Everything’s Coming Up Trump – Until The Pros Show Up

E. Rowell:  Is Trump’s election team consulting with Omega4America or going with yesterday’s technology and “Election Integrity Teams”?  Remember in 2020 when Harmeet Dhillon of the RNC said on national TV, “We’ve got teams of lawyers ready to go to prevent election fraud”?

“Best campaign ever” – until it counts

By OMEGA4AMERICA    13 May 2024

80,000 people flock to hear Trump in New Jersey.

Virginia and New Jersey now in play.

Trump is leading in every swing state – some by 11 points.

“The best campaign ever” is about to crush a dementia-riddled old man, who cannot speak, cannot campaign and cannot walk down a set of stairs.

It’s sunrise in America!

Let’s remember the game we are in, people.

This is the single greatest U.S. election – measured in consequences – in 100 years.

There are 2 teams on the field – one is an All Pro, battle-tested, fully professional organization who electioneers for its life. They have been playing this game for a generation.

The other team is a bunch of well-intentioned amateurs, with great excitement, red hats, big rallies, whose most important characteristic is not offending anyone. When the amateurs do win an election, they work with the other team so nobody gets their hair messed up. Everyone gets a trophy.

When the Pros win, they shut down the amateurs, tell them to sit in a corner, and like it, and they shove massive new programs down the throat of a country that does not want them.

The Pros put the amateurs in prison. They send the FBI to their homes if they protest abortion issues. The Pros disbar lawyers for defending a client the Pros do not like. The Pros force social media to censor the amateurs.

Obamacare, open borders, legitimized street rioting, forced vaccinations, mutilating children’s genitals because a 9 year-old who thinks he may be a pirate, also thinks he is a girl.

Ask yourself this question: If you are over 45, “what would my parents, or their friends think if they read this previous paragraph in 1965?”

Two teams have been on the field, every year since Abraham Lincoln, and in the last 40 years the reality of America is that such a paragraph can reasonably be asked and nobody raises an eyebrow.

Which team wins when it counts? Which team always moves its agenda forward – locks it into place, and moves onward?

Well, now it counts more than ever before.

The 2024 election will be won or lost in 15 counties in 7 swing states. New Jersey isn’t one of them.

Remember, last time around the New Jersey Republican guy pretty much won the governor election – until the Pros showed up, the ballots were counted – all of them – like the ones at the last minute – and the Pros won. Of course they did.

The Republican didn’t say a word!

In each swing state, there are enough anomalous voters on the voter roll to aggregate to 5% – 7% of the vote. That does NOT include the newbies who flew in from countries south of Mexico, registered by NGOs – illegal aliens.

Those 7 swing states are run by Leftists, RINOs or spineless Republicans.

Those anomalous votes are the insurance policy in case the election is close. The Pros have them in place, living at mostly ineligible addresses – each of which we track, ready to pull the lever if needed – for Biden.

Just this week in Georgia, its election commission headlines were that nothing added up in Fulton County 2020 – ballot images are lost, duplicate ballot entries, oh my!

Anything happen to the Pros?

Not a thing.

Their guy is in the White House, the borders remain open – salting the voter rolls for 2028 and 2032 – advanced planning. Republican governor, Republicans run the state, and as usual, the Left wins!

Spines, we are told, are not on transplant lists.

With 150 days to go before it’s too late, what can be done to impact 2024?

Every week, we get emails from people who clearly do not read our Substack, bemoaning the fact that they found 50 obviously non-existent voters on the roll, took them to the Secretary of State or registrar and “NOTHING HAPPENED!”

These are the red-hatted amateurs who blindly think the election system is on the level. They believe if they show the registrar or Secretary of State fake voters – someone will care!

When nobody cares, we get the email!

We are software guys – not activists. Send the email to the RNC, who won’t care, but they may send you a donation envelope!

Amateurs – even at this late date – remain clueless as to the fix.

If they read our articles, they would know, as you do, or should, that taking voters off voter rolls is like changing the angle of the sun. It just isn’t going to happen.

The national voter integrity orgs – literally all of them- pitch getting phantoms off voter rolls as a solution – because it keeps them funded. They are in on the scam and many of you are funding them.

Lots of hard work, lots of Monday night Zoom calls, more donations, and nothing happens. Thus, rinse and repeat, particularly that part about sending more donations.

It’s a lot like those Saturday or Sunday charlatans on early morning TV pitching salvation, plus donation, then salvation again. That is the state of the national voter integrity movement. Send more money for a problem that will never go away.

The Pros make things happen electorally. The amateurs complain because they do not recognize electioneering is a business and needs to be run like a business – every hour, every day, with every resource. Republicans don’t do that.

The closer we get to pucker time, November 5th, 2024, the more focused our minds become.

What sounds good, but doesn’t work, falls aside.

That’s why we are getting literally hundreds of emails and calls about creating videos for election teams in almost every state – to change the narrative.

Our videos are having an impact and we’re pretty happy about it.

The national voter integrity groups continue to deny that quantum technology can do what we do every day – so we produce more videos. They send donation requests for cleaning voter rolls.

Poke around Rumble, type in Omega4America and you will see a growing list of Texas videos – showing their appalling state. Many more on the way!

Texas is RINO land – and the dirty voter rolls are a feature, not a problem.

We are embellishing the narrative for the amateurs – showing that for sure – electioneering is not about cleaning voter rolls – it’s also about outing Chinese dough to U.S. swing state electioneering groups.

Want to see Chinese money influencing U.S. electioneering orgs?


You won’t see anything like this from the national voter integrity groups – because they have crappy relational tech – thus they define YOUR voter integrity problem by what raises dough for them – cleaning the rolls.

What do we now have in our quiver?

We know every Chinese, or Soros, or any NGO dollar, that is funding Leftist electioneering to win 2024. Much of it is patently illegal. Much of it is unsavory – but hidden. We make it all visible.

Just this week, a U.S. Senate campaign saw that the Chinese were funding a get-out-the-vote organization for their opponent. We showed it – real time.

They didn’t want to make an issue of it, because in their words “….it might make us look petty.”

This is your U.S. Senate candidate – amateur team!

Fortunately this guy is toast and a Leftist will retain that seat, as they should – because this RINO has no spine and will sell out ASAP.

Want to see who won, really won Georgia in 2020?


Want to see the most powerful weapon left in 2024 to impact the election?


Quantum compute cannot add spines to Republicans. Quantum computing cannot get the RNC to realize ballot harvesting against the Pros who will ballot manufacture is useless. Quantum technology cannot clean voter rolls that the government won’t clean.

Quantum technology can, however, produce video evidence showing just how screwed Americans are – how dirty elections are – how not-on-the-level the playing field is – and when citizens see it, in an undeniable form, in their face, they just may be able to do something about it.

We’ll see.


Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List and the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and other major insurers. 

Jay’s team was awarded 6 patents for revolutionary Similarity Search technology – finding fraud in complex data – invisible to all relational technology

Jay can be contacted at his SubstackSubstack.com/Omega4America

May 13, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. I’m sure that the Dems have been working hard to be sure that “the fix” is in, no matter what the vote tally says. BUT, I think its safe to say that the Right is now aware of the dirty tricks and, hopefully, has mobilized to block as many of these as possible. Will it be enough? We’ll find out. One humorous comment I read on “Not the Bee” said, “Trump is so far ahead that Biden is going to need twice as many fake votes to get elected.” Yes, Biden’s bad, but if we let the Dem election machine steal another election, we are lost for good.

  2. Quantum technology can, however, produce video evidence showing just how screwed Americans are – how dirty elections are – how not-on-the-level the playing field is – and when citizens see it, in an undeniable form, in their face, they just may be able to do something about it.

    As disturbing a prospect as this is, it may be last best hope in which to demonstrate to the American people that the Republic has fallen and hopefully motivate a response to take it back.

  3. There is still some time left before the election, but the majority of normal people are sleeping. They hope that if they come and vote for Trump – he will win. They are too busy to realize that nothing changed. It will be the repetition of 2020. Most probably there will be no Biden, but Dems will put another puppet on the list and this puppet will win. That is the current terrible situation in the US. Everything is under control. The outcome of the election is predictable.

  4. This article is not very encouraging. It really looks as if the only way to win the next election is by force.