Evidence of Election Fraud & Foreign Election Interference


UPDATED 6/17/21: John Droz, an independent physicist working on election integrity with Sidney Powell and others, has generated 10 major election-related reports – more than any other group in the country. You can find his group’s reports here: https://election-integrity.info/

They recently released a Recommendations Report – the most comprehensive analysis of the US election integrity issue ever published by anyone.

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UPDATED 6/13/21: The audit in Arizona is underway and 12 other states are looking to audit their own elections. Biden’s DOJ is trying to figure out a way to stop them all. Trump thanked Rudy Giuliani for making the audits happen & thanked Mike Lindell as a hero for pursuing machine fraud. Mike Lindell said his next step is – after all of the data they captured in the internet packets on election night is verified – he is going to have a worldwide Cyber-Tech Symposium and invite all the world’s leading cyber IT experts to examine the packets.

That way he’ll not only have a group of insiders to verify the packets, he will have the world’s leading cyber experts on board as well. Brilliant. IT experts have told me they won’t believe what’s in the packets unless they see it themselves. Now they will get their chance. Then he is going to live-stream a mock election and show the world exactly how they stole it, step by step.

You can find all his documents & documentaries at: https://home.frankspeech.com/content/mike-lindells-absolute-series

UPDATED 3/11/21 with a MUST READ SUMMARY from the Federalist on how the courts REFUSED to hear ANY election evidence on “technical” grounds: https://thefederalist.com/2021/03/11/courts-repeatedly-refused-to-consider-trumps-election-claims-on-the-merits/

UPDATED 2/5/21 with a CONFESSION from Time Magazine that the coup plotters in the Chamber of Commerce & the Koch Libertarian Party, the Communist Party & the AFL-CIO union leaders worked together to RIG the election for Biden to allegedly SAVE America! https://trendingpolitics.com/shock-time-magazine-article-admits-how-the-2020-election-was-rigged-against-president-trump/

UPDATED 2/5/21 with a SUMMARY from American Report and find Mike Lindell’s new 2-hour documentary released at michaeljlindell.com & a new video showing illegal ballots delivered in the middle of the night in Detroit!

HOW TO STEAL AN ELECTION: https://rumble.com/vd0l83-how-to-steal-an-election.html

UPDATED 1/30/21 with REPORT outlining Pennsylvania, Georgia & Arizona data analysis that exposes widespread election fraud. This presentation was done by a team of data scientists and programmers with experience working for the US Navy, the CIA, the National Counter-Terrorism Center, and a Big-Four Accounting Firm. These numbers have NEVER been refuted.NONE of the courts would even review this evidence. NONE of the media would report this evidence. Congress REFUSED to look at it and REFUSED to honor the State Legislature requests to audit their elections before certification. Instead, it was stripped from the internet, and we were shut down and shut up while Congress hurried up and certified a fraudulent election before the American people could find out they’d been conned – and then blamed the “Capitol riots” – which they planned – as an excuse. Wake up.

Please send this evidence to everyone you know. Mike Lindell has asked us to. I am blocked on Facebook & Twitter – Parler & Gab are both down. I’ve done all I can. Now it’s up to you. If you know how, download these PDFs and save them on your hard drive before they disappear off the internet. 

In March 2020, I warned the GOP that Democrats would use COVID to force cheat-by-mail and steal the 2020 election. That’s exactly what they did. I wrote this and sent it to every news organization. Did I have insider information? NO. I used common sense & the brain God gave me.

June 19, 2021 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review — Keeping Plaintiffs in the Dark…

    Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on June 22, 2021 1:32 pm

    Authored by Paul Sperry via RealClearInvestigations

    After several Fulton County, Ga., poll monitors testified last year that boxes of mail-in ballots for Joe Biden looked liked they’d been run through a photocopy machine, state investigators quietly broke the seal on one suspicious box and inspected the hundreds of votes it contained for signs of fraud, RealClearInvestigations has learned exclusively.

    At the same time, a key whistleblower told RCI that state investigators pressured her to recant her story about what she and other poll monitors had observed — what they called unusually “pristine” mail-in ballots while sorting through them during last November’s hand recount.

    “I felt I was under investigation,” said Suzi Voyles, a longtime Fulton County poll manager whose sworn affidavits have been used by election watchdogs to sue the county for access to the ballots in question.

    Although the ballots are at the center of disputes about the Georgia presidential race, which Joe Biden won by just 12,000 votes, the state never disclosed its probe to the public or to election watchdogs suing to inspect the ballots.

    State officials also neglected to inform the judge hearing the lawsuit that they were conducting such an inspection, even though the judge had issued a protective order over the ballots in January. In a nine-page amicus brief recently filed in the case, attorneys for the office of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger urged Superior Court Judge Brian Amero to deny petitioners’ requests to inspect the ballots, calling them a “fishing expedition.”

    Frances Watson, chief investigator for the secretary of state’s office, confirmed in a statement to RCI that she sent investigators to Fulton County earlier this year to inspect the batches of sealed ballots. Poll monitors involved in last November’s hand recount had described the mail-in ballots in sworn affidavits as devoid of creases and folds and featuring identically bubbled-in marks for Biden. But the state said it could not find any ballots matching that description.

    “Our investigators looked into it and didn’t find anything,” she said, while adding the investigation is “still ongoing.”

    The watchdogs question why state officials did not disclose their activities to the court and fear they may have “tampered” with the sealed ballots, which are at the center of their lawsuit seeking access to all 147,000 absentee ballots cast during the 2020 election in Fulton County, which includes much of Atlanta.

    Led by longtime Georgia poll watcher Garland Favorito, founder of VoterGA.org, the court petitioners say the state has failed to inform the judge overseeing their case that they broke the chain of custody over the pallets of shrink-wrapped absentee ballots warehoused in a locked county facility in Atlanta.

    “If the secretary of state’s office did that, they tampered with the ballots and violated Georgia state law,” which restricts the handling of ballots to authorized elections officials involved in the tabulation and care of the ballots, Favorito said. He also noted that Judge Amero had placed the ballots under a protective order in January. “They would have had to ask for a court order to unseal and inspect those ballots and they never did that.”

    Raffensperger’s office seemed to acknowledge the ballots were still under seal when it urged Amero to prevent the watchdogs from inspecting the ballots.

    “The security and confidentiality of ballots is to be strictly maintained,” attorneys for Raffensperger argued in the brief they filed with Amero in April, “and the court should be cautious in granting petitioners’ access to ballots that Georgia law requires to remain under seal, which makes it a felony as soon as petitioners were to lay hands on them.”

    Raffensperger’s office did not respond to questions about why it did not inform the court about its probe, although it acknowledged that this is the first time its inspection of the ballots – which began in early January – has been publicly disclosed. Judge Amero did not respond to requests for comment.

  2. Jon McGreevey, Lin Wood’s Whistleblower, will be on Stew Peterson’s show on June 19. This could prove quite informative. He has made some serious charges associated with the deep state, the election fraud, the virus and the vaccine.

  3. A new election lawsuit has been filed against Biden and others, in both the current administration as well as Trump’s. Lyndon Leuders is a retired Austin Police Officer who has opened his own detective agency in years past. He investigated Lin Wood’s Whistleblower, John McGreevey (aka. Johnheretohelp, aka. Ryan Dark Light) over the past few years(uncertain of the specific time frame, but definitely 2019 or earlier) and found his claims credible. Leuders set up a petition for a pardon of McGreevey and the petition was interfered with during the last several months(at least 4 months) of the Trump presidency. The signatures to the petition for pardon were seen to actually decrease with time. He notified the authorities at the FBI, DOJ and the White House of the matter at the time. Since then the petition has been removed from the White House website without explanation or response to his inquiries.

    Leuders is acting as both a first and third party to the case. The case is classified as a Biven case, based on a 1971 SCOTUS ruling in Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics. In a Bivens case, damages can be sought due to violations to the injured party’s fourth amendment rights. Under a Bivens suit, a suit is brought against one or more public officials, personally, and the defendant(s) is personally responsible for the damages, not the US gov’t. Also in the Bivens action, the plaintiff, Leuders, can demand a jury trial, and Leuders is doing exactly this. The case is intended to be a class action suit and the charges claimed in the suit is Misprision Treason. Misprision Treason is based in common law and is defined in US law under 18 U.S. Code § 2382 as:

    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both

    The defendants named include Biden, the FBI, the DOJ and any contractors of the White House.

    The lawsuit can be found at this link

    This website is being filled with the testimonials and videos of the Whistleblower, Jon McGreevey, as well as other info including McGreevey’s past twitter statements – they are quite informative and includes many predictions about the election and the SARS virus which have been come true.

  4. From Patrick Byrne’s Telegram acct

    …I mentioned that we have a bombshell video coming. We do. It is from January 6. I have not completed my frame by frame analysis, but it would seem to show the following:

    On January 6 in front of the capital, a bunch of people are rallying quite civilly. The police are civil, the citizens are civil. It’s rather remarkable how well everyone is behaved.

    And then it would appear that a police officer well behind the police front lines throw two flash bang grenades into the crowd about 30 feet behind the police/civilian barricade.

    The flashbangs go off, all hell breaks loose, The crowd surges over the police line where a few seconds earlier there had been warm conversation.

  5. @PELONI

    Yes, I thought at the time that the duties of a Speaker are onorous-if meticulously attended to, that Pelosi certainly was not overworked, and must have delegated extensively, as she often seemed to be either drunk (maybe a hangover) or suffered from loose artificial choppers, causing a sppech impediment.

    Anyway, my prognosis at the time was that Trump would still have the rallies, but, and other najor Republican figures.appearing on the huge video screen, with Melania actually attending in lieu, and perhaps one of more of his children, and other major Republican figures. Not at all like the magnetic influence of his personal appearances but, I believe that it would not diminsh the numbers, nor the enthusiasm , because the attendees know exactly step by step what he is doing, and attempting to do on their behalf.

    Just my opinion, but a practical solution .

    There are some situations where a 51 Senate majority suffices, but don’t know which situations.

    And besides, there shuld yet be incontrovertible proof of fraud iin some of the Senatorial races , won by Democrats., which could “hook” them out of their seats.

    -As in Vauevillian Amateur Nights. A beautiful thought

  6. I think they have an excellent chance of retaking the House. They are only a few seats short and he could clean the House in 2022 of many of the known wolves in sheeps clothing, so to speak. I heard last week he was looking to attempt to win ~40 Dems seats and he only needs about 5 to take control. But there is a lot of power in the position, but it would limit his ability to do rallies and campaigns do to the significant workload on the Speaker, from what I am told – I know someone who was a staffer for a past Speaker years ago. But he could control a lot of the mayhem with the Judiciary and the presidency – the House also impeaches reckless judges who have to, again, be convicted in the Senate for removal.

  7. @Peloni

    Yes I do understand the process; and the almost impossibility of getting a 67 Senate vote. The suggestion I read was that the Congress had to be won and Trump elected as Speaker, plus the impeachment of both Biden and Harris, perhaps only to cause trouble. As we’ve seen the House speaker has massive power, especially if well supported by her party.. Although Senators can be impeached or expelled, it would still need a 67 vote rsult.

    The proviso of course was that the Trump Republicans win the House,.and dethrone Thr “Witch”.

    How correct it is I do not know but it sounded to be….”just what the doctor ordered”..,

  8. @Edgar G.
    Also, another point comes to mind. A number of years ago, around 10yrs ago a question was raised to whether the Speaker of the House needs to be a member of the House. The Consititution is not specific on this point and the Clerk of the House was questioned on the matter. The Clerk of the House is the chief administrator of the House, handling its documents and arranging the workings behind the political leadership. He is also the chief parlimentairian – i.e. he decides the protocols and processes that needs to be followed. At the time he stated that the role of Speaker did not need to be awarded to a member of the House. So, Trump could avoid the necessity of the House race.

    Also if the Impeachment/Conviction failed to bear fruit he could resign from the post if he chose. But you just can’t get around the issue that he would need a lot of the Republicans in the Senate to support him, many of which solidly hate Trump and his supporters. So just some additional thoughts.

  9. @Edgar
    The problem is that there is a numbers game in the Senate that has to be corrected in order to win enough support in the Senate to convict the president and VP. It is a lot of numbers so forgive me if you loose track, I’d be happy to explain in greater detail on the process if you are not familiar with it.

    Right now there are only 50 Republicans and you would need 67 to support a conviction of an Impeachment. Recall 2/3 of the Senators in Jan. are not up for reelection in 2022, so, of the 7 Republicans that voted to convict him, only 1 is up for reelection in 2022, so the other 6 will be there to likely oppose him as well. And it takes 2/3 of the Senate to convict – so they need 67 votes.

    The Republicans have 50 Senators right now, and only 13 Dems and 1 traitor Republican are up for reelection. There are 50 Republicans right now, so if the Republicans succeeded in taking all 14 pickups in the Senate and didn’t lose any of the Republican Senators up for reelection in 2022, they would have only 64, not 67 Senators to support a conviction of the Impeachment – so they would need all these 64 Republicans, including the 6 who voted to impeach Trump to support the Impeachment of the pres and VP and would still need 3 Democrats to support the Conviction.

    The numbers don’t work even if you were to trust the Republicans to support Trump – which you can’t. But there is a fraud to deal with. And even if the president is not reversed the down ballot stolen seats should be. There are a number of Republicans who lost due to questionable ballot spikes, five are likely to be found to be fraudulently awarded, I believe. There could be more.

    There were only 14 elections that the Republicans lost, so they could win retake a few or all from the results of the fraud investigaion. Of course, they won’t get them all, I don’t think they will get 10. But, in truth until the fraud is considered you won’t really know how many they will get. But again, the issue of trust in the Republican Senators lies at the crux of victory in this scenario, and most of them are much happier having the ability to fill their pockets and back accounts with taxpayer loot than going back to dealing with Trump’s America First policy.

    So if Trump did go for the Speaker of the House and doesn’t obtain the conviction, he could likely be trapped in the role of Speaker for 2yrs while Rome burned about him as he waited for 2024 – it is a real gamble with no certain odds of victory. He could control the Congress to some level, of course, or at least act as a block on any further toxic legislation, but I am not sure he would play that role or not.

  10. @ Peloni..

    This idea of Trump running for the House with the subsequent results, was fully laid out a couple of months ago, and sounded lke a very good alternative to waiting for 2024. Your aritthmetic sounds “excellent -to perfect..”.

  11. @ADAM- I didn’t know it was Mike Tierney. To my best knowledge it is PEGGY Tierney, and she identified heself a few weeks ago during one of her reports. Ask TED….. he’ll know.

    As for the remarks on the reporting, I totally agree with you, very often no “provenance”.

    Mile Tierney is a long time sports reporter.

  12. Of course, Trump could also run for the House of Representatives in 2022, challenge and replace Pelosi or her successor as Speaker of the House, impeach the president & VP on fraud charges and become president in 2022 with the ability of a 6yr presidency if he ran and won in 2024 as well, for 10 yrs in total. Should the election fraud not be remedied, as well it might not, this would be a happier solution of a 2yr term than a 4 yr term for the Big Guy. Just a thought.

  13. A major improvement in Tierney News’s reporting. Mr. Tierney is learning to be a first rate reporter by providing sourcing for all of his statements and links to his original sources of information. This is journalism at its best. Before, Mr. Tierney had made statements purely on his own authority, and quoted people without telling us where he found these quotations. But his learning curve as a journalist has now taken him a long way. Congrats, Mike.

    Of course Mike Tierney is righ that the election was stolen. The private audits of the election results, madfe despite fierce state and Federal resistance, will go a long way towards persuading many voters that Biden’s election was fraudulent.

    However, the way to make good use of these audits is not to try to unseat Biden before his term is up. Although his handlers got him elected by fraud, the practical reality is that he is President, and will be succeeded once his dementia becomes too obvious for him to remain in office by Kemala Harris. Many people through the centuries have become chiefs of state through electoral fraud or other illegal acts, such as military coups.
    Once in power, it is difficult to remove any regime except by an armed revolution. And I don’t sense that there are very many Americans who want that.

    On the other hand, if Republicans and maybe some honorable independents and even Democrats are willing to defeat the electoral fraud bill being pushed through Congress, and instead work to pass state laws insuring honest elections (only citizens permitted to vote, etc.), then a Republican Congress may be elected in 2022, and a Republican President (Trump if he is in good health and decides to run, or perhaps another MAGA person if he is unable to run or chooses not to). Tease are the goals that patriotic Americans should wok towards. Make use of the audits not to change the results of the 2020 election, but to persuade the voters that the present government is illegitimate in the coming elections.

  14. Posted by Patrick Byrne

    Author of Fulton County GEORGIA Elections Report Tries Desperately to Walk Back Explosive Accusations — BUT IT’S TOO LATE. Sorry, Carter Jones. You made the mistake of telling the truth in your report. Now the world knows about the massive fraud in the 2020 Georgia presidential election.

    The lying fake news media is trying desperately to downplay the damning elections report from Fulton County Georgia today.

    Just the News released an explosive report on Thursday night exposing massive fraud in the Fulton County Georgia 2020 presidential election.

    A handpicked contractor in the State Farm Arena, Carter Jones from Seven Hill Strategies, wrote a 29-page memo back in November outlining the “massive” election integrity failures and mismanagement that he witnessed in the Atlanta-area’s election centers.

    In the 29-page report Carter Jones tells of two more instances where the election officials were double-scanning votes late at night after the election observers and news media was sent home!

    The Gateway Pundit was first to report that Ruby Freeman was also seen double scanning stacks of ballots at the State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia after observers were sent home on election night.

    Now the author Carter Jones is downplaying his own report with the liberal media.

    The AP is running cover for Carter Jones, Secretary Raffensperger and the corrupt Georgia officials.

    Detailed notes kept by Carter Jones over the week of the general election in November and obtained by The Associated Press challenge many of the allegations of fraud and misconduct that have circulated since the election. They chronicle everything Jones saw in Fulton County from the evening of Monday, Nov. 2, the day before the election, through late Saturday, Nov. 7, when the last ballots were counted.

    “It’s not what it looks like during the election. It’s what happens after the election and what it looks like at the end,” Jones said in an exclusive interview with the AP on Wednesday. “Fulton was able to make their numbers zero out and there was nothing that should challenge the certification of this election.”

    In a statement Wednesday, Raffensperger noted Jones’ findings of continued problems and said it was important to have him there as “eyes and ears on the ground.”

    Jones said the election operations were characterized by systemic poor management and there were also chain of custody problems and ballot bags that often weren’t sealed. While he realizes many of those problems contribute to some people’s doubts about the security of the election, he said the fact that he was there and “neurotically took notes” during the many hours he spent observing should provide some comfort.

    He also noted that while the process was messy, the county managed to get it right in the end.

    “They got it over the goal line. They made their numbers add up,” he said. “Yes, the vehicle was held together by duct tape and chewing gum, but it got over the goal line.”

    Fulton County officials have consistently defended their handling of the election.

    From thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/author-fulton-county-elections-report-tries-desperately-walk-back-explosive-accusations-late/