Fans of Lubavitcher Rebbe respond to Candace Owens’ criticism

Peloni:  This is just the latest of a string of bizarre claims being uniquely championed by Candace Owens as she seems intent upon raising the medieval perception of Jews as the root of all evil and the target of even the most silly of claims.  Indeed, even her ally in hatred of all things Jewish, Nick Fuentes, has distanced himself from some of Owen’s most weirdly obsessive and obviously false claims including that Ataturk and Stalin were Jews.

September 9, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. In the video of Senator Tom Cotton interviewing Douglas Murray, Murray pointed to Vasily Grossman’s book, Life and Fate, in which Grossman wrote, “Antisemitic criticisms of Jews doesn’t tell you about the Jews, it tells you about the person talking about the Jews. Tell me what you accuse the Jews of, I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of.” (27:18 in the video).

    I think it is worth listening to Candace Owen’s criticism of the Jews because it tells us what she, herself feels guilty of.

    The Jew stands for any quality an antisemite hates in him or herself. Murray explained that the students on college campuses who have bought into Palestinian lies about being victims of Israeli aggression, see themselves, as Americans, as being born into a “racist” “colonialist” country. This is what they secretly hate about themselves. Thus it solves a psychological problem to be able to criticize Israel and the Jews for being “white oppressors, colonialists, and racists towards the Palestinians.” This way they are out from under having to feel like they are part of a racist society.

    Taken broadly, we can see that this guilt underlies almost all of progressive ideology.

    Thomas Sowell described in his book, Compassion Versus Guilt, that those motivated by guilt almost always fail in their prescriptions for aiding those who they want to save, while those who are motivated by compassion have much more effective policy ideas. Those motivated by guilt want to do things for, give money to, and hold the hands of those who have less, while those motivated by compassion see the poor as just as able to make good lives as wealthier people are, they just need to have equal opportunity under the law. Giving them money, buying their food doesn’t help motivate people to figure out how to survive on their own, it cripples their motivation.

    Since we know that Candace Owen is troubled and has taken to attacking Jews in order to live with herself, it is no longer newsworthy. It would be newsworthy if Candace Owen stopped attacking Jews and figured out what made her lose her mind in this way.

    Nevertheless, it is instructive to watch a person who once had a very good mind, turn to a political cause to solve a character problem. Just as with someone who focuses only on material acquisition, or acquiring fame, political zealotry is a false idol and leads a person away from the most important thing in life: love.