Eye-popping video exposes brazen junk science by federal climate assessment program


Is the federal government a disinterested player in the debate on climate science?  Not based on an impressive video that outlines some of the shenanigans of government agencies, which supposedly watch the matter.

Composed of 13 federal agencies that conduct research on global changes that impact society, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal project that issues periodic reports about the climate in the United States.  In 1989, the year it was established, USGCRP was mandated by Congress to coordinate federal research related to the human and natural forces that affect the global environment.  Billed as the leading federal authority on global warming science, USGCRP and its affiliate agencies are tasked with educating a trusting public about Earth’s ever changing climate.

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The program’s periodic reports are referred to as national climate assessments, which are eagerly parroted in Western media as part of an ongoing conspiracy to frighten uninformed voters into supporting massive carbon energy taxes that would radically alter the lifestyle of all but the wealthiest Americans.  Since its inception, USGCRP’s climate assessments have been, to the best of my knowledge, overwhelmingly pessimistic.  The National Climate Assessment released in November 2018 is typically dire: “The impacts of climate change, including powerful storms, droughts and wildfires, are worsening in the United States.”  Most Americans would be shocked to know that USGCRP’s climate assessments are little more than brazen environmental propaganda, and what follows is convincing proof of that contention.

Tony Heller, who runs the website RealClimateScience.com, exposes malicious data manipulation by USGCRP and other government entities.  A lifelong environmentalist who has used a bicycle for all of his local travel over the last 40 years, Heller holds a B.S. in geology (Arizona State University) and a Master’s in electrical engineering (Rice University).  As part of his efforts to put the glare of bright light on junk climate science, Heller produced an absolutely devastating video that lays bare the fraudulent presentation of climate data by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.  How so?  To produce its frightening assessments, USGCRP cherry-picks the starting point of climate graphs to give the false impression that hot days, wildfires, sea level rise and other climate indicators are undergoing cataclysmic negative changes, when just the opposite is true, as Heller’s video clearly shows.

To most everyone except the scientists who create them, climate graphs can cause the human brain to spasm.  Heller’s video has several such graphs, so follow his presentation closely, and if necessary, watch it more than once.  I guarantee it will be the best thing you’re likely to see in understanding how the American public is being played for fools by USGCRP’s national climate assessments and the corrupt Western media that breathlessly report them as gospel.  You can help expose the federal government’s role in disseminating climate propaganda by sharing Heller’s video far and wide.

As happened to opponents of every totalitarian movement in history, Heller, who goes by the pseudonym “Steven Goddard,” is routinely vilified by the climate crisis cabal.  Exposing junk science is expensive and time-consuming.  To support Heller’s full-time efforts in that regard, click here.

An electrical engineering graduate of Georgia Tech and now retired, John Eidson is a freelance writer in Atlanta.

January 10, 2020 | 47 Comments »

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47 Comments / 47 Comments

  1. Climate scientists who support human-caused global warming, for example Ben Santer and Michael Mann, authored a peer reviewed paper in Nature Geoscience which acknowledges that their climate models are wrong, although their admission is buried in weasel words and technical jargon:

    “In the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble,” reads the first line of the abstract. In other words, the actual temperature trends were less than their models.

    “Over most of the early twenty-first century, however, MODEL tropospheric warming is substantially larger than OBSERVED,” reads the abstract, adding that “model overestimation of tropospheric warming in the early twenty-first century is partly due to systematic deficiencies in some of the post-2000 external forcings used in the model simulations.” (Capital letters are mine for emphasis.) In other words, their computer models substantially overestimated the global warming which has been observed in the real world.

    In the scientific method it is not the obligation or responsibility of skeptics or “deniers” to falsify or disprove hypotheses and theories proposed by climate scientists. It is the obligation and responsibility of climate scientists to present evidence and to defend their hypothesis, and they have failed to do so despite the expense of billions of dollars of taxpayer money.


  2. Climate scientists admit their models are wrong

    Climate scientists who support human-caused global warming, for example Ben Santer and Michael Mann, authored a peer reviewed paper in Nature Geoscience which acknowledges that their climate models are wrong, although their admission is buried in weasel words and technical jargon:

    “In the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble,” reads the first line of the abstract. In other words, the actual temperature trends were less than their models.

    “Over most of the early twenty-first century, however, MODEL tropospheric warming is substantially larger than OBSERVED,” reads the abstract, adding that “model overestimation of tropospheric warming in the early twenty-first century is partly due to systematic deficiencies in some of the post-2000 external forcings used in the model simulations.” (Capital letters are mine for emphasis.) In other words, their computer models substantially overestimated the global warming which has been observed in the real world.

    In the scientific method it is not the obligation or responsibility of skeptics or “deniers” to falsify or disprove hypotheses and theories proposed by climate scientists. It is the obligation and responsibility of climate scientists to present evidence and to defend their hypothesis, and they have failed to do so despite the expense of billions of dollars of taxpayer money.


  3. @ Felix Quigley:

    Felix, my “opus” on this matter was my sixth grade report card, which said I passed arithmetic. It showed that I knew that 100 degrees F, the normal variation of temperature, year in and year out, is 100 x as great as the 1 degree of temperature rise that has the “Climate Change” morons climbing the walls.

  4. @ Michael S:
    And where is your opus on this, where is your peer reviewed paper on climate change..it is nowhere! And outside of peer review you have bunk. And your ms in chemistry is rubbish as far as climate change is concerned. Your remarks above are embarrassingly stupid. And a diversion from the facts I put forward.

  5. Felix,

    You and Greta seem to be in the minority here. As for me, I AM a scientist (MS in Chemistry), and here is my scientific PROOF that this Climate Change is BS:

    1. Greta et al are in a panic about the average temperature possibly warming about 1 degree F over a century.

    2. I personally spent half my life in a climate where the temperatures, every year, varied by over 100 degrees F.

    3. I survived those 100 degrees every year.

    4. You and Greta will survive the 1 degree, if it happens.

  6. I want to emphasise that these are GLOBAL aka all earth aka the planet … records, and not US records in case anybody is confused. Praise to Adam for keeping us in touch


    Massive fires in Australia have raged across a landscape primed for ignition by climate change, driving thousands from their homes.
    Prominent climate scientist Michael Mann says that as global temperatures increase, large swaths of Australia could become too hot and too dry for humans to reside.
    The scientist warned that if the world fails to dramatically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, future Australians could be forced to abandon their homes by the extreme conditions, joining the growing ranks of “climate refugees.”
    The future is going to be hotter. This is the incontrovertible truth of climate change for the foreseeable future unless dramatic action is taken. And as the mercury marches ever higher, some areas of the world that are already hot and dry will become places humans simply can’t survive.

    Australia, currently in the midst of a cataclysmic fire season, may become one of these forsaken places, prominent climatologist Michael Mann told Reuters.

    “It is conceivable that much of Australia simply becomes too hot and dry for human habitation,” said Mann. “In that case, yes, unfortunately we could well see Australians join the ranks of the world’s climate refugees.”

    A climate refugee is someone forced from their home by the planet’s changing climate or an extreme weather event.

    In 2018, a World Bank report predicted that by 2050 sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America could have 143 million climate refugees — displaced by the expanding deserts and rising seas wrought by climate change.


    As the Earth gets hotter, the conditions that prime the outback for fires — high temperatures, low humidity, low rainfall and strong winds — have become more common, upping the odds of destructive bushfires and making them harder to extinguish. The current fires have been preceded by a three-year drought and sustained by 100-degree heat, little rain and powerful winds.

    Things will get worse, in all likelihood, as global temperatures continue to rise — bringing Australia closer to the unlivable future Mann predicts. Curbing global greenhouse gas emissions is the surest way to avoid turning Australians into climate refugees, but, despite an increasingly concerned public, the country’s conservative government continues to prioritize economic growth over long term survival.

    “It’s possible to grow the economy, create jobs, and preserve the environment at the same time. These are things that all Australians could embrace,” Mann said.

    “They just need a government that’s willing to act on their behalf rather than on behalf of a handful of coal barons.”


    The Earth just experienced the hottest January in recorded history last month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Thursday.

    NOAA reported global land and ocean temperatures last month exceeded all temperatures recorded in the past 141 years of data at 2.05 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th century average of 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit. NOAA said record hot temperatures were recorded in Asia, Central and South America, Scandinavia, the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and the central and western Pacific Ocean.

    Last month surpassed January 2016, which held the record for warmest January, by 0.04 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Russia, Scandinavia and eastern Canada (take note here Belman) saw the biggest changes, with some areas seeing temperatures at least 9 degrees Fahrenheit above average.


    “The whole world started moving. It was hard to take in just how much was going on at the same time,” chief officer of the ship Simon Wallace told Sky News.

    “The front of the glacier just broke. It was like a sandcastle in the face of the sea. There was a distinct shift to the right and then it seemed to disappear,” he said.

    Sky News reports the William Glacier has retreated almost a mile in 20 years.

    The incident occurred just days before Antarctica hit its warmest temperature in recorded history.

    Argentina’s Esperanza Base on the continent’s Trinity Peninsula recorded a temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit on Feb. 6. The temperature surpassed the previous record of 63.5 degrees set in March of 2015.

    Less than a week later, an iceberg about twice the size of Washington, D.C., more than 130 square miles, broke off the Pine Island Glacier. The glacier is considered to be one of the fastest-shrinking in Antarctica.

    Antarctica’s peninsula, the area pointing toward South America, is one of the fastest warming places on the planet. In just the past 50 years, temperatures have increased 5 degrees on the continent, and around 87 percent of glaciers along the peninsula’s west coast have receded during that time.

    Published on Feb 13, 2020

    PS when there is a fire you rebuild right!

    not my reading about Australian after these fires. The climate has changed. The area may not be able to be rebuilt on. Insurance issues. regulation issues.

    Australia is the typical place…great strides in renewables yes, but they export CO2, that is coal.

    i have a Norwegian friend and they too have much renewable prowess but what…they export oil or CO2

    The EU is a massive engine of CO2…sold as progress

    Another engine are WTO deals.

    India and China another huge problem.

    See the ability of American Science, in san Diego, re finding a vaccine inside of a few hours, due to a massive cultural ability of American Science, that is American capitalism.

    This is the key to our global warming nightmares…American capitalism HAS the technology, or culture int he widest sense.

    Why Marx sought to unleash this potential. he was a big fan of America in a real sense.

  7. “The year has started with the hottest January in the 141 years that global records have been kept, and it’s the biggest record-breaking margin – 1.14 degrees above the 20th century average – achieved without help from a warming El Niño event in the Pacific Ocean.

    The new monthly record set by January 2020, according to data released on Wednesday by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, continues an aggressive trend toward higher temperatures. The four hottest Januarys on record have all occurred since 2016, and the top-10 warmest have all occurred since 2002.”


  8. Edgar…take it easy my friend. all this url stuff does not matter. All that matters is what you write and we are getting it. we will get the solutions believe me. An understanding of what happened to the jews in Ireland is still central to me and on this you are vital.

  9. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    I’ve responded to this of yours just above, mentioned that “few seconds long corridor scene”…and saw it published. But NOW it has disappeared and you seem not to have seen it.. Ted doesn’t censor, especially an innocuous post like mine was, so what is happening to this site…?? With hacking, people having problems opening it, and etc Whatever the matter, it is STILL happening. Don’t even know if you’ll get this… Why would l post like this get through and anything abut that Greta kid not ??

    And you’re right. I don’t see the difference between this URL idea and actually seeing the very video on Yutube… Because it IS there………

  10. @ Edgar G.:XXX! Edgar, the Youtube info I need is a specific web address where I can find the video or videos of Greta that you described to me. A URL is just the web address that appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen when you are viewing a screen on the web. However, if this is too complicated an idea, all you have to do is give me the name of the U-tube program or site where you found the videos of Greta. I read your description of what you saw, but I want to view it for myself and see what I think of it. I thought that was what you were writing about , too, when you wrote that perhaps I had missed one of your posts. So I thought, incorrectly, that I must have missed one of them that contained the information that I asked for..

    But apparently, you were just writing about what you saw on YouTube, and your interprepation of it, not where I could find it on the web. I want to see the video for myself.

    I am not very good at computer lingo either, I have done the best I could to describe what info I want from you.

    Whew!! If you find all this too confusing, just forget about my request. No real need for me to do more research about this exploited teenager and her handlers. and herHave a very good evening (is it evening in gorgeous British Columbia?) and get a good night’s sleep. All my best, Adam.

  11. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    I confess I don’t know what a URL Is although I see the term often. If you feel you could read any post of mine giving you a URL, then you must be able to read this page in which you posted, telling me you didn’t (even) get my second post to you. BUT.. I can see it PLAINLY just a few posts above, both yours and mine which has the needed Youtube info. There is some confusion here. My response that you didn’t get, is just above..in the 4th place up, including this post as #1. It’s just before Felix’s post. Even with your access problems, you MUST be able to see it, because I can see your post telling me you’ve had access problems..

    I think I need to lie down after this, I must be going crazy… (kidding) When you post a response to this, put an “X” to begin, which will show that you have been able to see this very post, and ALSO got the Youtube info……

  12. @ Edgar G.: I don’t think I got that post, Edgar, I have been having a lot of trouble accessing Israpundit from my computer over the last few days. Most of the time I can’t connect with it. Is it because I have a Mac Air computer with a Safari program, rather than a Mircosoft computer with a Windows program? Is it that Ted is having continuing difficulties getting his website to work? In any case, please give me a URL link to Greta videos now that I have finally been able to access this site.

  13. Finally i think it is in the interest of Jews and Israelis to begin to follow sites like Skepticalscience.com. They have not appeared yesterday. It is very noticeable the care that they take in their citation of source. “Citation of source” that is a good phrase! I have seen this abused as well, in the sense that the reader becomes burdened down by every dammed detail being cited for. just I want sensible citation so that others can follow up without too much difficulty.

    I can now understand Adam Dalgliesh. He argues correctly that if Ted Belman will never change his position on this issue, then its entry into Israpundit will always be a disruptive affair. How sad! How sad that is for a website like Israpundit!

    And as for Edgar for me nothing changes. His understanding of the issues surrounding the Jews of Ireland is unique and most valuable. And the history of the Jews in Ireland, especially how they had to face the holocaust of their close families and peoples in Latvia and Lithuania, is a major issue for me.

  14. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Adam did you get my answer about keying on youtube..It looks as if you didn’t because it should be just above this. I have much difficulty with reading and posting on the Israpundit site, and Ted has been working on It for over a week . So it may not have got to you. I just typed on the youtube slot at top..”Greta without her script” and a long column of maybe 30-40 or more videos came up . On all details of Greta, it seemed from the headings. There are a few near the top of the column and many more in, say, the bottom 3rd of the column specifically zooming in on her difficulties without a script. You must also read the line or two beneath each heading, because the heading sometimes are misleading..

    And respond letting me know if you got them. I hope this gets posted….

  15. @ Edgar G.: Edgar–could you give me a URL so that I could watch the YouTubes of Greta being unable to answer reporters questions? I find that very interesting. I would like to to get to the bottom of the Greta “mystery.” While it is possible that she is highly intelligent and accomplished for someone on the autism spectrum, she nevertheless as a child demonstrated disturbed behavior of the kind that is common for people with this condition, such as starving herself and being unable to talk to anyone except close family members. She attends a special needs school when she attends school at all, which hasn’t been too often recently. I am convinced that she is being exploited.

  16. Sorry Adam. I type quickly and also have many sticking keys. I normally have a chance to correct, but this time I didn’t , so it’s almost unintelligible

    The gist of it is that my nephew is on a 2 month visit to a daughter in Australia, and also touring, will be back next week, and I’ll get more info. My interest in kangaroos is natural, they being upright animals, and unusual.. Also from my lifelong boxing interest, where, at carnivals and fairs I would sometimes come across “boxing” kangaroos, in an improvised ring sparring with their owner-“trainer”. They look almost as if they ARE boxing, but of course, mainly waving their gloved arms around. I have also seen this several times on film.

    And, of course, have read much about them in a variety of books, …and National Geographic, which I got regularly for many years. I have stacks of them. Lovely, beautiful pictures, and impossible to give away even.

  17. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    You could be quite right about the Opera thing. They also perform in that medium.. No doubt in my mind that the kid was being hustled along, and was speechless when questioned. Her mouth was quite open, with nothing coming out..plus helpless looks at her “companions”. As I said, a bit later, managed to utter 2-3 meaningless words and abruptly turned away and was ..off.

    On Youtube, I saw a video which showed her sitting at a table with 4-5 others. A reporter asked her a question..She said “eh”, looked around for help, then dead silence for about 20-30 secs, then..”what was your first question”, then silence, and appealing looks around, He condensed the question to…” what message do you want to give the world”…then she said,… ” we have to….tell them we’ve had enough” (her UN “speech”..?)……then … .”anyone else like to ask a question” A female reporter asked a short one..dead silence for 30 secs…she looking around to her companions.. then… “I think….. you should ask the others a question”.. It was actually very embarrassing. Sad. Complete exposure.

    She is what she is, not what they are trying to make her be.

    I know quite a bit about Autism, and its variations. It is in a family member whose mother has become quite expert on the subject, being so closely involved with medicos and support, also being a 3rd year psychology student. . And I know how many brilliant autistic people there are, who are especially talented. We read about such people all the time.

    About Austrli. I hppen to have nephew now in Austrli , on two month visit to his young dughter. Also hired cr nd has been touring.. Bck in week or so, nd Ill get the info. I red bout the kngros few weeks g..poor things. Althoughnims, I hve cmecrss them many times in stries nd reprts F instance, My ife-ng bxing invvenet has wed me t read much abut bxing kangars, and have seen them actuay “bxing\’we they had gves n, and were ailing them arund againttheir trainer-ppnent S they havebeen in a different ctegory for me..to..say…pandas…

  18. @ Felix Quigley:

    I didn’t say anything Felix, about seeing stuff from “Heller types” being peer reviewed. My impression is that they were eminent scientists, who seemed to know what they were talking about. Mostly a bit above my understanding. I have a natural curiosity about, AND INTEREST in our planet…derived from having been a life-long Science Fiction reader……actually from about age 7-8.

    There was a shop in Clanbrassil St. where my brother-in-law used to get a Magazine every week, returning it -plus twopence. But he handed it on to me, first,… Fascinating stuff. Many years later, I read Robert Ettinger’s book just after publication around 1964. He was the Founding Father of Cryonics, and it led to constant letters until not long before he died in 2011,aged 93. He had read the very same stories as had I, including one series, “The Jamieson Satellite”…, which gave him the idea and impetus. It is now a world wide science. I have been a CI member since inception.

  19. This is from an Australian newspaper, the Canberra Times. A farmer’s account of how the drought in Australia has impacted his farm, and why he thinks climate change has something to do with it.

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    JANUARY 13 2020 – 7:00AM
    Farmers can see climate is rapidly changing

    Bill Doak
    Latest News

    My property is on the Gwydir river in northern NSW. The Gwydir is a major inland perennial river within the Murray-Darling basin.

    When there is adequate water flow, the Gwydir Wetlands support more breeding waterbirds than anywhere else in Australia. But the Gwydir is drying up. Ground around the river is so bare that any rain causes soil erosion. It washes manure and topsoil into the river and kills what is left in the river.

    We did have a storm the other day: it put six inches into a waterhole on my property. The needle-tailed Catfish came to the top dead and sick. The Cod go to the bottom when they die and come up a few days later.

    I was a climate change sceptic until 12 months ago, but something is clearly wrong. Rainfall patterns, drought, and more intense heatwaves – before you even mention the bushfires – something has been put out of twist.

    People say there were big droughts 100 years ago, and there weren’t so many cars or fossil fuel burning factories. But it is the speed that our climate is now changing that is obvious to anyone who works on the land.

    In the eyes of politicians, the only things worth protecting are the coal mines. It’s always about money. The wealthy, powerful people who call the shots with the politicians. Meanwhile, agriculture, tourism, wildlife and ordinary “quiet” Australians are left to suffer.

    I am spending $20,000 a week to feed my remaining 1100 head of angus cattle and fine-wool merinos. It has cost $1.4m since the drought hit. I’ve paid a lot of money for rams and bulls that I might lose. It’s the uncertainty of the future that is so hard to live with. I know I can’t go on feeding through another dry winter.

    If it rained tomorrow I would be right and ready to breed the current stock; but if I cut numbers in half now I won’t have anything to go on with. In other droughts, I could send the stock away on agistment but there is nowhere to go because fires are everywhere from Western Australia to Queensland.

    Kangaroos are doing it tough, too. They seem to symbolise our pain. I see them standing in the shade of a tree because they are exhausted and out of food and don’t go back into the scrub. I saw roots scratched up and eaten and I thought it was pigs, but it is the kangaroos doing that. Every single thing is suffering.

    The price we are paying for putting coal mines before everything else is too high. A sustainable future is our only hope of survival. Those in charge must wake up to reality.

    Bill Doak is a NSW farmer

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  20. There is no valid science behind the global warming hypothesis, only emotion backed pseudoscience. That is why it is important to know the psychological background of these fascist political activists.@ Felix Quigley:

  21. Adam

    For the hundredth time the issue of global warming exists outside of this woman.

    If she did not exist it would not make one bit of difference to the situation of the earth.

    Why Greta must be defended has nothing to do with Asbergers, or whatever, but because she has defended the scientific method.

    That is all. no more or less. but that is everything.

    the scientific method in science is peer review. it is peer review that marks humans out as civilised. Without peer review in the field of science you have bunk, or the road to Fascism and barbarity.

    I have never once alluded to Asbergers. All I know is that Greta has defended science, the science of climate.

    I do not know what Asbergers, or Autism, is nor do I wish to know. It is of no interest to me.

    According to Greta it was Greta who made the running int he home on this issue. Not the other way around as is being pushed by the climate deniers who enter into a conspiracy mode.

    The situation in the home may be simple or complex. I do not know or wish to know. it is of no concern or indeed business of mine.

    I can see is that the parents noticed that being interested in this issue was stopping her depression.

    Why so strange, on any level.

    It is of no importance. What is only important is the issue of peer review. Anybody who spouts off without peer review is just spouting bunk. not to be listened to or time wasted over for a single second.

    That is the only issue here.

    And Greta seems to understand that concept.

    Only a complete conspiracy crackpot like David Icke and his crummy nasty followers would ever try to pin THAT on Asbergers.

    Repeat I defend Greta because Greta defends peer review and thereby defends civilisation.

    I am indeed extraordinarily wary of conspiracy theorists.

    Will you join with me in defending this woman on that basis and on no other basis. Which is defending civilisation itself.

  22. “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” What sin did I commit this time, Ted? Please restore my last post.

  23. @ Edgar G.:Perhaps she was performing onstage in an opera when this clip was made, Edgar. Over the past few years, opera directors have taken to dressing the singers in odd costumes, have them perform weird dances, etc. Some operas have supernatural beings, such as witiches and fairies, as characters. This might account for the wands.

    I didn’t know that Gretta was always surrounded by “minders,” who whisked her away when journalists tried to question her, or that she was unable to answer reporters questions spontaneously. She delivered her speech to the United Nations in English, even though her native language is Swedish. This may indicate that she is highly intelligent, even though she suffers from a serious learning disability on the autism spectrum, and possibly autism. But being a public figure and making speeches is not natural even for an intelligent individual on the autism spectrum. They tend to be very private people.

  24. This in an article about Greta from Quilette online magazine. Very informative.

    Self-Harm Versus the Greater Good: Greta Thunberg and Child Activism
    Published on April 23, 2019

    Greta is eleven years old and has gone two months without eating. Her heart rate and blood pressure show clear signs of starvation. She has stopped speaking to anyone but her parents and younger sister, Beata.

    After years of depression, eating disorders, and anxiety attacks, she finally receives a medical diagnosis: Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and OCD. She also suffers from selective mutism—which explains why she sometimes can’t speak to anyone outside her closest family. When she wants to tell a climate researcher that she plans a school strike on behalf of the environment, she speaks through her father.

    The book Scenes from the Heart (“Scener från Hjärtat,” 2018) recounts these medical difficulties and the events that led to Greta Thunberg’s now-famous “school strike for climate,” in which hundreds of thousands of children have refused to attend school to protest about government inaction over climate change. Greta herself strikes every Friday and spent three weeks sitting outside the Swedish Parliament at the beginning of the school year. Written by her family—mother, father, Beata and Greta—the story is told in the voice of Greta’s mother, the opera soprano Malena Ernman, who was a celebrity in Europe long before her daughter’s fame. Although the book is only available in Swedish for the time being, it is already being translated into numerous languages—a development that reflects the global fascination with Thunberg’s campaign.

    We are offered a story of “a family in crisis and a planet in crisis”—two phenomena that are presented as inextricably linked. The book posits that oppression of women, minorities, and people with disabilities stem from the same overarching root problem as climate change: an unsustainable way of life. The family’s private crisis and the global climate crisis, the authors argue, are simply symptoms of the same systemic disorder.

    Greta is not alone in her mental suffering, according to the book. Her sister Beata, who was 12 when the book was written, lives with ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome, and OCD. She is prone to sudden outbursts of anger, during which she screams obscenities at her mother. What would normally be a 10-minute walk to dance class takes almost an hour because Beata insists on walking with her left foot in front, refuses to step on certain parts of the sidewalk, and demands that her mother walk the same way. She also insists that her mother wait outside during class—she isn’t allowed to move, even to go to the bathroom. The child still ends up weeping in her mother’s arms.

    Like many parents of children with similar diagnoses, Greta and Beata’s parents fight hard for their daughters to receive the right care and assistance in school. When Greta refuses to eat they do everything they can to save her from starving herself. Her father begs their doctor to save Beata from whatever it is that plagues her. To read the story is heart-wrenching, many times over.

    And yet as someone who does not share the family’s political views—that the girls’ problems are inextricable from the climate crisis, and that the cure is to “change the system”—I wonder whether the world needs to know the intimate details about the lives of these two anguished young girls.

    Swedish 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg takes part in a march for the environment in Brussels. Photo: Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock
    Which brings me to us—editors, journalists, prize juries, teachers, onlookers.

    It has been less than a year since Scenes from the Heart was published and, during that time, Greta has become a global celebrity. This week, she was named one of the world’s 100 most influential people by Time Magazine. She has briefly met the Pope, who encouraged her to “Keep doing what you’re doing.” She has received numerous awards, including, most recently, the German Golden Camera award. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She has been featured and interviewed in most of the world’s leading media. She has appeared on a panel with the UN Secretary General António Guterres, addressed the European Parliament, and lunched with the Financial Times.

    “Is Greta the new Che Guevara?” asked the German TV-anchor Maybrit Ilner recently during a TV debate about the striking school children.

    In defense of the excellent Ms. Ilner, she probably meant to refer to Che Guevara as a global political symbol. But the question is telling: Greta is turning into a revolutionary icon.

    Given what we know about Greta’s problems and challenges, is this an appropriate adult response to Greta’s school strike?

    It is easy to exoticize. It is easy to look at pictures of the girl with pigtails and simply see someone out of the ordinary. Someone—or something—foreign. German media have dubbed Greta the “Pippi Longstocking of climate change,” with reference to another Swedish girl-rebel with a similar hairdo. They don’t seem to appreciate that the girl with pigtails comes from a country where her peers look more like the stars of the Norwegian television series SKAM than Pippi Longstocking—or that the girl is clearly marked by years of self-starvation. Instead they choose to portray the child as a dated cultural stereotype, based on her looks.

    A workplace strike shows company owners and management that workers are able to harm them economically. A school strike, on the other hand, constitutes a form of self-harm, undertaken to attract adult attention. And the global school strike for climate is led by a girl with a long and tragic history of self-harm to her own body.

    In Scenes from the Heart, when Greta eventually starts eating again, she only allows herself certain foods. Her mother has to prepare the same food every day for Greta to bring to school and keep in the school refrigerator: pancakes filled with rice. Greta will eat them only if there is no sticker with her name on the container: stickers, paper and newspapers trigger Greta’s OCD against eating.

    “I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day,” Greta said when she addressed the world’s leaders in Davos.

    Given the child’s history of precisely that—fear and panic—the adult response should perhaps not be “You go, girl” (the words of Madeleine Albright when she was asked what she thinks of Greta’s school strike), but something considerably more cautious.

    Greta does not skip classes from just any school, but one for children with special needs. Many other Swedish families fight hard to get their children into such schools, because places are rare. According to the family’s book, however, resources will be ample for such families once we change the system—including, according to Ernman, “patriarchal structures” that she claims favor boys with neuropsychiatric disorders over girls.

    I do not wish to suggest that Greta is too young to understand the consequences of her actions, nor that the challenges she faces make her unsuitable to take a stand on political issues, or even to lead a global movement. No one who has heard her address world leaders in impeccable English can doubt that she is very intelligent. Ernman also stresses that her daughter has never felt better than during her campaign for the climate. Greta herself has said that realizing that she could do something about climate change has helped her recover.

    I am also not questioning Greta’s role as a public speaker, nor the power of hundreds of thousands of protesting school children, nor that climate change is an existential threat to humankind.

    But adults have a moral obligation to remain adults in relation to children and not be carried away by emotions, icons, selfies, images of mass protests, or messianic or revolutionary dreams.

    Greta was recently named ”Woman of the Year” by a Swedish newspaper. But she is not a woman, she is a child. It is time we stopped to ask if we are using her, failing her, and even sacrificing her, for what we perceive to be a greater good.

    Editor’s note: On April 24, 2019, a substantially edited version of this article was published without the prior approval of the author. Quillette apologises for the mistake.

    Paulina Neuding is Quillette’s European editor. Follow her on Twitter @paulinaneuding.

  25. Is Tony helelr qualified to speak on any aspect of climate science.

    this is how American Thinker describes his qualifications:

    ” A lifelong environmentalist who has used a bicycle for all of his local travel over the last 40 years, Heller holds a B.S. in geology (Arizona State University) and a Master’s in electrical engineering (Rice University).”

    B.S. in GEOLOGY


    With those degrees this man is in no way qualified to say a word on climate science and his positions and papers could not possibly be passed by peer review, or would be very unlikely to be passed.

    The very first thing that is in question on what he says about climate science is his qualification. THERE is the great con! There is the great conspiracy!

    There is the complete evasion by American Thinker of peer review science. And absent that peer review you enter a world of barbarism.

    What is happening here is that American Thinker is not so much attacking the concept of peer review science, the only mark of civilisation, against fascism and barbarism, as pretending that peer review does not exist, or in pretending that proceeding as if it did not exist.

    How does American Thinker overcome this? It does so in a most blatant and fascist type of way. It is denying that there is even such a thing as peer review science.

    That means American Thinker enters into the world of barbarism.

    Without peer review you have bunk.

  26. There is indeed an awful lot attacking (exposing) Tony Heller on the web. It is hard to find the time or even if it is productive to spend time on this guy.

    Heller is a conspiracy theorist in essence.

    Now there are “conspiracies” all the time, but we are talking here about those who lie.

    I cannot find the time to read all in this desmogblog article so I will pick this:

    ““When I was a kid, you know, growing up in school, we all leaned that carbon dioxide was a good thing,” Heller said in the introduction. “That it was essential for life. Photosynthesis required chlorophyl, carbon dioxide, water, and sunshine in order to create life. So it’s kind of odd to see this transition over the past few decades where carbon dioxide got demonized. It started out as a good thing, essential for life. […] Now we’re told that tiny amounts of carbon dioxide can destroy all life.” [38]”

    But the answer is so simple and basic and at the same time exposes Heller as essentially a liar.

    The answer is that carbon dioxide has two roles not one. Of course it is food for the plants. BUT it is also a greenhouse gas.

    You see not one role, but two.

    If you say it has just the one role and exclude the other, then you are either ignorant or you lie.

    Yes carbon dioxide is good but get this concept “You can have too much of a good thing”.

    Carbon dioxide is a warming greenhouse gas and we have too much of it in our atmosphere. Not stopping. The figures show it is not stopping its increase in the atmosphere. The question, the real question, is can capitalism stop this rise.

    There are very big consequences to the answer to this question.

  27. The subject of this thread posted by Ted Belman is no other than the claims by Tony Heller. Who is he?

    In the website climatefeedback.org there is the following:

    “[T]he raw data, the actual thermometer data[…] shows that the US has been cooling for 80 to 90 years. But the graphs they release to the public show warming trend, and it’s all because they’ve altered the data.”

    Beside this in graphic form they write the word “Inaccurate”.

    Well is it Accurate or Inaccurate.

    If the former we should proceed to watch the video. If the altter we should eb exercising great caution.

    Heller seems to be saying thatt here is tomfoolery around and the scientists are in some kind of conspiracy.

    And that the temperatures given for earth warmign are wrong, or manipulated, or cannot be trusted.

    Strikes me the thermometer readings have been improved from when they first started doing this. So will be somewhat different.

    There are many problems in how to get accurate measurements.

    But I see immediately…it has to be covering the whole of the globe and not just one country, such as the US.

    the science of measuring is changing and getting more precise, better truer, unless there is a conspiracy afoot.

    Seems Heller does not do science himself but tries to worm in into the above and cast doubt.

    but then

    “And even if we had not invented the thermometer we would know it is warming:

    Glaciers are melting, from the tropical Kilimanjaro glaciers, to the ones in the Alps and Greenland. Arctic sea ice is shrinking. The growing season in the mid-latitudes has become weeks longer. Trees bud and blossom earlier. Wine grapes can be harvested earlier. Animals migrate earlier. The habitat of plants, animals and insects is shifting poleward and up the mountains. Lakes and rivers freeze later and break up the ice earlier. The oceans are rising.”

    Heller needs to be answered on every word he utters. Needs to be and we need to find the time.

    but even so there is still the real world out there, that is outside of Tony Heller, outside of each individual and individual consciousness.

    It exists.

    That is the real answer in my opinion. Back to Australia.

    But finally deniers of climate science is Tony Heller a climate scientist? If not what precisely are his qualifications to speak on these things? And have his claims on these things been peer reviewed?

    If we do not ask THESE questions we are promoting barbarism.

  28. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    Adam little stands up in your assertions. Her first name is Greta as far as I am aware, not Gretta. it is not my mission to defend this young person but i am challenging statements made which are or may be untrue.

    It is a little known fact that Gretta suffers from a severe case of autism.

    Please elaborate and give your source since you make the claim

    Her species (sic) are just rote-learned and written for her by other people. Probably her father, who is also by her side.

    source please and how do you rate the significance of her father being by her side…very strange observation

    Her parents decided to encourage her desire to be a climate-change activist because she was doing badly at school and was disruptive to other students.

    some proof and source for this claim please

    But I think that the climate-chage activists and Gretta’s (sic) own parents are making a terrible mistake as far as the girl’s well-being long term is concerned. While the climate change activists are correct that climate change is a real, not imaginary, problem, they are wrong to exploit a 15-year-old disabled girl to popularize their cause. This is child abuse and exploitation of child labor.

    Some proof that Greta was used or as you say “exploited” is needed. You have to go back and show this. Should be possible if true. If you cannot find it then withdraw your slander.

    Once Gretta is too old to be a cute mascot for the climate-change movement, she will probably experience severe problems adjusting to the reality of her situation. She has missed a lot of school time that she really needs to find employment and have a decent life in the future in order to engage in her climate-change activism. She may become severely depressed and troubled. The people who are exploiting her for public relations purposes don’t really care about her.

    So in your view Greta is a “cute mascot”…you are an extremely insulting person at all levels.

  29. @ Edgar G.:

    I saw her mother on Youtube some months go, by accident, dressed in a skin tight silvered or sequined pants and a ” top”, very low cut front, exposing abut 2 1/2 breasts. She was carrying a “wand” ? with a large silvered star fixed to the top She was accompanied by about 4-5 followers dressed very much the same but not as gaudy She was the “leader”, and they were slowly, unevenly meandering along, gyrating a bit.Totally odd I thought, and sending no message that I could discern.

    Same as Abba. Horrible stuff. Have no interest. But no worse than any of it. The world of pop and rock is in total crisis because it is meaningless if global warming is real.

    My only support and interest for Greta is in no particular order…she is young, she represents a terror of youth for the future, she said from the beginning and continues to say that she is not a scientist, but do listen to the scientists and to science.

    Basically those three things. i have no time,actual time, or other inclination to speculation about Greta being used. Maybe she is. I do not care really. Those three things are more than enough to fill my life.


    number 1…she is a young person

    number 2…many youth are very alarmed at the future

    number three…Greta has emphasised follow the scientists

    The latter is the main one…and this brings us to the issue of peer review.

    Edgar you say you have seen stuff from Heller types being peer reviewed. I have not. You need to be specific. maybe on this article.

    Apart from that I have no interest.

    But listening to the science is very big issue for me.

    I am saying if you do not listen to the science then you are entering barbarism.

    So perhaps we can proceed to discussing what Heller is saying in the above.

  30. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Several major scientific studies I read some months ago, said that if the entire planet stopped burning fossil fuels for …I think 25 years, it would decrease the greenhouse gas effect but …I think…0.06% or something useless like that.. and that one medium-large volcanic eruption would eliminate even that. I don’t know where I read them or by whom, but I recall my main thought was about Trudeau, who, on a camping trip, had made his companions put out the fire, to reduce the carbon emissions, and they looked at him in amazement thinking he was joking..

    By the way, about that kid, I read that she also suffers from deep anxiety, and a few other intertwined mental disabilities, not named.

  31. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    This is all on the internet Adam, and I’ve known about it since Felix began blubbering about her. I heard her UN speech, and IMMEDIATELY said that she was ACTING, I posted it here, but nobody bothered to comment. .Only then, did I look her up on the internet, and found that her family are very well known, even famous thespians. Her grandfather is only in his 60s and a popular movie star, her parents are both in the theatre. So I was pleased that I had spotted the acting right away.

    It’s to Felix that all this should be fed, because he has a serous fixation on this poor kid. I differ from you in that I believe that her parents arranged all this because they needed something that would provide a secure future for her. She will have a manager/attendant close by all the time, who will book appearances, and memorise a few speeches, and be “invited” to address these meetings (at $50,000 a pop). She’ll eventually fade into obscurity, with, I hope, enough money for proper care and etc for the rest of her life..

    I have much sympathy for her. She’ll have a horrible life. (

    I saw her mother on Youtube some months go, by accident, dressed in a skin tight silvered or sequined pants and a ” top”, very low cut front, exposing abut 2 1/2 breasts. She was carrying a “wand” ? with a large silvered star fixed to the top She was accompanied by about 4-5 followers dressed very much the same but not as gaudy She was the “leader”, and they were slowly, unevenly meandering along, gyrating a bit.Totally odd I thought, and sending no message that I could discern.

  32. @ Adam Dalgliesh:


    Very distrubing reply here from you:

    “Also, I believe that Israel’s security and political problems are a more urgent threat to the Jewish people than climate change. Israel will need to find ways of halting the threat of annihilation by more quick-acting “anthropogenic” agents, such as nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, advanced missile systems, etc., before it will have to deal with climate change.”

    The answer to these apologetics is … Human beings can work on more than one thing at the same time. Well able. “Lucy” was able to pick berries to feed her children as well as wonder at the properties of flint as she picked her way forward into our history.

    Your censorship tendencies are clear and stated…You are not only doing what I said but you are seeking to censor Israpundit as well, and wider than Israpundit the whole of the Zionist movement.

    In short this is what you are saying

    1. The human race will not go extinct within 100 years

    2. Which is rubbish Adam because nobody in the science world ever said they would…Is that called a straw man argument?

    3. But having laid that basis, what a basis, you then go on to say that Israel and Jews are in immediate threat, so concentrate on them, and give global warming a rest.

    4. Which is all bunk because Jews are in danger of a new Holocaust AND the earth is in danger also at the same time of destruction from global warming

    5. So your whole house of cards is based on the creation of a falsity, a straw man argument

    6. But what makes your position even more hypocritical while your lofty position holds, Ted Belman continues his war on global warming theory and its scientists, usually by proxies, especially via this American site in above article. So your long silences are very telling. You are drawn into saying anything here by Edgar but otherwise you would not have lifted a finger about Heller, and in fact still have not.

    Disgusting to me because in general you give me a wide berth because you have a deep American Imperialist aversion to socialism. You are filled with bias, conspiracy theory at the end of the day. not much different in another form to Father Peyton who toured Ireland on a Rosary “Crusade”.

  33. @ Edgar G.: It is a little known fact that Gretta suffers from a severe case of autism. Her species are just rote-learned and written for her by other people. Probably her father, who is also by her side. Her parents decided to encourage her desire to be a climate-change activist because she was doing badly at school and was disruptive to other students.

    But I think that the climate-chage activists and Gretta’s own parents are making a terrible mistake as far as the girl’s well-being long term is concerned. While the climate change activists are correct that climate change is a real, not imaginary, problem, they are wrong to exploit a 15-year-old disabled girl to popularize their cause. This is child abuse and exploitation of child labor.

    Once Gretta is too old to be a cute mascot for the climate-change movement, she will probably experience severe problems adjusting to the reality of her situation. She has missed a lot of school time that she really needs to find employment and have a decent life in the future in order to engage in her climate-change activism. She may become severely depressed and troubled. The people who are exploiting her for public relations purposes don’t really care about her.

  34. @ Edgar G.: I am not censoring myself on the matter, Edgar. I believe that global warming and increased climate variability are both real phenomena, that human technologies that release carbon compounds into the atmosphere are a major contributor to it(what do the deniers call it? “anthropogenetic” or something?) It is possible there are also natural forces contributing to it as well, but unlikely that natural climate variation is the only cause. I also believe that climate change has the potential to do a lot of harm to humans, and that it may have begun to do so The terrible fires in Australia might be evidence of human-induced warming, although this has yet to be proved, and further research about the fires is necessary. Just how much harm global warming is likely to do to humanity, and just when the impacts are likely to become a major problem for human species, are matters that serious climate scientists have differing opinions about. Also, most climate scientists believe that if some fairly simple and cost-effective measures are applied soon by all major carbon-generating countries, and all major carbon-generating industries, the harmful impacts of climate change could be substantially reduced, and the process slowed down to a considerable extent. The majority of climate scientists do not believe that climate change is likely to cause “species extinction” for humans, at least not within the next 100 years. But it might cause the extinction of many other species, along with many other harmful human activities.

    The view of most climate scientists about global warming and climate change is one of deep concern, but not panic or “Armageddon” scenarios. Most believe that humanity is capable of finding solutions to the problem, although that won’t be easy or cost-free.

    Also, I believe that Israel’s security and political problems are a more urgent threat to the Jewish people than climate change. Israel will need to find ways of halting the threat of annihilation by more quick-acting “anthropogenic” agents, such as nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, advanced missile systems, etc., before it will have to deal with climate change. The intended genocide the Jewish people by its numerous, extremely vicious enemies, not climate change is the main focus of my concern. And I think it should be the sole focus of Israpundit. Climate change issues are best discussed in other forums.

    I have repeatedly stated this overall view in Israpundit. But I admit that I have given up constantly restating it, because I realized that I was’t changing anyone’s mind. Certainly not Ted’s.

  35. ADAM- Are you self-censoring yourself on the Global Warming matter. Yes or no…? Either answer would be informative. My impression has been that you are very concerned.. Or are you taking a break, because you’ve already written as much about it as the site can hold……???

  36. @ Felix Quigley:

    Felix, dear fellow, I really think you are going “off the beam” on this Greta. The “youth from Sweden” began all this stuff last year, when she was 15 ; before that she was barely a drop in a bucket of –. . And SHE knows nothing about the science that she exhorts people to follow. She, with her disabilities, or even without, could NOT be doing this without someone else pulling her strings. She has the ability to learn a short script…….

    But I have especially noticed, that when she is seen outside, she is very closely
    hustled along by “minders’…..and when asked questions by reporters who naturally would be there, she rarely even replies a SINGLE word, seems struggling, opens her mouth, but nothing comes out, at the most, after many attempts, I saw her actually say 3 words, which had NO connection with anything, THREE and only one time. She was hustled away again.

    She is a fraud. A pathetic, sympathy getting front for the agenda of others.

    THERE is a conspiracy if you’re looking for one, s it seems you are.

    By the way, I m pretty sure that I have read many articles on this site which were stated to have been peer-reviewed, and I believe even lists of names were, on occasion, included in the article, and also appended below, with footnotes on quotes, This is common with all scientific essays. So you are wrong. You make sweeping statements which are not born out by facts.

    Felix…Felix, You’d make me laugh to tears, if I were that sort of inconsiderate guy.
    (I was going to say..”you’d make a cat laugh:, an expression you must know well).

    So, I hate the issue of Global Warming, and this squirt from Sweden….???? I hesitate to say it, but you are ………???. I can seriously say, that I HATE Not a single soul, although I have much reason to do so, if I were that sort of mental case. But, unfortunately for your denunciation, I am mentally very normal. authenticated by a medical man whom I consulted a while ago because I had temporarily forgotten the first name of a kid in elementary school. He just laughed at me..and then got serious. (he could laugh as I know him very well).

    I can’t say the same for others, who get fixations on specific subjects and seem to go crazily all over them. No logic to that at all. And a complete waste of time, except perhaps some vicarious satisfaction for the person involved. I have always kept my special interests-of which I’ve had many- within bounds and NEVER gone overboard….except once, when I’d been jollied into…well..never mind.

    I shouldn’t even bother explaining all this nonsense, but I write the way I talk. Maybe too much. A harmless fault however.

  37. No Edgar Adam for his own reasons is self censoring himself ont he issue of global warming. He has pretty well said it. the elvel of hatred towards this issue of global warming is seen in the way you approach this youth from Sweden. You have swallowed the black propaganda against climate science totally. On this there is only one line that I trust and that is the line from the IPCC, which is science which is peer reviewed. if there are statements such as from this guy Heller that means it is bunk. Anything in science which does not go through the discipline of peer review is bunk. It is the peer review discipline which marks us out as being civilized. Apart from that you are into very dangerous territory for Jews. You are into conspiracy theory. I repeat if science papers and theories are not peer reviewed theya re bunk. belman presents us with this kind of thing which is not ever peer reviewed. it is a betrayal of civilization and is ont he way to fascism and Nazism. If you are so confident in the fair play of the editor then I propose a review of the book “merchants of denial” by Naomi Oresges and the DVD which goes along.

    Edgar writes

    “They are animals, not sentient beings. I am sympathetic, as I am about all living creatures in danger. But I wouldn’t go across the street to look at one..But that is just me, I don’t “hate” them..I just have no curiosity about them. And I’m rather sure that TED doesn’t wake up every morning saying he has to go and throw stones at the koala in which-ever zoo is closest to him…”

    The issue of the koala is not a sentimaental issue, it is now a political issue of the most extreme kind. But how can people know if Belman is so selective and does not produce ONE article on Australia, nor will he.

    I hope that is not Judaism. If that is Judaism then it has to be opposed totally. it is a danger to our earth and to all of our fellow creatures. I hope that is not the case but if it is the case it is a very dangerous to our earth ideology.

    the idea that animals are not sentient is pure bunk.

    I await the response of the editor re my offer of review.
    I await the response of the other cowards who hang back. As per normal on this cowardly site.

  38. @ Felix Quigley:

    Felix, we can have mutual respect for one another’s misconceptions, can’t we??

    I believe you are very wrong in your #1…Yes it’s Ted’s choices, which is the only way it can be, as he is the publisher. Who else would do it. And I’m sure, that if you wrote an article of interest, he would publish that too, even if it were about Ted’s vagaries, or poor choices. He tries to pick what he feels the members would like to read. This has come up more than once. . Sometimes he features Olympic floor exercises, etc. The fact is we are nearly all Nationalistic, right wing Jews.

    And #3. You write as if our members read nothing but Ted’s Israpundit choices, and are brainwashed by them…You are completely wrong about this, many are obviously omnivorous and highly intelligent readers, as is easily discernible.

    What do any of us know about koala bears??. One thing,…I certainly don’t “love” them..and I’m feel no one else does either-except perhaps you. They are in the same position as all other wild life in danger… They are animals, not sentient beings. I am sympathetic, as I am about all living creatures in danger. But I wouldn’t go across the street to look at one..But that is just me, I don’t “hate” them..I just have no curiosity about them. And I’m rather sure that TED doesn’t wake up every morning saying he has to go and throw stones at the koala in which-ever zoo is closest to him…

    I recall when they were re-discovered by the journalists (or maybe National Geographic did a story on them-not sure which) … the cuddly sweet things…until some venturesome child was badly mauled and bitten. I can’t recall if the child lived or died, it was a long time ago. It pointed up the fact that they were really wild animals acting in their natural way.

    Your #6 sounds odd…to me anyway. Are you seriously intimating that Adam would be barred from posting on Israpundit if he wrote about the koala bears….. I feel far too much friendship for you, to express what THAT sounds like…to me anyway….

    I need not go on further. We do not see eye to eye ..and why should we expect to.

    Tony Heller may not be a climatologist, but what of it…He makes a damned good lot of sense…to me.. AND…there are a large number of very experienced climatologists who aver that the rise in temperature is NOT, and could not be,caused by human activities. We have all read their expert opinions on this site many times. So why should we believe an ignorant little squirt over their expertise…..???

    You are quite right abut Dev, It was always obvious that he was a devoted son of Rome. The way he deferred to the Bishops and Cardinal whats-his-name..As was a large majority of the people. You, Felix, are a fairly rare exception. I wish our paths had crossed there.

    As I said at the top. Let us have mutual respect for our misconceptions, and we have them, as I’ve just seen in your post, and perhaps in my responses too. Of course, we each believe he is right, and why not…?

  39. The first thing to stress is that Tony Heller is NOT a climate scientist. Do not let this pass you by. He has a couple of degrees in things not remotely connected to climate science. To learn from me…I know nothing about car engines…and I keep my mouth firmly shut when my garage friend goes on about it. I mean shut. But Heller is different. Why?

    And he rides a bike. Not interested! It is the science I am looking at.

    This seems an operative sentence from this American site that Belman uses:

    “USGCRP cherry-picks the starting point of climate graphs to give the false impression that hot days, wildfires, sea level rise and other climate indicators are undergoing cataclysmic negative changes, when just the opposite is true, as Heller’s video clearly shows.”

    So is the earth heating up? or not? That is the only question involved in the above. There is no other question to answer because really the above is just words, spin, or as Dan Britt says “Noise”.

    So is the earth heating up or not? Have we as science the means to measure this? THAT latter would be a productive question to pose.

    That is the only question to ask from the above. My colleague Adam Dalgliesh may be able to research this but if he does not I will return.

    Because that is the only question that is posed inside of the situation in Australia, that Belman has not produced one word on, but brings up this deceit as in the quote I use above.

    The world is now beginning to come awake on this issue and it is also beginning to watch Zionism on this issue also. So far Zionism is most disappointing.

  40. It is still a hot topic, only much hotter since we last spoke on this about six months ago.

    I am totally uninterested in what you are saying about this Swedish youth Greta. Her ancestry may go back generations as an actor. What do I care? All I look at is what she is saying … that is her political position.

    Her consistent political position is that there is a science of global warming and that this science must be listened to, that is not ignored.

    These are problems you should address.

    1.We are dependent those who read Israpundit on what Ted Belman posts on his site. And Belman is a dictator in this. He does not waver. I am not overly criticising Belman as a dictator on his site. i could care less really about style. I care only for content,or the heart of the matter.

    2. Belman is a complete and utter opponent of climate science. He shows no understanding himself of climate science. he latches on to those in society who are opponents of climate science.

    3. Consequently readers of his blog are unaware of what OTHER israelis may be thinking. If they are thinking anything different you will not get it from Belman and Israpundit.

    4. So I ask what is happening to Zionism? Belman has not produced one iota of the terrible fires in Australia. Loss of life of the beloved Koala bears for example. What does Belman care? What do you care Edgar? It seems you care not at all. From reading Israpuntit it would appear that Zionism cares not a thing about the fate of wildlife in Australia.

    5. I mean Edgar Devalera said all kinds of sweet things about the Jews in his endless crap apologetics but when it came to action that told us his real position. Hatred of the Jews. Same with Belman and the Koala Bears, as far as action is concerned, and you too, since you are silent, and button your lip, that means you have a hatred for wildlife. Otherwise you would be talking… a lot

    6. But you are not. Dalgliesh is the most interesting example. Here is a man who is following the crisis of the Koala in Australia and who cares, but who has decided it more calculated wise to be quiet. He buttons his lip. The price for writing endlessly on Israpundit.

    7. What a price!

    8. That price means that the end of Zionism is nigh and is along the path that Belman and you are treading. The issue of Global Warming has the potential to destroy this form of Zionism.

  41. This video was on Israpundit about 6 months or so ago on the falsity of claims of climate change by human cause, which was a hot topic for the posters. I submitted this as proof, when discussing with Felix, who was uncharacteristically swooning over the little pie-faced scripted actress, when she danced around the microphone at the UN I’d never heard of her, but when I looked her up, I found that she was the 4th generation (all still very active in theatre and on screen) of a thespian family, and had to be completely used to seeing everybody walking around the house holding and memorising scripts. I added, that this mentally challanged child, had been found a well paying, life long, secure career by her parents.