“Farhood Progrom” 77 years today

By Zvi November


Today’s Hebrew language Israel Today daily has an editorial by Eddy Cohen a professor of Jewish history in Arab lands.  Cohen reminds us that Jews have been frequently murdered by Arabs throughout the Arab world and Arab pogroms were commonplace.  Cohen cites Fez, Morocco where 51 Jews were murdered in 1912.  Twenty-five Jews were murdered in Constantine, Algeria in August 1934.  The infamous “Farhoud” began on June 1, 1941.  This pogrom left over 200 Jews dead and much property stolen by the Baghdad mobs supported by their pro-Nazi government.  In Egypt in November 1945 ten Jews were murdered by the rioting Muslim Brotherhood.  And 140 Jews were similarly killed in Libya at this date.  Right after the UN partition plan was drafted, on December 1, 1947, 75 Jews were killed in Aleppo, Syria and 80 in Yemen.  During Israel’s War for Independence in 1948, 42 Jews were murdered in Morocco, 14 in Tripoli, Libya and many more in Egypt by the Muslim Brothers.  

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After the Six Day War in 1967 the few remaining Jews in Egypt were attacked, imprisoned, had their citizenship revoked and expelled.  In January 1969 nine Jews were hanged in Baghdad’s central square.  During the 1980s Hezbollah kidnapped eleven Lebanese Jews, held them captive and then executed them.

 Professor Cohen ends his article by stating that anyone who claims that Jews and Arabs lived harmoniously together believes in a myth.  Indeed, Jews were denigrated and held in contempt as they still are today.

                 Neither should we forget the many attacks on Jews during the British mandate in Palestine.  We must never forget the sixty-seven men, women and children who were hacked to death in Hebron in 1929 while the British police did nothing to interfere in this massacre.  Today the Arabs of Gaza who could be easily resettled in any or all of the 22 Arab countries would love to re-live their “glorious” history.

                 After the 1967 war Abba Eban offered “piece [land] for peace” but this was rejected outright by the Arab League meeting in Khartoum.  The Arabs declared, “No peace, no recognition and no negotiations”.  For the most part, these principles are still in effect today. Abbas refuses to recognize Jewish rights and most “moderate” Palestinians are firmly against normalization.  This also explains why the “peace” with both Egypt and Jordan is ICE COLD.

                 The May, 2000 Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon led directly to the 2006 second Lebanon war and the empowerment of Hezbollah (and by extension Iran) as the dominant political force in Lebanon.  The 2007 Israel withdrawal from the Gaza Strip led directly to the Hamas takeover and three mini wars (not including the current organized riots).  The Israeli withdrawal from Area A (now controlled by the PA Palestinian Authority) has enabled belligerent Arabs to organize and carry out attacks in Judea and Samaria as well as Israel proper.  Israel relinquishing territory for “peace” is a proven formula for violence and more warfare.

                 We are fortunate today as hundreds of thousands of Jews now live in the ancient Jewish heartland.  The presence of these “settlers” in Judea and Samaria strengthens our legitimate claims, helps insure a brighter future for all Israelis and sends a clear message to Arabs that they ought to change their attitude to Jews and concentrate on their own self-improvement (as suggested by the UN Development Reports).   And Arabs should pay compensation for all their crimes against Jews.

Zvi November                                                                                                  31 May 2018

Israel Today  WEBSITE:  www.israelhayom.com

May 31, 2018 | Comments »

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