Ex-Muslim finishes Islam film, expects “cartoon riots”

Internet Center for Anti-racism Europe

1/12/2007- Founder of the Committee for ex Muslims Ehsan Jami has finished his short film on radical Islam, and entitled it The Life of Mohammed. The ten minute film should be shown by February or March. Jami expects the film will lead to even more controversy than the ‘Danish cartoon riots’. As he stated in Friday’s issue of newspaper De Telegraaf:

    “I am demonstrating the violent and tyrannical nature of Mohammed. This man murdered three Jewish tribes, killed apostates and married a 6 year old girl with whom he had sex when she was 9”.

This week, Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders announced his intention to show a short film about Islam in January. In this film, Wilders will depict the Koran as a fascist book comparable to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, although Wilders would not yet give any details.

In September 2004, public broadcaster Nederland 3 aired the short film Submission, which showed images of Koran verses on the naked body of a battered woman. Theo van Gogh, who directed the film for former conservative (VVD) MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was brutally murdered by a radical Muslim two months later. The film has not been shown since.

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Last month, the 24 year old Jami had to leave Labour (PvdA) which no longer accepted from him what it sees as a too harsh tone on Islam. According to the heavily guarded Iran-born politician – who was assaulted on the street by Muslims in August – his film merely shows facts. “I hereby put up a sum of 50,000 euros to anybody who can refute all these facts”. Without apparent modesty, he describes the film as “a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind – and freedom”.

The identity of the TV channel that is to broadcast the already-controversial film is to be kept secret until the last moment. According to De Telegraaf, TV programme Netwerk has expressed interest. The newspaper further reports that there are contacts with American channel CNN, which may possibly show excerpts from the film.

In the meantime, 50 residents of an apartment building in Leidschendam-Voorburg are protesting against Jami as their future neighbour. In consultation with the National Coordinator for Combating Terrorism (NCTb), the residents recently received a letter stating that the threatened politician is to move into a secured flat in their apartment building. This resulted in a widespread protest action, as Elsevier.nl reports. In April 2006, Hirsi Ali had to leave her State-provided accommodation after neighbours complained that her presence would put them at risk. The residents took the matter to court and were successful in an appeal; Hirsi Ali had to move out. She now lives in the US, where she has attained world fame.

December 9, 2007 | 2 Comments »

2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Laura,

    Scroll down to B. Levinson’s post of December 9th, 2007 “Submission” The film the Islamic Supremacists don’t want you to see

    The links are there.

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