Even If Moses Endorsed Donald Trump, Jews Would Not Vote For Him

By Alexander G. Markovsky | August 2, 2024

Image: YouTube screen grab.

The Republican National Committee unanimously voted on Holocaust Remembrance Day to pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. This resolution provides strong evidence of the Party and its leader, Donald J. Trump’s stance towards Jews. Nevertheless, if the Party leaders expect a positive response from the Jewish community in November, they may be disappointed.

For years, Donald Trump has been tirelessly trying to gain support from American Jews. In the current campaign, he is emphasizing his unparalleled support for Israel and highlighting the Biden administration’s inconsistent approach to Israel’s conflict with Hamas. In an interview on Real America’s Voice on April 8, 2024, Mr. Trump asserted that “any Jewish individual who casts their vote for Biden does not truly prioritize Israel and, frankly, ought to reconsider their stance.”

Trump obviously is not aware that the majority of American Jews are not motivated by concerns for Israel, nor are they motivated by the interests of the United States or by growing anti-Semitism in this country, especially on university campuses. None of this will affect how they vote.

What America’s Jews passionately care about is “social justice.” In terms of helping the sick and the poor, social justice is deeply embedded in Judaism. The Industrial Revolution, which brought about a massive wealth generation, caused the plurality of Jews to broaden their vision of social justice to include economic equality.

However, the issue of economic equality eventually grew into an irrational obsession that ultimately led them to embrace socialism.

The Jewish love affair with socialism, which began in Russia with the fanaticism of the grandparents, has been transformed by the Great Terror into the fear of the parents and subsequently into the conviction of the children and grandchildren is embedded deeply in the Jewish DNA.

As the Democrat party leadership drops all pretenses and openly adopts socialist principles, these hereditary socialists, impelled by conviction, will ignore once again what rising antisemitism will do to them and vote for the Party that speaks their language. Thus, they won’t vote for a specific Democrat party nominee. They will, as always, vote for socialism.

Trump’s criticism of American Jews who intend to vote for Biden exposes the ideological Grand Divide within the Jewish community. The old saw, “There are two types of Jews: those who believe that Judaism is about social justice and those who know Hebrew,” contains more than a kernel of truth. By and large, orthodox Jews voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.

The divide boils down to a differing interpretation of the Talmudic concept of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Those who know Hebrew engage in activities intended to complete God’s work, as revealed in the Torah. Those who believe that Judaism is about social justice are on a divine mission to change the world upon their verities.

The ideology of changing the world emanates from Jews’ two millennia of experiences living in ghettos and the lasting effect of prosecution and suffering. American Jews, in particular, have been struggling to reconcile their tragic history with the logic of contemporary reality.

The descendants of the first immigrants, who dug trenches and washed dishes in New York, have risen to become doctors, lawyers, senators, bankers, industrialists, and influential politicians. Unfortunately, they also inherited the genetic memories of their ghetto ancestors. They feel guilty for achieving a standard of living as good as or better than any other ethnic group in this country.

To assuage this guilt, they continue to fight for social justice, taking on and supporting the cause of every underdog and liberal movement in sight, no matter how unworthy, no matter how illogical, and no matter how it imperils their own interests or safety. Their religion is not Judaism but is, instead, almost every other ism (with the exceptions of conservatism and fascism), such as liberalism, socialism, Marxism, environmentalism, etc.

Although the commitment to socialism has resulted in a host of tragedies, including the Holocaust and Stalinist purges, Jews will not abandon their devotion to the cause. As prominent Zionist Zev Jabotinsky once said, “Logic is an art of the Greeks; a Jew has his own logic. Jewish logic is the logic of catastrophe. Jews do not detect danger; they face it when it comes.” Indeed, history keeps punishing willful blindness, and catastrophes keep reappearing.

The 1917 Bolshevik revolution, which brought so much suffering to the people of Russia, including Jews, was indeed a Jewish revolution. Jews later founded and shaped the Soviet state, only to have Stalin turn on them.

In the late 1920s, many German Jews voted for Hitler’s National Socialist Party, only to become victims of the Holocaust a decade later. They chose to ignore Hitler’s anti-Semitic rhetoric; he could not be bad, much less evil. After all, he was a socialist!

Jews passionately supported and continued to admire FDR, who in 1939 denied entry for Jews seeking asylum from Nazi extermination and condemned them to the Holocaust. Yet, they still love him—after all, the New Deal was a giant step toward socialism.

To reform Jewish habits, Trump must be emphatic on two points. First, he must expose American Jews’ devotion to socialism and shame them for inviting another catastrophe by betraying their own interests. Second, he must highlight that economic equality can only exist in poverty since equality in wealth is an oxymoron.

A few months back, I found myself in a Las Vegas restaurant with some Jewish companions, engaged in a political discussion during the meal. At a nearby table, there was another group of Jews. One of them turned toward our table and inquired whether we truly intended to vote for Trump. My friend replied that he would vote for a cockroach if it ran against Biden. This response reflected a glimmer of hope that some Jews might emerge from their intellectual ghetto and commence a wave of voting based on logic, not their ancestors’ conviction.

In retrospect, I was picking up the dinner tab, which may have tilted the table in my philosophical direction.

Alexander G. Markovsky is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a conservative think tank that examines national security, energy, risk analysis, and other public policy issues. He is the author of Anatomy of a Bolshevik and Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It. Mr. Markovsky is the owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services, LLC. He can be reached at alex.g.markovsky@gmail.com.

August 3, 2024 | 26 Comments »

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26 Comments / 26 Comments

  1. “What America’s Jews passionately care about is “social justice.” In terms of helping the sick and the poor, social justice is deeply embedded in Judaism.”
    while liberal Jews care about the above, they are mostly reformed Jews who choose only a fraction Judaism values. In addition, while the Democratic Party has a lofty name, their record of helping the poor and working class shows they do not care for them. The only thing that matters to the Democratic Party is holding on to power at all cost. something that should scare these Jews more than anything.

  2. @Edgar

    “People also ask
    What does potato potahto mean?
    1. It means that even if two things seem different to each other, in essence they are still the same thing. The phrase originates from the different pronunciation of potato: potato, potahto. But it doesn’t matter because it refers to the same thing.”

    Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, ‘ Let’s call the whole thing off” – “”Let’s Dance” (1937)


  3. SEB-

    I think there was more than a bit of BOOMPF in that extract
    Lionel was only allowed to sit in Parliament in 1858, a fact I knew well as I recalled vividly the story that Jews, however many times elected could not take the Christian oath. And the British NEVER understood that the Irish NEEDED the potato, an many didn’t care either. Some food aid came from England but the Irish couldn’t eat it so it just rotted in the port.

    The Irish famine was from around 1845-1850 approx. Shiploads of grain lay at Dublin docks rotting away; the Irish peasant grew shiploads of it , it was a rent crop and sent to their English landlords. Their staple food was the potato. And they died like flies and emigrated by the millions. Originally population of 8 mill+ they levelled out at about half it’s previous size. And of those remaining, about half again emigrated to the US in rotting ships many of which never reached port.

    Yes Boompf, and more than a bit, I grew up on Famine stories and knew many down in the country parts who had their stories to tell when I went travelling with my parents for their “Vikla”.

    Even discounted by half because of, maybe, exaggeration, it was a gruesome story.

    And of course I was in school my whole young life. I know all about Rothschild…(and D’Israeli too.)

    Still it makes a good story, for the naive and credulous. who read -but don’t consider.

    So Maybe double Boompf.

  4. The forgotten righteous Jew who saved thousands of Irish lives during the famine
    A London member of parliament and Jewish financier Lionel de Rothschild was the largest donator to those in need during Ireland’s Great Hunger.

    Niall O’Dowd
    Jul 31, 2022

    It is a remarkable piece of history, mostly unknown, but the greatest giver to famine relief in Ireland was the London MP and Jewish financier Lionel de Rothschild.

    While the Choctaw Indians are rightly remembered for sending money in about the $100 range Rothschild raised a stunning $600,000 in 1847 – about $20 million in today’s terms.

    Moved by the reports of dreadful distress, on January 1, 1847, Lionel de Rothschild convened a meeting in his home to address the famine in Ireland and the dreadful suffering in the Scottish Highlands.

    According to aish.com magazine, a “number of London Jews were present, including Rothschild’s brother Mayer, as well and David Solomon, an advocate for Jewish rights in England and the first Jewish Lord Mayor London. Together, they formed the British Association for the Relief of Distress in Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland, also known sometimes as the British Relief Association.”

    The association raised a stunning $600,000.

    Remember, this was a time when The London Times said helping the savage Irish was like throwing money away in an “Irish bog”.

    Others were equally mean-spirited. U.S. President James Polk pled $50 for famine relief. Queen Victoria pledged only £2,000. The Sultan of Turkey was moved to pledge £10,000 in aid but reduced this to £1,000 when he found out how little Queen Victoria was sending. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, put them all to shame.

    For years, the contribution of Jews was ignored until 2010 when Mary McAleese, then President of Ireland, visited New York and formally thanked the Jewish community for their help during Ireland’s time of crisis.

    None did more than Baron Rothschild. If there was an Irish equivalent of Righteous Among the Nations, as the Jewish call those who helped them in their hour of need, Rothschild would surely be at the top. He saved thousands of lives.


  5. Sebastien–According to one account that I read somewhere about the history of the Rothschild family in England, Lionel de Rothschild donated one third of his very large personal fortune to te Irish relief fund. About tweny thousand pounds out of his total fortune of sixty thousand pounds. This would make his total donation worth about twenty billion dollarrs, or even more in present-day English pounds. That would put his personal wealth in today’s dollars into the Elon MUsk Bill Gates and Warren Buffet categories. However, I have never heard any Irishman ever express a word of thanks to Rothschild.

  6. Frank Adam–what was bad about the Soviet Regime was not its political and economic theories or even its “authoritarianism” but its murder of at least 20-25,000 million of its “citizens” (who were actually subjects, not citizens. Most of these victims starved to death or died of malnutrition-related diseases, which in turn were caused by the regimes extremely brutal policies, such as confiscating the entire crops grown by peasant farmers without paying them anything whatsoever, and then leaving them without any food. But there were also many people who were simply shot even though they committed no crime. This group included nearly every single “Old Bolshevik”–maning those people who had joined the party before Lenin’s death in 1924. Stalin himself and a few old cronies such as Molotov were anong the very few of the orignal Bolsheviks who survived. During the second world war, those Russian soldiers who were forced to flee before the overwhelming offensive of the German Wehrmacht, were declared to be cowards and traitors by the regime and shot. According to some sources, over a million of them. The the Russian soldiers who were imprisoned in the German POW camps mainly died or starvation and disease there. But about 500,000 were freed when the war ended. But then Stalin declared these survivors to be traitors because they had surrendered, and had them deported to Siberia to be imprisoned in Russian concentration camps after having somehow survived the German ones.

    Some Russians and other Soviet nationals were accused of so-called “wrecking”–meaning having helped to produce dameged and unusable machinery as they struggled to meet the Kremlin’s unrealistic production quotas.
    They were then forced to workbuilding canals and roads in the coldest regions of northern Siberia, where many of them died.

    THese atrocities are what was wrong with the Soviet Union 1917-1953- not its theoretical justifications of its rule, or even its “authroitarianism–but rather its resort to mass murder.

  7. Alex–some Jews were instrumental in creating the Soviet Union. But so were some Gentiles. Although antisemites accused Lenin of being a Jew, he was a fourth-generation member of the Russian Orthodox church from birth.
    Only one of his eight great-grandparents was of Jewish origin. And even he was a convert to the Russian Orthodox church. Felix Dzerzhinsky, the extremely powerful head of the Russian secret police, was according to Wikipedia and the Britannica, of ‘pure” upper-class Polish Catholic ancestry. These reference sources say the story that he was a Polish Jews was a falsehood circulated by antisemitc White Russian propagandists. During the first years of the Bolshevik regime, the only reliable military force that the Bolsheviks could depend on was the “Lettish Guards,” a 25,000 member strike force composed almost entirely of ethnic Latvians. This was the the elite force that the Bolsheviks always sent in to do the hard fighting when the going got tough for the Red Army’s mainly drafted soldiers during the Russian civil war. A little like the Navy Seals or the armiy’s Delta force, or the Marines.

    Stalin, Lenin’s hand-picked first Commissar of Nationalities, and the editor of Pravda at the same time, was a Georgian (from Georgia in the Caucasus, not the American state of Georgia). Several other Georgians also held senior posts in the early Bolshevik regime.

    The principle cause of the Russian Revolution was the extreme poverty of the Russian peasantry, and also of the urban factory workers, who were also nearly all of peasant origin. The imperial Russian government’s mismanagement of the Russian war effort in World War I, and the extremely high casualties suffered by the soldiers fighting at the front (these were mainly peasants as well), were also contribting factors to the massive peasant revolt–as was the peasants’ resentment of the wealthy landowners who owned most of the land they tilled, and charged them rents, which most of them could not pay.

    The Jews had very little to do with the causes of the Russian Revolution. Some Jews supported the Revolution once it began. But many opposed it. These Jewish opponents of the Revolution mainly fled abroad. Many others starved to death. Those Jews who survived these calamities mainly supported the Revolution, as did many of the other Russian Empire subjects who survived. Most Jews who remained in the country as well as the survivors of most other ethnic groups had no choice. It was either support the Bolsheviks, be shot or
    sent to a concentration camp.
    I think this answers your observation, Alex, that Jews were “instrumental” in the Russian Revolution. Some perhaps were, but most were not.

  8. Finally we know why US Jews vote the way they do. Since they are the most intellectually beautiful in the whole land, there is no mirror that reeducate them. What a shame.

  9. @ Frank Adam I googled: Jews Irish Famine This is what came up (which I aready knew)

    “AI Overview
    Learn more

    Many Jewish people in Ireland and other countries contributed to famine relief efforts during the Great Famine of 1845–1852, which killed about 1 million Irish people:
    Jewish people organized and donated generously to famine relief efforts. In 1850, a Dublin newspaper noted that Baron Lionel de Rothschild and his family’s contributions were far greater than those of other wealthy families who drew large amounts of income from their Irish estates.
    America and Britain
    Jewish synagogues in these countries donated generously to relief committees set up by major cities. Other donors included the rich and famous, such as President Polk, Queen Victoria, and Pope Pius IX. “

  10. This article contains anti-semitic tropes.

    “Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an antisemitic and anti-communist conspiracy theory that claims that the Russian Revolution of 1917 was a Jewish plot and that Jews controlled the Soviet Union and international communist movements, often in furtherance of a plan to destroy Western civilization. It was one of the main Nazi beliefs that served as an ideological justification for the German invasion of the Soviet Union and the Holocaust.[1]

    After the Russian Revolution, the antisemitic canard was the title of the pamphlet The Jewish Bolshevism, which featured in the racist propaganda of the anti-communist White movement forces during the Russian Civil War (1918–1922). During the 1930s, the Nazi Party in Germany and the German American Bund in the United States propagated the antisemitic theory to their followers, sympathisers, and fellow travellers.[2][3] Nazi Germany used the trope to implement anti-Slavic policies and initiate racial war against Soviet Union, portraying Slavs as inferior humans controlled by Jews to destroy Aryan people.[4][5]…

    ‘…ish involvement in Russian Communism
    Main articles: History of the Jews in Russia and History of the Jews in the Soviet Union
    Antisemitism in the Russian Empire existed both culturally and institutionally. The Jews were restricted to live within the Pale of Settlement, and they also suffered pogroms.[12]

    As a result, many Jews supported gradual or revolutionary changes to the Russian Empire. Those movements ranged among the far left (Jewish Anarchism,[13] Bundists, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks,[14]) and moderate left (Trudoviks[15]) and constitutionalist (Constitutional Democrats[16]) parties. According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People’s Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.[17] Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.[18]

    Some scholars have grossly exaggerated Jewish presence in the Soviet Communist Party. For example, Alfred Jensen said that in the 1920s “75 per cent of the leading Bolsheviks” were “of Jewish origin”.[19] According to David Aaronovitch, “a cursory examination of membership of the top committees shows this figure to be an absurd exaggeration”.[19]…”


    “BERLIN, Aug. 17. — The League of National German Jews, a SMALL [sic} Jewish organization in Berlin, issued today a summons to all German Jews to vote for Chancellor Hitler in the plebiscite Sunday. The league declared the Jews’ suffering in Germany had been necessary in order to clear away the damage done by “un-German elements.” August 18, 1934


    “The Association of German National Jews was founded in 1921 by Max Naumann, who was its chairman until 1926, and, again, from 1933 to 1935, when the association was dissolved.[1] The association was close to the national conservative and monarchist German National People’s Party which, however, refused affiliation to the association.[5]

    The goal of the association was the total assimilation of Jews into the German Volksgemeinschaft, self-eradication of Jewish identity, and the expulsion from Germany of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.[3] Naumann was especially opposed to Zionists, Marxists and Eastern European Jews. He considered the former threats to Jewish integration, and carriers of a “racist” ideology serving British imperial purposes. He saw the latter as “racially” and spiritually “inferior”.[3]

    The association’s official organ was the monthly Der nationaldeutsche Jude, edited by Max Naumann. The magazine had a CIRCULATION OF 6,000 in 1927.(sic)[6]…
    A reason why SOME (sic) German Jews supported Hitler was that they thought that his anti-Semitism was only for “stirring up the masses”.[1]

    The seemingly ironic fact that a Jewish association advocated loyalty to the Nazi program gave rise to a contemporary joke about Naumann and his followers ending their meeting by giving the Nazi salute and shouting “Down With Us!”.[9][10]

    Despite the extreme nationalism of Naumann and his colleagues, the Nazi regime did not accept them. The Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day, and imprisoned at the Columbia concentration camp. He was released after a few weeks, and died of cancer in May 1939.[3]”


    My caps for emphasis. Our enemies read what we write and use our own hyperbole against us. Gadi Taub said that most of the press citations the antisemitic press uses come from Ha’aretz, for example.

    I will say, the “Out with Us” satirical quip about this tiny group of self-destructive lunatics would be relevant to use against the Jewish “Peace Camp” in Israel and abroad (which means mostly the U.S. since almost 90 percent of Jews today are in one or the other. Or both.

    I will say, in a modification of my earliest position, I do believe it would behoove Jews in the diaspora to make sure their kids visit Israel, make Aliya and get dual citizenship, at a minimum, and, if possible, a house or apartment in Israel. I think the dual loyalty canard should be made a reality. Hey, it’s true of every Puerto Rican I ever met. Why shouldn’t we do it? Even without our special circumstances.

  11. Ped and Peloni, many thanks for publishing my response to Mr. Markovsky’s article. I apologize for its going on for far longer than is appropriate for the comment space, While I writing it, I didn’t realize how long I had gone on, because I was so totally absorbed in what I was writing. It would have been more appropriate to have submitted it as an article. But then I have no no idea whether or not you would have published it.

    I do think it was important to post my response in Israepandit, despite its length, because I believe that some statements by Mr. Markovsky were inaccurate and could be misinterpreted by as meaning that Jews bear responsibility their own persecution because they espoused wrong or harmful political beliefs. In my opinion, the persecution of Jews bears little or no relationship to the opinions that Jews express, but rather to the persecutors irrational hatred of Jews, which in turn are based on centuries of antisemitic propaganda.

    It is also untrue that a majority of Jews, whether in Russia, America or elsewhere, were ever pro-Communist. Large numbers of Jews fled Russia to escape from the Communists, most ending up in either America or Israel after a time. The Comunists seized vast amounts of Jewish property without compenation. And those who had their property confiscated certainly had no love for the Communists.

  12. Why anybody votes Democratic (Socialist) is a mystery to me. It is an irrational, and ultimately, suicidal action. When socialist regimes take over countries, the people are enslaved, individual freedoms are abolished, and people die, sometimes in large numbers.

    My parents were staunch Democrats to their dying day. My father was a union member, and mom always voted just like he did. I asked him one time, (probably in the 50’s), why they were Democrats. He told me that it was because the Democrats were for the little guy in the working class, and that the Republicans were for the rich corporations, who exploited their workers. There might have been some truth to that, back then, but now the bedrock principles of each party are different, not only in scope, but in kind.

    The difference between the parties is stark. The Democrats are now the party of big, oppressive, government and of deliberate societal chaos, while the Republicans are the party of restrained government and protection of traditional American values.

    The thing that puzzles me, however, is that, while the Democratic party now opposes everything that my parents held dear, I am equally certain that they would still vote Democratic. Why? That is the $64 question.

    Why do people vote for socialist parties? I can only guess, because it is irrational. Is it indoctrination? Tradition? Ignorance? Perhaps it’s fear of being rejected by your family or friends, or worse, losing your job or status. What about fear of being labeled with one of the awful epithets that the left is so good at hurling at people. Or who would want to be lumped in with “red-necks”, “deplorables”, or even with those (shudder) who didn’t attend an Ivy League school.

    Maybe it’s not fear, maybe it is a sense superiority. Now that I think of it, every leftist I have known has been a narcissist. Leftists always think of themselves as smarter, (and cooler), than the uncouth louts on the right. Leftists also think of themselves as morally superior because they take up the causes of any group which claims to be oppressed. This is without regard for the rightness of the cause, (hence, the support for Hamas on our college campuses).

    Lastly, support for the Left may be nothing more than “contrarianism”, the impulse to be against the norm, or what has heretofore been considered good. For this reason, religion is attacked, history is attacked, our very way of life, (i.e. the nuclear family, gender roles, and the rule of law), are attacked.

    If we are to ever help these poor demented souls, and to save ourselves in the process, we must discover what makes Leftists tick. There’s not much time left, though. [I’d like to know what Jordan Peterson has to say on the subject.]

  13. The historical evidence shows that the socialist theories were formulated by a Jewish philosopher and economist, Karl Marx, while the main impetus, organization, and driving force behind the revolution came from Jewish leaders. Many of them adopted Russian names to hide their Jewish identity, such as Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Apelbaum), Kamenev (Rosenfeldt), Sverdlov (Rubenstine), Larine, Uritsky, Steclov (Nakhamkes), all of whom held highest positions in Lenin’s government. Essentially, Jews were instrumental in establishing and molding the Soviet state.

  14. The manner in which all socialists are often damned as Communists is distorting and causes misunderstandings as confusing all Christians as Jesuits would. For starters Communism took to Ricardo’s labour- time theory of value and Socialism at large accepts the classicist supply and demand theory of value. It is on this that the USSR probably failed and Marx himself failed to finish “Kapital” while any number of socialist municipalities and Mapai Israel succeeded.

    The 1917 Communist revolution was Communist and not Jewish even if Trotsky was Lenin’s number two and anti-Communists descended to Antisemitism to beat it. Jews and Germans were each 4% of the Russian population and 8% of the Bolsheviks. Minorities often gravitate to social rebels. It is important to remember that socialism started in the early 19th century – before Marx – as a criticism of the Franco American Revolution having apparently not changed much for the poor or the economy and economic /workplace relations.

    Socialist thinking and communal practice even without labelleing, grew in the setting of the early industrial revolution that created conditions of large scale urbanisation and industry in which the traditional welfare and educational role of the church or mosque in Islam, could not keep up. Accordingly civil authority and public funding stepped in – the “New” (1834) Poor Law in Britain and the Metropolitan Board of Works in London and similar elsewhere and the extension of municipal responsibility. By the last quarter of the 19th century the term “municipal socialism” was acceptable and admired for: sewerage, clean water, paving, schools and fire, police and ambulance services of one sort or another. Slum clearance and “council” or “social” housing and health services beyond isolation hospitals and asylums were to come in the 20th century whether labelled as socialist or not. All were necessary in a social context in which there were gaps that the economy’s private sector could not or would not supply.

    For proof just look at what happened in the Ireland of the potato famine of the 1840’s. It struck while Robert Peel – an Anglican/Episcopalian was prime minister and he imported US maize to feed the starving and started public works to put money in the pockets of the starving. Then a change of government to the free market Whigs and their Evangelical official Charles Trevelyan saw the funds withdrawn from food and works and the poor were left to themselves so as not to encourage them to live on charity or not work. Accordingly a million died; a million emigrated and the bitteness still resonates in Irish – British relations.

    In the country of the 2nd Amendment accurate shooting should be appreciated; so attack the USSR and Communists for authoritarianism and overdoing micro-mangement by which they on both counts backtracked on the Enlightenment and on their Manifesto – which prioritises workplace relations and zoning /town and country planning. The bottom line is NOT to use the names of ideas as generalised swearwords – as the Antisemites and anti – Zionists abuse Zionism. If you do not like a policy then attack it on: necessity, misuse of resources better used elsewhere, incompetent management or any other substantial evidence.

  15. Ted, once again you have allowed an important post of mine, my comments on Mr. Markovsky’s article, to fall into electronic oblivion. Please fish it out and restore it to this space, I think it contains a lot of information that is relavant to Israpundit readers. And it attempts to correct what I believe to be some very serious factual errors in Mr. Markovsky’s narrative.

    Many thanks.

  16. I agree with much of what Markovsky writes here. But he is wrong about some very important things

    .I agree with Markovsky’s view that many American Jews have a socialist mentality and outlook, and that they have succeeded in American life even though other “minorities,” such as black and Hispanic Americans and “Native Americans [formerly known as American Indians] have been “left behind.” Their generousity to organizing claiming to support the interests of these communities reflects this mindset.

    However,Jews “committment to socialism” did not cause either the Holocaust or Stalin’s purges. This is a terrible blood libel. Part of a pattern of anti-Semites of blaming the Jews for their own persecution.

    It is completely and utterly false that that large numbers voted for Hiter’s National Socialist Party (the Nazis) in the “late 1920s.” or at any other time. I have never seen any reference to this in any other source.

    The Russian Revolution of of 1917 was not a “Jewish revolution.” People of many ethnic backgrounds participated in it. In fact, people of ethnic Russian backgrounds apparently formed most of the rank and file of the pro-Bolshevik workers , peasants and soldiers who fought for the Bolshevik regime during the 1917-22 civil war and foreign intervention., and who participated in the massive confiscations of land owned by wealthy Russian landlords during this period, and who divided their estates among themselves. Lenin approved of these land seizures at the time, although stalin later seized all these lands from their peasant propriaters between 1929 and 1932.

    For example, people from all three of whatt are now the three Baltic republics also played a very active role in the Bolshevik revolution.. In fact it was the so-called “Lettish guards,” a 25,000 man and woman force of mainly Latvians who were the only reliable soldiers upholding the Bolshevik regime during its early years. As far as I know, there were no Jews serving in the Lettish guards. In leadership positions, Georgians, including of course Joseph Stalin. but not limited to him, were also very prominent in the early Bolshevik leadership.
    The Bolshevik secret police chief Felix Dzherzhinsky was a very important and poweful Bolshevik official. He was described by the anti-Bolshevik “White” Russians as a Polish Jew. But according to Wikipedia and the Britannica, Dzherzhinsky, was of “pure” upper-class Polish descent on both sides of his
    family. They also claim that the “White” Russians “slandered ” Dzherzhinsky by claiming that he was a Polish Jew. in order to discredit him.

    “White” Russians also claimed that Lenin was Jewish. But recent genealogical researchers working for several of Lenin’s Lenin’s most recent biographers have determined that only one of Lenin’s eight great-grandfather’s was of Jewish descent. And even he was a convert to the Russian Orthodox church. In fact, all of Lenin’s ancesters, going back three generations, were members of this church, in spite of their very diverse ethnic origins. Lenin himself was born and raised in this church. He was even married in it.
    All of the Jewish members of the Bolshevik leadership were at some point or other personally are “appointed” by Lenin. who tightly controlled appointments to leadership positions in the Bolshevik party. This is not consistent with Markovsky’s claim that the Russian Revolution was a “Jewish” revolution.

    Georgians (from Georgia in the Caucasus, not people from the U.S. state of Georgia) also played very important roles in the Bolshevik Revolution from very early in its history. Joseph Stalin, of course,Lenin’s appointment as the Bolshevik regime’s first commissar of nationalities. But several other ethnic Georgians received senior appointment sn the new government as well.

    Markovsky is also correct that Stalin gradually weeded out nearly all Jews from positions of authority in the USSR between 1924 and his death in 1953. It is also true as Markovsky writes that Stalin “turn on” all of his former Jewish colleagues with whom he shared the Russian government between 1917 and roughly 1936, when he began his Great Purge.

    Stalin’s anti-semitism became more overt duriing the last eight years of his reign than it had been earlier. However, he was surprised and upset when the other members of his Politburo unanimously rejected his proposal that all Jews in the Moscow region be deported to Siberia. Only one of his politburo colleagues at the time, Lazar Kaganovich, was Jewish at the time. But several, including Molotov and Voroshilov, had Jewish wives. When they voted down one of Stalin’s proposed actions for the first time since 1928, did they suspect that Stalin’s time as ruler was drawing to a close? In fact, Stalin did die of a stroke only about two weeks later.

  17. I appreciate this article and the comments about this very perplexing problem. It’s hard to have relatives and neighbors, as I do living in a very blue city, who persist in the left wing delusion. And hate me for not agreeing.

    I would add some other possible motives. After guilt, some join just to join – to have a sense of belonging somewhere, because the left, with its emotionalism, is very good at making people feel welcomed and included at first (up to supporting Israel.) Others join for a chance to look down on someone – it feeds their pride.

    Digging deeper, since we know that socialism derives from communism, we must look at the spiritual roots of communism. These roots are satanic, as discussed recently by Jordan Peterson, and before him, (Jewish convert) Pastor Richard Wurmbrand.

    One of the traits of satan and satanism is lying, which can be traced back to satan’s fall from grace. This could help explain why so many leftists deny they are communists, or even “leftists.” And that is just the beginning of the lies.

    When it comes to Jews, the lying is compounded by denying the murderuos intent of the antisemites and Muslims. If not stopped, it will kill them, and me too, since I am a Jew.

  18. Our biggest problem is the attempt to install Marxism as a kind of national religion in Israel and the West. A recent essay recently published by a well-known writer suggests (strongly) that the fragmentation we see in Israeli society could end up destroying Israel. We all know what causes this fragmentation but as this essay suggests, it’s a long, slow process to reverse this mental perversion (just my opinion).
    The easiest thing for Israel would be to use the just recently vacated Gaza strip as the area to be populated by the various Marxists in the main body of Israel. That way they can establish their “perfect state” without jeopardizing the rest of Israel, as has happened many times in the lifespan of the country.
    Once this has been done, perhaps the US (and Canada) can learn something from this type of exiling.
    Of course all this would be done “democratically”.

  19. Thank you for posting this interesting analysis of American Jews and their difficulties.

    I wonder if the dividing line is a spiritual one: the Jews who turned synagogues into social clubs lost their belief in God. They compete for who can show the most obeisance to the Light Bringer (Obama).

    Jews who do maintain their religious connection and belief in God are people who are very clear on the difference between good and evil.

    They can see that collectivism, open borders, unlimited immigration, abortion, men competing against women in sports, the current destruction of Constitutional checks and balances in the power structure of the US government, the economic system of the US founded on ever increasing debt to the Fed, and that the Palestinians and other Muslims who want to commit genocide on the Jews are evil.

    They can see that the government lied about “vaccines” and that these injectable agents were and are nothing other than a mass depopulation effort. The US government and other western governments are purchasing millions of these death shots because they are so effective at killing and maiming so many.

    There is a rather large difference between Jews who maintain their belief in God from those who don’t, and it might be similar for Christians who no longer believe in God or Christ compared with those whose faith is secure.

    We are dealing with Godless individuals who, as the author points out, are motivated not by compassion but by guilt and feel they, not God, must even the balance sheet between them and those less fortunate so their guilt is alleviated.

    When a person is motivated by guilt, they MUST do something that alleviates that guilt lest they are forced to bear it and feel it within themselves.

    This is another reason they so easily can be convinced that Trump is the “evil” one. As long as Trump is the bad person, they can project their guilt onto him and feel relieved of some of their guilt. That is what makes their belief in his “badness” so fixed: to give up their projection of their guilt on him would mean they would have to bear their guilt within themselves.

    Having lost their connection with God, they have lost their connection to Israel, the Land where our people were directed by God to settle.

    Godless, without loyalty to Israel, and without loyalty to the survival of the Jews as a whole, they focus on “saving and repairing the world” as if they have the power of God to do so. They don’t see how being Godless makes them able to support evil projects designed by Satan to destroy human beings.

    The curious thing is many of these Godless Jews are my family members, neighbors, and former friends. On the surface they appear to be smart, good, caring, people. How do we have relationships with people whose values and beliefs are so different from ours? They won’t tolerate discussing different political opinions but believe they are the most open minded people on earth.

    God will help us. There are powerful people who have been engaged in massive efforts to divide Americans from each other. I think the tide is turning and that they are starting to lose their grip on power.

  20. The author is saying the same thing as Russians when they blame Jews for the 1917th Socialist Revolution. He probably does not understand the fact that as Jews are very talented people, they excel in good and bad endeavors. Many Jews are wealthy, educated, and brainwashed, especially in New York. Yes, it’s painful to hear the abracadabra they are saying. The point that the author is missing is that it is not the majority. Time is changing, bringing the understanding.

  21. American Jews by and large are Communists. The importation of millions of Muslims doesn’t even register with most of them

    Jews should move to Israel and fight. Jews don’t even join the US military much any more. Presently about 1/3rd the rate of Christians. Surprise, surprise. The ones that do are mostly lawyers and doctors.

    Communists that happen to have Jewish heritage merely by accident hate Israel as much as they hate America.

    I love Israel and its people. I only have contempt but not hatred for American Jews. They are utterly pathetic. I grew up in NYC so I know first hand how they think. You can’t convince them. I have tried. Only being murdered by Muslims as the Democrat/Communist Party looks the other way might convince them but who the hell knows.

    I pray every day that they change before it is too late. I want them on our side not the Communist/Muslim side.

    Lastly, I have a Masters degree from Harvard from decades ago. I am astonished at how corrupt Harvard has become especially with its Jew hatred. If I were a Jew and saw that I would change sides right now. The fact that not one Democrat Jew in Congress has not done so tells me everything I need to know about them.
    Traitors to their adopted country and their religion.