against the criminal Israeli plans for the holy city. We have confirmed that there is a real danger to Jerusalem. The Arab nation should not stand [with] hands folded when it comes to Jerusalem.

    “Jerusalem stands for the Islamic history and doctrine that establishes an inseparable relationship between Muslims and Jerusalem. Allah chose us, a nation religiously and historically connected with this land, to be faithful guards to the holy places in Palestine. This obligation drove Prophet Mohammed’s followers to arrive here, in Palestine, and spread the Islamic religion. This is the holy land of Allah, and Muslims are only the guardians of these holy places.

    “The Israelis aren’t interested only in Al Aksa Mosque but want the whole city of Jerusalem to become Jewish. They have confiscated the Jerusalemite’s lands, built new settlements in and around the city to isolate it from its Arab surroundings, and have expanded settlements.”

    “The Palestinians are the defenders of this land. We should face up to our responsibilities and fulfill our duty. Our sacrifices are many; the number of martyrs and wounded is growing. [We see] the destruction of the Palestinian life and infrastructure, the arrests of Palestinians by the Israeli forces. All this will not deter us from fulfilling our duties. On the contrary, they serve as evidence to our willingness to sacrifice for our goals.”

December 31, 2007 | 4 Comments »

4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. The whole Palestinian scene, is not merely the “elephant in the room” – it’s the “PREGNANT elephant in the room.”

    The question is, who is Ms Kushner writing this for? And for what reason? Does she expect anyone to pay attention or do anything worthwhile about it? If so, what’s changed?

    My feeling is that something enormous will have to happen – and I’m convinced it will – that will make the Palestinian situation pale into insignificance, and at that point what has to be done will be done.

  2. …to be published just prior to the arrival of Pres Bush:

    “Jerusalem stands for the Islamic history and doctrine that establishes an inseparable relationship between Muslims and Jerusalem. Allah chose us, a nation religiously and historically connected with this land, to be faithful guards to the holy places in Palestine. This obligation drove Prophet Mohammed’s followers to arrive here, in Palestine, and spread the Islamic religion. This is the holy land of Allah, and Muslims are only the guardians of these holy places.

    I see nothing here that Bush and his entourage would not be fully prepared to believe.

  3. The Israeli government has for the past decade been engaged in a suspension of belief and has based its entire foreign policy on a denial of the nature of the enemy. Wishing the enemy wants peace with you does not make so. Propping up a Fatah regime dedicated to replacing the Jewish state with yet another Arab state will not bring the goal of true peace closer; to the contrary, it will postpone that noble endeavor to a distant day. It bears repeating here: peace cannot be pursued on the basis of a lie or on wishful thinking. When Israel corrects both biases in her policy, then she can finally seek a peace based on truth and peace built on strength.

  4. The Israeli government has for the past decade been engaged in a suspension of belief and has based its entire foreign policy on a denial of the nature of the enemy. Wishing the enemy wants peace with you does not make so. Propping up a Fatah regime dedicated to replacing the Jewish state with yet another Arab state will not bring the goal of true peace closer; to the contrary, it will postpone that noble endeavor to a distant day. It bears repeating here: peace cannot be pursued on the basis of a lie or on wishful thinking. When Israel corrects both biases in her policy, then she can finally seek a peace based on truth and peace built on strength.

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