Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines

Peloni:  The Ukrainian people should be offered the opportunity to accept or reject the Russian peace offer.  They could hold a public referendum or do something even more responsible like holding the presidential elections which the tyrant Zelensky has cancelled til the war is ended, even as he is actively taking steps to prevent the war from ending.  Of course, pursuing either of these steps would presume that the people rather than the ruling tyrant should make such choices, and no self respecting despot would stoop so low as to enquire or be concerned with what the people actually want.  Given the fact that the Ukrainian people have twice elected candidates in the post Maidan period based upon their claimed support of peace, it seems unfortunate that they will not be offered the opportunity to choose peace again.

By Guy Faulconbridge and Andrew Osborn | Reuters | May 25, 2024

MOSCOW/LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognizes the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond.

Three of the sources, familiar with discussions in Putin’s entourage, said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he views as Western-backed attempts to stymie negotiations and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s decision to rule out talks.

“Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire – to freeze the war,” said another of the four, a senior Russian source who has worked with Putin and has knowledge of top level conversations in the Kremlin.

He, like the others cited in this story, spoke on condition of anonymity given the matter’s sensitivity.

For this account, Reuters spoke to a total of five people who work with or have worked with Putin at a senior level in the political and business worlds. The fifth source did not comment on freezing the war at the current frontlines.

Asked about the Reuters report at a news conference in Belarus on Friday, Putin said peace talks should restart.

Let them resume,” he said, adding that negotiations should be based on “the realities on the ground” and on a plan agreed during a previous attempt to reach a deal in the first weeks of the war. “Not on the basis of what one side wants,” he said.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on X that the Russian leader was trying to derail a Ukrainian-initiated peace summit in Switzerland next month by using his entourage to send out “phony signals” about his alleged readiness to halt the war.

“Putin currently has no desire to end his aggression against Ukraine. Only the principled and united voice of the global majority can force him to choose peace over war,” said Kuleba.

Mykhailo Podolyak, a Ukrainian presidential adviser, said Putin wanted Western democracies to accept defeat.


The appointment last week of economist Andrei Belousov as Russia’s defence minister was seen by some Western military and political analysts as placing the Russian economy on a permanent war footing in order to win a protracted conflict.<

It followed sustained battlefield pressure and territorial advances by Russia in recent weeks.

However, the sources said that Putin, re-elected in March for a new six-year term, would rather use Russia’s current momentum to put the war behind him. They did not directly comment on the new defence minister.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in response to a request for comment, said the country did not want “eternal war.”

Based on their knowledge of conversations in the upper ranks of the Kremlin, two of the sources said Putin was of the view that gains in the war so far were enough to sell a victory to the Russian people.

Europe’s biggest ground conflict since World War Two has cost tens of thousands of lives on both sides and led to sweeping Western sanctions on Russia’s economy.

Three sources said Putin understood any dramatic new advances would require another nationwide mobilisation, which he didn’t want, with one source, who knows the Russian president, saying his popularity dipped after the first mobilisation in September 2022.

The national call up spooked part of the population in Russia, triggering hundreds of thousands of draft age men to leave the country. Polls showed Putin’s popularity falling by several points.

Peskov said Russia had no need for mobilisation and was instead recruiting volunteer contractors to the armed forces.

The prospect of a ceasefire, or even peace talks, currently seems remote.

Zelenskiy has repeatedly said peace on Putin’s terms is a non-starter. He has vowed to retake lost territory, including Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014. He signed a decree in 2022 that formally declared any talks with Putin “impossible.”< One of the sources predicted no agreement could happen while Zelenskiy was in power, unless Russia bypassed him and struck a deal with Washington. However, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking in Kyiv last week, told reporters he did not believe Putin was interested in serious negotiations.


The Swiss peace summit in June is aimed at unifying international opinion on how to end the war. The talks were convened at the initiative of Zelenskiy who has said Putin should not attend. Switzerland has not invited Russia.

Moscow has said the talks are not credible without it being there. Ukraine and Switzerland want Russian allies including China to attend.< Speaking in China on May 17, Putin said Ukraine may use the Swiss talks to get a broader group of countries to back Zelenskiy’s demand for a total Russian withdrawal, which Putin said would be an imposed condition rather than a serious peace negotiation. The Swiss foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In response to questions for this story, a U.S. State Department spokesperson said any initiative for peace must respect Ukraine’s “territorial integrity, within its internationally recognised borders” and described Russia as the sole obstacle to peace in Ukraine. “The Kremlin has yet to demonstrate any meaningful interest in ending its war, quite the opposite,” the spokesperson said. Kyiv says Putin, whose team repeatedly denied he was planning a war before invading Ukraine in 2022, cannot be trusted to honour any deal. Both Russia and Ukraine have also said they fear the other side would use any ceasefire to re-arm. Kyiv and its Western backers are banking on a $61 billion U.S. aid package and additional European military aid to reverse what Zelenskiy described to Reuters this week as “one of the most difficult moments” of the full scale war.

As well as shortages of ammunition after U.S. delays in approving the package, Ukraine has admitted it is struggling to recruit enough troops and last month lowered the age for men who can be drafted to 25 from 27.


Putin’s insistence on locking in any battlefield gains in a deal is non-negotiable, all of the sources suggested.

Putin would, however, be ready to settle for what land he has now and freeze the conflict at the current front lines, four of the sources said.

“Putin will say that we won, that NATO attacked us and we kept our sovereignty, that we have a land corridor to Crimea, which is true,” one of them said, giving their own analysis.

Freezing the conflict along current lines would leave Russia in possession of substantial chunks of four Ukrainian regions he formally incorporated into Russia in September 2022, but without full control of any of them.

Such an arrangement would fall short of the goals Moscow set for itself at the time, when it said the four of Ukraine’s regions – Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson – now belonged to it in their entirety.

Peskov said that there could be no question of handing back the four regions which were now permanently part of Russia according to its own constitution.

Another factor playing into the Kremlin chief’s view that the war should end is that the longer it drags on, the more battle-hardened veterans return to Russia, dissatisfied with post-war job and income prospects, potentially creating tensions in society, said one of the sources, who has worked with Putin.

In February, three Russian sources told Reuters the United States rejected a previous Putin suggestion of a ceasefire to freeze the war.

In the absence of a ceasefire, Putin wants to take as much territory as possible to ratchet up pressure on Ukraine while seeking to exploit unexpected opportunities to acquire more, three of the sources said.

Russian forces control around 18% of Ukraine and this month thrust into the northeastern region of Kharkiv.

Putin is counting on Russia’s large population compared to Ukraine to sustain superior manpower even without a mobilisation, bolstered by unusually generous pay packets for those who sign up.

“Russia will push further,” the source who has worked with Putin said.

Putin will slowly conquer territories until Zelenskiy comes up with an offer to stop, the person said, saying the Russian leader had expressed the view to aides that the West would not provide enough weapons, sapping Ukraine’s morale.

U.S. and European leaders have said they will stand by Ukraine until its security sovereignty is guaranteed. NATO countries and allies say they are trying to accelerate deliveries of weapons.

“Russia could end the war at any time by withdrawing its forces from Ukraine, instead of continuing to launch brutal attacks against Ukraine’s cities, ports, and people every day,” the State Department said in response to a question about weapons supplies.

All five sources said Putin had told advisers he had no designs on NATO territory, reflecting his public comments on the matter. Two of the sources cited Russian concerns about the growing danger of escalation with the West, including nuclear escalation, over the Ukraine standoff.

The State Department said the United States had not adjusted its nuclear posture, nor seen any sign that Russia was preparing to use a nuclear weapon.

“We continue to monitor the strategic environment and remain ready,” the spokesperson said.

May 26, 2024 | 56 Comments »

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50 Comments / 56 Comments

  1. List of Irish Nobel Prize Laureates and Nominees”

    1923 William Butler Yeats
    1925 George Bernard Shaw
    1951 Ernest Walton “for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles.”[4]
    (shared with British physicist John Cockcroft)
    1969 Samuel Beckett
    and others.

    AI Overview
    Learn more

    Ireland has contributed many innovations to the world, including inventions, discoveries, and other contributions:
    The submarine (1878), color photography (1894), guided torpedo (1877), hypodermic syringe (1844), binaural stethoscope (1851), ejector seat (1946), bacon rasher (1820), and cream cracker (1885)
    The Kelvin scale (1848), icosian calculus (1856), and the greenhouse effect theory (1859)
    Other contributions
    The Gregg system of shorthand speed writing, the modern tractor, the nickel-zinc battery, rubber shoe soles, soda water, a treatment for leprosy, and artificial fertilizer

    Timeline of Irish inventions and discoveries – Wikipedia
    1848: Kelvin scale created by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin. 1851: Binaural stethoscope created by Arthur Leared. 1856: Icosian calculus discovered by Sir William Rowan Hamilton. 1859: Greenhouse Effect theory proven by John Tyndall. 1865: The first Transatlantic telegraph cable pioneered by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin on Valentia Island. 1866: The Standard drop method of hanging developed by Dr Samuel Haughton. 1874: Electron introduced as a concept by George Johnstone Stoney. Brennan torpedo created by Louis Brennan.

    Education in Ireland
    Innovative & creative culture – Education in Ireland
    The submarine, colour photography, the modern tractor, the guided missile, the nickel-zinc battery, the portable defibrillator, the Gregg system of shorthand speed writing, the modern stethoscope, rubber shoe soles, soda water, a treatment for leprosy, the aircraft ejector seat and chocolate milk!

    10 Irish inventions that changed the world – ThinkBusiness
    Nov 9, 2015 — Here are ten amazing Irish inventions that had a global impact. 1: Colour photography, invented by John Joly in 1894. … 2: The Guided Torpedo, invented by Louis Brennan in 1877. … 3: The Hypodermic Syringe, invented by Francis Rynd in 1844. … 4: The Binaural Stethoscope, invented by Arthur Leared in 1851. … 5: The Induction Coil, invented by Rev. … 6: The Ejector Seat, invented by Sir James Martin in 1946. … 7: The Submarine, invented by John Philip Holland in 1878. … 8: The Bacon Rasher, invented by Henry Denny in 1820. … 9: The Cream Cracker, invented by William and Robert Jacob in 1885.

    How the Irish Invented the Entrepreneur: An A-to-Z … – LinkedIn
    Feb 27, 2015 — An A-to-Z of Irish Inventions and Discoveries * Artificial Fertiliser – James Murray. * Brennan Torpedo (first guided missile) – Louis Brennan. * Chemistry (also Boyle’s Law) – Robert Boyle (also the Clanny Safety Lamp (Miner’s Lamp) – Dr William Clanny) * Disintegration of the Atom (Atom Splitting) – Ernest Walton (and others)
    Ireland has also made significant contributions to the tech industry in recent decades, including advancements in software, AI, and hardware. Companies like Movidius, now owned by Intel, have made strides in computer vision, which has led to innovations in drones and robotics.
    Generative AI is experimental.

  2. Michael Mann, 86, Ex-Regional Chief Of the A.F.L.-C.I.O.
    Dec. 16, 1989

    Michael Mann, retired regional director of the A.F.L.-C.I.O for New York and New Jersey, died of heart disease on Dec. 9 at Long Island Jewish Hospital in New Hyde Park, L.I. He was 86 years old and lived in Garden City, L.I.

    Mr. Mann, who was regional director from 1957 until he retired in 1982, became a union organizer in Chicago in the 1930’s. He first became active in the labor movement when he led an impromptu strike at a small store where he was working when the owner refused to give an employee the day off to attend a family member’s funeral.

    In 1944 he was appointed regional director of the Congress of Industrial Organizations for Illinois and New York, a post he held until 1955, moving in 1952 from Chicago to New York. When the Congress of Industrial Organizations and the American Federation of Labor merged in 1957, Mr. Mann became its regional director.

    From 1939 to 1941 he was an organizer for the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Workers union and from 1935 to 1939 he was a business agent for the Federal Labor Union.

    The youngest of 10 children, Mr. Mann spent his early years in the Jewish section of Dublin and took great pride in his dual heritage. In 1964 he founded the Loyal League of Yiddish Sons of Erin, a fraternal and charitable organization of Jews born in Ireland. He was its president until his death. He is survived by his wife, the former Rose Dunn; a daughter, Barbara Marmer of Los Angeles; four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.



    Souvenir Program from the Loyal League of Yiddish Sons of Erin dinner held on St Patrick’s Day 1979.

    The Loyal League of the Yiddish Sons of Eireann was established by Michael Mann the Director of the A.F.L.C.I.O. Union in the U.S.A.

    Michael came from Clanbrassil Street, Dublin and he and his wife Rose were huge supporters of any Jewish son of Ireland who arrived in America.

    A St. Patrick’s Dinner was the annual event and attracted the cream of New York society as well as visiting Irish dignatories.



    “…The Museum was officially opened by the Irish born President of Israel Dr. Chaim Herzog on the 20th June 1985 during his State visit to Ireland. The Museum was managed by a Committee of dedicated people, varying in numbers from 20 to 30, who voluntarily give of their time…”


  3. Mike Flanagan (Irish-Israeli soldier)

    View history

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Mike Flanagan
    Born 15 May 1926
    Foxford, County Mayo, Ireland
    Died 26 January 2014 (aged 87)
    Toronto, Canada ([1])
    Allegiance United Kingdom
    Service/branch British Army
    Israel Defense Forces
    Unit Israeli Armored Corps
    World War II
    Western Front
    Palestine Emergency
    1948 Arab–Israeli War
    Operation Yoav
    Spouse(s) Ruth Levy,[2]
    Shirley Swartz [3]
    Mike Flanagan (Hebrew: ???? ?????; 15 May 1926[citation needed] – 26 January 2014[1]) was an Irish soldier in the British Army who assisted the formation of the Israeli armed forces. He is considered one of the most famous deserters from the British Army in Palestine.[4]

    Flanagan was born in Foxford, County Mayo[5] Ireland. Flanagan enlisted in the British Army at age 16 and saw action in World War II. He participated in the invasion of Normandy and his unit took part in the liberation of the Nazi-operated Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. He later served with the British occupation force in Berlin and was stationed in India and Syria before being deployed to Mandatory Palestine.[6][7][2]

    At the end of the British Mandate in 1948, Flanagan had served three years in Palestine. He was part of the British garrison in Haifa that remained following the end of the Mandate to help evacuate the British Army’s remaining heavy equipment. During this time, Flanagan and his Scottish tank commander Harry McDonald, frequented a cafe in Haifa and discussed the possibility of emigrating to one of the British dominions, as they were unsatisfied with their prospects in Britain. They came into contact with a Haganah agent at the cafe, selling him a truckload of jerrycans they had been instructed to destroy to prevent them from falling into the hands of either side.[6]

    After establishing contact with the Haganah, Flanagan and McDonald were persuaded to take part in a mission to steal tanks from the retreating British garrison for the fledgling Israel Defense Forces. Both of them were sympathetic to the emerging State of Israel and had been promised that they would be paid and allowed to start a new life in Israel if they wished. On 29 June 1948, Flanagan and McDonald stole two British Cromwell tanks and drove them to Israeli forces in Tel Aviv. These became central to the Israeli Armored Corps. The tanks were hidden in Giv’atayim. The Cromwell tanks are currently on display at the Armored Corps Memorial Site and Museum in Latrun.[8] Flanagan saw action in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War as a tank driver in the Armored Corps and was wounded in Operation Yoav during the attack on Iraq al-Manshiyya.[6]

    Flanagan subsequently settled in Israel, converted to Judaism, adopted the Hebrew name Michael Peleg and married Ruth Levy, a fellow soldier whom he had met on active service. The two married in a Tel Aviv cafe and Harry McDonald was his best man. The couple had two children, Dani and Karin. He briefly worked as a mechanic for the Dan Bus Company before he and his wife settled on kibbutz Sha’ar HaAmakim, where he worked in the garage and the fields.[6][9][2] Flanagan served as a reservist in the 1956 Sinai Campaign, the 1967 Six-Day War, as well as the Yom Kippur War in 1973.[3] He supervised the tank repair unit at the Armored Corps base in Julis throughout this time.[10] He also studied agronomy at the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot and was sent to Africa as an Israeli agricultural emissary for a number of years.[6]

    After his retirement from the Israel Defense Forces and the death of his wife, he visited Ireland and Canada. While in Toronto, he met Shirley Swartz, the widow of a Canadian volunteer in the Israeli military in 1948 with whom he had served. He subsequently married her and emigrated to Canada, where he lived for the rest of his life. He died on 26 January 2014 and was subsequently buried in Sha’ar HaAmakim cemetery alongside his wife and son.[6][2]

    Flanagan was posthumously awarded the Medal of Valor from the Wiesenthal Center in the United States.[11] The Israeli Defense Forces honored Flanagan for his immense and critical contributions to its formulation.[12]


    Ticket: 5
    18th March 2015
    Time: 7:30 pm
    To mark the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Zion Mule Corps Yanky Fachler will give a talk on: Irish, Protestant, Zionist: Lt Col John Henry Patterson, Godfather of the Israeli Army.
    Photo of Lt Col John Henry Patterson
    Lt Col John Henry Patterson
    The formation of the Zion Mule Corps in Alexandria, Egypt, on 22 March 1915, caused no global ripples at the time, but is now recognised as one of the most significant events in Jewish history over the past 2,000 years. The commander of this first Jewish combat unit for 1,800 years was Lt Col John Henry Patterson, born in Forgney, Ballymahon, County Westmeath, to a Protestant father and Roman Catholic mother. Patterson was imbibed with a deep knowledge of the Hebrew Bible: “From the days of my youth, I have always been a keen student of the Jewish people, their history, laws and customs.” At the reinterment ceremony of Patterson’s ashes in Israel in December 2014, Prime Minister Netanyahu described Patterson as the “godfather of the IDF.”

    Wednesday, 18th March 2015 at 7.30pm

    Venue: Irish Jewish Museum, 3 Walworth Road, Dublin 8.

  5. Bee

    You dragging me down

    Prefer to stay clear of yours truly

    Do not involve me AT ALL in anything

  6. Bee comprehension problems?

    Ireland is a country of many betrayals and many failures.

    Israel becomes a displacement for those failures

    Palestine the impossible and illogical, Sharia Palestine, becomes their shining light as Ireland descends into darkness

  7. Felix Compared to the Jews, how many Nobel Awards have the Irish won? How has Ireland’s scientific contribution compared to Israel’s?

    Bee that what I always say

    Will you go across and teach em

    You seem to have your wires seriously crossed see my twitter…felixquigley1

    Fighting for the IDF

  8. Felix Compared to the Jews, how many Nobel Awards have the Irish won? How has Ireland’s scientific contribution compared to Israel’s?

  9. Ireland is a country of many betrayals and many failures.

    Israel becomes a displacement for those failures

    Palestine the impossible and illogical, Shario Palestine, becomes their shining light as Ireland descends into darkness

  10. Laura

    Yes of course. We know.


    The coming months will be crucial for Georgia to obtain EU candidate status, Blinken has said.

    The US Secretary of State added that this would be ‘an achievement of historic proportions’ for Tbilisi and urged the Georgian authorities to take steps to move the country in the ‘right direction’.

    Earlier, the US threatened Georgia with sanctions if the authorities did not revise the law on foreign agents. Blinken has announced a comprehensive review of co-operation between Washington and Tbilisi.


  11. An insane comment, Felix. Ukraine gave up its nukes 30 years ago in exchange for security guarantees by the US, UK and Russia which obviously was reneged upon. It is PUTIN who keeps threatening to use nuclear weapons, Zelensky doesn’t have any. Your entire post was ass backwards and the inversion of reality. Trying to explain the popularity of Putin in some western circles, I’ve concluded its a knee-jerk reaction against America by people on the far right and far left. Being pro-Russia/pro-Putin is simply another expression of anti-Americanism. These are largely people who are also anti-Israel. I have yet to come across someone pro-Russia who is also pro-Israel other than here on Israpundit. You guys are conflicted, not me.

    She supports Zelensky who wants very much a nuclear war in the world

  12. This is a crock of shit and your entire comment was wacky. I’m well aware of who Biden and Blinken are and will vote them out of office. Putin is ALSO a clear enemy of Israel. That is blatantly obvious by his alliance with Iran and hamas. But you not only give him a free pass, you act as though he’s Israel’s friend. It is YOU, Felix, not me that can’t have it both ways. You can’t support Putin’s Russia and claim you are pro-Israel. Russa/China/Iran are joined at the hip and are waging war on Israel and ultimately America.

    As a lackey of Biden and Blinken Laura is giving full backing to these (by now more than clear) enemies of Israel and vicious operators against Netanyahu.

  13. Here, Felix, is the Irish history that the world is all too familiar with:

    Profile photo for Éamon O’Kelly
    Éamon O’Kelly
    I knew people involved in the TroublesAuthor has 2.9K answers and 18.8M answer views3y

    Yes. The connection with the PLO even predates the founding of the Provisional IRA. In the 1960s, the Dublin-based leadership of the IRA became enamored with Marxism. It turned away from “armed struggle” against the Irish and Northern Irish states and made common cause in a “national liberation front” with other left-wing groups in Ireland. This was at around the same time that Yasir Arafat and his sponsors the Arab League and Soviet Union rebranded the Arabs of the former Palestine Mandate as “Palestinians” and declared the campaign against Israel to be a national liberation struggle. Naturally, the IRA declared its solidarity with the PLO, and IRA members regularly participated in pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

    In 1969, a split developed in the IRA between supporters of the leadership and those who wanted a straightforward return to “armed struggle” against the British and end to Marxist dilettantism. The breakaway faction, centered in Belfast, took the name the Provisional IRA and became the principal IRA organization of the Troubles era. The Provo leaders firmly discouraged any dabbling in the “national liberation front” politics of their Dublin rivals (now known as the Official IRA).

    In the early 1970s, veteran IRA organizer Joe Cahill traveled to Libya to seek aid from its ruler Colonel Gaddafi. Gaddafi was a generous supporter of “national liberation movements” in the Middle East and elsewhere, and had a particular hatred of the British. Consequently, Cahill hoped that the Colonel would open his wallet to the Provisional IRA. Cahill ultimately succeeded to a degree he could scarcely have imagined, as Libya became one of the bulwarks of the IRA, and indeed from the mid-1980s most of the IRA’s weapons and explosives were supplied by Gaddafi.


  14. Here’s my line, Felix

    Jane McDowell formerly O’Neil
    Born 1680 in Ulster, Ireland
    Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
    [sibling(s) unknown]
    Wife of Robert McDowell — married 1700 in Londonderry, Ulster, Ireland
    Mother of John McDowell and Jane (McDowell) Depuy
    Died 1732 at about age 52 in Smithfield, Bucks, Province of Pennsylvania


  15. FelixQuigley
    May 27, 2024 at 5:47 am

    Michael of course I am proud to be Irish.

    …and I too, Felix! directly descended from Niall Noígíal! ‘Tis a sad day, that his spawn should work so hard to fill the Emerald Isle — and DC as well — with Marxist snakes!

  16. Seb

    But, thank you for supporting Israel, just the same. I don’t care where people are from or what they believe so long as their guns are pointed in the right direction, so to speak.

    But, that’s just me.

    Being a supporter of Israel it’s better than an enemy

    But there is requirement for the best in leadership that’s possible

    Israel faces Antisemitism on a world scale. On this I presented an essay by Brendan O’Neill of Spiked which had undoubtedly insights.

    You were silent

    Now you present this????

    I am sad Sebastien. You do disappoint to be honest

  17. Reposting:

    I used to play viola in a string quartet that backed up a famous Calabrian-Canadian singer a number of times throughout the tri-state area, on radio and possibly a recording — he always promoted and sometimes sold his family’s olive oil in his concerts. MIchael Castaldo.

    He was so nationalistic as a Calabrian, know Calabrian history, listen to the Calabrian language, hear Calabrian songs, buy my family’s Calabrian olive oil, here are samples — and I had also played in a band for a Puerto Rican singer who was so nationalistic, he unfurled the Puerto Rican flag as a cape while he was singing at a park in Atlantic city, that I made a joke about it.

    The quartet was all women except for me. The first violinist was American of Russian Jewish descent, the cellist was American of German Jewish descent and the 2nd violinist,sitting next to me, was Japanese, by way of background.

    I am of LIthuainian Jewish descent on my mother’s side, which is a pretty obscure little country, but many LIthuainian Jews became famous in various fields, especially the ones who came here, if you google it, there are lists, even Elvis and Bob Dylan were of Lithuainian Jewish descent, and I said this to a cousin of my mother’s who responded, “so what, everybody’s from somewhere.”

    But, wanting to get in on the flag-waving fun, I turned to the Japanese 2nd violinist and I said, “you know what binds Jews together as a people? The single most unifying principle?” “What,” she said. I replied, “It’s that we all desperately wanna be Asians.”

    And — I kid you not, this really happened — a young guy from the Southern Jersey area where we were playing who just happened to be backstage for some reason in the resort or something where we were playing exclaimed, “I thought it was just me!

    But, thank you for supporting Israel, just the same. I don’t care where people are from or what they believe so long as their guns are pointed in the right direction, so to speak.

    But, that’s just me.


  18. Klein leaves again

    I do not support thugs like Putin who are allied with the enemies of Israel: Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas…..

    But in Ukraine Klein also is allied with Biden and Blinken who OBVIOUSLY are supporting Iran and Hamas

    He denies that America is riding the 2 horses in this conflict

    All to be controlling the whole earth

    Klein has become a very useful ally of CIA policy of Biden and Blinken

  19. I trust Putin’s call for a ceasefire as much as I trust hamas’s. If he’s calling for a ceasefire, it’s for diabolical purposes. It’s either because he’s losing ground or it would be temporary to eventually take the rest of Ukraine at such a time when Russia replenishes its forces and arms. Then it will create some kind of phony pretext claiming Ukraine violated the treaty, therefore Russia “must” start bombing Ukraine again. This isn’t speculation. I know Russia wants to recreate the Russian empire simply because Putin has said so. He’s said Ukraine is not a nation, that it belongs to Russia. That is his ultimate goal with regard to Ukraine. Then in time the rest of the former republics.

    As a lackey of Biden and Blinken Laura is giving full backing to these (by now more than clear) enemies of Israel and vicious operators against Netanyahu.

    She cannot have it both ways

    She pretends she would die for Israel. But she can canvases for the policy of America against Russia.

    They are making war against Russia. They want to remove Putin and destroy the country in every sense. They do the same to Israel.

    Laura tried to keep the two issues separate

    She is not an honest person.

    Secondly she seems to present Putin as the belligerent

    But to do THAT Laura has to tell lies about all of history

    And ignore the push of NATO to the East breaking all promises to Putin.

    Then she ignores the 2014 coup

    Then she ignores the revelation about the betrayals of France and Germany on Kirsk 1 and 2

    There have been so many lies to Russia…those lies are now a big problem.

    She supports Zelensky who wants very much a nuclear war in the world

    Of course criticise Russia

    But this now spirals to nuclear war. There is at least a danger that we should do everything to avoid

    Instead the CIA is knocking out critical defence against nuclear attack in Russia.

    I cannot see a way forward if ALL the history is being obscured…which is being done

  20. My feelings exactly. I’m perplexed as to why anyone who’s pro-Israel or an American patriot can support Putin.

    @Peloni bye now. We certainly will never agree on this topic it is quite obvious.
    I do not support thugs like Putin who are allied with the enemies of Israel: Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas…..

    You appear to feel comfortable with this. Your right as a free person.

  21. I trust Putin’s call for a ceasefire as much as I trust hamas’s. If he’s calling for a ceasefire, it’s for diabolical purposes. It’s either because he’s losing ground or it would be temporary to eventually take the rest of Ukraine at such a time when Russia replenishes its forces and arms. Then it will create some kind of phony pretext claiming Ukraine violated the treaty, therefore Russia “must” start bombing Ukraine again. This isn’t speculation. I know Russia wants to recreate the Russian empire simply because Putin has said so. He’s said Ukraine is not a nation, that it belongs to Russia. That is his ultimate goal with regard to Ukraine. Then in time the rest of the former republics.

    We may never know because his efforts to establish a ceasefire are being summarily dismissed, and easily not for the first time, unfortunately.

  22. peloni

    I would be obliged if you do not even try to censor me on this site. It won’t work anyway.

    No Irishman would ever bend the knee to anyone

  23. This whole history Russia v west and Ukraine

    Has to be understood in detail

    Peloni has tried. Not yet good enough. IMHO.



  24. As far as I understand again

    The Crimea back in 1991 ?check date declared itself an independent state

    Ie before Ukraine did

  25. Peloni

    I notice you use the word “reverance” ie me for Baud

    Wrong word. Very wrong word. Bit naughty.

  26. ngbranitsky

    Who are you. Are you on twitter. I am at @felixquigley1

    You misunderstood

    Peloni Ted and I are not groupies of anyone. We try for the truth.

    You sound so complacent. You understand what is nuclear war?

  27. Laura

    If Putin is as you say involved in October 7 publish everything so the truth is known

    This does not mean the history of the Ukraine issue should not be pursued totally also.

  28. Peloni

    Tell me the alternative

    Because of his life’s work in the UN I think… he was on the spot for a long time

    His knowledge on Ukraine is priceless

    And if we get out without nuclear conflagration

    Plus he can be fought

    Please publish what you know about Baud all of it ASAP . What good is keeping to yourself

    You approaching this as a miserable petty bourgeois

    We are all in a life and death struggle. We have to find the truth out about not one thing but everything

  29. @ngbranitsky

    is Putin offering to help rebuild the Ukrainian cities he destroyed?

    We may never know because his efforts to establish a ceasefire are being summarily dismissed, and easily not for the first time, unfortunately.

  30. In return for a ceasefire with the current borders, is Putin offering to help rebuild the Ukrainian cities he destroyed?

  31. @Felix
    As you continue to hold a significant reverence for Baud, I think it only appropriate that it be noted that Baud is at current producing an extraordinary work of dishonesty which is intended to malign Israel as an eternal villain without any basis
    of self defense to the recent slaughter of October which he also disputes. Few here should find his authority on any subject as being terribly authoritative, even as his arguments which you find relevant may still hold true.

  32. @Peloni bye now. We certainly will never agree on this topic it is quite obvious.
    I do not support thugs like Putin who are allied with the enemies of Israel: Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas…..

    You appear to feel comfortable with this. Your right as a free person.

  33. Back on topic

    Of course if you refer to Putin as a thug that kind of approach

    Not serious

    The old politics of an old man

    And empty of content

    Then refers vaguely to an election and a death…what on earth !

  34. the opposition leader had been jailed and died in prison.
    Yes, the opposition leader who was being funded by the US State Dept. Such foreign assets should be imprisoned failing an explanation of the purpose of their foreign funding.


    How funny pretending Russia has free and fair elections.

    You seem ready enough to respond to statements such as this which I did not make. Perhaps you could respond more directly to what I did state.

    having a debate with supporters of Russian Nationalism or Putin is an exercise in futility, I have found out in the past.

    Because you seem ever addicted to responding to irrelevant comments that I never made. Hence, perhaps you will find it less futile if you stay on subject rather than avoiding the issue raised, which was Zel’s despotic overthrow of the Ukrainian democracy, which has no relevance or tie to either Russia or Putin, but only to Zel’s own authoritarian intolerance for accepting the will of his own people.

  35. Maybe a million Russian’s fled when Putin attacked Ukraine. How may more will flee now as he needs to draft more men to keep slaughtering Ukrainians. So this spoke clearly about their lack of support of the war in Ukraine.

    The Vyorstka Telegram channel on March 22 cited four sources close to the presidential office and Defense Ministry as saying that Moscow plans to soon announce a new wave of military mobilization that would seek to enlist up to 300,000 people to bolster its troops involved in the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

    According to the sources, the idea to announce the mobilization came about because of the decreasing number of people willing to go to the war.

    After President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization in September 2022, tens of thousands of Russian men fled the country to avoid enlistment.

    Meanwhile, Mark Denisov, the ombudsman in Russia’s Krasnoyarsk Krai, said on March 21 that several penitentiaries in the Siberian region will be shut down this year due to the ongoing recruitment of inmates for the war.

    Denisov’s statement came two days after the Russian parliament’s lower chamber, the State Duma, approved in the final reading a bill allowing inmates to change their prison terms to suspended sentences without presidential clemency decrees after they sign contracts with the Defense Ministry.

    In November, the Kremlin admitted to recruiting inmates to the war in Ukraine saying they “are atoning for their guilt with blood.”

  36. Russia is allied with Iran, hamas, NK and china. It’s an abomination that Israpundit continues to support Russia and putin.

    I’ve told people here to read the pro-hamas, rabid antisemitic Russia based and pro-Russia accounts on X. I’ve yet to come across anyone pro-Russia who is pro-Israel.

    Examine all Jews this remark by Blinken

    “However, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking in Kyiv last week, told reporters he did not believe Putin was interested in serious negotiations.”

    Do Jews not have experience of Blinken?

    Is he a liar in Israel and a truth teller in Russia.

    Of course not he is a liar always.

    The problem some Jews have is in a bias against Russia and this hatred is their only basis.

    Like Adam and Bear

  37. The problem with Klein is that he is following a different narrative, one that is not connected to reality.

    Jacques Baud Explained in an article for The Postil

    “In fact, these Republics were not seeking to separate from Ukraine, but to have a status of autonomy, guaranteeing them the use of the Russian language as an official language. For the first legislative act of the new government resulting from the overthrow of President Yanukovych, was the abolition, on February 23, 2014, of the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law of 2012 that made Russian an official language. A bit like if putschists decided that French and Italian would no longer be official languages in Switzerland.

    This decision caused a storm in the Russian-speaking population. The result was a fierce repression against the Russian-speaking regions (Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk) which was carried out beginning in February 2014 and led to a militarization of the situation and some massacres (in Odessa and Marioupol, for the most notable). At the end of summer 2014, only the self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk remained.”

    Very important information contained in that

    It was a out very extreme people now with state power beginning to repression their own Ukrainian people over a basic democratic rights to speak Russian.

    It was between Ukrainian and Ukrainian

    If you are out to start a civil war then that’s exactly what you would do.

    The important thing to grasp is that Russia was not involved but of course it was informed of the repression of Russia speakers

  38. @Peloni Russian had an election and the opposition leader had been jailed and died in prison. How funny pretending Russia has free and fair elections.

    If a referendum for Ukraine is a good idea, I think a referendum and free elections in Russia would also be fair and a good idea. Then Russia would need to get rid of Putin and his thugs and have a true democracy. Not likely to happen any time soon as theocracy of thuggery is alive and well in Russia.

    Anyway having a debate with supporters of Russian Nationalism or Putin is an exercise in futility, I have found out in the past.

  39. @Bear

    I think the Russian people should be offered a referendum…

    I think the Russian people recently had an election, did they not? Even as bombs were dropping, troops were on the battlefield, and the US economic war against them was expanding, the Russian polls were opened and the Russian people cast their votes, yet the Ukainian polls are closed and the people are ruled by the dispicable despot Zel. Notably, Putin did not fear the outcome of that election enough to cancel it altogether as did the West’s proxy master in Ukraine whose every effort is gaining his elitist crowd greater wealth while overseeing the endless slaughter of the Ukrainian people in a war which they have no chance of winning.

  40. Klein based on your three paragraphs

    So skewed

    Replete with obvious lies

    If Jews can get through the present struggle with Hamas then a new wave of Hebrews will exclude you

    You seem to use Russia as displacement for your empty life

    Is your life empty?

  41. Klein

    How to answer such a person devoid of truth

    Your 3 paragraphs containing so many lies

    It must be embarrassing for true Jews to read

  42. Examine all Jews this remark by Blinken

    “However, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking in Kyiv last week, told reporters he did not believe Putin was interested in serious negotiations.”

    Do Jews not have experience of Blinken?

    Is he a liar in Israel and a truth teller in Russia.

    Of course not he is a liar always.

    The problem some Jews have is in a bias against Russia and this hatred is their only basis.

    Like Adam and Bear

  43. @Peloni I think the Russian people should be offered a referendum if they are willing to withdraw from Ukrainian lands and a achieve a permanent peace based on the borders recognized in 1994.

    The Russian people should be asked if all their dead and wounded soldiers and harm to their economy was worth Putin’s plan of retaking over the lands of the former Soviet Union.

    So the people of Russia rather than the tyrant dictator could decide if they want forever wars with their neighbors. Perhaps they prefer getting along with their neighbors and being part of all the world again and not just friends with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and China?