The king is finished and he knows it
By Ted Belman
Two things happened this week regarding Jordan that I have been authorized to comment on.
Lindsay Graham visited Jordan with 6 other Senators and said that his country’s assistance to Jordan is likely to see additional funds beyond the $6.3 billion that Washington has pledged over five years. Also that everyone in the US “understands how important it is for this kingdom to survive”.
All I can say is that he did not speak for the whitehouse who afterall is in charge of foreign policy.
Secondly, MEMRI published an article this week about the unrest in Jordan which said:
Non-parliamentary opposition factions joined the protests; some called for civil disobedience and for boycotting the products whose prices have gone up. Opposition activist and former MP Hind Al-Fayez called on the public to rise up against the government measures and block the square in front of the prime minister’s office in Amman. She also urged the king to be just with the people.[14]
Oppositionist Mudar Zahran, who resides in London, took the opportunity to fan the flames of protest and agitate against the king by circulating on social media videos of mass demonstrations and calls against the crown. The videos were presented as showing the current protests but at least some of them were from several years ago.[15]
Because it relied on government controlled media, it didn’t get it right. Zahran tells me that the Jordan Opposition Coalition (JOC) is actively promoting demonstrations and the demonstrators number in the tens of thousands. This number will grow significantly in the coming weeks. As for the so called old videos, that’s fake news. Here are three new ones.
Jordan’s king wants cancer patients dead, Israel treats them !!
Jordanians surround Jordan’s king’s palace -Jordan’s revolution #Nonviolence
Arab Spring in Jordan: People want Jordan’s king out – Report
The king is finished and he knows it. He’s packing his bags.
Watch this story closely over the next two months. Mudar and I are on the move.
The USA is still supporting the Kingdom of Jordan and its current King. No support of Mudar and his band.
@ Sebastien Zorn:
This is the best answer to your comment
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Never mind
@ yamit82:
What guy? Got a link?
@ Sebastien Zorn:
For some one who spends most of his waking hours on google i suggest you use it and then say what is Fake news or not…… The guy who is suing Ted has all the goods on him check him out.
@ Sebastien Zorn:
He gets all his money from gullible Jews and i have seen and read what he says in Arabic not quite a friend of the Jews and more a friend of the Muslim brotherhood…..
They said Lenin was a scam artist paid by the Kaiser.
They could have said George Washington was a scam artist paid by Louis XVI.
There is no basis for these libels. Except what I am convinced was some fake news. As with Trump. And Netanyahu.
They could have said Castro was a scam artist paid by both the CIA and the KGB. Oh, wait, he was. Bad example.
Fidel Castro in 1959: ‘I Am Not Communism’
“Meet the Press looks back to April 19, 1959 when Fidel Castro appeared on the show to talk about his opinion of Americans and communism, saying “there is no doubt for me between democracy and communism…that is why we call our ideas humanismo.””
Sebastien Zorn Said:
Trump I am sure doesn’t know he exists and even if he did nothing he can do with out being impeached…. Dead Americans are cheap No American Admin has ever sought justice or revenge for murdered Americans on foreign soil and there are many recent examples especially in Israel. I thought you were more clever to deduce these truths by yourself?
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Zahran is a nobody con artist only Ted and a few others have bought into his scam
if he is murdering our green berets, our elite military, where does that leave things?
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Hillary spoke at people, Trump spoke to people. Of course I am a Trumpanzie.
@ yamit82:
Obama and Hillary didn’t care. Trump cares. Doesn’t require all of America or any part of Israel to replace the King with Zahran. Only Trump’s executive action. The ball is in his court. We have been hearing over and over that we are supporting the king because he supports us and works with our military. If they are murdering our people where does that leave thoo
@ yamit82:
Why did Hillary loose, was it Benghazi.? Obama’s MdE policy?
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Sorry America doesn’t care about a few dead soldiers, diplomats or American civilians killed in foreign countries for any reason…. Politics and money rule always.
Riots not very widespread and not very violent….. protests are about austerity not political…. IMF putting the squeeze on Jordan…..If I were the King i would send the Syrian refugees back to Syria and that would solve his immediate financial crisis. Now what is the IMF’s end game? Or should i say Wall streets end game? I think they are after huge deposits of shale oil in Jordan. Good quality easy to extract & Jordan doesn’t have any environmentalist opposition. I think Shell is working on the shale extraction…… Don’t think Jordan has gotten from donors like the Saudis and the UN all funds promised for care of the Syrian refugees.