Expert Says European ‘Intifada’ is Coming

Director of Institute for Counter-Terrorism says Europe is about to feel what Israel did in the late 1980s.

By Shimon Cohen, Gil Ronen, INN

British Islamists protest Danish cartoon insulting Mohammed, 2006

British Islamists protest Danish cartoon insulting Mohammed, 2006

Dr. Boaz Ganor, the Director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), predicted Tuesday that Europe will be facing a full-blown Muslim-Arab intifada soon, much like the violent uprising that Israel faced starting in the late 1980s.

Ganor based his prediction on the recent upsurge in islamist terror, and explained that the second generation of Muslim immigrants in Europe does not remember the characteristics of the lives their parents led in their countries of origin, does not feel gratitude for the European citizenship that their parents received. These second-generation immigrants and feel alienated and discriminated against, and believe they are treated as second rate citizens.

Speaking at a conference held by the Van Leer Institute, Ganor said that the main threat against Israel is Iran, because Syria and Iraq are in no condition for war. Relations with Egypt are peaceful, and the Egyptian army was badly damaged by the internecine fighting in the country.

He also pointed to cooperation regarding security arrangements along the Sinai border and in Gaza as signs that no danger is facing Israel from Egypt at the moment.

June 11, 2014 | 1 Comment »

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  1. These second-generation immigrants and feel alienated and discriminated against, and believe they are treated as second rate citizens.

    EU in trouble, you cant deport those born in the EU. Furthermore, they are exposed to EU culture and are rejecting participation. EU in trouble. Perhaps they will dedicate some of their anti Jew hysteria to solving their increasing internal problems, while Vlad drools at the gates. 😛

    Ganor said that the main threat against Israel is Iran, because Syria and Iraq are in no condition for war. Relations with Egypt are peaceful, and the Egyptian army was badly damaged by the internecine fighting in the country.

    Remember when everyone touted the “spontaneous” rebellions of the “Arab Spring” Remember when everyone was afraid and crying chicken little at the ascension of jihadis to power and their assembly in Syria.
    Remember Felix who said that Israel should support Assad against the Jihadis?
    Israel appears to be in the best position strategically than a long time. All the enemies, including the EU, are killing each other and in fatigue.
    What’s not to like?
    Whatever happened to Felix? 😛